The fascists are at it again

Snowflake...Thomas Jefferson vehemently opposed the U.S. Constitution because it expanded the federal government. He wanted to continue under the Articles of Confederation. You should stop commenting on stuff that you are uneducated about.

which has nothing to do with whether or not he wanted to end Slavery.

If anything, that probably strengthens my argument. the UNWORKABLE AOC just left states to do their own thing, which was kind of a terrible idea.

Ah yes...the old “everybody agreed to flip sides” progressive wing-nut argument. Yawn. Nobody flipped sides, snowflake. There was no big conspiracy. The same GOP that freed the slaves is the same GOP that lead the Civil Rights movement and is the same GOP that Ronald Reagan lead.

Guy, nobody agreed to "switch sides". Things just evolved.

As I've pointed out, my Dad was a strict Eisenhower/Nixon Republican. He'd be horrified at what the GOP has turned into today. So would Nixon and Ike,for that matter.

The GOP didn't "Lead the civil rights movement". Their candidate in 1964 opposed the Civil Rights Act, and Nixon, being kind of a cynical guy he was, couldn't wait to pick up all the people who left the Democrats because LBJ did.

And the same racist, hateful Dumbocrats who killed black people and attacked their own nation to keep blacks enslaved is the same Dumbocrats who vehemently opposed the Civil Rights Act and is the same Dumbocrats today who want to continue slavery in the form of welfare and other highly illegal, idiotic government “programs”.

Hey, guy, maybe you should have a talk with all your fellow conservatives who proudly put Confederate Generals and Flags in their Avis about how they were all bad old liberals.

“Selfishness” - the hallmark of the left. The selfish progressive wing-nuts scream “you are selfish!” if someone refuses to provide for them like slaves.

I've never asked anyone to provide for me. Maybe in ten years, when I retire, but that's another story.

Now, hey, if the wealth was fairly and evenly distributed, to where the people who did the work saw the rewards, we wouldn't need an entitlement state.
Violation of the Emoluments Clause is what Hitlery Clinton did as Secretary of State when she received large payments in exchange for favors from her and her office.
Except- again- nobody proved she did that. Guy, here's the thing. Your sides have been charging this woman with stuff for the last 26 years. So she's either a criminal mastermind, or you guys are just a bunch of misogynistic assholes.
You were saying? :laugh:
A federal indictment connected to the infamous “Uranium One” deal facilitated by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration was announced Friday.
I don’t know why you believe you can deny reality. It just makes you look like a fool and it’s why nobody takes you seriously.

Feds announce indictment in massive bribery scheme connected to Hillary Clinton’s Uranium One deal
Snowflake...Thomas Jefferson vehemently opposed the U.S. Constitution because it expanded the federal government. He wanted to continue under the Articles of Confederation. You should stop commenting on stuff that you are uneducated about.
which has nothing to do with whether or not he wanted to end Slavery.
No...but it has everything to do with your outrageous lie that he wasn’t a Tea Party conservative (which you conveniently omitted in your response here...oops).
I don’t know why you believe you can deny reality. It just makes you look like a fool and it’s why nobody takes you seriously.

You can't use the Blaze (run by a guy so crazy Fox News Fired him!) as a source and expect to be taken seriously.
The federal indictment is public knowledge. You can’t attack the messenger because you find the message uncomfortable and/or inconvenient.
As I've pointed out, my Dad was a strict Eisenhower/Nixon Republican. He'd be horrified at what the GOP has turned into today.
My dad (and his parents) were all Dumbocrats. They all changed to Republicans before they died. And they would be moritified by what the Dumbocrats have morphed into today. I’m thankful they passed away before they saw that party completely reject science, biology, and reality and declare that a woman can be born with a penis and a man can be born with a vagina.
No...but it has everything to do with your outrageous lie that he wasn’t a Tea Party conservative (which you conveniently omitted in your response here...oops).

Jefferson would be horrified at the Teabaggers.

The federal indictment is public knowledge. You can’t attack the messenger because you find the message uncomfortable and/or inconvenient.

If it were public knowledge, you could find a credible reference to it... Next.

My dad (and his parents) were all Dumbocrats. They all changed to Republicans before they died. And they would be moritified by what the Dumbocrats have morphed into today. I’m thankful they passed away before they saw that party completely reject science, biology, and reality and declare that a woman can be born with a penis and a man can be born with a vagina.

I would say that if you are really that upset about trannies, that's kind of on you. If some guy thinks he's a chick, how does that have any effect on your life?
By DEFINITION - that is an egregious lie. By today’s definitions, Thomas Jefferson is a Tea Party “wing-nut” libertarian.
well, no, crazy old white guys who don't want to pay their taxes aren't Jefferson... sorry.
Snowflake...Thomas Jefferson vehemently opposed the U.S. Constitution because it expanded the federal government. He wanted to continue under the Articles of Confederation. You should stop commenting on stuff that you are uneducated about.
"The Constitution...It is unquestionably the wisest ever yet presented to man." Thomas Jefferson 1789
Instead of tearing down confederate monuments, it's time to tear down the true last vestiges of slavery....The Electoral College.
How slavery birthed the electoral college
In other words - like all progressives - SW simply cannot accept the will of the American people.

The Electoral College was explicitly designed to protect the minority. The fact that you want to reverse that is very Democrat of you (that party has a long history of racism, slavery, and oppression).
What minority?
No...but it has everything to do with your outrageous lie that he wasn’t a Tea Party conservative (which you conveniently omitted in your response here...oops).
Jefferson would be horrified at the Teabaggers.
That he would...for them not standing up to the violence of the left. But he would be damn proud that they are almost as conservative as he was.
If it were public knowledge, you could find a credible reference to it... Next.
I just did! The single most credible source available today. It’s a federal indictment, snowflake. Don’t attack the messenger because you find the message uncomfortable or inconvenient.
I would say that if you are really that upset about trannies, that's kind of on you. If some guy thinks he's a chick, how does that have any effect on your life?
It didn’t effect me...until Dumbocrats said “if you think you are a woman then you actually are a woman” and encouraged those deviants to invade the facilities of my wife, my daughters, my friends, etc.

As always...idiotic failed left-wing policy created a problem where no problem previously existed.
"The Constitution...It is unquestionably the wisest ever yet presented to man." Thomas Jefferson 1789
Yes...he absolutely said that. What does that have to do with the fact that he didn’t want to expand the power of the federal government? Just because he believed the U.S. Constitution was well written doesn’t change the facts.
“The want of power in the federal head was early perceived, and foreseen to be the flaw in our constitution which might endanger its destruction.” - Thomas Jefferson in a letter to Richard Price (February 1, 1785)
Thomas Jefferson - the ultimate constitutional conservative...
“The true barriers of our liberty in this country are our state governments; and the wisest conservative power ever contrived by man is that of which our Revolution and present government found us possessed. Seventeen distinct states, amalgamated into one as to their foreign concerns, but single and independent as to their internal administration, regularly organized with a legislature and governor resting on the choice of the people, and enlightened by a free press, can never be so fascinated by the arts of one man as to submit voluntarily to his usurpation. Nor can they be constrained to it by any force he can possess.” – Thomas Jefferson in a letter to Destutt de Tracy (January 26, 1811)
"The Constitution...It is unquestionably the wisest ever yet presented to man." Thomas Jefferson 1789
Yes...he absolutely said that. What does that have to do with the fact that he didn’t want to expand the power of the federal government? Just because he believed the U.S. Constitution was well written doesn’t change the facts.
“The want of power in the federal head was early perceived, and foreseen to be the flaw in our constitution which might endanger its destruction.” - Thomas Jefferson in a letter to Richard Price (February 1, 1785)
I couldn't find that "well written" clause you speak of.
"The Constitution...It is unquestionably the wisest ever yet presented to man." Thomas Jefferson 1789
Yes...he absolutely said that. What does that have to do with the fact that he didn’t want to expand the power of the federal government? Just because he believed the U.S. Constitution was well written doesn’t change the facts.
“The want of power in the federal head was early perceived, and foreseen to be the flaw in our constitution which might endanger its destruction.” - Thomas Jefferson in a letter to Richard Price (February 1, 1785)
I couldn't find that "well written" clause you speak of.
Funny...I didn’t locate the “wisest clause” you speak of. :laugh:
It didn’t effect me...until Dumbocrats said “if you think you are a woman then you actually are a woman” and encouraged those deviants to invade the facilities of my wife, my daughters, my friends, etc.

Um, actually, psychologists decided that, not liberals.

But the chances of you encountering a transsexual in a bathroom are about as likely as winning the lottery.

I'm 55, and I've only known one transsexual in my entire life, and she didn't come out until years later.
That he would...for them not standing up to the violence of the left. But he would be damn proud that they are almost as conservative as he was.

No, I think he'd look at their anarchist tendencies, and be horrified.

Jefferson was the person who thought we should have public Schools, for instance. (Again, just for the white people. Didn't want Sally Hemings learning how to read and finding the word "Consent" in a dictionary.)

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