The fascists are at it again

But that is between you and your child(ren).

Purely as matter of law...

Do those students have the Constitutional RIGHT to wear KKK -like garb and carry a Confederate flag?

which isn't the issue here...
Oh? What is?

That is PRECISELY the issue... Constitutionality and related rights... all else springs from that, in this context.

...Yeah, I guess so...
You KNOW so... and you knew it long before I posed that question on a public message board.

...But then they should be ready to accept the consequences...
So long as it does not violate their Constitutional Rights, then, consequence away.

Step over that line, and you've got a problem.

...You know, you wingnuts...
Episode No. 3,247 of LibTards resorting to personal insult and innuendo in vain attempts to discredit their opposition. all day about being the party of personal responsibility, but usually you reserve that for some poor black teenager who gets knocked up and you won't pay for her abortion...
She needs to keep her legs crossed.

...These kids did something stupid, there were consequences. Not seeing a problem here.
Unless those consequences cross the line and end-up unlawfully oppressing them in a manner that discourages the exercise of their Constitutional Rights.

The law protects the Leftists who burn the American Flag and it protects the Rednecks who fly the Confederate flag.

Think Leftist ACLU, defending the Illinois Nazi Party in the 1970s, marching through Skokie.
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Oh? What is?

That is PRECISELY the issue... Constitutionality and related rights... all else springs from that, in this context.

Um, no, there's no right to be on a football team.

Unless those consequences cross the line and end-up unlawfully oppressing them in a manner that discourages the exercise of their Constitutional Rights.

except that wasn't the case here. There's no constitutional right to belong to a football team.

Being on a football team means you are representing that community and school. If you do something to discredit that, you should be thrown off the team.

The law protects the Leftists who burn the American Flag and it protects the Rednecks who fly the Confederate flag.

Think Leftist ACLU, defending the Illinois Nazi Party in the 1970s, marching through Skokie.

I have. It was stupid when they did it. But here's the thing. That was a different time. If this happened today, anyone who marched with Frank Collins (Pedophile and self-hating Jew) would have been identified and their employers would have been informed, and they'd probably be fired from their jobs. That's the world we live in now.
if my Kid was out there in KKK Garb with a Confederate flag, the school would be the LEAST of their worries...
But that is between you and your child(ren). Purely as matter of law...

Do those students have the Constitutional RIGHT to wear KKK -like garb and carry a Confederate flag?
You have to understand - little Joey is hateful and a textbook facist. He doesn't believe in the U.S. Constitution or rights. That's why he's losing his shit.
They signed an agreement they wouldn't do shit to make the school look bad or their asses get thrown off the football team.
And they didn't...dumb shit. You can't even see who is under the masks. They haven't embarrassed anyone because there is absolutely no way to prove who is under the masks. Good grief are you dumb.
Can't imagine them doing anything worse than this.
Yep...vintage progressive response. Nothing is worse in their minds than one exercising their constitutional rights. Not murder. Not rape. Not assault. Not robbery. Not treason.

Nope! The "worst" thing a person can do on the mind of a progressive is peacefully exercise their constitutional rights. :eusa_doh:
Let me ask you a hypothetical Poodle. If these little hooligans dressed up as ISIS and staged a mock beheading instead of a mock cross burning, would you still be here mewling about Freedom because they got thrown off the football team?
I sure would be here defending their liberty. Sorry that upsets you so much - but that's not surprising. Nothing pisses off an oppressor more than liberty.
Do you have any idea what Fascism is, pat?
From the Wikipedia page:
"Fascism is an authoritarian or totalitarian nationalist political ideology. Fascists seek to organize a nation according to corporatist perspectives, values, and systems, including the political system and the economy."
This, of course, is a pretty good description of the Republican dogma, and has nothing 'progressive' about it.
You should find some other epithet to hang on those with whom you disagree.
Hey stupid? Totalitarianism is exclusively left-wing. You can't have libertarian totalitarianism. :lmao:
Do you have any idea what Fascism is, pat?
From the Wikipedia page:
"Fascism is an authoritarian or totalitarian nationalist political ideology. Fascists seek to organize a nation according to corporatist perspectives, values, and systems, including the political system and the economy."
This, of course, is a pretty good description of the Republican dogma, and has nothing 'progressive' about it.
You should find some other epithet to hang on those with whom you disagree.
Hey stupid? Totalitarianism is exclusively left-wing. You can't have libertarian totalitarianism. :lmao:
Pinochet was a dictator, but he wasn't totalitarian. You obviously don't know the meaning of the term.
You have to understand - little Joey is hateful and a textbook facist. He doesn't believe in the U.S. Constitution or rights. That's why he's losing his shit.

quite the contrary, I think the school acted well within it's legal obligations, and the response of the community has been appropriate.

I sure would be here defending their liberty. Sorry that upsets you so much - but that's not surprising. Nothing pisses off an oppressor more than liberty.

Really? Did you defend Kathy Griffin when she did the mock Trump Beheading picture?

Because she wasn't convicted of a crime, but she lost all of her endorsement gigs.

Just like these little hooligans lost their membership on the football team.

Actions have consequences.
And they didn't...dumb shit. You can't even see who is under the masks. They haven't embarrassed anyone because there is absolutely no way to prove who is under the masks. Good grief are you dumb.

It didn't take long to figure out which five guys they were. When you are dumb enough to put it on your social media, it really doesn't matter if you are wearing masks or not.

Master Criminals they are not.
Do you have any idea what Fascism is, pat?
From the Wikipedia page:
"Fascism is an authoritarian or totalitarian nationalist political ideology. Fascists seek to organize a nation according to corporatist perspectives, values, and systems, including the political system and the economy."
This, of course, is a pretty good description of the Republican dogma, and has nothing 'progressive' about it.
You should find some other epithet to hang on those with whom you disagree.
Hey stupid? Totalitarianism is exclusively left-wing. You can't have libertarian totalitarianism. :lmao:
Pinochet was a dictator, but he wasn't totalitarian. You obviously don't know the meaning of the term.
At least you aren't trying to disown the right wing authoritarian dictator.
Do you have any idea what Fascism is, pat?
From the Wikipedia page:
"Fascism is an authoritarian or totalitarian nationalist political ideology. Fascists seek to organize a nation according to corporatist perspectives, values, and systems, including the political system and the economy."
This, of course, is a pretty good description of the Republican dogma, and has nothing 'progressive' about it.
You should find some other epithet to hang on those with whom you disagree.
Hey stupid? Totalitarianism is exclusively left-wing. You can't have libertarian totalitarianism. :lmao:
Pinochet was a dictator, but he wasn't totalitarian. You obviously don't know the meaning of the term.
At least you aren't trying to disown the right wing authoritarian dictator.
Why would I disown the hero who saved Chile from becoming a Soviet client state?
The left really believes that children belong to the state. It's mind-boggling how these people believe they can discipline private citizens for exercising their constitutional rights. Not only that - but look at the "logic" this nitwit used:
In a statement to the World-Herald, Messerole said, “I think we are in the spotlight now and I think it is up to us to be a model. We have to do something. This is not OK.”
So let me get this straight - because you feel that social media "put you in the spotlight", you think you need to take illegal action against students for exercising their constitutional rights? Especially on their own time.

But the chilling fascist oppression didn't stop there. This one is even scarier:
According to the newspaper, Creston Police Chief Paul Ver Meer said that the police department was not involved in the investigation, and that the school was handling the incident.

Union County Sheriff Rick Piel corroborated Ver Meer’s comments, and told The Associated Press that as far as he knows, “it’s all being handled by the school.”

We’ve spoken to the county attorney, and we can’t come up with a charge,” Piel said.
Do you notice how he worded that? "We can't come up with a charge". They are literally trying to find something to charge these children with. That should be chilling to every American (and it will be to those that are actually educated). They are actively searching for an angle to go after children because they exercised their constitutional rights.

Do you know why you can't "come up with" a charge, Rick Piel? Because what these children did was 100% legal. Just because you fascists don't like something doesn't mean you can stop others from doing it.

If I were one of their parents - I would hit the school district with the mother of all lawsuits.

Frightening photo featuring students in KKK garb with Confederate flag and burning cross goes viral
Ah perdly stan with the children with burnin' crosses wit our flags.
The left really believes that children belong to the state. It's mind-boggling how these people believe they can discipline private citizens for exercising their constitutional rights. Not only that - but look at the "logic" this nitwit used:
In a statement to the World-Herald, Messerole said, “I think we are in the spotlight now and I think it is up to us to be a model. We have to do something. This is not OK.”
So let me get this straight - because you feel that social media "put you in the spotlight", you think you need to take illegal action against students for exercising their constitutional rights? Especially on their own time.

But the chilling fascist oppression didn't stop there. This one is even scarier:
According to the newspaper, Creston Police Chief Paul Ver Meer said that the police department was not involved in the investigation, and that the school was handling the incident.

Union County Sheriff Rick Piel corroborated Ver Meer’s comments, and told The Associated Press that as far as he knows, “it’s all being handled by the school.”

We’ve spoken to the county attorney, and we can’t come up with a charge,” Piel said.
Do you notice how he worded that? "We can't come up with a charge". They are literally trying to find something to charge these children with. That should be chilling to every American (and it will be to those that are actually educated). They are actively searching for an angle to go after children because they exercised their constitutional rights.

Do you know why you can't "come up with" a charge, Rick Piel? Because what these children did was 100% legal. Just because you fascists don't like something doesn't mean you can stop others from doing it.

If I were one of their parents - I would hit the school district with the mother of all lawsuits.

Frightening photo featuring students in KKK garb with Confederate flag and burning cross goes viral
Ah perdly stan with the children with burnin' crosses wit our flags.
Look at the barbarian who wants to burn the witches.
The left really believes that children belong to the state. It's mind-boggling how these people believe they can discipline private citizens for exercising their constitutional rights. Not only that - but look at the "logic" this nitwit used:
In a statement to the World-Herald, Messerole said, “I think we are in the spotlight now and I think it is up to us to be a model. We have to do something. This is not OK.”
So let me get this straight - because you feel that social media "put you in the spotlight", you think you need to take illegal action against students for exercising their constitutional rights? Especially on their own time.

But the chilling fascist oppression didn't stop there. This one is even scarier:
According to the newspaper, Creston Police Chief Paul Ver Meer said that the police department was not involved in the investigation, and that the school was handling the incident.

Union County Sheriff Rick Piel corroborated Ver Meer’s comments, and told The Associated Press that as far as he knows, “it’s all being handled by the school.”

We’ve spoken to the county attorney, and we can’t come up with a charge,” Piel said.
Do you notice how he worded that? "We can't come up with a charge". They are literally trying to find something to charge these children with. That should be chilling to every American (and it will be to those that are actually educated). They are actively searching for an angle to go after children because they exercised their constitutional rights.

Do you know why you can't "come up with" a charge, Rick Piel? Because what these children did was 100% legal. Just because you fascists don't like something doesn't mean you can stop others from doing it.

If I were one of their parents - I would hit the school district with the mother of all lawsuits.

Frightening photo featuring students in KKK garb with Confederate flag and burning cross goes viral

Probably some neo Nazi will file a suit. Keep in mind Morse v. Frederick, 551 U.S. 393 (2007); Congress shall make no laws, but schools can do what they want. If Bong hits for Jesus encourages drug use, white sheets and burning crosses may very well encourage violence.

Faux P@triot is a hypocrisy on steroids.
45 declared goals of Communist take-over:

20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.

38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].

39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.

40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.

41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.
If I were one of their parents - I would hit the school district with the mother of all lawsuits.

If I were one of their parents, and I found out my Kid was out there in KKK Garb with a Confederate flag, the school would be the LEAST of their worries.

THis is what you're defending, Poodle, the right of kids to be hateful?

When the government has the power to punish hateful speech (not actions, mind you), it can prohibit oppositional speech merely by classifying it as 'hateful'. So yes, let people say what they will. When they take action, then you bring justice.

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