The fascists are at it again

So what was wrong with that statement?
That fact that you are pretending not to know goes to illustrate the depths of your desperation. You can't come up with a defense for something so disgusting and outrageous, yet you lack the decency and integrity to properly denounce anything the left does.
That fact that you are pretending not to know goes to illustrate the depths of your desperation. You can't come up with a defense for something so disgusting and outrageous, yet you lack the decency and integrity to properly denounce anything the left does.

so you really can't tell me what is wrong with that statement, either, other than your usual Libertarian crap.

Thanks for playing, Poodle. It's always a laugh to read Libertarians.
That fact that you are pretending not to know goes to illustrate the depths of your desperation. You can't come up with a defense for something so disgusting and outrageous, yet you lack the decency and integrity to properly denounce anything the left does.

so you really can't tell me what is wrong with that statement, either, other than your usual Libertarian crap.

Thanks for playing, Poodle. It's always a laugh to read Libertarians.

Well, it seems that we can add Joe Cocksucker to the "commie friendly brigade".
Well, it seems that we can add Joe Cocksucker to the "commie friendly brigade".

Says the evil Cocksucker who claims the slaughtered children of Sandy H ook were all fake.

This is your fanbase, Poodle.

No one died at Sandy Hook, Joe Cocksucker. I have kicked your ass up one side of this forum to the other.

That fact that you are pretending not to know goes to illustrate the depths of your desperation. You can't come up with a defense for something so disgusting and outrageous, yet you lack the decency and integrity to properly denounce anything the left does.

so you really can't tell me what is wrong with that statement, either, other than your usual Libertarian crap.
You already know what's wrong with it. It's like asking "explain to me that the sun is hot".

Children absolutely, unequivocally, indisputably belong to their parents until they are adults. For someone who didn't have "skin in the game" in the making of said child to declare that the child belongs to society is repulsive beyond words.

It is yet another example of the left attempting to steal something that doesn't belong to them. You want money other people earn. You want material items other people have. And you want children other people made.

You're a bunch of immature, greedy, unethical little thieves.
That fact that you are pretending not to know goes to illustrate the depths of your desperation. You can't come up with a defense for something so disgusting and outrageous, yet you lack the decency and integrity to properly denounce anything the left does.

so you really can't tell me what is wrong with that statement, either, other than your usual Libertarian crap.

Thanks for playing, Poodle. It's always a laugh to read Libertarians.

Well, it seems that we can add Joe Cocksucker to the "commie friendly brigade".
You're just figurng that out now, DS? I caught him in a post years ago praising communism as the "ultimate" solution. He's an immature, educated buffoon.
That fact that you are pretending not to know goes to illustrate the depths of your desperation. You can't come up with a defense for something so disgusting and outrageous, yet you lack the decency and integrity to properly denounce anything the left does.

so you really can't tell me what is wrong with that statement, either, other than your usual Libertarian crap.

Thanks for playing, Poodle. It's always a laugh to read Libertarians.

Well, it seems that we can add Joe Cocksucker to the "commie friendly brigade".
You're just figurng that out now, DS? I caught him in a post years ago praising communism as the "ultimate" solution. He's an immature, educated buffoon.

Joe Cocksucker isn't all that "educated"....he wants you to think he is...... but his lame attempts at posting tell a very different story.
No one died at Sandy Hook, Joe Cocksucker. I have kicked your ass up one side of this forum to the other.

Yup, thousands of people just made it up. Much easier than believing one crazy guy murdered some kids.

Joe Cocksucker isn't all that "educated"....he wants you to think he is...... but his lame attempts at posting tell a very different story.

So you think Sandy Hook was a hoax, Poodle? Do you even know who you are getting in bed with>
You're just figurng that out now, DS? I caught him in a post years ago praising communism as the "ultimate" solution. He's an immature, educated buffoon.

Nope, nobody said that.

Children absolutely, unequivocally, indisputably belong to their parents until they are adults. For someone who didn't have "skin in the game" in the making of said child to declare that the child belongs to society is repulsive beyond words.

Really? SO parents can kill their children if Voices in their heads tell them to? Susan Smith and Andrea Yates were well within their rights?

Or do we expect government, which doesn't have skin in the game, to protect children from bad parents or abusive ones?

It is yet another example of the left attempting to steal something that doesn't belong to them. You want money other people earn. You want material items other people have. And you want children other people made.

No, it's more along the lines of, we are all in this together, and we should all do our share. That includes making sure we are raising kids right. The thing that scares you Wingnuts is that the kids might hear something you don't want them to hear in school, you know, like Evolution. Or FDR was our greatest president. Stuff like that which just happens to be true, but offends your crazy world view.
Children absolutely, unequivocally, indisputably belong to their parents until they are adults. For someone who didn't have "skin in the game" in the making of said child to declare that the child belongs to society is repulsive beyond words.
Really? SO parents can kill their children if Voices in their heads tell them to? Susan Smith and Andrea Yates were well within their rights?
Really? So because murder is illegal in this country, that’s “proof” in your mind that children do not belong to their parents but rather to society? That’s your “logic”? :lmao:
No, it's more along the lines of, we are all in this together, and we should all do our share.
We’re not in anything together, snowflake. I would literally fucking kill myself before I would be in anything with you. I don’t deal with wing-nuts, parasites, or people who lack integrity. We wouldn’t be in a friendship. We wouldn’t be in a business agreement. We wouldn’t even be in a card game together.

That dumb comment is just something parasites use to rationalize their desire to mooch off of others. “It’s ok if I take what belong to you - after all - we’re in this together”.
Really? So because murder is illegal in this country, that’s “proof” in your mind that children do not belong to their parents but rather to society? That’s your “logic”?

Well, according to you, yes. Children are property, right?

We’re not in anything together, snowflake. I would literally fucking kill myself before I would be in anything with you. I don’t deal with wing-nuts, parasites, or people who lack integrity. We wouldn’t be in a friendship. We wouldn’t be in a business agreement. We wouldn’t even be in a card game together.

Poodle, the fact of the matter is, I was carrying your 20 something year old ass when you were a baby. Sorry, man, deal with it.

That dumb comment is just something parasites use to rationalize their desire to mooch off of others. “It’s ok if I take what belong to you - after all - we’re in this together”.

Uh, no, guy. THe problem is, you want all the trappings of living in a civilized society without any of the responsibility.

If LIbertarianism was all that, why hasn't any country ever tried it. Even the bad ideas get someone who tries it before they say, "Let's not do that again"
If LIbertarianism was all that, why hasn't any country ever tried it. Even the bad ideas get someone who tries it before they say, "Let's not do that again"
What do you think the U.S. was in 1776, stupid? Libertarianism in its purest form. Drugs and alcohol weren’t only not illegal, they weren’t even regulated. Hell, there wasn’t even federal taxes.

And sadly you’re still too ignorant to realize I’m not libertarian. I’m a constitutional conservative. All I advocate for is to obey the law. Something you hate.
What do you think the U.S. was in 1776, stupid?

a country where human beings could own other human beings, that's about as "unlibertarian" as you can get.

Drugs and alcohol weren’t only not illegal, they weren’t even regulated.

I think this is where you are confused. The reason why we have drug regulations is because you had too many people selling snake oil that was killing people. People were literally selling Cocaine as something that would cure anything.

You really want to go back to that, Poodle? I don't.

And sadly you’re still too ignorant to realize I’m not libertarian. I’m a constitutional conservative. All I advocate for is to obey the law. Something you hate.

Yawn, I just don't think that what escaped the imagination of slave rapists 250 years ago should limit us.

Let's not forget, Health Care in 1799 was bleeding the Father of the Country because he caught strep throat . So unless you are having your doctor bleed you the next time you catch an infection, I really don't want to hear about your "purity".
Yawn, I just don't think that what escaped the imagination of slave rapists 250 years ago should limit us.
And it doesn’t thanks to the extraordinary brilliance of our founders building an amendment process into the U.S. Constitution.

Your inability to get the votes you want for your fucked up communist ideology isn’t a reflection on “the imagination” of the founders. It’s a reflection on the fact that the American people recognize your failed ideology and reject your bat-shit crazy views.
Drugs and alcohol weren’t only not illegal, they weren’t even regulated.

I think this is where you are confused. The reason why we have drug regulations is because you had too many people selling snake oil that was killing people. People were literally selling Cocaine as something that would cure anything.

You really want to go back to that, Poodle? I don't.
Every time I prove you wrong - you desperately attempt to change the subject. Nobody asked why drugs were regulated. You said no nation had ever tried libertarianism. I just proved you wrong. Not only was that what the U.S. was in 1776, but it resulted in the greatest superpower the world has ever known.

Your ideology creates the U.S.S.R. (complete and total collapse). My ideology creates the U.S. (complete and total prosperity).
Let's not forget, Health Care in 1799 was bleeding the Father of the Country because he caught strep throat . So unless you are having your doctor bleed you the next time you catch an infection, I really don't want to hear about your "purity".
In 1776, that was cutting edge healthcare. Sadly, your idiotic ideology will take us back to that today. That’s what it’s done in Cuba (where everyone is covered and “surgery” consists of bleeding people with rusty and unsanitary surgical equipment in dilapidated buildings). And all because you’re greedy and lazy.

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