The fascists are at it again

That is literally the textbook-definition of a "WMD".

No, a "Weapon of mass destruction" is one that causes "mass destruction".

Chemical weapons are only really effective if you launch hundreds of them in a barrage.

If you ever served in the military, you'd know this. They really aren't all that effective. Even in WWI, they only were really effective the first few times they were used, then everyone learned to use gas masks.
That is literally the textbook-definition of a "WMD".
No, a "Weapon of mass destruction" is one that causes "mass destruction".
If you had ever served - or could even read - you would realize that chemical weapoms are literally the textbook definition of a WMD.
A weapon of mass destruction is a nuclear, radiological, chemical, biological or other weapon
You’re embarrassing yourself here. Stop. Just stop before it gets worse. I don’t understand how you show your face on this board after making the dumbest comments over and over and over.

Weapon of mass destruction - Wikipedia
If you had ever served - or could even read - you would realize that chemical weapoms are literally the textbook definition of a WMD.

I think you are a little confused, bud. While it is true that the services train you for all three together (They used the term NBC- Nuclear, Biological and Chemical- please note that Chemical was considered the least serious), Chemical weapons just aren't all that dangerous.

Tear gas is a chemical weapon. They used to expose us to it just to prove to us our gas masks worked.

The point is, we DID NOT GO TO WAR over chemical weapons. We went to war because Saddam had nukes and anthrax and he was going to get us!!!!

There was no way he was 'going to get us' with old cans of mustard gas from 1991 that had expired.
Do you have any idea what Fascism is, pat?
From the Wikipedia page:
"Fascism is an authoritarian or totalitarian nationalist political ideology. Fascists seek to organize a nation according to corporatist perspectives, values, and systems, including the political system and the economy."
This, of course, is a pretty good description of the Republican dogma, and has nothing 'progressive' about it.
You should find some other epithet to hang on those with whom you disagree.
Obviously he has no idea what Fascism is.
If you had ever served - or could even read - you would realize that chemical weapoms are literally the textbook definition of a WMD.

I think you are a little confused, bud. While it is true that the services train you for all three together (They used the term NBC- Nuclear, Biological and Chemical- please note that Chemical was considered the least serious), Chemical weapons just aren't all that dangerous.

Tear gas is a chemical weapon. They used to expose us to it just to prove to us our gas masks worked.

The point is, we DID NOT GO TO WAR over chemical weapons. We went to war because Saddam had nukes and anthrax and he was going to get us!!!!

There was no way he was 'going to get us' with old cans of mustard gas from 1991 that had expired.
The Bush Administration specifically said “Weapons of Mass Destruction”. Chemical weapons are WMD’s. The left changed the narrative after WMD’s were found and Republicans were vindicated (as always). The left loves how easy you are to manipulate and dupe!
Patriot does not understand what is fascism in the slightest.

The authorities acted properly at the school, good on them.

The cheer leaders at the Ogden high school who did a vid of themselves saying "F*** N******" backwards were dismissed from the squad this year.

Political speech is generally protected, but "free speech" is quite limited when the dummies involve their social and work environments in stupid stunts.
The left really believes that children belong to the state. It's mind-boggling how these people believe they can discipline private citizens for exercising their constitutional rights. Not only that - but look at the "logic" this nitwit used:
In a statement to the World-Herald, Messerole said, “I think we are in the spotlight now and I think it is up to us to be a model. We have to do something. This is not OK.”
So let me get this straight - because you feel that social media "put you in the spotlight", you think you need to take illegal action against students for exercising their constitutional rights? Especially on their own time.

But the chilling fascist oppression didn't stop there. This one is even scarier:
According to the newspaper, Creston Police Chief Paul Ver Meer said that the police department was not involved in the investigation, and that the school was handling the incident.

Union County Sheriff Rick Piel corroborated Ver Meer’s comments, and told The Associated Press that as far as he knows, “it’s all being handled by the school.”

We’ve spoken to the county attorney, and we can’t come up with a charge,” Piel said.
Do you notice how he worded that? "We can't come up with a charge". They are literally trying to find something to charge these children with. That should be chilling to every American (and it will be to those that are actually educated). They are actively searching for an angle to go after children because they exercised their constitutional rights.

Do you know why you can't "come up with" a charge, Rick Piel? Because what these children did was 100% legal. Just because you fascists don't like something doesn't mean you can stop others from doing it.

If I were one of their parents - I would hit the school district with the mother of all lawsuits.

Frightening photo featuring students in KKK garb with Confederate flag and burning cross goes viral
And yet here you are perpetuating the conservative narrative.
The Bush Administration specifically said “Weapons of Mass Destruction”

and then he spent a lot of time talking about Uranium from Niger and tons of Anthrax that nobody ever found.

Again, we didn't go to war over expired mustard gas. We went to war because Saddam was going to kill us all with Nukes!!!

The left changed the narrative after WMD’s were found and Republicans were vindicated (as always). The left loves how easy you are to manipulate and dupe!

Uh, no. YOu see, Santorum tried this shit in 2006, "but, but, but we found these old Chemical Weapons that someone buried in 1991 because they didn't know how to dispose of them!" He was laughed right out of office and even the Bush people didn't try to make that claim, because they WOULD HAVE LOOKED SILLY.

We didn't have to "Change the Narrative". Bush made Saddam out to be a big threat, and he wasn't.
The Bush Administration specifically said “Weapons of Mass Destruction”
and then he spent a lot of time talking about Uranium from Niger and tons of Anthrax that nobody ever found.
No they didn’t. They specifically cited “WMD’s”. You can’t rewrite history no matter how hard you try. This isn’t 1917 snowflake. Your Joseph Goebbels propaganda techniques in the age of technology where everything has been captured & catalogued.
No they didn’t. They specifically cited “WMD’s”. You can’t rewrite history no matter how hard you try. This isn’t 1917 snowflake. Your Joseph Goebbels propaganda techniques in the age of technology where everything has been captured & catalogued.

Buddy, we don't have to rewrite history. Bush and his buddies talked about "Mushroom Clouds" and "Anthrax". They didnt' talk about "Expired Mustard gas" Because no one was really scared about that.

It's why even Bush didn't try to make the stupid argument you are making here today.

We went to war with a country over weapons they didn't have, and killed hundreds of thousands of people, and made Iran the dominant power in the region.

This is why you guys can't be trusted with foreign Policy. You fuck it up.
..and made Iran the dominant power in the region.
Yeah...uh....Barack Insane Obama made Iran the “dominant power in the region” by making sure they received hundreds of billions in highly illegal ransom money, by making sure they were allowed to develop nuclear weapons, and by supporting radical islam across the entire Middle East.

This is why nobody trusts you wing-nuts with foreign policy (not to mention national security, economics, etc.). Mitt Romney accurately predicted the Russia threat when Barack Insane Obama couldn’t see it even with highly classified security briefings.
Yeah...uh....Barack Insane Obama made Iran the “dominant power in the region” by making sure they received hundreds of billions in highly illegal ransom money, by making sure they were allowed to develop nuclear weapons, and by supporting radical islam across the entire Middle East.

1) That money rightfully belongs to Iran, and we were always supposed to return it.
2) What made Iran dominant is that we took out the two regimes that were keeping them penned in. Now Iranians are running amok in Iraq, because they were INVITED by the people we put into power.

This is why nobody trusts you wing-nuts with foreign policy (not to mention national security, economics, etc.). Mitt Romney accurately predicted the Russia threat when Barack Insane Obama couldn’t see it even with highly classified security briefings.

Um, Russia is a broke country. They aren't a military threat to anyone. Yeah, they can interfere with our elections if one party commits treason and outsources the dirty tricks to them, I guess. But your side can explain that to the judge when that all comes to court.
Yeah...uh....Barack Insane Obama made Iran the “dominant power in the region” by making sure they received hundreds of billions in highly illegal ransom money, by making sure they were allowed to develop nuclear weapons, and by supporting radical islam across the entire Middle East.

1) That money rightfully belongs to Iran, and we were always supposed to return it.
2) What made Iran dominant is that we took out the two regimes that were keeping them penned in. Now Iranians are running amok in Iraq, because they were INVITED by the people we put into power.

This is why nobody trusts you wing-nuts with foreign policy (not to mention national security, economics, etc.). Mitt Romney accurately predicted the Russia threat when Barack Insane Obama couldn’t see it even with highly classified security briefings.

Um, Russia is a broke country. They aren't a military threat to anyone. Yeah, they can interfere with our elections if one party commits treason and outsources the dirty tricks to them, I guess. But your side can explain that to the judge when that all comes to court.

At least no one paid Russian operatives to put together a fake dossier on an opponent that was then used to justify spying. Oh, wait...
Um, Russia is a broke country. They aren't a military threat to anyone. Yeah, they can interfere with our elections if one party commits treason and outsources the dirty tricks to them, I guess.
Don’t worry...the Dumbocrats are paying dearly for doing that.
At least no one paid Russian operatives to put together a fake dossier on an opponent that was then used to justify spying. Oh, wait...

Didn't happen, but okay. Whatever.

You guys can't run from this Russia thing.
and y'all can't make it up fast enough.

been a year now. anything? anything at all?

and it DID happen.
Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier
or you can tell hillary it didn't happen, who said it did and it WAS DIFFERENT.

Clinton: There Is A Difference Between Paying For Trump Dossier And "Collusion" With Russia

so you need to take the "it was ok for her" approach because that's where this lie is currently headed.

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