The fascists are at it again

And it doesn’t thanks to the extraordinary brilliance of our founders building an amendment process into the U.S. Constitution.

except that it's next to impossible to amend the constitution, as flawed as it is.

Your inability to get the votes you want for your fucked up communist ideology isn’t a reflection on “the imagination” of the founders. It’s a reflection on the fact that the American people recognize your failed ideology and reject your bat-shit crazy views.

sorry, guy, it's not a "communist" idea that poor children shouldn't die of treatable diseases because their parents are poor. That's just basic human decency, but I don't think you understand that concept.

In 1776, that was cutting edge healthcare. Sadly, your idiotic ideology will take us back to that today. That’s what it’s done in Cuba (where everyone is covered and “surgery” consists of bleeding people with rusty and unsanitary surgical equipment in dilapidated buildings). And all because you’re greedy and lazy.

Except Cuba has a lower infant mortality rate than we do and they live just as long, despite a 50 year policy of punishing them for not picking an economic system we like.

So, yeah, we are barely beating a third world country we've beaten up for a century!!!! America, Fuck, yeah!

And it doesn’t thanks to the extraordinary brilliance of our founders building an amendment process into the U.S. Constitution.
except that it's next to impossible to amend the constitution, as flawed as it is.
It’s actually exceptionally easy to amend the U.S. Constitution. You simply refuse to admit that the American people reject your bat-shit crazy fascist ideology.
sorry, guy, it's not a "communist" idea that poor children shouldn't die of treatable diseases because their parents are poor.
And they wouldn’t if greedy, fascist, pricks such as yourself would step up and cover the costs. But much like Fidel Castro, you hoard what you can get your greedy hands on while allowing everyone around you to suffer.
It’s actually exceptionally easy to amend the U.S. Constitution. You simply refuse to admit that the American people reject your bat-shit crazy fascist ideology.

No, it really isn't... at least not at this point when you have to get 34 state legislatures to sign on to something.

And they wouldn’t if greedy, fascist, pricks such as yourself would step up and cover the costs. But much like Fidel Castro, you hoard what you can get your greedy hands on while allowing everyone around you to suffer.

My excess earnings could probably treat one sick child for a week... that's how expensive this shit gets because we make Health Care a capitalist enterprise that profits off human misery.

Again- rest of the world has figured this out.

The fascists continue to try to shut down free speech and liberty through threats, intimidation, and violence...

Yeah, when you are a racist POS who claims blacks are the Untermensch, you really shouldn't be surprised when the untermensch get upset about that sort of thing.
What Patriot doesn't get ais he and his friends are the fascist.
-The ones that want to kick your door down if you're smoking a leaf
-The ones that don't give a shit about the third or forth Amendments of the constitution.
-The ones that threaten the media and back a president that wishes to silence them.
-The ones that want to stop all other opinion be it in school, college or anywhere.
-The ones that want to tell people how to live their lives
-The ones that want to stop people from loving who they wish

Conservatives are the fascist. Patriot is a fascist fuck.
It’s actually exceptionally easy to amend the U.S. Constitution. You simply refuse to admit that the American people reject your bat-shit crazy fascist ideology.
No, it really isn't... at least not at this point when you have to get 34 state legislatures to sign on to something.
That’s only difficult to do if what you want is bat-shit crazy (like your communist ideology).
Before Nov 8th 2016 I didn't think it was possible for thousands of people to go mad all on the same day....but it is possible
What Patriot doesn't get ais he and his friends are the fascist.
-The ones that want to kick your door down if you're smoking a leaf
That’s called “enforcing the law”, you junior high dropout. It’s not fascism to enforce the law. Now tell us again about the “forth” Amendment. :laugh:
Again- rest of the world has figured this out.
Indeed they to the United States if you want the most exceptional health care in the world. Canadians come here. Mexicans come here. Cubans risk their life to come here. Oil sheiks from the Middle East come here. ‘Nough said, snowflake.
...that's how expensive this shit gets because we make Health Care a capitalist enterprise
And that’s why we have the most exceptional healthcare in the world. You get what you pay for, snowflake. You can have your shitty third-world healthcare. I’ll take expensive Cadillac healthcare any day, chief.
That’s only difficult to do if what you want is bat-shit crazy (like your communist ideology).

Really? So why hasn't your side been able to pass a Term Limits Amendment?

Or a Balanced Budget Amendment?

Or an Amendment defining Marriage as just straight couples?

Or an Amendment granting human rights to fetuses?

You know, all things your guys promise the stupid rabble in Jesus-Land every year and you never deliver on.
And that’s why we have the most exceptional healthcare in the world. You get what you pay for, snowflake. You can have your shitty third-world healthcare. I’ll take expensive Cadillac healthcare any day, chief.

We don't have the most exceptional health care in the world.

We are dead last among industrialized countries in every health metric, we have people driving up to Canada to get prescription drugs.

You see, when you make stupid statements like this, one has to conclude you are about 25 years old and have no idea how fast a health crisis can wipe out your savings.
Indeed they to the United States if you want the most exceptional health care in the world. Canadians come here. Mexicans come here. Cubans risk their life to come here. Oil sheiks from the Middle East come here. ‘Nough said, snowflake.

Again, the fact that rich people from other countries come here to get treatments that Americans can't get isn't really something to be proud of.

Oh, Canadian Health Tourism is a myth that has been debunked. Canadians are not coming down here for treatment in any signifigant numbers, much less Europeans.

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