The fascists are at it again

The left abhors liberty. The only thing the left has ever fought for is control and power over others...

Antifa Is Not Fighting For Freedom, But For Communist Revolution

Your side is the one that wants to round up millions of people and deport them.
That’s correct side wants to uphold the law. My side wants to enforce the law. I’m proud to be on the only side that obeys the law.

You continue to be the lawless thug you’ve always been.
Aside from abortion and controlling the border, name one area where Dims want less government.

Same sex marriage.

False. They want government to force acceptance and celebration of such.

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And you want government to force all of our children to learn about your retarded religion that is based on myths. YOu can't accept that some people wish to marry and you base your belief on pure bs.

Treating people with respect and allowing them to live their lives is what is at stake.
the left really believes that children belong to the state

so did hitler

more hysterical ranting from the left.

So you are going to go out and challenge the existence of DCFS tomorrow, right? Bunch of fascists telling 'Mericans what they can done do with their property!

sorry joe it is a fact ya shit head

“The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation.”

Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
That’s correct side wants to uphold the law. My side wants to enforce the law. I’m proud to be on the only side that obeys the law.

You continue to be the lawless thug you’ve always been.

Slavery was legal at one point. That was the LAW. But the LAW was wrong.

So change the law, but until it's changed, you're subject to it.

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That’s correct side wants to uphold the law. My side wants to enforce the law. I’m proud to be on the only side that obeys the law.

You continue to be the lawless thug you’ve always been.

Slavery was legal at one point. That was the LAW. But the LAW was wrong.
So you’re saying that our sovereignty is wrong? :uhh:

And not for nothing, you lawless thug, but we abolished slavery legally with an amendment. So if you don’t like our laws protecting our sovereignty - get the votes you need to change it. Good luck snowflake. :laugh:
And you want government to force all of our children to learn about your retarded religion that is based on myths.
That is hilarious coming from the one person who deals in nothing but myth. Matty here has never had a single factual correct post in all his time on USMB.
That’s correct side wants to uphold the law. My side wants to enforce the law. I’m proud to be on the only side that obeys the law.

You continue to be the lawless thug you’ve always been.

Slavery was legal at one point. That was the LAW. But the LAW was wrong.
So you’re saying that our sovereignty is wrong? :uhh:

And not for nothing, you lawless thug, but we abolished slavery legally with an amendment. So if you don’t like our laws protecting our sovereignty - get the votes you need to change it. Good luck snowflake. :laugh:

The snowflakes the federal government saved us from slaver, but the fact is the federal government enforced slavery before the war. I couldn't have continued to exist without the fugative slave act which forced Northern states to return Southern slaves to their owners. Lincoln was even willing to ensrhine slavery into the Constitution forever.
So you’re saying that our sovereignty is wrong? :uhh:

And not for nothing, you lawless thug, but we abolished slavery legally with an amendment. So if you don’t like our laws protecting our sovereignty - get the votes you need to change it. Good luck snowflake.

Not an issue of "Sovereignty", guy. Fact is we are declaring cities and states as sanctuary cities because we know our immigration laws are wrong.

The fascists are still at it. They always resort to violence because they are on the wrong side of the facts...

So they were neighbors and Rand Paul is an asshole neighbor.

Of course he is. Libertarians are always assholes.
Not an issue of "Sovereignty", guy.
Sorry snowflake - that's exactly what it is an issue of. We are a sovereign nation and nobody has a right to just walk in when they feel like it. That's how sovereignty works. We have been invaded. Literally invaded. 10 - 20 million Mexicans have invaded our land.
Fact is we are declaring cities and states as sanctuary cities because we know our immigration laws are wrong.
Fact is, you don't get to decide that my fragile little snowflake. The American people do. And the American people have decided our immigration laws are 100% good and just. Like all immature fascists, you can't accept not getting your way. Deal with it.
If the colonists had not broken the law we would be British. Some laws are not passed for the good of the people, but for the good of the rich; America's new noble class that has replaced the dukes, earls and kings .
If the colonists had not broken the law we would be British. Some laws are not passed for the good of the people, but for the good of the rich; America's new noble class that has replaced the dukes, earls and kings .
Nice try snowflake - but we don’t live under British rule, do we? We have exponentially more opportunities in America to change the laws.

The problem with you left-wing assholes is that you can’t accept the fact that the people have spoken and you lost. Saddam Hussein was the same way. So was Adolf Hitler. Joseph Stalin. Fidel Castro. Being poor losers is the hallmark of the left.
The problem with you left-wing assholes is that you can’t accept the fact that the people have spoken and you lost.

the people spoke and clearly said "NO". By about 3 million votes.

On the other hand, Obama won by 10 million votes,but you guys opposed him tooth and nail.

Thankfully, the best thing we got going for us is Trumps sheer incompetence. Nine months in, and no significant legislation passed.

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