The fascists are at it again

You see, if you miserable religious fucks really wanted to prevent abortions, there are ways to do that.

1) Universal Health Care
Again we see your contradictions in your own positions. If you were consistent, you would call for carrying firearms to be mandatory by all Americans and insist on government-provided “universal firearms”.
People “do” rape and murder too. Everything is ok in your mind if people do it? You are a special kind of stupid, aren’t you?

The thing is, you really haven't made a case that adultery is wrong or bad, if everyone involved is a consenting adult.

Maybe Bill cheating on Hillary offends you, but guy, you aren't IN THAT RELATIONSHIP, it isn't any of your fucking business.

The American people- God Bless Them - felt the same way, which is why they spanked the Republicans for even talking impeachment.

Uh...that would be becuase those cubs are not the offspring of the “new alpha male” dumb ass. They will fight to the death to protect their own offspring.

But the females.... don't. They just conclude there's a new Alpha and she's having his cubs now.

That’s true. And if a person wants to kill...THEY WILL FIND A WAY TO KILL. So why don’t you apply your same “logic” to firearms? You sit on this forum daily, whining about banning firearms. Yet again your own position contradicts itself.

Well, here's the thing. Firearms affect and kill real people. Abortions don't. Nobody has ever been arrested for murder for having an abortion or even performing one.

Also, banning firearms actually can be done. Other countries have done it. Japan has a whopping 11 Firearm Homicides a year, compared to our 11,000. You stop their sale and manufacture, and you arrest people who try to get them.

On the other hand, no country has ever successfully banned abortion. Pretty much because you can't keep a woman under house arrest for nine months.

This is the difference between being a fanatic and a pragmatist. A pragmatist understands what is and isn't feasible.

Here’s the thing snowflake - the overwhelming majority of women will carry a pregnancy to term if it is a crime to have an abortion.

No, they won't. One more time, the Philippines have the laws you want. And 500,000 to 800,000 Filipinas abort their unwanted pregnancies.

The reality of abortion in the Philippines

Abortion is a reality for Filipino women. The illegality of abortion has not deterred Filipino women from inducing unsafe abortion. It has only made it dangerous for them where estimates in 2012 show that 610,000 women resorted to abortion, over 100,000 women were hospitalized and 3 women die every day due to unsafe abortion complications.

Keep in mind, the Filipinos are a LOT more religious than Americans are. And yet they still have abortions despite the religious and legal taboos.

If you want another example, maybe you should review the birth rates before and after Roe v. Wade. Here's the thing;, the birth rate did not drop in 1973. Or 1974. In 1977, it started creeping up again.

Live Births and Birth Rates, by Year

Which means- wait for it- women before 1972 were having abortions at the same rate they were before the court ended unworkable laws everyone was ignoring. .

Sure, a few sociopaths will terminate the pregnancy (just like a few sociopaths will run over people with a vehicle if firearms are banned).

You see, buddy, this is where you get it wrong. Women who have abortions aren't "sociopaths". They are usually just women who are in a desperate place in their lives.

I knew a girl, Asian American, Catholic, strict family. And she had an abortion not because she was a "sociopath", but because she didn't want her parents to know she wasn't a virgin at 22 after he scheme to make her boyfriend marry her by getting knocked up didn't work.

But outlawing murder allows us to put murders behind bars to prevent them from murdering again.

But as I keep pointing out to you, even when Abortion was illegal, we didn't arrest women for having them. They didn't really arrest the doctors who performed them. The thing is, abortion laws weren't like the murder laws. They were more like the prostitution laws. No one really followed them and they only arrested you if you became a nuisance.

Like all progressives - you don’t have a single consistency in your bat-shit crazy views.

Sure it is, it's called pragmatism.

You can ban guns because, really, 78% of Americans don't own a gun, and of the 21% who do, only about 3% of them are the true gun nuts.

On the other hand, 50% of Americans have a uterus, and really don't want the government telling them how to use it.
The American people- God Bless Them - felt the same way, which is why they spanked the Republicans for even talking impeachment.
If you weren't a millennial, you would know that your comment there is beyond absurd. The American people were overwhelmingly disgusted with Bill Clinton's actions and his perjury. They supported his impeachment and rewarded the Republicans by electing George W. Bush to the Oval Office over Al Gore.
The thing is, you really haven't made a case that adultery is wrong or bad I didn't realize I needed to do that. Most people inherently understand that cheating on your spouse is very wrong and extremely bad. I forgot I was talking to a millennial. For starters, it violates a serious vow that a person took before God, their family, and their friends (the vow states, among other things, that one will forsake all others until death do they part). At the very least, that means the person is a filthy, unethical slime-bag who can't keep their word/promises. It also violates God's commands. It also destroys families. I've never seen a child yet who was excited/fulfilled by the idea that one of their parents couldn't stay faithful to their other parent. When you grow up (and hopefully mature a LOT), you'll understand. Right now you're going with that whole "15 and jaded" thing. I get it. A lot of junior high students do that. It helps them to hide the pain they feel.
if everyone involved is a consenting adult.
Is the spouse being cheated on "consenting"? You are a special kind of stupid.
Maybe Bill cheating on Hillary offends you, but guy, you aren't IN THAT RELATIONSHIP, it isn't any of your fucking business.
Guy...the thing is...

A. I didn't make it my business. Bill Clinton did when he ran for public office.

B. I didn't make it my business. Linda Tripp and Monica Lewinsky did when they released everything.

C. The American media made it my business when they covered every inch of the story (back when they actually did their jobs).

D. Bill Clinton made it my business when he committed perjury.

E. You haven't made a rational case yet - because you can't. There is no defending the indefensible. Your boy fucked up huge and he paid the price (as did the Dumbocrats). He took the most respected, sacred office in the world and he humiliated it. The world recognized how far we had fallen when they realized we went from the man of the most impeccable character ever (George Washing) to a typical slime-ball Dumbocrat (Bill Clinton).
Uh...that would be becuase those cubs are not the offspring of the “new alpha male” dumb ass. They will fight to the death to protect their own offspring.
But the females.... don't. They just conclude there's a new Alpha and she's having his cubs now.
That's because they can't. The males will easily maul them to death and it is in their inherent nature to ensure their DNA is passed on. If they are mauled to death and then their cubs are as well, then their DNA doesn't get passed on.
If you weren't a millennial, you would know that your comment there is beyond absurd. The American people were overwhelmingly disgusted with Bill Clinton's actions and his perjury. They supported his impeachment and rewarded the Republicans by electing George W. Bush to the Oval Office over Al Gore.

No they weren't.

People were opposed to impeachment, and Al Gore got more votes.

He probably won the electoral college, too, but Jeb stuffed the ballot boxes.

Guy...the thing is...

A. I didn't make it my business. Bill Clinton did when he ran for public office.

Why, how is that your business? Because it seems to me that if you are upset about Monica Lewinsky and not screaming about Stormy Daniels, then you are being kind of a hypocrite.

B. I didn't make it my business. Linda Tripp and Monica Lewinsky did when they released everything.

Except Monica didn't release anything, and Linda Tripp broke the law recording their conversations.

C. The American media made it my business when they covered every inch of the story (back when they actually did their jobs).

The conduct of the media was beyond awful. Used to be, a man's private life was his private life.

D. Bill Clinton made it my business when he committed perjury.

In a case that was dismissed without merit over a subject the judge ruled was irrelevent to the case... right.

E. You haven't made a rational case yet - because you can't. There is no defending the indefensible. Your boy fucked up huge and he paid the price (as did the Dumbocrats). He took the most respected, sacred office in the world and he humiliated it. The world recognized how far we had fallen when they realized we went from the man of the most impeccable character ever (George Washing) to a typical slime-ball Dumbocrat (Bill Clinton).

George Washington was a slave-owner. That made him a FAR WORSE human being than Bill Clinton was. I didn't realize I needed to do that. Most people inherently understand that cheating on your spouse is very wrong and extremely bad. I

Do they?

Infidelity Statistics 2017: Why, When, and How People Stray

  • over 1/3 of marriages, one or both partners admit to cheating.
  • 22% of men say that they've cheated on their significant other.
  • 14% of women admit to cheating on their significant other.
  • 36% of men and women admit to having an affair with a coworker.
  • 17% of men and women admit to having an affair with a sister-in-law or brother-in-law.
  • People who have cheated before are 350% more likely to cheat again.
  • Affairs are most likely to occur two years into a marriage.
  • 35% of men and women admit to cheating while on a business trip.
  • 9% of men admit they might have an affair to get back at a spouse.
  • 14% of women admit they might have an affair to get back at a spouse.
  • 10% of affairs begin online.
  • 40% of the time online affairs turn into real life affairs.
Wow, so much cheating going on if everyone knows it's "wrong".

For starters, it violates a serious vow that a person took before God,

There is no God.

their family, and their friends (the vow states, among other things, that one will forsake all others until death do they part). At the very least, that means the person is a filthy, unethical slime-bag who can't keep their word/promises.

Or that people change, relationships change, and so on. Look, 50% of marriages end in divorce on top of the stats I cited above.

I've never seen a child yet who was excited/fulfilled by the idea that one of their parents couldn't stay faithful to their other parent.

So what? Nobody should stay in an unhappy relationship 'for the kids".

It also violates God's commands.

Again, no God. Also, since you aren't out murdering your neighbors for working today like God tells you to, I think it's a little silly for you to talk about God's commands.

Right now you're going with that whole "15 and jaded" thing. I get it. A lot of junior high students do that. It helps them to hide the pain they feel.

Naw, man, I'm more like that 55 and jaded. I've seen so much bullshit from sanctimonious assholes in my life I'm just bored with it all.

And do you really think it's clever to the whole 'you must be a teenager' thing because I outed you as a Young Republican Asshole.

Hey, guy, I used to be a Young Republican Asshole back in the 1980's. Of course, that's before the Republicans went completely batshit crazy. I got over it. Some day you might, too.
Well, here's the thing. Firearms affect and kill real people. Abortions don't. Nobody has ever been arrested for murder for having an abortion or even performing one.
Here's the thing - that may be the dumbest comment ever made on USMB. I almost don't know where to begin with the stupidity, it is so overwhelming.

For starters, abortion is currently legal. If we made shooting people legal, nobody would get arrested for that.

Second, hundreds of thousands have been arrested for having an abortion or performing abortions. Kermit Gosnell, anyone? Here, educate yourself you idiotic millennial...

These news photos of abortion arrests show the shame and resolve before Roe v. Wade

Your irrational, desperate response here is what happens when people form emotional, irrational positions. They are indefensible, and thus force people to resort to absurd arguments.
Also, banning firearms actually can be done. can't. You'd realize this if you weren't an immature, idealistic millennial. We "banned" murder and even made it punishable by death. If that doesn't prevent people from shooting someone, what makes you think banning firearms will prevent people from having firearms.

There are felons all across the U.S. who are banned from having a firearm. They still have them. They steal them. They manufacture them. They purchase them on the black market. It's a simple reality. If only you progressive millennial could accept reality, uh?
Here's the thing - that may be the dumbest comment ever made on USMB. I almost don't know where to begin with the stupidity, it is so overwhelming.

For starters, abortion is currently legal. If we made shooting people legal, nobody would get arrested for that.

Again, you avoid the point. No one was arrested for having abortions WHEN THEY WERE ILLEGAL.

Second, hundreds of thousands have been arrested for having an abortion or performing abortions. Kermit Gosnell, anyone? Here, educate yourself you idiotic millennial...

Kermit Gosnell's trial was a farce. "Let's prosecute him for killing fetuses, then cut a deal with him so he won't appeal the sentence!" They had him dead to rights on drug dealing and killing an adult patient, they really didn't need to try to get 100 fetuses listed as murders, only to have that whittled down to 3 before the trial was over.

No woman was ever arrested for having an abortion, that's the point. Until you make that the penalty, women will still have them.

Your irrational, desperate response here is what happens when people form emotional, irrational positions. They are indefensible, and thus force people to resort to absurd arguments

No, my position is pragmatic. Women are going to have abortions, like they've always had them all throughout history.

Why do you avoid the points that defeat your case.? that's kind of immature.
You see, buddy, this is where you get it wrong. Women who have abortions aren't "sociopaths". They are usually just women who are in a desperate place in their lives.
Yeah...that's what every sociopath who ever lived has said. Scott Peterson also was in a "desperate place in his life". Incidentally, he was charged with 2nd degree murder in the death of his unborn child. Oops. Looks like the law recognizes that a baby in the woman is a person after all.

People who aren't sociopaths don't resort to murder just because they are (and I quote) "in a bad place in their life". can't. You'd realize this if you weren't an immature, idealistic millennial. We "banned" murder and even made it punishable by death. If that doesn't prevent people from shooting someone, what makes you think banning firearms will prevent people from having firearms.

Well, yeah, it can. Japan has done it. So has the United Kingdom.

It's really easy. You don't let anyone sell them, and you arrest people when you catch them with one.

There are felons all across the U.S. who are banned from having a firearm. They still have them. They steal them. They manufacture them. They purchase them on the black market. It's a simple reality. If only you progressive millennial could accept reality, uh?

They do it because there are so many guns to start with, and you have an NRA that makes it easy for crooks to get them.


Much like universal health care, the only way you can stick to you "it can't possibly work" position is if you ignore the rest of the world where it WORKS JUST FINE. can't. You'd realize this if you weren't an immature, idealistic millennial. We "banned" murder and even made it punishable by death. If that doesn't prevent people from shooting someone, what makes you think banning firearms will prevent people from having firearms.

Well, yeah, it can. Japan has done it. So has the United Kingdom.

It's really easy. You don't let anyone sell them, and you arrest people when you catch them with one.
Oh yeah? We do that with cocaine. We don't let anyone sell that. We do it with heroin. We don't let anyone sell that. We do it with prostitution. We don't let anyone sell that.

Yeah...that's what every sociopath who ever lived has said. Scott Peterson also was in a "desperate place in his life". Incidentally, he was charged with 2nd degree murder in the death of his unborn child. Oops. Looks like the law recognizes that a baby in the woman is a person after all.

Yes, it was an emotional response, but a crap ruling.

Until you prosecute women for having abortions, you are just talking shit.

Please, please, please make that part of your platform. PLLLLEEEEASE!

What the fuck are you talking about?!? Hundreds of thousands were arrested. Those that weren't is just because nobody found out and/or they lacked the evidence necessary to make the arrest.

My god, you millennials are mind-numbingly ignorant...

Only ignorant millennial around here is you. I'm old enough to remember when abortion was still "illegal". My cousin had no problem getting one early in her train wreck of a life.

In fact, there was an abortionist named Ruth Barrett who performed 50,000 abortions between 1919 and 1959. She wasn't even subtle about it. She did a few stints in jail, but was pretty open about what she was doing.

Ruth Barnett - Wikipedia

Despite the fact that abortions had been illegal in Oregon since 1854,[4] Ruth was able to begin her long career as an abortionist. She opened the Stewart Clinic in Portland, Oregon during the 1930s.[2] The police payed little to no attention to her practice, as anti-abortion laws were rarely enforced at that time unless maternal death occurred.[3] When she opened her practice, America was starting to feel the effects of the Great Depression. Because very few people could afford to have more children to feed, Ruth's business was incredibly sought after.[1] Ruth made about $182,000 per year at this practice, which is the modern equivalent of about $3,250,000 per year.[3] Despite her lack of legal certification, she maintained the highest safety record of practicing abortionists in the area, including licensed practitioners.[2] In fact, the majority of her patients were referred to her by properly licensed practitioners.[3]
They do it because there are so many guns to start with, and you have an NRA that makes it easy for crooks to get them.


Much like universal health care, the only way you can stick to you "it can't possibly work" position is if you ignore the rest of the world where it WORKS JUST FINE. think if you just make shit magically becomes true. As a millennial, you've been taught that you get your way simply by thinking what you want. It doesn't work that way, my fragile little snowflake. Almost every nation on this list has a total ban on firearms (with Colombia and Venezuela being the most enforced). How's that working out?

These 10 Countries Have The World's Highest Murder Rates | HuffPost

Americans have figured out that millennials are too immature and too ignorant to listen to. We look at facts, data, and history. And we realize that bad things happen when you ban firearms.

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