The fascists are at it again

So why all the concern for Corky on the right? Because Down Syndrome is 100% preventable. You test, and if you get a positive, you abort that mistake of nature.
Just as I stated...the fascist is left is trying to re-establish the Third Reich.
She didn't get "blackballed in her industry". She was bullied and harassed by the fascist "social justice warriors". The left believes that a woman's body exists for their pleasure. She refused to use her body that way - so they harassed her until she killed herself. Fascism has no tolerance for dissent.

Yes, turning off her twitter never occurred to her, obviously.

Ladies & Gentlemen...I give you the “caring”, “inclusive”, and “accepting” left. Joey is the quintessential libtard. Filled with hate, greed, envy, and above all else - selfishness.

There are endless numbers of people with Down Syndrome who are gainfully employed.

and a lot more on welfare, buddy, which you normally are totally against.

The thing is, the selfish person is the one who brings a deformed child into the world because they think their genes really needed to be passed on that bad, or they believe a magic fairy in the sky would disapprove of an abortion.

And they don't mind making the rest of us pay for it...
The thing is, the selfish person is the one who brings a deformed child into the world because they think their genes really needed to be passed on that bad, or they believe a magic fairy in the sky would disapprove of an abortion.
Yeah...nothing says “selfish” like the refusal to murder a defenseless baby. The real selsfishness are the progressives who murder a baby with Down Syndrome simply because they are too lazy and too pretentious to want have a less than perfect baby.
Just as I stated...the fascist is left is trying to re-establish the Third Reich.
Except most people who find they are going to have a Downs Retard abort. About 91% of them, in fact. Are they all Nazis?
Yep. Anyone who attempts to create the “supreme” race through eugenics is absolutely a Nazi. That is the quintessential trait of a Nazi.
So why all the concern for Corky on the right? Because Down Syndrome is 100% preventable. You test, and if you get a positive, you abort that mistake of nature.
Just as I stated...the fascist is left is trying to re-establish the Third Reich.
You're projecting again. Trump is trying to create his own Sicherheitsdienst. A private security/intelligence service that bypasses national institutions and reports only to the President and his top lackeys
Trump is trying to create his own Sicherheitsdienst.
So having counter-intelligence to root out corruption and spies is “Sicherheitsdienst” in your mind? :uhh:
A private security/intelligence service that bypasses national institutions and reports only to the President and his top lackeys
Uh...yeah...that was done many decades ago. It’s called 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment Delta. Better known as “the Delta Force”. They are both a security and intelligence force and report only to the President. And guess what? They were created under a Dumbocrat (as usual) - Jimmy Carter.
Yeah...nothing says “selfish” like the refusal to murder a defenseless baby. The real selsfishness are the progressives who murder a baby with Down Syndrome simply because they are too lazy and too pretentious to want have a less than perfect baby.

Fetuses aren't babies... no matter how much you religious nutters want to make them babies.

Otherwise you guys would demand we imprison the women who have them. (Something we didn't even do when abortion was illegal.)

More to the point, even most "pro-life" anti-choice nuts carve out exceptions for birth defects.

Yep. Anyone who attempts to create the “supreme” race through eugenics is absolutely a Nazi. That is the quintessential trait of a Nazi.

Sorry, a parent who doesn't want to bring a severely deformed child into the world isn't trying to create a master race. I think you are a little confused, buddy. Not that it matters, people who are against abortion never get laid anyway.
Trump is trying to create his own Sicherheitsdienst.
So having counter-intelligence to root out corruption and spies is “Sicherheitsdienst” in your mind? :uhh:
A private security/intelligence service that bypasses national institutions and reports only to the President and his top lackeys
Uh...yeah...that was done many decades ago. It’s called 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment Delta. Better known as “the Delta Force”. They are both a security and intelligence force and report only to the President. And guess what? They were created under a Dumbocrat (as usual) - Jimmy Carter.
Delta force reports to Joint Special Operations Command, part of the military. Trump wants his own sub-CIA that reports to him.

But back to the subject of fascism. Perhaps the best example is Joe Arpaio rounding up minorities and putting them into his Maricopa county camps. And then getting support from the president.
Iowa became a state around 1846 and the political structure tended to favor democrats until the citizens decided that the democrat party's promotion of slavery wasn't to their liking and they went with the party of Lincoln. Free speech and the 1st Amendment today allows kids to make fools of themselves on the internet even if it embarrasses the local government but it also gives local government the option to call the kids idiots. Although some factions might want to turn it into a federal case it pretty much boils down to "much ado about nothing".
Yeah...nothing says “selfish” like the refusal to murder a defenseless baby. The real selsfishness are the progressives who murder a baby with Down Syndrome simply because they are too lazy and too pretentious to want have a less than perfect baby.
Fetuses aren't babies... no matter how much you religious nutters want to make them babies.
All facts to the contrary, snowflake... :lmao:

Man Charged With 'Premeditated Killing' For Spiking Girlfriend's Drink With Abortion Pill
Trump wants his own sub-CIA that reports to him.
Um...the CIA already reports to the President of the United States. :lmao:

So a “sub-CIA” that reports to him changes nothing (except for those of you suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome).
Yeah...nothing says “selfish” like the refusal to murder a defenseless baby. The real selsfishness are the progressives who murder a baby with Down Syndrome simply because they are too lazy and too pretentious to want have a less than perfect baby.
Fetuses aren't babies... no matter how much you religious nutters want to make them babies.
All facts to the contrary, snowflake... :lmao:

Man Charged With 'Premeditated Killing' For Spiking Girlfriend's Drink With Abortion Pill

Sikander has been charged with "cause of abortion and premeditated killing of a fetus of another," per court documents, and is set to stand trial on March 12.

Fetus. Not baby. Not person. Fetus. If the charge even stands, which it probably won't. He'll probably get charged with assault.

Fetuses aren't people, buddy.

When you nutters call for arresting women for having abortions, then we can talk.
Sikander has been charged with "cause of abortion and premeditated killing of a fetus of another," per court documents, and is set to stand trial on March 12.

Fetus. Not baby. Not person. Fetus. If the charge even stands, which it probably won't. He'll probably get charged with assault. Fetuses aren't people, buddy.
Snowflake...he’s been charged with killing. If a fetus wasn’t a person/life he couldn’t be charged with killing. Thanks for playing.
Snowflake...he’s been charged with killing. If a fetus wasn’t a person/life he couldn’t be charged with killing. Thanks for playing.

Killing a fetus, not a person.

You can be charged with killing a dog. Or a cat.

Again, when you guys insist on imprisoning women for having abortions, and put that in your platform, I'll take you seriously.... well, maybe somewhat seriously.
And why? Because it is illegal to kill a cat or a dog.

Well don't tell that to the pounds... they'll be in big trouble for all the cats and dogs they euthanize.
That’s as idiotic as saying “murder is legal” because our justice system executed guilty criminals. You are a truly special sort of stupid. :laugh:

Yes stupid...animal shelters are permitted to euthanize animals. You cannot. You cannot shoot your dog or drown your cat in the bathtub. That is a crime. Moron.

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