The fascists are at it again

Yes, there makes sure that Vermont, Hawaii, and other small states have a say in who is President. Otherwise California, New York and Chicago would make slaves out of all the rest of us.

How would they do that, exactly? I'm curious.

Now, your argument might make sense if people in those three locations all voted 100% won way.. Except not even then, because those three places together aren't even a fifth of the population.

But the fact is, Trump still got 35% of the vote in those places. And Hillary got about 40-46% of the vote in the Red states.

So your argument that some region is going to dominate the rest of the country is kind of silly.

What scares you is that you guys- the right - are increasingly becoming a minority. You've only won over 50% of the national vote once in the last seven presidential elections.
Sure there is a justification: for one thing, the Constitution mandates it. That's pretty much the end of the discussion.

The constitution used to allow slavery... so, no, that's not a good excuse in and of itself.
We amended the Constitution to fix that problem. Go ahead and start a campaign to pass an amendment eliminating the electoral college.

Good luck with that.
Sure there is a justification: for one thing, the Constitution mandates it. That's pretty much the end of the discussion.

The constitution used to allow slavery... so, no, that's not a good excuse in and of itself.
Yeah - and that was ended by a legal and proper amendment. That's how the constitution gets changed.
Like all snowflakes Joe believes the purpose of the Supreme Court is to modify the Constitution with its rulings.
Well - if you were properly educated - you would realize that there is actually a greater justification for the Electoral College today than in any point in U.S. history.

Really? Name one.
It prevents candidates from catering to only New York City and Los Angeles. All they would have to do is promise a few cities everything under the sun from the federal government and those few cities would control the entire United States.

That's why it was initially implemented and the fact that we didn't even have cities of over 8 million people back then are proof that it is needed more today than at any point in U.S. history. You're just not educated on the history behind it to know it.
They haven't won a national election since 2004, and they only did that by scaring shit out of us. Then you have to go back to 1988. So winning one election out of seven, that kind of sucks for you guys.
They won in 1980, 1984, 1988, 2000, 2004, and 2016.

The Dumbocrats won in 1992, 1996, 2008, and 2012.

That's 6 to 4 junior. You're not very good at math, are you? :laugh:

We've had Ronald Reagan, Bush Sr., Bush Jr., and Donald Trump. In that same time, you've had Clinton and Obama. That's it. We've had twice as many Presidents (in a "national election").
Like all snowflakes Joe believes the purpose of the Supreme Court is to modify the Constitution with its rulings.

You mean like what you guys did with Heller and you threw out all the laws on guns?
The laws were unconstitutional. That's the entire purpose of the courts. To uphold the U.S. Constitution. The Heller decision didn't modify the constitution.
You mean the law that forces them to participate in celebrating a gay marriage.

The law says nothing of the sort. The law merely states that you can't deny service based on race, religion, or sexual orientation. These laws have been on the books for decades and they work just fine.

If some Fundy wants to not serve gays, they should find something else to do for a living.
Sounds like we need to broaden that out a little bit to include everyone under the equal protection of the law. IOW, you can't refuse service to someone because they're wearing a MAGA hat.
It prevents candidates from catering to only New York City and Los Angeles. All they would have to do is promise a few cities everything under the sun from the federal government and those few cities would control the entire United States.

If every last warm body in NYC and LA voted for one candidate, they would still need to get at least 45% of the rest of the country to tip a national election. Moreover, if CA and NY got as many electors per capita as Wymoing does, then they would be able to easily win any election.

They won in 1980, 1984, 1988, 2000, 2004, and 2016.

No, they didn't win the popular vote in 2000 or 2016, and in 2004, they only won because they scared a lot of people into thinking there was an Arab in their closet waiting to jump out and kill them.

If we had straight up popular votes, you guys would never win, that's the point

That's why it was initially implemented and the fact that we didn't even have cities of over 8 million people back then are proof that it is needed more today than at any point in U.S. history. You're just not educated on the history behind it to know it.

No, I just dont treat a bunch of slave-raping, native american murdering, chamberpot shitting assholes in the 18th century to be the be-all of how to run a government.

If you want to look at the "History", they didn't have direct elections for electors back then, and they quickly realized that the system was unworkable after the election of 1800, which is why they put in the 12th Amendment.

The Slave Rapists wanted Congress to pick the president.

Sounds like we need to broaden that out a little bit to include everyone under the equal protection of the law. IOW, you can't refuse service to someone because they're wearing a MAGA hat.

Is anyone still wearing a MAGA Hat? I thought you'd all be too embarrassed at this point.

Never had one. It's irrelevant anyway. The haters would just have to suck it up and serve Trump supporters. In a same world, where everyone is treated equally under the law.

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Seems to be something wrong allowing Americans to vote for their president.
Never had one. It's irrelevant anyway. The haters would just have to suck it up and serve Trump supporters. In a same world, where everyone is treated equally under the law.

When political affiliation is a protected class like religion, race and sexual orientation, you might have a point.

Incidently, I've have no problem doing business with someone in a MAGA hat. Money is money.
Heller modified nothing, merely affirmed what was there all along.

and it took 200 years to notice?

I'm just curious what greater good is acheived by letting James "Joker" Holmes be able to buy a military grade weapon.
The greater good is following the rule of law instead of mob mentality. The Constitution can be changed if it needs to be. Ignoring it is not an option.

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