The fascists are at it again

At least no one paid Russian operatives to put together a fake dossier on an opponent that was then used to justify spying. Oh, wait...

Didn't happen, but okay. Whatever.

You guys can't run from this Russia thing.
and y'all can't make it up fast enough.

been a year now. anything? anything at all?

and it DID happen.
Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier
or you can tell hillary it didn't happen, who said it did and it WAS DIFFERENT.

Clinton: There Is A Difference Between Paying For Trump Dossier And "Collusion" With Russia

so you need to take the "it was ok for her" approach because that's where this lie is currently headed.

The thing is, you guys are playing seven degrees of Kevin Bacon here. Someone paid for research that went to someone who talked to someone who knew the Russians.

Meanwhile, it's Trump's buddies who are getting indicted.
At least no one paid Russian operatives to put together a fake dossier on an opponent that was then used to justify spying. Oh, wait...

Didn't happen, but okay. Whatever.

You guys can't run from this Russia thing.
and y'all can't make it up fast enough.

been a year now. anything? anything at all?

and it DID happen.
Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier
or you can tell hillary it didn't happen, who said it did and it WAS DIFFERENT.

Clinton: There Is A Difference Between Paying For Trump Dossier And "Collusion" With Russia

so you need to take the "it was ok for her" approach because that's where this lie is currently headed.

The thing is, you guys are playing seven degrees of Kevin Bacon here. Someone paid for research that went to someone who talked to someone who knew the Russians.

Meanwhile, it's Trump's buddies who are getting indicted.
and what is the left doing w/random TRUMP RUSSIA allegations?

there is zero direct connection to trump but YOU keep saying trump will be impeached for something that can't even be proven HE was directly related to.

hillary flat out says "yes i did it but it's ok, it's trump" and your side goes OH YEA!!! and swallows that shit hook line and sinker.

so it's damn funny to me at this point you say people are loosely linking hillary to something she says she did but you're sure there are links to show trump did something he says he didn't.

like i said about you - you don't care what you say or how much sense it makes as long as its TRUMP SUCKS at the time.
This coming from the same guy who predicted a Hitlery Clinton “landslide”.
She won by three million votes, getting more votes than any White man in American history ever got.
and still lost the election.
Like all Dumbocrats - Jospeh can’t bring himself to accept reality.
not accepting it is one thing.

making shit up as you go and then calling others out when they notice is what gets old.
and what is the left doing w/random TRUMP RUSSIA allegations?

Waiting for Mueller to do his job.

there is zero direct connection to trump but YOU keep saying trump will be impeached for something that can't even be proven HE was directly related to.

Nixon didn't order the break-in, but he was involved in the cover up that followed. On the off chance that Trump didn't know what his kids were doing with the Russians, he did fire Comey to cover it up and derail the investigation.

and still lost the election.

Yes, our racist system failed us.
and what is the left doing w/random TRUMP RUSSIA allegations?

Waiting for Mueller to do his job.

there is zero direct connection to trump but YOU keep saying trump will be impeached for something that can't even be proven HE was directly related to.

Nixon didn't order the break-in, but he was involved in the cover up that followed. On the off chance that Trump didn't know what his kids were doing with the Russians, he did fire Comey to cover it up and derail the investigation.

and still lost the election.

Yes, our racist system failed us.
Or our system wont let liberals name call and bully people to get their way.
Or our system wont let liberals name call and bully people to get their way.

That wasn't the issue, buddy.

The issue was, the person who was clearly selected by the people didn't get the job, because our racist system gives extra votes to white people.

And if Trump were even remotely competent, it wouldnt' be so bad, but he isn't even clearing that low barrier.

How did he spend yesterday? In a pissing match with a father of a basketball player for not being grateful enough to him.

Can you imagine Obama doing this? Or Bush? Or Clinton?

I can't.
Or our system wont let liberals name call and bully people to get their way.

That wasn't the issue, buddy.

The issue was, the person who was clearly selected by the people didn't get the job, because our racist system gives extra votes to white people.

And if Trump were even remotely competent, it wouldnt' be so bad, but he isn't even clearing that low barrier.

How did he spend yesterday? In a pissing match with a father of a basketball player for not being grateful enough to him.

Can you imagine Obama doing this? Or Bush? Or Clinton?

I can't.
You are so full of bitter shit it's funny.

No I couldn't imagine that. But til now I'd never have imagined the left being such collective but hurt titty babies who warp reality to keep useless anger alive.
You are so full of bitter shit it's funny.

No I couldn't imagine that. But til now I'd never have imagined the left being such collective but hurt titty babies who warp reality to keep useless anger alive.

Actually, it's very useful. It will result in Trump's impeachment.

His approval rating is in the 30's right now. Imagine where it's going to be when the recession starts.
The left really believes that children belong to the state. It's mind-boggling how these people believe they can discipline private citizens for exercising their constitutional rights. Not only that - but look at the "logic" this nitwit used:
In a statement to the World-Herald, Messerole said, “I think we are in the spotlight now and I think it is up to us to be a model. We have to do something. This is not OK.”
So let me get this straight - because you feel that social media "put you in the spotlight", you think you need to take illegal action against students for exercising their constitutional rights? Especially on their own time.

But the chilling fascist oppression didn't stop there. This one is even scarier:
According to the newspaper, Creston Police Chief Paul Ver Meer said that the police department was not involved in the investigation, and that the school was handling the incident.

Union County Sheriff Rick Piel corroborated Ver Meer’s comments, and told The Associated Press that as far as he knows, “it’s all being handled by the school.”

We’ve spoken to the county attorney, and we can’t come up with a charge,” Piel said.
Do you notice how he worded that? "We can't come up with a charge". They are literally trying to find something to charge these children with. That should be chilling to every American (and it will be to those that are actually educated). They are actively searching for an angle to go after children because they exercised their constitutional rights.

Do you know why you can't "come up with" a charge, Rick Piel? Because what these children did was 100% legal. Just because you fascists don't like something doesn't mean you can stop others from doing it.

If I were one of their parents - I would hit the school district with the mother of all lawsuits.

Frightening photo featuring students in KKK garb with Confederate flag and burning cross goes viral
I think it's fair to say that these Democrats are acting as terrorists and have infiltrated our nation.
I think the best thing to do is round them up and give them their day in court.....might take awhile for them all to see the judge.
You are so full of bitter shit it's funny.

No I couldn't imagine that. But til now I'd never have imagined the left being such collective but hurt titty babies who warp reality to keep useless anger alive.

Actually, it's very useful. It will result in Trump's impeachment.

His approval rating is in the 30's right now. Imagine where it's going to be when the recession starts.
Cute you dream like this.

But be honest, if Hillary won and Trump supporters were acting like you, you'd be mocking the shit out of em.

But it's YOU so acting 6 is justified, if not required, for you.
Cute you dream like this.

Why you don't think a recession is coming. You don't think WHEN the Dems retake the house in 2018, the first order of business won't be impeaching Trump?

But be honest, if Hillary won and Trump supporters were acting like you, you'd be mocking the shit out of em.

Well, Hillary would have been legitimately elected, and wouldn't be knee deep in Russian Collusion... so there's that.
Cute you dream like this.

Why you don't think a recession is coming. You don't think WHEN the Dems retake the house in 2018, the first order of business won't be impeaching Trump?

But be honest, if Hillary won and Trump supporters were acting like you, you'd be mocking the shit out of em.

Well, Hillary would have been legitimately elected, and wouldn't be knee deep in Russian Collusion... so there's that.
Trump was. You don't care and whine like a bitch.

Like I said you never hold yourself to your own standards.
Trump was. You don't care and whine like a bitch.

Sorry, losing by 3 million votes while playing footsie with our enemies to influence the election is about as "not legitimate" as you get.

And when we get around to impeaching that son of a bitch, we'll all be better off.
No proof of footsie for Trump.

Plenty for the DNC and Hillary.

fucking hypocrites.
No proof of footsie for Trump.

Plenty for the DNC and Hillary.

fucking hypocrites.

Okay... so, um, today Flynn's lawyers said they aren't talking to Trump's lawyers anymore.


Michael Flynn's Lawyers Cut Communication with Trump's Team

Lawyers for former national security adviser Michael Flynn have told President Donald Trump’s legal team that they are no longer communicating with them about special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian election interference.

The decision could be a sign that Flynn is moving to cooperate with Mueller’s investigation or negotiate a deal for himself. Flynn’s legal team communicated the decision this week, said a person familiar with the move who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation.

Nothing to see here, Buddy.
How did he spend yesterday? In a pissing match with a father of a basketball player for not being grateful enough to him.
  1. It was his day off - why do you care how he spent it?
  2. At least he's engaged. Obama spent all day every day golfing. The buffoon skipped something like 60% of all National Security meetings.

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