The fascists are at it again

The irony is that progressives will be facilitating and engaging in the exact form of bullying that they claim to denounce. Once again we see the left is the least tolerant among us. They are true fascists. Follow their dogma to the letter or be destroyed.

I say "fuck 'em". Bring it on. I have 0 use for the confederate flag or the KKK but I would go out of my way to support these students. I'll take racism over fascism any day.

Let me ask you a hypothetical Poodle. If these little hooligans dressed up as ISIS and staged a mock beheading instead of a mock cross burning, would you still be here mewling about Freedom because they got thrown off the football team?

No, you would be calling on the FBI to ship them down to Gitmo!
The irony is that progressives will be facilitating and engaging in the exact form of bullying that they claim to denounce. Once again we see the left is the least tolerant among us. They are true fascists. Follow their dogma to the letter or be destroyed.

I say "fuck 'em". Bring it on. I have 0 use for the confederate flag or the KKK but I would go out of my way to support these students. I'll take racism over fascism any day.

Let me ask you a hypothetical Poodle. If these little hooligans dressed up as ISIS and staged a mock beheading instead of a mock cross burning, would you still be here mewling about Freedom because they got thrown off the football team?

No, you would be calling on the FBI to ship them down to Gitmo!
No one would take it seriously. They certainly wouldn't get hysterical as your kind is doing.
No one is defending it, moron. Every parent would make sure their children never did such a thing again. However, it's not a law enforcement issue, and it never should be. Objecting to using Dr. Quaksalver's magic cancer salve doesn't mean you want Uncle Julius to die, and supporting the First Amendment doesn't mean you support Racism.

Except this isn't a first Amendment issue. They were thrown off their football team for misconduct. There is a clear policy about community standards and they violated it.

Actions have consequences.
No one is defending it, moron. Every parent would make sure their children never did such a thing again. However, it's not a law enforcement issue, and it never should be. Objecting to using Dr. Quaksalver's magic cancer salve doesn't mean you want Uncle Julius to die, and supporting the First Amendment doesn't mean you support Racism.

Except this isn't a first Amendment issue. They were thrown off their football team for misconduct. There is a clear policy about community standards and they violated it.

Actions have consequences.

Their "conduct" is protected by the First Amendment. They weren't doing it during school hours or on school property, so it's none of the schools business.
Oh he will - believe me. Besides being an asshole, little Joey denies the existence of God.

Poodle, there's a whole slew of "Gods" you deny the existence of. you don't believe in Allah, Krishna, Zeus, Odin, Quezacoatl, Amaterasu or a whole bunch of other gods people sincerely worship or used to worship at one time.

I just believe in one less than you do.
They're fucking kids. Kids do stuff like this to rebel against authority, to feel like they're badasses. Your comment heavily implies a complete lack of basic human decency. Go to hell.

Yes, and there are a lot of kids in the inner city who do dumb stuff who end up going to prison.

These kids did something wrong. There were consequences.
They did something that was offensive. However, it wasn't against the law. The school has no grounds to discipline them. There is no rule that says students cannot embarrass their school when they are not at school.
They did something that was offensive. However, it wasn't against the law. The school has no grounds to discipline them. There is no rule that says students cannot embarrass their school when they are not at school.

No, but there is a rule in the contract that these students and their parents signed to let little Cleetus play football. Right after they signed away their rights to sue the school if little Cleetus is injured, there was a clause where they said they can throw him off the team if he does something to embarrass the school.
They did something that was offensive. However, it wasn't against the law. The school has no grounds to discipline them. There is no rule that says students cannot embarrass their school when they are not at school.

No, but there is a rule in the contract that these students and their parents signed to let little Cleetus play football. Right after they signed away their rights to sue the school if little Cleetus is injured, there was a clause where they said they can throw him off the team if he does something to embarrass the school.

I'd have to see that. If there is such a clause, then the school is acting within its authority. However, the police dept's attempt to charge them with something is clearly way over the line.

I never signed any such "contract" when I played high school football. I simply showed up at practice.
The irony is that progressives will be facilitating and engaging in the exact form of bullying that they claim to denounce. Once again we see the left is the least tolerant among us. They are true fascists. Follow their dogma to the letter or be destroyed.

I say "fuck 'em". Bring it on. I have 0 use for the confederate flag or the KKK but I would go out of my way to support these students. I'll take racism over fascism any day.

Let me ask you a hypothetical Poodle. If these little hooligans dressed up as ISIS and staged a mock beheading instead of a mock cross burning, would you still be here mewling about Freedom because they got thrown off the football team?

No, you would be calling on the FBI to ship them down to Gitmo!
No one would take it seriously. They certainly wouldn't get hysterical as your kind is doing.
Yes they would. You would. There would be dozens of threads on it.
But white kids glorifing white supremacist terrorists, not so much.

The real question however should be on the role of social media ...

Kids have fewer rights than adults and that includes free speech, they have fewer social responsibilities also. They can be forced to adhere to dress codes in school for example (no gangsta styles).

Schools can act on what teachers post publicly in their private time as well.

Being on the football team is a privilege not a right.
They did something that was offensive. However, it wasn't against the law. The school has no grounds to discipline them. There is no rule that says students cannot embarrass their school when they are not at school.

No, but there is a rule in the contract that these students and their parents signed to let little Cleetus play football. Right after they signed away their rights to sue the school if little Cleetus is injured, there was a clause where they said they can throw him off the team if he does something to embarrass the school.

I'd have to see that. If there is such a clause, then the school is acting within its authority. However, the police dept's attempt to charge them with something is clearly way over the line.

I never signed any such "contract" when I played high school football. I simply showed up at practice.

I agree regarding involving the police...
I'd have to see that. If there is such a clause, then the school is acting within its authority. However, the police dept's attempt to charge them with something is clearly way over the line.

I never signed any such "contract" when I played high school football. I simply showed up at practice.

Depending on when you went, your parents probably did. Definitely today. Too much litigation not to.
I'd have to see that. If there is such a clause, then the school is acting within its authority. However, the police dept's attempt to charge them with something is clearly way over the line.

I never signed any such "contract" when I played high school football. I simply showed up at practice.

Depending on when you went, your parents probably did. Definitely today. Too much litigation not to.
No they didn't. I have to get a physical, and that was it.
...If I were one of their parents, and I found out my Kid was out there in KKK Garb with a Confederate flag, the school would be the LEAST of their worries...
But that is between you and your child(ren).

Purely as matter of law...

Do those students have the Constitutional RIGHT to wear KKK -like garb and carry a Confederate flag?

...THis is what you're defending, Poodle, the right of kids to be hateful?
Hateful... loving... whatever...

Purely as matter of law...

Do those students have a Constitutional RIGHT to do what they're doing?
Actually snowflake, out in the real world, people don't care about your fragile little feelings. The U.S. Constitution and the law still trumps your sensitive little emotions - despite the left's best efforts to change that.

Uh, nobody in the sane world is going to say, "My little Timmy was wearing a Klan outfit and the school threw him out" and take that seriously. Sorry, bud.
Sorry my fragile little snowflake - they would. The law still trumps your overly sensitive emotions. Deal with it.
...If I were one of their parents, and I found out my Kid was out there in KKK Garb with a Confederate flag, the school would be the LEAST of their worries...
But that is between you and your child(ren).

Purely as matter of law...

Do those students have the Constitutional RIGHT to wear KKK -like garb and carry a Confederate flag?

...THis is what you're defending, Poodle, the right of kids to be hateful?
Hateful... loving... whatever...

Purely as matter of law...

Do those students have a Constitutional RIGHT to do what they're doing?

It depends...

U.S. Supreme Court Upholds VA Cross-Burning Ban But Sends Law Back to State Court for Refinement
Actually snowflake, out in the real world, people don't care about your fragile little feelings. The U.S. Constitution and the law still trumps your sensitive little emotions - despite the left's best efforts to change that.

Uh, nobody in the sane world is going to say, "My little Timmy was wearing a Klan outfit and the school threw him out" and take that seriously. Sorry, bud.
Sorry my fragile little snowflake - they would. The law still trumps your overly sensitive emotions. Deal with it.
...If I were one of their parents, and I found out my Kid was out there in KKK Garb with a Confederate flag, the school would be the LEAST of their worries...
But that is between you and your child(ren).

Purely as matter of law...

Do those students have the Constitutional RIGHT to wear KKK -like garb and carry a Confederate flag?

...THis is what you're defending, Poodle, the right of kids to be hateful?
Hateful... loving... whatever...

Purely as matter of law...

Do those students have a Constitutional RIGHT to do what they're doing?

It depends...

U.S. Supreme Court Upholds VA Cross-Burning Ban But Sends Law Back to State Court for Refinement
Well that's straight forward. No argument there. If these students were burning a cross on the front yard of their principle - their 1st Amendment rights do not apply. But that is not what happened here. You guys keep trying to apply laws/situations that simply do not apply to this situation.
But that is between you and your child(ren).

Purely as matter of law...

Do those students have the Constitutional RIGHT to wear KKK -like garb and carry a Confederate flag?

which isn't the issue here. Yeah, I guess so. But then they should be ready to accept the consequences.

You know, you wingnuts talk all day about being the party of personal responsibility, but usually you reserve that for some poor black teenager who gets knocked up and you won't pay for her abortion.

These kids did something stupid, there were consequences. Not seeing a problem here.
But that is between you and your child(ren).

Purely as matter of law...

Do those students have the Constitutional RIGHT to wear KKK -like garb and carry a Confederate flag?

which isn't the issue here. Yeah, I guess so. But then they should be ready to accept the consequences.

You know, you wingnuts talk all day about being the party of personal responsibility, but usually you reserve that for some poor black teenager who gets knocked up and you won't pay for her abortion.

These kids did something stupid, there were consequences. Not seeing a problem here.

There are no legal "consequences" for something protected by the First Amendment, asshole.

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