The fascists are at it again

You're right - we don't. Nobody has ever gone to prison for lying about sex. But we do send people to prison for perjury. One cannot go before a grand jury and lie.

Sorry, guy, people commit perjury every day, and it's rarely prosecuted.

Because it's hard to prove intent in those cases beyond a reasonable doubt. You can prove intent in murder, assault, and other cases by extrinsic evidence, but intent in cases like perjury or destruction of evidence often lies solely within the mind of the person who committed the act, and all they have to do is convince the jury they "didn't know" what they were doing was illegal, or they "thought it was the truth"/"didn't know it was evidence".
Because it's hard to prove intent in those cases beyond a reasonable doubt...and all they have to do is convince the jury they "didn't know" what they were doing was illegal".
You continue to just make stuff up. Ignorance of the law is not a viable defense. At all. Never has been. Never will be. And when you testify before a grand jury, they tell you while you're being sworn in that lying is a felony. Therefore, nobody could possibly claim they didn't know that lying was illegal. Nice try.
You continue to just make stuff up. Ignorance of the law is not a viable defense. At all. Never has been. Never will be. And when you testify before a grand jury, they tell you while you're being sworn in that lying is a felony. Therefore, nobody could possibly claim they didn't know that lying was illegal. Nice try.

Yeah, the point is, people are rarely prosecuted, even when prosecutors know they are lying.

No jury was going to convict Clinton, and Charles Ray (the guy who took over Ken Starr's investigation after Starr went off to cover up outright rapes at Baylor University) knew it.

Because most people lie about affairs.

Much like universal health care, the only way you can stick to you "it can't possibly work" position is if you ignore the rest of the world where it WORKS JUST FINE.
You are right Joey...the rest of the has figured it out. It just takes them a lot longer to figure it out than it takes conservative Americans.
Britain’s National Health Service is overwhelmed with patients waiting for care, as doctors lament that they have to practice “battlefield medicine” while conditions are so dire.
And here is the real bombshell Joey...this is from the left-wing NY Times!!!


Britain’s N.H.S. in Crisis: ‘We Might Break’

(Just out of curiosity does it feel to be exposed as a pathological liar?)
You see, if you miserable religious fucks really wanted to prevent abortions, there are ways to do that.

1) Universal Health Care
Let’s talk about “universal healthcare”, Joey...
Britain’s National Health Service is overwhelmed with patients waiting for care, as doctors lament that they have to practice “battlefield medicine” while conditions are so dire.
And here is the real bombshell...this is from the left-wing NY Times!!!


Britain’s N.H.S. in Crisis: ‘We Might Break’

(Just out of curiosity does it feel to be exposed as a pathological liar?)
You are right Joey...the rest of the has figured it out. It just takes them a lot longer to figure it out than it takes conservative Americans.

Okay, once more.

The British live longer, they have a lower infant mortality rate than we do, and they spend a lot less of the GDP than we do.

But you'll make a big deal out of a single data point.

(Just out of curiosity does it feel to be exposed as a pathological liar?)

Just out of curiousity, how does it feel to be an immature child with poor debating skills?
Well, no, she can't be prosecuted because she didn't commit any crimes...

Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars, and came up with... nothing.

8 Investigations into Benghazi, and... nothing.

So either she's innocent or she the greatest criminal mastermind ever!
Oh Joseph. Joseph, Joseph, Joseph. This just isn’t your day... :laugh:
And it gets worse. Comey and Lynch reportedly knew that Clinton would never face charges even before the FBI conducted its three-hour interview with Clinton, which was supposedly meant to gather more information into her mishandling of classified information.
Like I’ve said hundreds of times...the investigations turned up everything. The American people already know she is guilty as hell. But as 1st Lady, Senator, Secretary of State, and Dumbocrat nominee for President of the United States, she is above the law.

The irony is so thick, one could cut it with a knife. You’re all over this forum losing your shit like a stark-raving lunatic, ranting about millionaires who fuck people and aren’t held accountable for it because of their wealth and power. Hitlery Clinton is the ultimate example of that. And yet you won’t dare speak ill of her because she’s a member of your beloved Dumbocrat Party - which ensures your opportunity to mooch and mooch and mooch. You need them as much as they need you.

Was Lynch coordinating with Comey in the Clinton investigation?
Just out of curiousity, how does it feel to be an immature child with poor debating skills?
Just out of curiosity - how does it feel to have your ass kicked up and down this forum by someone with “poor debating skills”?

(Psst..when one is in the side of the truth and facts, one does not need “debating skills”. Facts stand all on their own!)
Like I’ve said hundreds of times...the investigations turned up everything. The American people already know she is guilty as hell. But as 1st Lady, Senator, Secretary of State, and Dumbocrat nominee for President of the United States, she is above the law.

Or she didn't do anything that any reasonable jury would convict her of.

You see, the thing was, you have guys like Ken Starr or James Comey spreading mud all day, but at the end of the day, you have to take that crap in front of a grand jury, and they'll look at you trying to make a federal case out of a blow job or an email server, and look at you funny.

The irony is so thick, one could cut it with a knife. You’re all over this forum losing your shit like a stark-raving lunatic, ranting about millionaires who fuck people and aren’t held accountable for it because of their wealth and power. Hitlery Clinton is the ultimate example of that. And yet you won’t dare speak ill of her because she’s a member of your beloved Dumbocrat Party - which ensures your opportunity to mooch and mooch and mooch. You need them as much as they need you.

I have no love for Mrs. Clinton, who I thought was a simply awful candidate who ran a terrible campaign.

But here's the thing, unlike other rich people, what she does isn't fucking over working people. Oh, noes, she's shaking down other rich people. Can't get terribly worked up over that, even if that is what she was doing.
Just out of curiosity - how does it feel to have your ass kicked up and down this forum by someone with “poor debating skills”?

Wouldn't know, you haven't done it yet.

Again, you are just a sad little millenial who read Atlas Shrugged when he was 15 and has no idea how the world works.

Get back to me when you hit your 50's....

Uh...yeah...the complete and total collapse of their healthcare system is a pretty big “data point”.

Uh, guy, the NHS isn't going anywhere. And our healthcare system is also straining under the Flu.
Or she didn't do anything that any reasonable jury would convict her of.
Oh, noes, she's shaking down other rich people.
Psst...Joey...a reasonable jury would convict her for “shaking down other rich people”. She egregiously violated the Emoluments Clause. She engaged in extortion. She engaged in embezzlement. She engaged in voter fraud. She engaged in tax evasion.

Hitlery would be doing 160 years in a federal prison if her last name wasn’t Clinton. And you’d be losing your shit if she wasn’t a Dumbocrat.
Uh...yeah...the complete and total collapse of their healthcare system is a pretty big “data point”.

Uh, guy, the NHS isn't going anywhere. And our healthcare system is also straining under the Flu.
You’re the same guy who said that President Trump would “lose” in a “landslide”. You have a less than stellar history with predictions, chief.
Psst...Joey...a reasonable jury would convict her for “shaking down other rich people”. She egregiously violated the Emoluments Clause. She engaged in extortion. She engaged in embezzlement. She engaged in voter fraud. She engaged in tax evasion.

Again, you guys have been saying this sort of shit - and worse - for 25 years now. I don't know if you believe this shit yourselves, but nobody else does.

Hitlery would be doing 160 years in a federal prison if her last name wasn’t Clinton. And you’d be losing your shit if she wasn’t a Dumbocrat.

Again, guy, you've spent the last 25 years and well over 100 million dollars investigating the Clintons. Ken Starr's Panty-sniffing investigation alone cost 70 million. So either Hillary is a criminal mastermind on the scale of Keyser Soze and Professor Moriarty, or you are just full of shit.

here's the thing. Nobody died because Clinton lied about a blow job. Lots of people died because Bush lied about Saddam having nukes.

ou’re the same guy who said that President Trump would “lose” in a “landslide”. You have a less than stellar history with predictions, chief.

He lost by 3 million votes. That's a landslide, slick.
Psst...Joey...a reasonable jury would convict her for “shaking down other rich people”. She egregiously violated the Emoluments Clause. She engaged in extortion. She engaged in embezzlement. She engaged in voter fraud. She engaged in tax evasion.

Again, you guys have been saying this sort of shit - and worse - for 25 years now. I don't know if you believe this shit yourselves, but nobody else does.

Hitlery would be doing 160 years in a federal prison if her last name wasn’t Clinton. And you’d be losing your shit if she wasn’t a Dumbocrat.

Again, guy, you've spent the last 25 years and well over 100 million dollars investigating the Clintons. Ken Starr's Panty-sniffing investigation alone cost 70 million. So either Hillary is a criminal mastermind on the scale of Keyser Soze and Professor Moriarty, or you are just full of shit.

here's the thing. Nobody died because Clinton lied about a blow job. Lots of people died because Bush lied about Saddam having nukes.

ou’re the same guy who said that President Trump would “lose” in a “landslide”. You have a less than stellar history with predictions, chief.

He lost by 3 million votes. That's a landslide, slick.

Bill "drop trou" wasn't CiC when the U.S military was dropping bombs constantly on Iraq during the 90's? George W Bush and his dad are sacks of shit so you are not going to hold that over anyone's head that is actually awake.

BTW, I no more believe that the Hildebeast won the popular vote than I do in the Easter bunny given that 14 of the meager states that she won had NO voter ID laws and illegals were encouraged to vote. Four million more votes alone in commie Califlakia....
Bill "drop trou" wasn't CiC when the U.S military was dropping bombs constantly on Iraq during the 90's? George W Bush and his dad are sacks of shit so you are not going to hold that over anyone's head that is actually awake.

I think both parties are way too quick to engage in the same stupidity in the middle east. But the thing was, Clinton didn't invade and have lots of folks come home in boxes.

BTW, I no more believe that the Hildebeast won the popular vote than I do in the Easter bunny

It the Easter Bunny a Trilaterialist or a Bilderberger? I've lost track of trying to flow chart your crazy.
Bill "drop trou" wasn't CiC when the U.S military was dropping bombs constantly on Iraq during the 90's? George W Bush and his dad are sacks of shit so you are not going to hold that over anyone's head that is actually awake.

I think both parties are way too quick to engage in the same stupidity in the middle east. But the thing was, Clinton didn't invade and have lots of folks come home in boxes.

BTW, I no more believe that the Hildebeast won the popular vote than I do in the Easter bunny

It the Easter Bunny a Trilaterialist or a Bilderberger? I've lost track of trying to flow chart your crazy.

Ask the people in Iraq that have had to deal with the after-effects of the use of depleted uranium weapons going back to the first illegal war that has killed millions and have caused birth defects if they will ever build a statute for Bill "drop trou".

No such thing as the Easter bunny and no such thing as the Hildebeast winning the popular vote.

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