The fascists are at it again

He wasn't in his own home was he? Why not try to keep to honest details.? Too difficult for you?

He actually was in his own home. Then he walked out on his porch to express his greivence that they treated him like a perp because he was black. Then the cops acted STUPIDLY and arrested him.

Pretty political for a 14 year old. He set up that situation to get attention n he did. Nothing innocent about what he did.

Okay, let's look at the "Crazy" stuff he's said.

"RIP the 2977 americans who died in 9/11 and RIP the 2 million innocent muslims who died during the US invasion for something they didnt do."

Okay. Can't say that's a crazy statement. We did launch a criminal war against Iraq over weapons that didn't exist. Maybe 2 million is a high estimate.

"If you invade another country, you aren't defending your country, you're attacking people who are defending their country from you."

Okay, not seeing that as a crazy statement, either.
Of course not.

Done with you.
Hillary's not in office, so she can't be impeached. You guys spent hundreds of millions of dollars over 25 years trying to get something criminal on her, and came up short.
Came up short?!? :uhh:

Snowflake...evidence has shown that she was guilty of a multitude of significant crimes (including, but not limited to, violating the Emoluments Clause). But she can’t be prosecuted for the exact same reason that you love and want to expand the federal government: unlimited unconstitutional power.
Okay, except the police REALLY DID ACT STUPIDLY. Arresting a man - a distinguished professor no less - in HIS OWN HOME! Jesus fucking Christ, Poodle, if it were a white man, you'd be screaming bloody murder!
Except that they didn’t “act stupidly”. They were called by a neighbor for suspicious activity. They responded. They properly asked the suspicious individual for ID to prove it was in fact his property as he claimed. The racists and entitled asshole (in other words - the progressive) grew combative at the basic request.

Thank you for illustrating to everyone yet again what an ignorant partisan asshole you are! No rational person could ever make the case that the police “acted stupidly” in that case.
And why does Hillary get a pass? Oh. Cause you hate Trump.

Hillary's not in office, so she can't be impeached. You guys spent hundreds of millions of dollars over 25 years trying to get something criminal on her, and came up short.

“The police acted stupidly” (before he knew a single fact about the incident)

Okay, except the police REALLY DID ACT STUPIDLY. Arresting a man - a distinguished professor no less - in HIS OWN HOME! Jesus fucking Christ, Poodle, if it were a white man, you'd be screaming bloody murder!

Inviting clock boy to white house and never saw the clock

Why would he need to? Come on, this was a bunch of redneck rubes who all freaked out because a scary Muslim had something with a digital display on it. Good on him that he called them on it.
He wasn't in his own home was he? Why not try to keep to honest details.? Too difficult for you?

Here's All The Crazy Anti-American Crap 'Clock Boy' Has Been Posting Lately

Pretty political for a 14 year old. He set up that situation to get attention n he did. Nothing innocent about what he did.
Um...just so you know...Joey hates facts. They piss him off. He prefer ideology over reality.
He wasn't in his own home was he? Why not try to keep to honest details.? Too difficult for you?

He actually was in his own home.
No he wasn’t you pathological liar. He had locked himself out (like a typical idiot progressive). He kept going around his own home trying to figure out how to break in. That’s why neighbors called the police. When police are called, they have a responsibility to investigate the situation (that’s what we the tax payer’s pay them to do - something you don’t understand as a parasite on society). All he had to do was show his ID. He believed he was above the law. That didn’t end so well for him.
Snowflake...evidence has shown that she was guilty of a multitude of significant crimes (including, but not limited to, violating the Emoluments Clause). But she can’t be prosecuted for the exact same reason that you love and want to expand the federal government: unlimited unconstitutional power.

Well, no, she can't be prosecuted because she didn't commit any crimes, and no jury would convict her.

Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars, and came up with... nothing.

8 Investigations into Benghazi, and... nothing.

So either she's innocent or she the greatest criminal mastermind ever! Professor Moriarty and Keyser Soze all rolled up into one.

Yeah...that’s the deal, dickhead. It’s a fair deal. But like all parasites, you believe you are entitled to everything for nothing in return.

Naw, you see, the thing is, who benefits from the endless cycle of war? Not those kids who are promised a college education and come back without limbs.

Now, if we created an elite unit of rich people's kids and sent them off to fight first, I betcha we wouldn't get into any more wars.
Well, no, she can't be prosecuted because she didn't commit any crimes, and no jury would convict her.
She can’t be prosecuted because the past two Dumbocrat presidents were corrrupt animals. One she was married to, the other she worked for. And that’s what you love about the federal government - that your agenda can be pushed illegally without any fear of prosecution.
She can’t be prosecuted because the past two Dumbocrat presidents were corrrupt animals. One she was married to, the other she worked for. And that’s what you love about the federal government - that your agenda can be pushed illegally without any fear of prosecution.

Okay, except there was nothing keeping George W. Stupid from prosecuting her,(he didn't) and there's nothing keeping Trump from prosecuting her (except that it would be a massive abuse of his power).

The real problem is, of course, is any trial is going to be in DC, where the jury pool votes 96% Democratic, and some horseshit charge like "Using the wrong email even though everyone else it the job did the same thing" will be looked at like

Yeah...uh...her husband was president before George W. Bush. She was already politically connected at the highest levels by that point.
Now, how does that work, buddy?
It works like this....

Hitlery: “Bill...make sure I don’t go to prison”

Bill: “Ok”

(Bill picks up the phone and calls AG and/or other people in power)

Bill: “Make sure this goes away”

Again, you’ll understand after you leave high school and join the real world.
Again, Ken Starr had to admit he didn't have jack shit on her.
Remember when Bill Clinton had to admit that he had committed adultery, perjury, and other crimes because their was DNA he couldn’t deny?

And like all progressives - you lied and covered for him? Yeah, you’re doing the same thing now.
It works like this....

Hitlery: “Bill...make sure I don’t go to prison”

Bill: “Ok”

(Bill picks up the phone and calls AG and/or other people in power)

Bill: “Make sure this goes away”

Again, you’ll understand after you leave high school and join the real world.

Okay, so why didn't Bush prosecute her?
Why didn't Starr Indict her?

You are confused, little boy.

Remember when Bill Clinton had to admit that he had committed adultery, perjury, and other crimes because their was DNA he couldn’t deny?

And like all progressives - you lied and covered for him? Yeah, you’re doing the same thing now.

Naw, you see, at the time, I was one of you wing nuts screaming impeach him.

Then I realized that a president lying about a blow job is a lot less worse than War, Economic Collapse, Inept Responses to disasters, ignoring warnings of imminent terrorist attack, and all the other shit that happened with George W. Stupid.
It works like this....

Hitlery: “Bill...make sure I don’t go to prison”

Bill: “Ok”

(Bill picks up the phone and calls AG and/or other people in power)

Bill: “Make sure this goes away”

Again, you’ll understand after you leave high school and join the real world.

Okay, so why didn't Bush prosecute her?
Why didn't Starr Indict her?
Because it works like this....

Hitlery: “Bill...make sure I don’t go to prison”

Bill: “Ok”

(Bill picks up the phone and calls AG and/or other people in power)

Bill: “Make sure this goes away”

Again, you’ll understand after you leave high school and join the real world.
Then I realized that a president lying about a blow job is a lot less worse than War, Economic Collapse, Inept Responses to disasters, ignoring warnings of imminent terrorist attack, and all the other shit that happened with George W. Stupid.
And yet your incapable of realizing that Bill Clinton’s failure to respond to the Al Qaeda threat coupled with his gutting of defense to the tune of half a trillion dollars over his 8 years lead to 9/11 (which in turn lead to the wars you are crying about).
Because it works like this....

Hitlery: “Bill...make sure I don’t go to prison”

Bill: “Ok”

(Bill picks up the phone and calls AG and/or other people in power)

Bill: “Make sure this goes away”

Again, you’ll understand after you leave high school and join the real world.

I'm still trying to see how Clinton could call John Ashcroft or George W. Stupid and get them to not prosecute her... How does this work, Poodle?
Because it works like this....

Hitlery: “Bill...make sure I don’t go to prison”

Bill: “Ok”

(Bill picks up the phone and calls AG and/or other people in power)

Bill: “Make sure this goes away”

Again, you’ll understand after you leave high school and join the real world.

I'm still trying to see how Clinton could call John Ashcroft or George W. Stupid and get them to not prosecute her... How does this work, Poodle?
Why am I not surprised that you need someone to explain to you how a telephone works... :lmao:
Why am I not surprised that you need someone to explain to you how a telephone works...

I'm not surprised you keep avoiding the question.

Why would Bush's people cover for Hillary?

It was a pretty simple question. If they had real proof that Ken Starr couldn't find after spending 70 million sniffing panties, they should have prosecuted.

The real problem, you guys have been accusing this poor woman of shit for 25 years, with no proof.

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