The fascists are at it again

In modern usage, anyone who advocates political liberty and economic freedom is a "conservative." That's also what the term "right wing" means.
That is revisionist. Political liberty is liberalism.
Definition of political liberty
:the state or condition of those who are invested with the right effectually to share in framing and conducting the government under which they are politically organized
In modern usage, anyone who advocates political liberty and economic freedom is a "conservative." That's also what the term "right wing" means.
That is revisionist. Political liberty is liberalism.
Definition of political liberty
:the state or condition of those who are invested with the right effectually to share in framing and conducting the government under which they are politically organized
Modern day liberals don't believe in political liberty. They believe in fascism.
Modern day liberals don't believe in political liberty. They believe in fascism.

Yawn. This is why it's sort of a waste of time talking to you guys.

Both parties have things they want less government in, both sides have things they want more government in.

They've proven it over and over again, cockroach. A Dim representative of Congress has said flat out that he wants to crack down on freedom of speech on college campuses.

What is there to even argue about?

Rep. Anthony Brown (D-Md) says he will introduce a bill that would require universities and colleges to define “acceptable speech” on campus. “On too many college campuses fresh-mouthed youths hide behind the First Amendment claiming that they have a right to air their unfiltered political views regardless of whether others might find them hurtful or outside the bounds of respectable opinion,” Brown said. “They openly flout the ‘free speech zone’ restrictions that school officials have imposed in an effort to protect students from hearing offensive remarks. We’ve got to put a muzzle on these free-speech abusers.”

Brown’s proposed legislation would set up a program to award grants to schools that “properly control what, when, and where students are allowed to voice their unsolicited opinions. No student should have to fear that a walk between classrooms would expose him or her to the rantings of right-wing anti-government ideologues. Universities that develop speech codes and procedures that will silence anti-progressive elements from infringing on the rights of others to not have to hear disturbing contradictions to prevailing mainstream views should be financially rewarded for their enterprise. My bill will do that.”

In related news, black caucus representatives at Harvard demanded that noted author and scholar Charles Murray be barred from speaking on campus—for public safety reasons. It’s not that the mild-manner Murray will rouse a rabble of right-wing goons to cause trouble. The fear is that “this racist apologist will instigate an oppressed minority to attack him. We haven’t read his books and we shouldn’t be forced to allow him to speak.”
Modern day liberals don't believe in political liberty. They believe in fascism.

Yawn. This is why it's sort of a waste of time talking to you guys.

Both parties have things they want less government in, both sides have things they want more government in.
Aside from abortion and controlling the border, name one area where Dims want less government.
What is there to even argue about?
We could argue if you are the dumbest person on these boards.

John Semmens has been writing political satire from a libertarian/conservative perspective since 2005. Readers have favorably compared his work to that of Jonathan Swift, calling it "better than the Onion," "positively, freakin' brilliant," and "great and brutally honest satire." An archive of some of his past work can be found at
John Semmens -- SEMI-NEWS: A Satire of Recent News
The left really believes that children belong to the state. It's mind-boggling how these people believe they can discipline private citizens for exercising their constitutional rights. Not only that - but look at the "logic" this nitwit used:
In a statement to the World-Herald, Messerole said, “I think we are in the spotlight now and I think it is up to us to be a model. We have to do something. This is not OK.”
So let me get this straight - because you feel that social media "put you in the spotlight", you think you need to take illegal action against students for exercising their constitutional rights? Especially on their own time.

But the chilling fascist oppression didn't stop there. This one is even scarier:
According to the newspaper, Creston Police Chief Paul Ver Meer said that the police department was not involved in the investigation, and that the school was handling the incident.

Union County Sheriff Rick Piel corroborated Ver Meer’s comments, and told The Associated Press that as far as he knows, “it’s all being handled by the school.”

We’ve spoken to the county attorney, and we can’t come up with a charge,” Piel said.
Do you notice how he worded that? "We can't come up with a charge". They are literally trying to find something to charge these children with. That should be chilling to every American (and it will be to those that are actually educated). They are actively searching for an angle to go after children because they exercised their constitutional rights.

Do you know why you can't "come up with" a charge, Rick Piel? Because what these children did was 100% legal. Just because you fascists don't like something doesn't mean you can stop others from doing it.

If I were one of their parents - I would hit the school district with the mother of all lawsuits.

Frightening photo featuring students in KKK garb with Confederate flag and burning cross goes viral
If you knew what a Fashit was, you would know it was your confederate kind.


Wow, look at that. White, just like the GOP.
They've proven it over and over again, cockroach. A Dim representative of Congress has said flat out that he wants to crack down on freedom of speech on college campuses.

What is there to even argue about?

I have a much simpler solution. YOu can have Nazi rallies, and the authorities are under no obligation to protect you.

Problem Solved.
Yeah, I realize you will be happy to persecute groups you disagree with, asshole. The question is, what does the Constitution require? It clearly requires the university to treat conservative speakers exactly the same as leftwing speakers. Only Nazi assholes like you object to that.
The left really believes that children belong to the state. It's mind-boggling how these people believe they can discipline private citizens for exercising their constitutional rights. Not only that - but look at the "logic" this nitwit used:
In a statement to the World-Herald, Messerole said, “I think we are in the spotlight now and I think it is up to us to be a model. We have to do something. This is not OK.”
So let me get this straight - because you feel that social media "put you in the spotlight", you think you need to take illegal action against students for exercising their constitutional rights? Especially on their own time.

But the chilling fascist oppression didn't stop there. This one is even scarier:
According to the newspaper, Creston Police Chief Paul Ver Meer said that the police department was not involved in the investigation, and that the school was handling the incident.

Union County Sheriff Rick Piel corroborated Ver Meer’s comments, and told The Associated Press that as far as he knows, “it’s all being handled by the school.”

We’ve spoken to the county attorney, and we can’t come up with a charge,” Piel said.
Do you notice how he worded that? "We can't come up with a charge". They are literally trying to find something to charge these children with. That should be chilling to every American (and it will be to those that are actually educated). They are actively searching for an angle to go after children because they exercised their constitutional rights.

Do you know why you can't "come up with" a charge, Rick Piel? Because what these children did was 100% legal. Just because you fascists don't like something doesn't mean you can stop others from doing it.

If I were one of their parents - I would hit the school district with the mother of all lawsuits.

Frightening photo featuring students in KKK garb with Confederate flag and burning cross goes viral
If you knew what a Fashit was, you would know it was your confederate kind.


Wow, look at that. White, just like the GOP.
What color are you, asshole?
What is there to even argue about?
We could argue if you are the dumbest person on these boards.

John Semmens has been writing political satire from a libertarian/conservative perspective since 2005. Readers have favorably compared his work to that of Jonathan Swift, calling it "better than the Onion," "positively, freakin' brilliant," and "great and brutally honest satire." An archive of some of his past work can be found at
John Semmens -- SEMI-NEWS: A Satire of Recent News

No, you can't argue that because you clearly have me beat on that score.

Why should I bother reading the entire life's work of some asshole I never heard of? What is your point?
False. They want government to force acceptance and celebration of such.

Really, the government hasn't forced me to go to a gay marriage yet. I'm just curious how they are 'forcing' you to do anything.

And please don't give me any shit about homophobic bakers getting fined. They got fined because they broke the public accommodations law.
False. They want government to force acceptance and celebration of such.

Really, the government hasn't forced me to go to a gay marriage yet. I'm just curious how they are 'forcing' you to do anything.

And please don't give me any shit about homophobic bakers getting fined. They got fined because they broke the public accommodations law.
It forces you to pay for their benefits, dumbass. It also forces adoption agencies to treat them like normal marriages and deliver innocent children into their clutches.
It forces you to pay for their benefits, dumbass. It also forces adoption agencies to treat them like normal marriages and deliver innocent children into their clutches.

Oh,noes... not their clutches. Those poor kids might have to go to a really cool Oscar Party!!!

Um,guy, sorry, I know gay couples who are great parents, and I know straight couples who have the parenting skills of feral wolves.
Marriage is a collection of government benefits. Spreading those benefits to new groups does not increase political liberty.

That's a stretch, buddy. How are you less free because gay people can get married now?
No, it's not a stretch. Gay marriage means gays are now entitled to SSI survivor benefits when previously they weren't. The rest of us have to pay additional taxes for that. There innumerable laws and programs affected by gay marriage. I know it, and you know it.

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