The fascists are at it again

The parents want to control their kids also, yet that is not fascism or the left to you..

Lessee, who should discipline children? Parents or the state..?
The state is not punishing the kids, the school is, and schools are run by local school boards by people democratically elected to represent their district..

Your statement would have merit if not for the fact the many people democratically elected cherry pick as to whom they will punish.
even the ones that don't get elected do the same..

They are called Democrats.
The parents want to control their kids also, yet that is not fascism or the left to you..

Lessee, who should discipline children? Parents or the state..?
The state is not punishing the kids, the school is, and schools are run by local school boards by people democratically elected to represent their district..

Your statement would have merit if not for the fact the many people democratically elected cherry pick as to whom they will punish.
even the ones that don't get elected do the same..

They are called Democrats.
Why, cause you only know that one word?
Hitler was right wing because he was conservative.
Hitler was right wing because he was conservative.
Holy shit...I cannot stop laughing. :lmao:

Tehon literally has no idea that Nazi stood for National Socialists. When Hitler took over, he more than doubled taxes (just like the left screams for here in the U.S.) and then - when that still wasn't enough - he completely soaked the wealthy in taxes (just like the left scraps for here in the U.S.).

You literally have zero knowledge of historically accurate events. You just slurp down the propaganda your progressive masters feed you.
At least you aren't trying to disown the right wing authoritarian dictator.
Hey - I know Tehon - why don't you tell us again how fascism is "right-wing" because Hitler turned on Stalin and that makes him the opposite of what Stalin was. :lmao:
Hitler was right wing because he was conservative. He was unhappy that the German Monarchy was replaced with a democratic Republic. That is the historically accurate definition of right wing.
You just said that Hitler was right wing because he was right wing. That's pure idiocy.

Hitler was opposed to democracy, but that doesn't mean he supported a monarchy. Nothing you post on this subject contains an oz of intelligence or logic.
You literally have zero knowledge of historically accurate events. You just slurp down the propaganda your progressive masters feed you.
Are you familiar with the events that took place following WWI? The revolution that brought the socialists to power and overthrew the monarchy? Hitler wanted to restore the German homeland from the clutches of the socialists. That is the very definition of right wing. The NSDAP was a German right wing party. These are indisputable facts. You are working from propaganda chief.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the German Reichstag! By agreement with the Reich Government, today the National Socialist German Workers’ Party and the German National People’s Party have presented to you for resolution a notice of motion concerning a “Law for Removing the Distress of Volk and Reich.” The reasons for this extraordinary measure are as follows: In November 1918, the Marxist organizations seized the executive power by means of a Revolution. The monarchs were dethroned, the authorities of Reich and Länder removed from office, and thus a breach of the Constitution was committed. The success of the revolution in a material sense protected these criminals from the grips of justice. They sought moral justification by asserting that Germany or its government bore the guilt for the outbreak of the War.

The German Revolution or November Revolution (German: Novemberrevolution) was a civil conflict in the German Empire at the end of the First World War that resulted in the replacement of the German federal constitutional monarchy with a democratic parliamentary republic that later became known as the Weimar Republic. The revolutionary period lasted from November 1918 until the adoption in August 1919 of the Weimar Constitution.

The causes of the revolution were the extreme burdens suffered by the population during the four years of war, the strong impact of the defeat on the German Empire and the social tensions between the general population and the elite of aristocrats and bourgeoisie who held power and had just lost the war.
German Revolution of 1918–19 - Wikipedia
You literally have zero knowledge of historically accurate events. You just slurp down the propaganda your progressive masters feed you.
Are you familiar with the events that took place following WWI? The revolution that brought the socialists to power and overthrew the monarchy? Hitler wanted to restore the German homeland from the clutches of the socialists. That is the very definition of right wing. The NSDAP was a German right wing party. These are indisputable facts. You are working from propaganda chief.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the German Reichstag! By agreement with the Reich Government, today the National Socialist German Workers’ Party and the German National People’s Party have presented to you for resolution a notice of motion concerning a “Law for Removing the Distress of Volk and Reich.” The reasons for this extraordinary measure are as follows: In November 1918, the Marxist organizations seized the executive power by means of a Revolution. The monarchs were dethroned, the authorities of Reich and Länder removed from office, and thus a breach of the Constitution was committed. The success of the revolution in a material sense protected these criminals from the grips of justice. They sought moral justification by asserting that Germany or its government bore the guilt for the outbreak of the War.

The German Revolution or November Revolution (German: Novemberrevolution) was a civil conflict in the German Empire at the end of the First World War that resulted in the replacement of the German federal constitutional monarchy with a democratic parliamentary republic that later became known as the Weimar Republic. The revolutionary period lasted from November 1918 until the adoption in August 1919 of the Weimar Constitution.

The causes of the revolution were the extreme burdens suffered by the population during the four years of war, the strong impact of the defeat on the German Empire and the social tensions between the general population and the elite of aristocrats and bourgeoisie who held power and had just lost the war.
German Revolution of 1918–19 - Wikipedia
Your theory is pure horseshit. Hitler opposed the communists because they were his political rivals. Stalin killed communists by the millions for the same reason.

Hitler was a socialist.
Isn't it tragic that you have to explains something so rudimentary? They really are that stupid.

No, what's scary is that even though the community realizes these kids have a SERIOUS problem and took appropriate action to punish them, dumb asses like you say, "They totally have the right to commit a hate crime!!!!"

Hitler was right wing because he was conservative. He was unhappy that the German Monarchy was replaced with a democratic Republic. That is the historically accurate definition of right wing.

It was a bit more complicated than that. The NSDAP did start out as a radical party that advocated socialism. But eventually, it got co-opted by conservatives, monarchists, militarists. The conservatives told Hitler if he wanted to be chancellor, he had to get rid of the radicals like Ernst Roehm. So Roehm and the other "Revolutionaries" in the party were purged in the "NIght of the Long Knives".
Holy shit...I cannot stop laughing. :lmao:

Tehon literally has no idea that Nazi stood for National Socialists. When Hitler took over, he more than doubled taxes (just like the left screams for here in the U.S.) and then - when that still wasn't enough - he completely soaked the wealthy in taxes (just like the left scraps for here in the U.S.).

I think you are fantasizing here, buddy.

reality. the Rich in Germany did very well until the War started. (When the War started, every country taxed the shit out of their wealthy people.)

Of course, the Rich in Germany also benefited from the Nazis, as the Krupp Family made a fortune on War profiteering and slave labor. .
If the law can legally prohibit speech on the basis of 'hate', it can prohibit any speech by merely classifying it as hate. Would you really want Trump to have the ability to squash CNN on the basis that they are spreading hate speech about him?

I think most reasonable people can tell the difference between Trump criticism and some Klan kids burning a cross.

The US Constitution and the rights articulated therein and our obligation to defend the exercise of those rights does not vary with "the times we live in".

tell you what, appear on the news wearing a Klan outfit and make sure your boss sees you. Then you can explain about the constitution while you're cleaning out your desk.

When the government has the power, it will be abused.

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When the government has the power, it will be abused.

Yawn, whenever I hear one of you guys talk about "the government" like it's an alien entity, I have to laugh.

Here's the reality. The government is us. When the government does things that are stupid, it's usually the stupid things we want it to do. Then like a junkie who hates his Pusher, we get resentful of it for giving us what we asked for.
This is an interesting experiment: Is it possible to change the definition of an ideology simply by repeating it? It probably works best in the less educated and those that want to believe.
In the meantime, the colleges and universities still use the regular definition that is used in most college texts and taught in the classrooms.
When the government has the power, it will be abused.

Yawn, whenever I hear one of you guys talk about "the government" like it's an alien entity, I have to laugh.

Here's the reality. The government is us. When the government does things that are stupid, it's usually the stupid things we want it to do. Then like a junkie who hates his Pusher, we get resentful of it for giving us what we asked for.

Which is good reason to make sure it gets as little power as possible.

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Which is good reason to make sure it gets as little power as possible.

Naw, man, I like drinking clean water and I like knowing someone isn't going to slit my throat at night. And I like that we are addressing these little haters now before they grow up to be Aryan Brotherhood Nazis.

This isn't about environmental regulations, though the is plenty of abuse the too.

Give someone the power to stifle speech and eventually they'll stifle yours. It won't always be used in ways you agree with.

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This isn't about environmental regulations, though the is plenty of abuse the too.

Give someone the power to stifle speech and eventually they'll stifle your's. It won't always be used in ways you agree with.

I'll worry about that when it happens. Right now, I really do want these hateful little fucks slapped down hard, so they know for the rest of their lives they did something wrong.
This isn't about environmental regulations, though the is plenty of abuse the too.

Give someone the power to stifle speech and eventually they'll stifle your's. It won't always be used in ways you agree with.

I'll worry about that when it happens. Right now, I really do want these hateful little fucks slapped down hard, so they know for the rest of their lives they did something wrong.

As long as laws are not written to stifle free speech, fine. It sounds like you're in favor of a community being free to make a Kathy Griffin concert illegal. It is hate speech after all..

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As long as laws are not written to stifle free speech, fine. It sounds like you're in favor of a community being free to make a Kathy Griffin concert illegal. It is hate speech after all..

Well, no, it wasn't.

But let's look at that. Kathy Griffin did something that was in really poor taste.

Her business partners cancelled her contracts.
The Secret Service had a few words with her.
Venues where she was to perform canclled her gigs.

In short, she did something wrong, and there were CONSEQUENCES.

These kids did something wrong. They probably th ought they were being funny.

They got kicked off the football team.
The school has had a few words with them.

They did something wrong, there were CONSEQUENCES

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