The fascists are at it again

Little Boy, maybe you need to read up on a guy named "Richard Nixon" to see what happens when you antagonize members of your own party. It doesn't end well...
Yeah...that’s what happened. Richard Nixon resigned because he “antagonized members of his own party”. He didn’t engage in criminal activity or anything. :eusa_doh:
Yeah...that’s what happened. Richard Nixon resigned because he “antagonized members of his own party”. He didn’t engage in criminal activity or anything.

They all engage in Criminal Activity. But the difference between Nixon and let's say Clinton was that Clinton's own party backed him.

Nixon's didn't.

So here's the bonus question for you, Poodle. WHEN (not if) Mueller finds something impeachable on Trump, do you think his fellow Republicans are going to go to the wall for him, or do you think they'll just hope on the bandwagon and impeach him?
Yeah...that’s what happened. Richard Nixon resigned because he “antagonized members of his own party”. He didn’t engage in criminal activity or anything.

They all engage in Criminal Activity. But the difference between Nixon and let's say Clinton was that Clinton's own party backed him.

Nixon's didn't.

So here's the bonus question for you, Poodle. WHEN (not if) Mueller finds something impeachable on Trump, do you think his fellow Republicans are going to go to the wall for him, or do you think they'll just hope on the bandwagon and impeach him?

So you thnk it's a good thing that Dims will circle the wagons around a douchebag?
So you thnk it's a good thing that Dims will circle the wagons around a douchebag?

Personally, I don't think what Clinton did was bad enough to not do so. Incidentally, 10 Republicans in the Senate also didn't think it was that big of a deal. He lied about a blow job. Big whup! The economy was going great, we weren't at war with anyone and the biggest thing we had to worry about in the 1990's was the OJ Trial.

Now, here's the thing. What Nixon did was pretty petty, too. But he had spent his entire career pissing people off. But if the economy wasn't in the crapper and the country wasn't already in a pretty surly mood, he'd have probably survived Watergate.

so we get to Trump.

Probably did something hinky with the Russians.
Isn't as slick as Clinton by a long shot.
No real friends in his own party.
35% approval rating during what should be a honeymoon.
They all engage in Criminal Activity. But the difference between Nixon and let's say Clinton was that Clinton's own party backed him.

Nixon's didn't.
Well no shit. That's because Republican's have something called integrity while Democrats are made up of unethical dirt-bags who desire power and wealth over all. They will do anything - at any cost - to achieve their goal.

It's amazing how you prove our case for us every day on this board.
So here's the bonus question for you, Poodle. WHEN (not if) Mueller finds something impeachable on Trump, do you think his fellow Republicans are going to go to the wall for him, or do you think they'll just hope on the bandwagon and impeach him?
If he doesn't - do you agree to leave USMB permanently? I mean, you make "bold" predictions every day, and each time you come out looking like a moron. Remember how you said that Trump would never get the nomination? And then he did. And then remember when you said Hitlery would win in the biggest landslide victory in history? And then she got her ass kicked and went home with her tail between her legs.
So you thnk it's a good thing that Dims will circle the wagons around a douchebag?
Personally, I don't think what Clinton did was bad enough to not do so.
Of course not! Neither adultery nor perjury is "bad enough" in the mind of a dirt-bag. You're a vintage lefty chief. No integrity. No ethics. Just a sad soul devoid of any humanity. It's money and power at all costs with you. You're like Fidel Castro - except that he at least had a speck of personality to get people to follow him. While nobody can stomach you, much less follow you.
Well no shit. That's because Republican's have something called integrity while Democrats are made up of unethical dirt-bags who desire power and wealth over all. They will do anything - at any cost - to achieve their goal.

No, dummy. Integrity would have been never elected someone as bent as Nixon to start with.

Hey, when a guy gains a nickname like "Tricky Dick", it isn't because of his fantastic integrity.

Republicans threw Nixon under the bus because they never liked the man to start with.

Of course not! Neither adultery nor perjury is "bad enough" in the mind of a dirt-bag. You're a vintage lefty chief. No integrity. No ethics. Just a sad soul devoid of any humanity. It's money and power at all costs with you.

You know what, I think lying about a blow job where nobody dies is not nearly as bad about lying us into a war over weapons that don't exist and thousands of people die.

You're like Fidel Castro - except that he at least had a speck of personality to get people to follow him. While nobody can stomach you, much less follow you.

again, except I was an NCO in the army, and had no problem getting people to follow me... but never mind, little Poodle, some day you'll grow up and figure out how the real world works.
Well no shit. That's because Republican's have something called integrity while Democrats are made up of unethical dirt-bags who desire power and wealth over all. They will do anything - at any cost - to achieve their goal.
No, dummy. Integrity would have been never elected someone as bent as Nixon to start with.
Congress didn’t “elect” Richard Nixon you dimwit. The America people did. :eusa_doh:

(And they aren’t afforded the opportunity to get to know the candidate)
So here's the bonus question for you, Poodle. WHEN (not if) Mueller finds something impeachable on Trump, do you think his fellow Republicans are going to go to the wall for him, or do you think they'll just hope on the bandwagon and impeach him?
As always, the only “impeachable offenses” being found is against the Dumbocrats. The Podesta Group has disbanded and is running for the hills! :lmao:

Report: The Podesta Group, which is under scrutiny in Mueller’s investigation, to shut down
35% approval rating during what should be a honeymoon.
Oh for god sakes...nitwit here keeps going back to the progressive “polls”. The same “polls” that said he had a 7% chance of being elected.

I can see why you’re a Dumbocrat. You’re literally incapable of learning. His real approval rating is almost certainly around 60% right now. The stock market has skyrocketed, he has created over a million jobs, secured the border, etc. Americans are ecstatic right now and they clearly love President Trump at the moment.
You know what, I think lying about a blow job where nobody dies is not nearly as bad about lying us into a war over weapons that don't exist and thousands of people die.
Except that nobody “lied us into war”, buttercup. You continue to illustrate your ignorance to the world..

From Chuck Pfarerr's book, Seal Target: Geronimo

It is a chilling fact that thousands of chemical weapons have been uncovered in Iraq. These weapons have been used by Al Qaeda against coalition and NATO forces on dozens of occasions. This has been confirmed by countless sources, most recently in the released WikiLeaks cables.

So why haven't the American people been told of the stock-piled caches of chemical WMD's uncovered in Iraq or of the chemical weapon attacks by Al Qaeda?

The Republicans won’t touch this because it would reveal the incompetence of the Bush administration in failing to neutralize the danger of Iraqi WMD (instead of preventing Weapons of Mass Destruction from falling into the hands of terrorists, the 2003 invasion of Iraq has accelerated the acquisition, manufacture, and use of chemical weapons by Al Qaeda). The Democrats won’t touch it because it would show President Bush was right to invade Iraq in the first place. It is an axis of embarrassment. And the press won't touch it because they had already convinced themselves, and most of the American public, that Saddam Hussein didn’t have any WMD's. The media turned a blind eye to continued reports of chemical weapon attacks because its own credibility was threatened. Several major outlets were deeply invested with the story line of an “unjustifiable war". Not many people can bear to admit they were wrong, especially in print, and especially if they have been very wrong for a very long time.

Bomb said to holddeadly sarin gas explodes in Iraq
You're like Fidel Castro - except that he at least had a speck of personality to get people to follow him. While nobody can stomach you, much less follow you.
except I was an NCO in the army, and had no problem getting people to follow me... but never mind, little Poodle, some day you'll grow up and figure out how the real world works.
My are a very special sort of nitwit.
Consider, if you will, a fraught military standoff. A soldier from the German army receives an order from a superior to fire his gun, but he puts it down and walks away. In the United States, he would have just committed the unforgivable and illegal act of insubordination, even if the superior officer weren’t from the same service branch.
Nobody followed you out of respect. They had no choice, you idiot. :eusa_doh:

Why German Soldiers Don’t Have to Obey Orders
So here's the bonus question for you, Poodle. WHEN (not if) Mueller finds something impeachable on Trump, do you think his fellow Republicans are going to go to the wall for him, or do you think they'll just hope on the bandwagon and impeach him?
He’s going to be your president for many years to come, snowflake...
”You have a better chance of winning the powerball than you do of seeing President Trump impeached”
Chalkboard Lesson: Here’s Why the Democratic Party Is ‘in Serious Trouble’
Congress didn’t “elect” Richard Nixon you dimwit. The America people did. :eusa_doh:

(And they aren’t afforded the opportunity to get to know the candidate)

are you some kind of fucking nitwit? I mean, seriously, do you take lessons from Corky the Retard.

We weren't talking about CONGRESS, we were talking about POLITICAL PARTIES.

Your Party elevated "Tricky Dick" for years, even while giving him a nickname like "Tricky Dick"... and fuck it, if the guy hadn't been stupid enough to tape himself committing felonies, some of them still might have.

As always, the only “impeachable offenses” being found is against the Dumbocrats. The Podesta Group has disbanded and is running for the hills!

You can keep telling yourself that, buddy, but it's Trump's friend who are getting indicted.
His real approval rating is almost certainly around 60% right now.

Where do you get that from? Even RASMUSSEN has him at 44%, and Rasmussen is as Right Biased as you can get.

It is a chilling fact that thousands of chemical weapons have been uncovered in Iraq. These weapons have been used by Al Qaeda against coalition and NATO forces on dozens of occasions. This has been confirmed by countless sources, most recently in the released WikiLeaks cables.

Buddy, got to cut you off right there


We went to war because George W. Stupid went out there and liked about Mushroom Clouds and Uranium from Niger.

"Look everyone, we found the cutting edge weapon of 1914" said no one, ever.

He’s going to be your president for many years to come, snowflake...

You can keep telling yourself that, but Trump's impeachment is inevitable.
His real approval rating is almost certainly around 60% right now.
Where do you get that from?
From the fact that he obliterated Hitlery in the election and the American people are ecstatic about the job he’s done to this point.

But keep pushing the outrageous lie from your “polls”. After all, that tactic worked sooooo well for you buffoons last year at this time. :laugh:
We went to war because George W. Stupid went out there and liked about Mushroom Clouds and Uranium from Niger.
We went to war over WMD’s. That was made abundantly clear. As usual, the right was vindicated by the truth and you were humiliated by your mindless devotion to the left-wing false narrative.
From the fact that he obliterated Hitlery in the election and the American people are ecstatic about the job he’s done to this point.

except he lost by 3 million votes and he has a 35% approval rating.

We went to war over WMD’s. That was made abundantly clear. As usual, the right was vindicated by the truth and you were humiliated by your mindless devotion to the left-wing false narrative.

The false narrative is calling a chemical weapon a WMD. It really isn't.

The reason why Republicans don't brag "Look, we found some old mustard gas Saddam buried in 1991 and it lost its potency!" is because even they know how silly they'd look saying it.

In fact, Santorum tried, and he looked even sillier than he did when his name became a joke for anal discharge.

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