The fascists are at it again

It forces you to pay for their benefits, dumbass. It also forces adoption agencies to treat them like normal marriages and deliver innocent children into their clutches.

Oh,noes... not their clutches. Those poor kids might have to go to a really cool Oscar Party!!!

Um,guy, sorry, I know gay couples who are great parents, and I know straight couples who have the parenting skills of feral wolves.
Gays have a very high incidence of being child molesters. Furthermore, growing up in such an unnatural environment is not good for the child.
No, it's not a stretch. Gay marriage means gays are now entitled to SSI survivor benefits when previously they weren't. The rest of us have to pay additional taxes for that. There innumerable laws and programs affected by gay marriage. I know it, and you know it.

Here's the problem with that theory. Since Gay couples are more likely to fall into the "DINK" category (Double Income, No Kids) they are paying more in taxes than straight couples are. in short, they've been subsidizing the straight survivors benefits for years, not the other way around.
Gays have a very high incidence of being child molesters. Furthermore, growing up in such an unnatural environment is not good for the child.

No, pedophiles are pedophiles, gays are gays. They aren't the same thing. I'm sorry you don't understand this.

So you think that some white trash living in a trailer park is a natural environment that is good for a child?
False. They want government to force acceptance and celebration of such.

Really, the government hasn't forced me to go to a gay marriage yet. I'm just curious how they are 'forcing' you to do anything.

And please don't give me any shit about homophobic bakers getting fined. They got fined because they broke the public accommodations law.

You mean the law that forces them to participate in celebrating a gay marriage.

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You mean the law that forces them to participate in celebrating a gay marriage.

The law says nothing of the sort. The law merely states that you can't deny service based on race, religion, or sexual orientation. These laws have been on the books for decades and they work just fine.

If some Fundy wants to not serve gays, they should find something else to do for a living.
You mean the law that forces them to participate in celebrating a gay marriage.

The law says nothing of the sort. The law merely states that you can't deny service based on race, religion, or sexual orientation. These laws have been on the books for decades and they work just fine.

If some Fundy wants to not serve gays, they should find something else to do for a living.

They do serve gay customers. What they don't want to do is be involved in the 'wedding'. If a gay couple walks into a Christian owned bakery and buys a cupcake, nobody denies them service. But you knew that.

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They do serve gay customers. What they don't want to do is be involved in the 'wedding'. If a gay couple walks into a Christian owned bakery and buys a cupcake, nobody denies them service. But you knew that.

You know, I've never seen the baker hang around at a wedding. Usually they deliver the cake and go home. Come to think of it, the cake is usually at the reception, not the wedding.

Point is, if you offer wedding cakes to the straights, you have to offer wedding cakes to the gays.
The law merely states that you can't deny service based on race, religion, or sexual orientation. These laws have been on the books for decades and they work just fine.
Sure! If you're a fascist. This is absurd as saying "the laws of Germany don't condone the murder of Jews, they just approve the execution of the evil Jews and they work well". :eusa_doh:

Dude...the law forces people to participate in gay marriage. It is highly unconstitutional and completely unreasonable to anyone who isn't a fascist.
They've proven it over and over again, cockroach. A Dim representative of Congress has said flat out that he wants to crack down on freedom of speech on college campuses.

What is there to even argue about?

I have a much simpler solution. YOu can have Nazi rallies, and the authorities are under no obligation to protect you.

Problem Solved.

You are so correct......

When Antifa shows up they better have a bunch of fucking body bags to go home in.
Sure! If you're a fascist. This is absurd as saying "the laws of Germany don't condone the murder of Jews, they just approve the execution of the evil Jews and they work well". :eusa_doh:

Dude...the law forces people to participate in gay marriage. It is highly unconstitutional and completely unreasonable to anyone who isn't a fascist.

Dude, it's too fucking early in the morning for badly constructed Godwins.

So Public Accommodation laws balance the ability of people to get service vs. the ability of vendors to be hateful. And for 50 years, most people were perfectly fine when PA laws protected blacks or Jews.

Sorry, making a cake is not participating in anything. It's just making and selling a cake.

You are so correct......

When Antifa shows up they better have a bunch of fucking body bags to go home in.

If you really thing the Nazis can go around killing people and folks are going to be fine with it, you are delusional.

Only a matter of time before they have to slither back under their rocks.
Of course Hitlery wants to do away with the Electoral College. Fascists love mob rule until they gain full control. Then they love dictatorial rule.

There's really no justification to still have an electoral college in 2017.

none whatsoever.

Other than it's the only way Republicans can win on a national level.
Sure there is a justification: for one thing, the Constitution mandates it. That's pretty much the end of the discussion.
There's really no justification to still have an electoral college in 2017.
Well - if you were properly educated - you would realize that there is actually a greater justification for the Electoral College today than in any point in U.S. history.
There's really no justification to still have an electoral college in 2017. Other than it's the only way Republicans can win on a national level.
This coming from the progressive who declared that the Republicans would "never" win a "national election" again (an idiotic term in and of itself considering there is no such thing as a "national election" outside of the election for President :laugh: )
Yeah - and that was ended by a legal and proper amendment. That's how the constitution gets changed.

That we did an immoral or stupid thing can't be amended.

Well - if you were properly educated - you would realize that there is actually a greater justification for the Electoral College today than in any point in U.S. history.

Really? Name one.

Not that it produces good presidents. It gave us Bush, Trump, Hayes.. the Presidents who are considered awful.

Not that it empowers the people. When a presidential election boils down to only 10 swing states, it nullifies the votes of people who live in non-swing states. What point is there in voting Republican in California or Democratic in Texas?

It has locked us into a two party system. You guys complain all day about how bad the two parties are and you may even have a point. But the EC makes it next to impossible for a third party to gain any traction.

But here's the real reason why you shitheads have to be really worried. At some point, Texas will be a blue state. Then it becomes practically impossible for a Republican to win in the Electoral College.

But the founding slave rapists said we could have an electoral college!
This coming from the progressive who declared that the Republicans would "never" win a "national election" again (an idiotic term in and of itself considering there is no such thing as a "national election" outside of the election for President

They haven't won a national election since 2004, and they only did that by scaring shit out of us. Then you have to go back to 1988. So winning one election out of seven, that kind of sucks for you guys.
Of course Hitlery wants to do away with the Electoral College. Fascists love mob rule until they gain full control. Then they love dictatorial rule.

There's really no justification to still have an electoral college in 2017.

none whatsoever.

Other than it's the only way Republicans can win on a national level.

Yes, there makes sure that Vermont, Hawaii, and other small states have a say in who is President. Otherwise California, New York and Chicago would make slaves out of all the rest of us.

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