The fascists are at it again

And I could list as many countries where they had horrible disasters and human rights violations with Capitalists in charge.
And yet you didn' can't. You can't name a single nation that ever collapsed with capitalists in charge. :laugh:

Further still - even if you could - all you would be doing is proving that both systems end in collapse. And so any logical, rational person would choose a system that collapses with liberty rather than a system that collapses with oppression. Oops...

This is how I know that I'm older than you are. Your arguments defeat themselves. You think (and write) like an average American junior high student.
So whoopie!!! We actually lasted 20 years longer than the USSR did before the whole system collapsed!!!
First of all snowflake, two decades is a long time. Many, many hundreds of millions of people were both born and died over those 20 years.

Second - we never collapsed. We're still around. And now that the Dumbocrats are no longer in charge, we're thriving better than ever. 17 year low in unemployment. Record high in the stock exchange. Sure - the Dumbocrats had us on the verge of collapse. But conservatives and capitalism rescued us as always.
And yet you didn' can't. You can't name a single nation that ever collapsed with capitalists in charge.

Okay... how about... The British Empire. After a century of exploiting people on six continents and being responsible for some serious cases of Genocide, the minute it was weakened by WWII, it's colonies couldn't get away from it fast enough.

First of all snowflake, two decades is a long time. Many, many hundreds of millions of people were both born and died over those 20 years.

Well, I'm sure 20 years is a long time to you, little boy

Second - we never collapsed. We're still around. And now that the Dumbocrats are no longer in charge, we're thriving better than ever. 17 year low in unemployment. Record high in the stock exchange. Sure - the Dumbocrats had us on the verge of collapse. But conservatives and capitalism rescued us as always.

America is a country in decline. We have been since the 1980's. But you miss my point. Capitalism failed in 2008. Miserably. It required huge government intervention to save it.
Do you have any idea what Fascism is, pat?
From the Wikipedia page:
"Fascism is an authoritarian or totalitarian nationalist political ideology. Fascists seek to organize a nation according to corporatist perspectives, values, and systems, including the political system and the economy."
This, of course, is a pretty good description of the Republican dogma, and has nothing 'progressive' about it.
You should find some other epithet to hang on those with whom you disagree.

Fascism is a tool that can be wielded by anyone.
And yet you didn' can't. You can't name a single nation that ever collapsed with capitalists in charge.

Okay... how about... The British Empire. After a century of exploiting people on six continents and being responsible for some serious cases of Genocide, the minute it was weakened by WWII, it's colonies couldn't get away from it fast enough.

First of all snowflake, two decades is a long time. Many, many hundreds of millions of people were both born and died over those 20 years.

Well, I'm sure 20 years is a long time to you, little boy

Second - we never collapsed. We're still around. And now that the Dumbocrats are no longer in charge, we're thriving better than ever. 17 year low in unemployment. Record high in the stock exchange. Sure - the Dumbocrats had us on the verge of collapse. But conservatives and capitalism rescued us as always.

America is a country in decline. We have been since the 1980's. But you miss my point. Capitalism failed in 2008. Miserably. It required huge government intervention to save it.

"Okay... how about... The British Empire. After a century of exploiting people on six continents and being responsible for some serious cases of Genocide, the minute it was weakened by WWII, it's colonies couldn't get away from it fast enough."

LOL, you just said the War weakened it and it did, it did not collapse because of Capitalism.

" Capitalism failed in 2008"

No, a mismanaged Government attempt to make things "fair" in the Housing market caused it. Loaning people money who cannot pay it back caused it.
LOL, you just said the War weakened it and it did, it did not collapse because of Capitalism.

Well, yeah, it did. It was the ultimate capitalist state... Entirely built upon rich people in England exploiting poor people in India and other places.

And it collapsed the minute the people of that empire could get way from it.

Kind of like the USSR did after the war in Afghanistan weakened Russia.
And yet you didn' can't. You can't name a single nation that ever collapsed with capitalists in charge.

Okay... how about... The British Empire. After a century of exploiting people on six continents and being responsible for some serious cases of Genocide, the minute it was weakened by WWII, it's colonies couldn't get away from it fast enough.
How about the “British Empire”? It is still around to this day. Never collapsed. Would you like to try again?
Capitalism failed in 2008. Miserably. It required huge government intervention to save it.
No...socialism failed in 2008. That’s when the housing market collapsed because of Bill Clinton’s intervention in it.

And it didn’t require a “huge government intervention” to save it. Quite the contrary, that prolonged it. Thankfully the American people recognized that and stepped in for the 2010 midterms.
And why does Hillary get a pass? Oh. Cause you hate Trump.

Hillary's not in office, so she can't be impeached. You guys spent hundreds of millions of dollars over 25 years trying to get something criminal on her, and came up short.

“The police acted stupidly” (before he knew a single fact about the incident)

Okay, except the police REALLY DID ACT STUPIDLY. Arresting a man - a distinguished professor no less - in HIS OWN HOME! Jesus fucking Christ, Poodle, if it were a white man, you'd be screaming bloody murder!

Inviting clock boy to white house and never saw the clock

Why would he need to? Come on, this was a bunch of redneck rubes who all freaked out because a scary Muslim had something with a digital display on it. Good on him that he called them on it.
He wasn't in his own home was he? Why not try to keep to honest details.? Too difficult for you?

Here's All The Crazy Anti-American Crap 'Clock Boy' Has Been Posting Lately

Pretty political for a 14 year old. He set up that situation to get attention n he did. Nothing innocent about what he did.
Um...just so you know...Joey hates facts. They piss him off. He prefer ideology over reality.
What it really is is if they say it it is therefore fact.
they took their queue from RUSSIA being such an issue seconds after the election was over.

Except there's massive proof that Russia is a thing. It's why we've already got two guilty pleas.... and more to come.

LMAO! You literally just admitted that it was left-wing.

Poodle, the State isn't a left or right wing concept... Again, if Libertarian ideas worked, why has no country every tried it.
That had nothing to do with Russia. Too funny
She didn't get "blackballed in her industry". She was bullied and harassed by the fascist "social justice warriors". The left believes that a woman's body exists for their pleasure. She refused to use her body that way - so they harassed her until she killed herself. Fascism has no tolerance for dissent.

Yes, turning off her twitter never occurred to her, obviously.

Ladies & Gentlemen...I give you the “caring”, “inclusive”, and “accepting” left. Joey is the quintessential libtard. Filled with hate, greed, envy, and above all else - selfishness.

There are endless numbers of people with Down Syndrome who are gainfully employed.

and a lot more on welfare, buddy, which you normally are totally against.

The thing is, the selfish person is the one who brings a deformed child into the world because they think their genes really needed to be passed on that bad, or they believe a magic fairy in the sky would disapprove of an abortion.

And they don't mind making the rest of us pay for it...
Sad! No class as well
they took their queue from RUSSIA being such an issue seconds after the election was over.

Except there's massive proof that Russia is a thing. It's why we've already got two guilty pleas.... and more to come.

LMAO! You literally just admitted that it was left-wing.

Poodle, the State isn't a left or right wing concept... Again, if Libertarian ideas worked, why has no country every tried it.
That had nothing to do with Russia. Too funny
I love when they show how stupid they are
How about the “British Empire”? It is still around to this day. Never collapsed. Would you like to try again?

Um, yeah... are you some kind of retard? The Sun has set on the British Empire, and we are all better off for it.

No...socialism failed in 2008. That’s when the housing market collapsed because of Bill Clinton’s intervention in it.

Uh, no. Again, if you weren't in HS, you'd know that the reason why the 2008 recession was not because poor people could buy houses. (Something George W. Stupid was all for). It was because middle class white people bought houses they couldn't afford, took out second mortgages on them, and the banks sold those mortgages as investments while misrepresenting their value. 2008 was the ultimate FAILURE of capitalism, and the system was only saved with massive government bailouts.

And it didn’t require a “huge government intervention” to save it. Quite the contrary, that prolonged it. Thankfully the American people recognized that and stepped in for the 2010 midterms.

Um, TARP was a total of 700 BILLION dollars. that's more than we spent on World War II. That's about as massive a bailout as you get.
No...socialism failed in 2008. That’s when the housing market collapsed because of Bill Clinton’s intervention in it.
It was because middle class white people bought houses they couldn't afford, took out second mortgages on them, and the banks sold those mortgages as investments while misrepresenting their value.
Oh snowflake...we’ve been over this so many times. Why do you believe that you can lie in this age of technology where everything has been captured/recorded?

The prospectuses for each and every “investment” we’re thoroughly and accurately detailed. Lazy people like you refused to do their job and actually read the prospectuses. Those who did made hundreds of millions because the data was all there. In full. 100% accurate.

Here...allow me educate and humiliate you yet again:

And it didn’t require a “huge government intervention” to save it. Quite the contrary, that prolonged it. Thankfully the American people recognized that and stepped in for the 2010 midterms.

Um, TARP was a total of 700 BILLION dollars. that's more than we spent on World War II. That's about as massive a bailout as you get.
No argument there. It was idiotic and illegal. But after railing against - Barack Insane Obama stepped in and did a roughly $3 trillion bailout.
Snowflake...Britain is still very much alive and well.

So is Russia.

The problem you don't get is that Empires fall no matter what kind of economic system they have..

They fall when the people who run them get tired of having them, and the people they rule get fed up with their shit.

So the fall of the British Empire (which one controlled 1/4 of the world's landmass) is no more to do with capitalism than the fall of the USSR is to Communism. At least Russia maintained HALF of the land it held.

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