The fascists are at it again

One of the hallmarks of fascism is the state forcing citizens to perpetuate a lie and promote propaganda. And that is exactly what the left is doing in this country. It is a scientific, biological fact that a man is a “he” and a woman is a “she”.

Here is the left working hard to implement significant criminal punishments for anyone simply accepting biology, science, and fact.

In the Pronoun Wars, Be Thankful for the Founding Fathers
One of the hallmarks of fascism is the state forcing citizens to perpetuate a lie and promote propaganda. And that is exactly what the left is doing in this country. It is a scientific, biological fact that a man is a “he” and a woman is a “she”.

Here is the left working hard to implement significant criminal punishments for anyone simply accepting biology, science, and fact.

again, Poodle is just terrified he might pick up a shemale in a bar.
One of the hallmarks of fascism is the state forcing citizens to perpetuate a lie and promote propaganda. And that is exactly what the left is doing in this country. It is a scientific, biological fact that a man is a “he” and a woman is a “she”.

Here is the left working hard to implement significant criminal punishments for anyone simply accepting biology, science, and fact.
again, Poodle is just terrified he might pick up a shemale in a bar.
Again...Joey is the shemale desperately hoping to be picked up. Sorry my fascist friend - we get that you deeply admire the Nazis but you’ll never get Americans to bend to your idiotic tactics. You can ignore science and facts all you want (and you clearly do), but the rest of us won’t., snowflake. That’s not why he’s being charged with a crime. :lmao:

Watching you dance around like a homosexual circus freak because you contradict your own views is comical!

Fetuses aren't people, and he isn't being charged with murder, buddy.

Again...Joey is the shemale desperately hoping to be picked up. Sorry my fascist friend - we get that you deeply admire the Nazis but you’ll never get Americans to bend to your idiotic tactics. You can ignore science and facts all you want (and you clearly do), but the rest of us won’t.

Guy, here's the thing. you aren't rich, and unless you hit the lottery, you are never going to be rich.

So how do the rich keep you voting against your own best interests?

By using your sexual, religious and racial fears to get you to vote against your own best interest. This is really the same thing the Nazis did, handing out all those yellow stars and pink Triangles.

So really, the fascists are the guys who use these tactics to get stupid people like you voting for lower pay and more work. And you fall for it every time.
So really, the fascists are the guys who use these tactics to get stupid people like you voting for lower pay and more work. And you fall for it every time.
This is a view into the (simple) mind of Joey. He's greedy and lazy. And he thinks he can vote his way into less work and a pay raise. Just like all of those morons down in Venezuela. :laugh:
Guy, here's the thing. you aren't rich, and unless you hit the lottery, you are never going to be rich.
Here's the thing my tranny have no idea what I am. You don't know my age. You don't know my location. And you don't know my wealth.

And here is the other thing my tranny friend...unlike you (who is greedy and lazy)....I'm not driven by less work or more wealth. I'm driven by liberty. I'm driven by making sure the government can't tell me what to do (a fact that is strengthen every day by seeing how badly you want to make sure a fascist government has control over me).

See - unlike you - I'm not bitter and envious. And unlike you - I don't hate my life. I love my life. And I want to ensure that liberty endures and is preserved. I want to make sure future generations are safe from ugly people such as yourself. And the best part about it? There isn't a damn thing you can do about it., snowflake. That’s not why he’s being charged with a crime. :lmao:

Watching you dance around like a homosexual circus freak because you contradict your own views is comical!

Fetuses aren't people, and he isn't being charged with murder, buddy.
They specifically used the word "killed". Guess what snowflake? You can't kill something that isn't living. And since we know she can't give birth to an animal (such as a dog, a bear, or a dolphin), and we know that she can't give birth to a plant, then science tells us it absolutely is a person.

And science also tells us how irrational, emotional, and pitiful you are. You believe it's ok for a woman to kill what is in her stomach - but then you can't explain why it's not ok for a man to do it. That becomes especially troublesome when you are all over USMB declaring that men can be women, women can be men, and they can choose to be neither. LMAO!
So really, the fascists are the guys who use these tactics to get stupid people like you voting for lower pay and more work.
Joey believes you can vote your way to wealth and sloth. I know some other people that believed that as well...

Screen Shot 2017-09-21 at 6.47.57 PM.png
This is a view into the (simple) mind of Joey. He's greedy and lazy. And he thinks he can vote his way into less work and a pay raise. Just like all of those morons down in Venezuela.

You mean the people that we are punishing for picking government we don't like?

Here's the thing my tranny have no idea what I am

Guy, I had you pegged a long time ago.

Somewhere in your 20's, read Ayn Rand in high school, thinks that sort of shit is how the world ought to work.

And here is the other thing my tranny friend...unlike you (who is greedy and lazy)....I'm not driven by less work or more wealth.

Actually, any give time I work two jobs... but it's not about the wealth.

I'm driven by liberty. I'm driven by making sure the government can't tell me what to do (a fact that is strengthen every day by seeing how badly you want to make sure a fascist government has control over me).

You see, the problem is, whenever your sort talks about "Liberty", it usually means the ability of those WITH money to abuse those without money.

Look at the crazy Libertarian Right, and look at who they truly hate.

Unions, Lawyers and Government Officials... anyone who might give the working people a fair fight with the plutocrats.

The one thing a plutocrat hates is a fair fight.

And unlike you - I don't hate my life. I love my life.

Yawn, a guy who hates as much as you do doesn't love his life.
One of the hallmarks of fascism is the state forcing citizens to perpetuate a lie and promote propaganda. And that is exactly what the left is doing in this country. It is a scientific, biological fact that a man is a “he” and a woman is a “she”.

If you want to deny science and biology, you are free to do so. Nobody is stopping you from being a dishonest cult dumbass. Sure, we'll laugh at how crazy you sound, but it's for your own good. You weepy snowflakes need some tough love. Now, what you can't do is force others to believe your deranged cult bullshit, through the censorship and criminal penalties that your Stalinist cult relies on.

For example, the Republican party actively attempted to put climate scientists in jail for doing science that was politcally inconvenient to TheParty. I asked many times, but I've been unable to get even a single conservative to criticize that tactic. Every single conservative here either proudly backs the open Stalinism, or is just too frightened of their very violent conservative cult brethren to make waves. Every conservative on this board is acting like a Good German, going along with an authoritarian government at the minimum, if they're not actively helping.

No matter. P@triot, we're still going to bury you just as we buried your Soviet commie pals. Crying at us like this won't get us to stop. Quite the contrary. When you cry at us, it shows us we're spanking your snowflake keister good, so we know we should to continue with what we're doing.
One of the hallmarks of fascism is the state forcing citizens to perpetuate a lie and promote propaganda. And that is exactly what the left is doing in this country. It is a scientific, biological fact that a man is a “he” and a woman is a “she”.
If you want to deny science and biology, you are free to do so.
And here is one of the quintessential fascists - mammaries - declaring his “freedom” to deny science and biology. And that freedom does exist. It doesn’t change the fact that only true fascists attempt to force its citizenry to perpetuate a lie.

Chromosomes don’t lie...mammaries does.
This is a view into the (simple) mind of Joey. He's greedy and lazy. And he thinks he can vote his way into less work and a pay raise. Just like all of those morons down in Venezuela.
You mean the people that we are punishing for picking government we don't like?
Yet another insight into the (simple) mind of Joey. Notice how he wants to “punish” people who won’t allow provide for him to be lazy and wealthy? Notice how that worked out for Venezuela? And Cuba? And the former U.S.S.R.? And Ethiopia?

It never works. It has never worked. It never will work. But Joey will never stop trying to do his hatred, his greed, and his laziness.
As with everything Joey posts...not even in the ballpark. Not even a little close.

Actually, it's spot on. YOur whole writing style reeks of a know-it-all kid who hasn't don anything yet.

Yet another insight into the (simple) mind of Joey. Notice how he wants to “punish” people who won’t allow provide for him to be lazy and wealthy? Notice how that worked out for Venezuela? And Cuba? And the former U.S.S.R.? And Ethiopia?

And I could list as many countries where they had horrible disasters and human rights violations with Capitalists in charge.

So whoopie!!! We actually lasted 20 years longer than the USSR did before the whole system collapsed!!!

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