The fascists are at it again

Uh, please point out where Gender Dysphoria harms anyone.
Uh...I have pointed it out hundreds of times on this board already (as have others). For starters, the person suffering from the severe mental illness is horribly harmed. Many commit suicide. Others mutilate their bodies. Others resort to sexual deviance to escape (such as rape, voyeurism, etc.). Meanwhile, you and Seawytch cheer them on so you can masturbate to it all and get off.
The square jaw. The Adam’s apple. The broad shoulders. The five o’clock shadow. Anyone get the feeling that Joey is too stupid for society? Something tells me he’s ended up in bed with a few of these types and is now desperately trying to convince himself (and others) that it could “happen to anyone”

Dude, you are the one freaking out at the possibility. Probably like most Right Wing Homophobes, you are a latent gay. A dude in a dress is probably the only way you can get it up.
So I was right?!? :laugh: :lmao: I knew it!!!
Yeah...who could possibly tell the difference between a man and a woman if they are both wearing a dress?

Okay, this is a transexual woman


And this is a typical red state woman you'd probably see at a WalMart


Let me know when the Bathroom Police figure it out.
In other words - you are exponentially more attracted to men in drag. We know Joey. We know.
Uh...I have pointed it out hundreds of times on this board already (as have others). For starters, the person suffering from the severe mental illness is horribly harmed. Many commit suicide.

They commit suicide because of the way people like you treat them. Shit, what a truly evil person you are.

Others mutilate their bodies.

Okay, so do people who get gastric bypasses, hair transplants, boob jobs, tummy tucks, liposuctions and so on. Another argument fail from the Poodle.

Others resort to sexual deviance to escape (such as rape, voyeurism, etc.).

Um, guy, the trannies aren't "raping" anyone. That would be the white male with self-esteem issues.

Meanwhile, you and Seawytch cheer them on so you can masturbate to it all and get off.

No, we just don't think that they should be mistreated because of religious bigotry.

On the other hand, religion is a lifestyle choice. People choose to believe in backward-ass bronze age superstitions, even when presented with scientific evidence that they aren't true.
Real sensible people shrugged their shoulders, realized most people are getting some on the side once in a while, and moved on and enjoyed the awesome prosperity he brought.
Actually, real “sensible” people realize that when you take a vow before God, your family, and your friends to “forsake all others”, you don’t “get some on the side”. Ever. I’ve been married a long time. Never cheated on my wife once. Never will.

But desperate wingnuts who can’t make a rational case for their irrational positions attempt to convince others that it is “normal” to do so.
Uh...I have pointed it out hundreds of times on this board already (as have others). For starters, the person suffering from the severe mental illness is horribly harmed. Many commit suicide.
They commit suicide because of the way people like you treat them. Shit, what a truly evil person you are.
Wait...what? How is that possible? According to you just a couple of posts ago, there is absolutely no way to discern a man from a woman so long as a man puts on a dress. If we can’t discern, how could we mistreat them?

You may go now, Joey. Class dismissed.

Actually, real “sensible” people realize that when you take a vow before God, your family, and your friends to “forsake all others”, you don’t “get some on the side”. Ever. I’ve been married a long time. Never cheated on my wife once. Never will.

Okay, not that I believe that, but here's the thing. Real people cheat on their marriages. Real people get divorced. And there is no Magic Pixie in the sky who cares.

But desperate wingnuts who can’t make a rational case for their irrational positions attempt to convince others that it is “normal” to do so.

Uh, guy, the thing is, monogamy is an artificial construct. Animals aren't monogamous, for most of human history, humans weren't, either. Just ask your boy Tommy Jefferson.

Every president had his mistress or side woman. And mostly, we had the good taste to treat it like it was... his own fucking business.

Then Clinton got in, and he made your side fucking crazy with all the women he was getting. He was doing MISS AMERICA!!!

Wait...what? How is that possible? According to you just a couple of posts ago, there is absolutely no way to discern a man from a woman so long as a man puts on a dress. If we can’t discern, how could we mistreat them?

Which isn't what i said, but never mind. You keep arguing against straw men, since you can't win a real argument.
Others mutilate their bodies.

Okay, so do people who get gastric bypasses
Uh...that’s not body mutilation. That’s basic surgery to improve health. :eusa_doh:
hair transplants, boob jobs, tummy tucks, liposuctions and so on.
Left-wing “logic” at its finest here. Because other people engage in idiotic behavior, we should encourage those suffering from a mental illness to do the same.
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Left-wing “logic” at its finest here. Because other people engage in idiotic behavior, we should encourage those suffering from a mental illness to do the same.

I don't know if that behavior is 'idiotic". Some of it is medically necessary. And it's a lot easier to get a hair transplant than a gender reassignment surgery.

But here's the thing. We don't have a whole movement that is all freaked out about Bob and his hair plugs!
Uh, guy, the thing is, monogamy is an artificial construct. Animals aren't monogamous
Animals also don’t kill their own babies by having abortions. Oops.

Animals don’t use birth control. Animals don’t use condoms to prevent STD’s. I have a thread called “nothing lowers the bar like progressivism”. Here is Joey proving it once again. He thinks we should lower ourselves to animals.

While the left rapes, robs, pillages, and riots like a bunch of animals, conservatives recognize that conservatives are better than animals.
But here's the thing. We don't have a whole movement that is all freaked out about Bob and his hair plugs!
That’s because Bob doesn’t demand access to women’s facilities over his hair plugs. And his body isn’t multilated over it.
Animals also don’t kill their own babies by having abortions. Oops.

Animals don’t use birth control. Animals don’t use condoms to prevent STD’s. I have a thread called “nothing lowers the bar like progressivism”. Here is Joey proving it once again. He thinks we should lower ourselves to animals.

Humans are animals, dude. This is in basic biology class. The question was whether or not we should use artificial constructs or not as a good thing.

Most of human history, humans were monoganmous. They traveled around and fucked whatever happened to be handy. They also weren't homophobic

While the left rapes, robs, pillages, and riots like a bunch of animals, conservatives recognize that conservatives are better than animals.

Naw, man, you guys are more likely to engage in the behavior. Just as your Porn-star fucking leader.

You guys get all sanctimonious telling the rest of us how we should live.
Animals also don’t kill their own babies by having abortions. Oops.
Animals don’t use birth control. Animals don’t use condoms to prevent STD’s. I have a thread called “nothing lowers the bar like progressivism”. Here is Joey proving it once again. He thinks we should lower ourselves to animals.
Humans are animals, dude. This is in basic biology class.
But you weren’t talking about humans and you know it. You weren’t using the term “animals” in the scientific sense. You were using it in the generic sense to “prove” that cheating on your wife is ok because pigs and rats do it. And then - as I do with every post you make - I pointed out your idiocy and your contradictions to your own position.

So once again Joey - animals do not have abortions. If you believe we should follow the behavior of inferior creatures, then you should support outlawing abortions immediately. Oh...and animals don’t believe in socialism either, mooch.
Fetuses aren't babies... no matter how much you religious nutters want to make them babies.
I love it when the left has an accidental moment of honesty. How about you, Joey?
“For a small person who had surgery before he was even born, and who’d just spent an hour and a half squeezing through a tight space that clamped down on his head every few minutes, Baby Boy Royer was showing a feisty spirit.”
I’ll give you some time to process all of this, Joey.

Did the New York Times Just Admit the Unborn Are People?
But you weren’t talking about humans and you know it. You weren’t using the term “animals” in the scientific sense. You were using it in the generic sense to “prove” that cheating on your wife is ok because pigs and rats do it.

No, guy, it's okay because people do it, too.

The whole tradition of "Marriage" is one of turning women into property. The reality, men cheated on women all through history, while women were often punished for cheating on their arranged marriages.

So once again Joey - animals do not have abortions. If you believe we should follow the behavior of inferior creatures, then you should support outlawing abortions immediately. Oh...and animals don’t believe in socialism either, mooch.

No animals just abandon or kill their young if they aren't all that into the parenting thing. I think that would actually be a bit harsh if people did that.

For instance, when a new Alpha Male takes over a wolf pack or lion pride, the first thing he does is kill all the puppies or cubs of the previous Alpha.

I love it when the left has an accidental moment of honesty. How about you, Joey?
I’ll give you some time to process all of this, Joey.


Here's the thing, guy.

If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she WILL FIND A WAY TO NOT BE PREGNANT.

This is the problem with you wingnuts. You want to deny reality to please your imaginary sky man. You want to pretend players won't play, women will keep pregnancies they don't want, and people who identify as the gender they weren't born in are going to follow the rules you want them to.

You see, if you miserable religious fucks really wanted to prevent abortions, there are ways to do that.

1) Universal Health Care
2) Paid family leave
3) Mandatory Sex education with out religious bullshit

One more time, the Europeans have FIGURED THIS OUT. That's why French women have half the abortions American women have, even though the government pays for them.

Instead, you religious fuckers want to ban abortion and call it a day. THere's a country where they do that. It's call the Philippines. Filipina women have 500,000 to 800,000 abortions a year, more per capita than the US.

But that's the problem when you are dogmatic instead of pragmatic.
But you weren’t talking about humans and you know it. You weren’t using the term “animals” in the scientific sense. You were using it in the generic sense to “prove” that cheating on your wife is ok because pigs and rats do it.
No, guy, it's okay because people do it, too.
People “do” rape and murder too. Everything is ok in your mind if people do it? You are a special kind of stupid, aren’t you?
So once again Joey - animals do not have abortions. If you believe we should follow the behavior of inferior creatures, then you should support outlawing abortions immediately. Oh...and animals don’t believe in socialism either, mooch.
For instance, when a new Alpha Male takes over a wolf pack or lion pride, the first thing he does is kill all the puppies or cubs of the previous Alpha.
Uh...that would be becuase those cubs are not the offspring of the “new alpha male” dumb ass. They will fight to the death to protect their own offspring.
If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she WILL FIND A WAY TO NOT BE PREGNANT.
That’s true. And if a person wants to kill...THEY WILL FIND A WAY TO KILL. So why don’t you apply your same “logic” to firearms? You sit on this forum daily, whining about banning firearms. Yet again your own position contradicts itself.

Here’s the thing snowflake - the overwhelming majority of women will carry a pregnancy to term if it is a crime to have an abortion. Sure, a few sociopaths will terminate the pregnancy (just like a few sociopaths will run over people with a vehicle if firearms are banned). But outlawing murder allows us to put murders behind bars to prevent them from murdering again.

Like all progressives - you don’t have a single consistency in your bat-shit crazy views.

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