The fascists are at it again

The real problem, you guys have been accusing this poor woman of shit for 25 years, with no proof.
There is overwhelming proof. It has all been presented. Your statement is literally as stupid as saying “you’ve never shown me that the sun is there”. We all know it’s there. You just choose to pretend like it’s not.
There is overwhelming proof. It has all been presented. Your statement is literally as stupid as saying “you’ve never shown me that the sun is there”. We all know it’s there. You just choose to pretend like it’s not.

Except - again- no one but the wingnuts take this "proof" seriously.
they took their queue from RUSSIA being such an issue seconds after the election was over.
Do you have any idea what Fascism is, pat?
From the Wikipedia page:
"Fascism is an authoritarian or totalitarian nationalist political ideology. Fascists seek to organize a nation according to corporatist perspectives, values, and systems, including the political system and the economy."
This, of course, is a pretty good description of the Republican dogma, and has nothing 'progressive' about it.
You should find some other epithet to hang on those with whom you disagree.
The OP's lack of knowledge about fascism is typical of the low educational level of rightwingers on here.
they took their queue from RUSSIA being such an issue seconds after the election was over.

Except there's massive proof that Russia is a thing. It's why we've already got two guilty pleas.... and more to come.

LMAO! You literally just admitted that it was left-wing.

Poodle, the State isn't a left or right wing concept... Again, if Libertarian ideas worked, why has no country every tried it.
The left continues to embrace and advance Adolf Hitler and the Nazis extreme form of fascism...
We are heading down the same road as the world went down in the 1930s. Choose a side NOW and stand for life.
They want to re-establish the Third Reich.

#IWillDefendTheDefenseless: Down Syndrome Man Told How Much He Costs

If Corky the Tard could understand those numbers, that would be really bad, I guess.

Reality, Conservative Christian women are just as likely to abort a Downer as a Liberal Atheist.
Progressives claim they are for women. Progressives claim they are for a woman’s right to choose what to do with her body. Progressives claim they are for sexual liberty. Progressives claim they are for porn stars.
On Tuesday morning, 23-year-old porn star August Ames was found dead from an apparent suicide after she was bullied and branded a homophobe for refusing to shoot with a man who has sex with men on camera. Ames made it clear that she was, of course, refusing to do such work for safety reasons and was not homophobic.
And yet the moment a women refuses to engage in perverse sexual activity to protect her own body - the Gaystapo comes out in full force and attacks her until she commits suicide.
The backlash was fierce when Ames took to Twitter on Sunday to warn the woman who had been tapped to replace her at EroticaX that the man she'd be working with has filmed with other men, thus potentially putting her at high risk of contracting a disease.
This is a vintage example of the left. Actions speak much louder than words. And time and time again we see the actions of the left are pure, unadulterated fascism. No free thought allowed. No independence permitted. Submit to our strict ideology or die.
Porn actress August Ames apparently killed herself because she stated she wouldn't want to do scenes with men who've done gay porn scenes, so she got bullied online, lost her potential gigs, and killed herself.

Good job, SJWs. Back pats all around.
Young lady...I’m sorry the left used and abused you. It’s what they do to all who cross their path. It is my hope that you are truly at peace now - safe in heaven away from those awful people.

Porn Star Kills Herself After Being Bullied For Refusing To Shoot With Man Who Does Gay Scenes
The left continues to embrace and advance Adolf Hitler and the Nazis extreme form of fascism...
We are heading down the same road as the world went down in the 1930s. Choose a side NOW and stand for life.
They want to re-establish the Third Reich.

#IWillDefendTheDefenseless: Down Syndrome Man Told How Much He Costs
If Corky the Tard could understand those numbers, that would be really bad, I guess.
Ladies & Gentlemen...I give you the “caring”, “inclusive”, and “accepting” left. Joey is the quintessential libtard. Filled with hate, greed, envy, and above all else - selfishness. When he cries like a little bitch for government to provide, it has nothing to do with unfortunate people such as this young man with Down Syndrome and everything to do with his own selfish greed to receive what he didn’t earn.
Ladies & Gentlemen...I give you the “caring”, “inclusive”, and “accepting” left. Joey is the quintessential libtard. Filled with hate, greed, envy, and above all else - selfishness. When he cries like a little bitch for government to provide, it has nothing to do with unfortunate people such as this young man with Down Syndrome and everything to do with his own selfish greed to receive what he didn’t earn.

Hey, guy, I think you miss your own point. Corky the Tard there isn't going to earn anything.

He's going to be a ward of the state his entire life, from Government mandated special education programs that will cost many times more what it will cost to educate a healthy child who might be productive, to when he hits adulthood and spends his entire life sucking off of social programs like SS Disability and Medicaid.

So why all the concern for Corky on the right? Because Down Syndrome is 100% preventable. You test, and if you get a positive, you abort that mistake of nature.
Progressives claim they are for women. Progressives claim they are for a woman’s right to choose what to do with her body. Progressives claim they are for sexual liberty. Progressives claim they are for porn stars.

i don't know anyone who says they are "for" porn stars. a lot of people on the left thing Porn degrades and exploits women.

And yet the moment a women refuses to engage in perverse sexual activity to protect her own body - the Gaystapo comes out in full force and attacks her until she commits suicide.

Or she committed suicide because she was the kind of hot mess that does porn for a living. But again, I'm not seeing why you find this so objectionable. she refused to do what her employer told her to do. she got blackballed in her industry. Normally, you'd be fine with this sort of thing.
But again, I'm not seeing why you find this so objectionable. she refused to do what her employer told her to do. she got blackballed in her industry. Normally, you'd be fine with this sort of thing.
She didn't get "blackballed in her industry". She was bullied and harassed by the fascist "social justice warriors". The left believes that a woman's body exists for their pleasure. She refused to use her body that way - so they harassed her until she killed herself. Fascism has no tolerance for dissent.
Ladies & Gentlemen...I give you the “caring”, “inclusive”, and “accepting” left. Joey is the quintessential libtard. Filled with hate, greed, envy, and above all else - selfishness. When he cries like a little bitch for government to provide, it has nothing to do with unfortunate people such as this young man with Down Syndrome and everything to do with his own selfish greed to receive what he didn’t earn.

Hey, guy, I think you miss your own point. Corky the Tard there isn't going to earn anything.
Ladies & Gentlemen...I give you the “caring”, “inclusive”, and “accepting” left. Joey is the quintessential libtard. Filled with hate, greed, envy, and above all else - selfishness.

There are endless numbers of people with Down Syndrome who are gainfully employed.

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