The fascists are at it again

Passing laws the fly in the face of the laws of economics is pure insanity. Anyone who would vote for such a scheme has identified himself as not intellectually qualifed.

Except, again, when the Minimum Wage had teeth and 33% of the workforce was unionized and government took the side of the working man, we had our greatest prosperity. Now, I'm not sure if you are too young to remember what an American Middle Class looked like.
Somehow they are managing to do that right now without the $15/hr minimum wage. There seems to be a flaw in your theory.

Yeah, because they get food stamps and medicaid and Section 8.

So essentially, the rest of us are subsidzing the cheap labor of the one percent.

Feeling good about that?

Obviously far left drones feel good about that!

Which is why your rich white far left masters want illegal immigration, they need someone new to do their laundry, wash their cars, do their lawns..
Passing laws the fly in the face of the laws of economics is pure insanity. Anyone who would vote for such a scheme has identified himself as not intellectually qualifed.

Except, again, when the Minimum Wage had teeth and 33% of the workforce was unionized and government took the side of the working man, we had our greatest prosperity. Now, I'm not sure if you are too young to remember what an American Middle Class looked like.

At the time, the rest of the industrialized world had been bombed into the stone age. Is that part of the economic program you advocate
Obviously far left drones feel good about that!

Which is why your rich white far left masters want illegal immigration, they need someone new to do their laundry, wash their cars, do their lawns..

Wouldn't know... are you saying we should make poor Americans do these jobs for a pittance? Because they'd actually demand money.

At the time, the rest of the industrialized world had been bombed into the stone age. Is that part of the economic program you advocate

By 1950, most of what had been bombed had been rebuilt...

yet oddly, most of those countries pulled ahead of us by doing all the things you abhor- minimum wage, unionization, strong workers rights, high taxes on the rich.

You see, nobody ahead of us actually go there doing what you wingnuts advocate.. because that's just crazy talk.
Obviously far left drones feel good about that!

Which is why your rich white far left masters want illegal immigration, they need someone new to do their laundry, wash their cars, do their lawns..

Wouldn't know... are you saying we should make poor Americans do these jobs for a pittance? Because they'd actually demand money.

At the time, the rest of the industrialized world had been bombed into the stone age. Is that part of the economic program you advocate

By 1950, most of what had been bombed had been rebuilt...

yet oddly, most of those countries pulled ahead of us by doing all the things you abhor- minimum wage, unionization, strong workers rights, high taxes on the rich.

You see, nobody ahead of us actually go there doing what you wingnuts advocate.. because that's just crazy talk.

See how the far left only cares about their debunked religious narratives?

Obama made more people poor and the rich, richer. And they still followed the DNC off the cliff without hesitation or question.

The far left does not care about the poor or the middle class, otherwise they would have done more instead of saying this is the new norm.

Obamacare was the largest tax passed on the middle class and the far left claims they are for them!

See the far left believes in corporate welfare for insurance companies and big pharma!
The left really believes that children belong to the state. It's mind-boggling how these people believe they can discipline private citizens for exercising their constitutional rights. Not only that - but look at the "logic" this nitwit used:
In a statement to the World-Herald, Messerole said, “I think we are in the spotlight now and I think it is up to us to be a model. We have to do something. This is not OK.”
So let me get this straight - because you feel that social media "put you in the spotlight", you think you need to take illegal action against students for exercising their constitutional rights? Especially on their own time.

But the chilling fascist oppression didn't stop there. This one is even scarier:
According to the newspaper, Creston Police Chief Paul Ver Meer said that the police department was not involved in the investigation, and that the school was handling the incident.

Union County Sheriff Rick Piel corroborated Ver Meer’s comments, and told The Associated Press that as far as he knows, “it’s all being handled by the school.”

We’ve spoken to the county attorney, and we can’t come up with a charge,” Piel said.
Do you notice how he worded that? "We can't come up with a charge". They are literally trying to find something to charge these children with. That should be chilling to every American (and it will be to those that are actually educated). They are actively searching for an angle to go after children because they exercised their constitutional rights.

Do you know why you can't "come up with" a charge, Rick Piel? Because what these children did was 100% legal. Just because you fascists don't like something doesn't mean you can stop others from doing it.

If I were one of their parents - I would hit the school district with the mother of all lawsuits.

Frightening photo featuring students in KKK garb with Confederate flag and burning cross goes viral
Ah cain't behlev dey won let der footbah team dress up lak der Klan. Whas dis wuld cumin ter.
Are you some kind of fucking moron, Poodle. Seriously, you do realize that a President is the one who pushes an agenda and goes to congress to get it passed.
Says the dimwit who literally had no idea that the President doesn’t draft or pass legislation. :lmao:

Here’s the thing snowflake - Congress doesn’t give a shit what a Republican President wants. Dumbocrats exist only to obstruct and destroy the U.S. Republicans recognize that they answer to their constituents - not the President.

You’ll learn more about this stuff once you get past your sophomore year, son.
Uh, no, you made the claim the "people had spoken".
Yeah stupid, we have. You can’t get the votes for your bat-shit crazy communist agenda. The people have spoken - were not buying the failed socialism you’re pedaling. Deal with it. Or get the fuck out of our country, snowflake.
Ah cain't behlev dey won let der footbah team dress up lak der Klan. Whas dis wuld cumin ter.
Yeah...and I’m not the least bit surprised that you’re aggravated over the fact that the state couldn’t come up with a criminal charge.

We know how much you dillholes hate liberty.
Yeah stupid, we have. You can’t get the votes for your bat-shit crazy communist agenda.

Delusional, fascist and hysterical is no way to go through life, snowflake. You got reamed tonight in Virginia. That was a referendum on Trump and his butthurt fascist bitch brigades.

It must suck for you to see your dreams of a fascist utopia crumbling, when you were so close. Mmmm, your bitter tears are tasty indeed.
Says the dimwit who literally had no idea that the President doesn’t draft or pass legislation. :lmao:

Here’s the thing snowflake - Congress doesn’t give a shit what a Republican President wants. Dumbocrats exist only to obstruct and destroy the U.S. Republicans recognize that they answer to their constituents - not the President.

Little boy, Trump is a failure. People are rejecting him. The reason he gets nothing passed in Congress is no one wants to be associated with him... not even Republicans.
Do you have any idea what Fascism is, pat?
From the Wikipedia page:
"Fascism is an authoritarian or totalitarian nationalist political ideology. Fascists seek to organize a nation according to corporatist perspectives, values, and systems, including the political system and the economy."
This, of course, is a pretty good description of the Republican dogma, and has nothing 'progressive' about it.
You should find some other epithet to hang on those with whom you disagree.
Unfortunately the definition of fascism has been somewhat hijacked.

"The only official definition of Fascism comes from Benito Mussolini, the founder of fascism, in which he outlines three principles of a fascist philosophy.
1."Everything in the state". The Government is supreme and the country is all-encompasing, and all within it must conform to the ruling body, often a dictator.
2."Nothing outside the state". The country must grow and the implied goal of any fascist nation is to rule the world, and have every human submit to the government.
3."Nothing against the state". Any type of questioning the government is not to be tolerated. If you do not see things our way, you are wrong. If you do not agree with the government, you cannot be allowed to live and taint the minds of the rest of the good citizens.
The use of militarism was implied only as a means to accomplish one of the three above principles, mainly to keep the people and rest of the world in line. Fascist countries are known for their harmony and lack of internal strife. There are no conflicting parties or elections in fascist countries."

When you think of "fascism" in this context those you could deem fascist expands. Today, people associate fascism with the political right which is not necessarily true, particularly in the US where the political right has traditionally been for small govt. Note that the above says nothing about capitalism nor nation. It speaks of the "state". In this sense you could say that Stalin was a fascist supporting the communist state, Iranian mullahs are fascist in support of a theocratic state, the Saudi royal family are fascists in support of a monarchy.

I've often thought of fascism not so much as an "ideology" but more of a methodology, a way of governing in support of whatever ideology you support. Whether that be naziism, communism, theocracy or monarchy is irrelevent. That's why it always makes me laugh when I see groups like Antifa protesting fascism and carrying hammer and sickle flags. They just don't understand that some of the most fascistic monsters of the 20th century were communists, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot.
Little boy, Trump is a failure. People are rejecting him. The reason he gets nothing passed in Congress is no one wants to be associated with him... not even Republicans.
I am no Trump fan, but that is the very essence of the problem in D.C. These narcissistic assholes can't get over themselves long enough to do their motherfucking job. And I am not picking sides. ALL politicians are self-serving khunts who are 10X more of a threat to our liberty than any foreign power. They will fuck (insert inappropriate, graphic animal, bestiality description here) if it gets them re-elected, and they will lie, cheat, steal, and kill another politician who is a threat to their power, especially an outsider (Trump).

You are all peasants to these motherfuckers.

You see why we need full-auto machine guns, leftists?
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I am no Trump fan, but that is the very essence of the problem in D.C. These narcissistic assholes can't get over themselves long enough to do their motherfucking job. And I am not picking sides. ALL politicians are self-serving khunts who are 10X more of a threat to our liberty than any foreign power. They will fuck (insert inappropriate, graphic animal, bestiality description here) if it gets them re-elected, and they will lie, cheat, steal, and kill another politician who is a threat to their power, especially an outsider (Trump).

You are all peasants to these motherfuckers.

You see why we need full-auto machine guns, leftists?

Okay, guy, given your anger issues, I think you probably don't need a machine gun.

Here's the problem, Trump could be a leader, he could go out and try to find consensus. This is what Reagan did, it's what Clinton did, it's what George W. Bush did.

Instead, he has spent as much time as he can antagonizing everyone he can, on both sides of the aisle, and he wonders why no one is going to stick out their neck for him?
Little boy, Trump is a failure. People are rejecting him.
You spent all of 2016 saying that - and all Trump did was obliterate your favorite corrupt girl Hitlery.

People are loving President Trump more than ever. The fact is, the President doesn’t craft or pass legislation. Like I said, one you pass your sophomore year, you’ll have some classes on this and you’ll start to understand how it works (with some tutoring of course).
Instead, he has spent as much time as he can antagonizing everyone he can, on both sides of the aisle, and he wonders why no one is going to stick out their neck for him?
And Joey wonders why he’s the laughing stock of USMB. President Trump doesn’t need anyone to “stick out their neck for him”. He’s in the executive branch. He has nothing to do with legislation. You’ll learn this stuff as you get older.
You got reamed tonight in Virginia.
You fascists got “reamed” across the entire U.S.


We all know how much you abhor liberty and how desperate you are to control others - you must be dressed up like Hitlery right now and ranting like a lunatic. :laugh:
You spent all of 2016 saying that - and all Trump did was obliterate your favorite corrupt girl Hitlery.

People are loving President Trump more than ever. The fact is, the President doesn’t craft or pass legislation. Like I said, one you pass your sophomore year, you’ll have some classes on this and you’ll start to understand how it works (with some tutoring of course).

Dude, his approval rating is in the 30's. That's the lowest any President has had at this point in his term.

The fact is, he can't get anything through Congress because no one wants to be associated with him next year. When your own party is running on the "I'm not Trump" platform, you kn ow you got a problem.

And Joey wonders why he’s the laughing stock of USMB. President Trump doesn’t need anyone to “stick out their neck for him”. He’s in the executive branch. He has nothing to do with legislation. You’ll learn this stuff as you get older.

Little Boy, maybe you need to read up on a guy named "Richard Nixon" to see what happens when you antagonize members of your own party. It doesn't end well...

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