The fascists are at it again

Oh yeah? We do that with cocaine. We don't let anyone sell that. We do it with heroin. We don't let anyone sell that. We do it with prostitution. We don't let anyone sell that.

None of those things are complicated to manufacture...

Bwahahahaha! Neither are firearms. In fact, manufacturing something to launch a projectile is exponentially easier than manufacturing cocaine. I guarantee you don't have the slightest clue what the process is - and what chemicals are involved - in the manufacturing of cocaine (hint: it is extensive).

Meanwhile, I saw a "firearm" produced in prison by a prisoner using rubber bands and two broken off wooden dowels. All you need is something to strike the primer of a bullet, genius.
Of the 50% who have a uterus, about 80% of them are dead-set against abortion. You can keep lying, but it won't change reality.

Everyone dislikes abortions... until they need to have one. kind of like lawyers.
So you admit you just lied. Thank you.

Everyone (almost everyone) dislikes abortions because they are sick. It's is cold blooded murder of the most defenseless among society. And it's done for the most selfish of reasons. Making it horrific and sick. Done only by sociopaths who only care about themselves.
No, my position is pragmatic. Women are going to have abortions, like they've always had them all throughout history.

Why do you avoid the points that defeat your case.? that's kind of immature.
I've addressed every lie (you don't have "points" - you have lies) you've made and backed them up with links to prove it. You've yet to add a single link to your outrageous lies because you can't.'ve never had a pragmatic position in your life. People are going to commit murder - like they've always done throughout history. So banning firearms will do nothing but disarm law abiding citizens and prevent them from protecting themselves and others.

It is my God-given right to carry a firearm. It is my constitutional right to carry a firearm. You have neither when it comes to abortion.
Almost every nation on this list has a total ban on firearms

The articles don't say anything about the gun laws in these countries, most of which are poor and have barely functioning governments.

When you talk about industrialized nations, two points. Except for the United States....

1) They all limit or ban people from having guns.
2) They all have really low crime and murder rates.
Why, how is that your business? Because it seems to me that if you are upset about Monica Lewinsky and not screaming about Stormy Daniels, then you are being kind of a hypocrite.
Was Donald Trump married during the Stormy Daniels situation (I honestly don't know - I'm asking)?

Was he President of the United States (rhetorical - I know the answer to this one)?

Did he engage in the behavior in the Oval Office while on the phone with the heads of other states?

Did he lie about the Stormy Daniels situation before a grand jury?

If the answer to all 4 of those question is "yes" - I share the exact same disgust with Donald Trump as I do with Bill Clinton. Let me know when you find the answers, millennial.
Almost every nation on this list has a total ban on firearms

The articles don't say anything about the gun laws in these countries
No - the article doesn't talk about the gun laws in those nations. They wouldn't want to clue people like you in about the correlation between ungodly murder rates and governments banning firearms.

But a quick Google search will clue you in on the gun laws of those nations.
So you admit you just lied. Thank you.

Everyone (almost everyone) dislikes abortions because they are sick. It's is cold blooded murder of the most defenseless among society. And it's done for the most selfish of reasons. Making it horrific and sick. Done only by sociopaths who only care about themselves.

Yeah, somehow I don't think that 43 million American women are sociopaths...

I don't even think that girl I talked about earlier was a "sociopath". She was manipulative and made very bad relationship decisions, but she wasn't a sociopath.

Still got her out of my life as quickly as I could, though.

I've addressed every lie (you don't have "points" - you have lies) you've made and backed them up with links to prove it. You've yet to add a single link to your outrageous lies because you can't.

Sorry, guy, likes to "The Blaze" aren't credible.'ve never had a pragmatic position in your life. People are going to commit murder - like they've always done throughout history. So banning firearms will do nothing but disarm law abiding citizens and prevent them from protecting themselves and others.

Except- again- the countries that ban or limit firearems have only hundreds of homicides compared to the US where we have tens of thousands.

And given that most gun deaths are suicides and domestic violence, a gun in the home is more dangerous to the people living with it than anyone outside the home is.

A gun in the home is forty-three times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.
So what? Nobody should stay in an unhappy relationship 'for the kids".
Spoken like a true, selfish, self-absorbed sociopath. But here's the thing snowflake, if they didn't stay in the relationship, then it wouldn't be adultery. We were talking about adultery. Which means they have decided to stay in the relationship but also cheat. Which means they want their cake and eat it too.

Do you even hear yourself when you post? You attempt to twist everything to make yourself sound less bat-shit crazy. A person cannot be "cheating" if they have left a relationship. We're talking about cheating. So don't even bring up leaving a "unhappy relationship" because it doesn't apply. Stopping resorting to straw men.
No - the article doesn't talk about the gun laws in those nations. They wouldn't want to clue people like you in about the correlation between ungodly murder rates and governments banning firearms.

SO you made a claim that wasn't true... thanks.
It was 100% true. And you know it. Which is why I fill every thread with links while you just make shit up and fail to add a single link. Then you get embarrassed that I expose you and make childish, ridiculous claims like "so the claim you made wasn't true".
Sorry, guy, likes to "The Blaze" aren't credible
I just proved in the past 10 posts that it is exponentially more credible than you are. Caught you in a dozen egregious lies in 10 posts (you lie multiple times in some posts).
Spoken like a true, selfish, self-absorbed sociopath. But here's the thing snowflake, if they didn't stay in the relationship, then it wouldn't be adultery. We were talking about adultery. Which means they have decided to stay in the relationship but also cheat. Which means they want their cake and eat it too.

So what?

Do you even hear yourself when you post? You attempt to twist everything to make yourself sound less bat-shit crazy. A person cannot be "cheating" if they have left a relationship. We're talking about cheating. So don't even bring up leaving a "unhappy relationship" because it doesn't apply. Stopping resorting to straw men.

Here's the thing. If there's cheating going on, there's probably an issue with the relationship. Maybe they got married when they were too young. Maybe they grew into different people. Or maybe the guy is just a horndog who should have remained single.

But the crazy idea that "We should stay in unhappy relationships for the kids" is just crazy.

Now, hey, some people cheat and they work it out. It really isn't anyone else's business and not an impeachable offense.
I just proved in the past 10 posts that it is exponentially more credible than you are. Caught you in a dozen egregious lies in 10 posts (you lie multiple times in some posts).

Guy, opinions that don't agree with your young republican brainwashing are not lies.

It was 100% true. And you know it. Which is why I fill every thread with links while you just make shit up and fail to add a single link. Then you get embarrassed that I expose you and make childish, ridiculous claims like "so the claim you made wasn't true".

No, you made a claim that countries (usually where government has failed) have high murder rates and then claimed they also have gun control (which you can't have without effective government)

Countries with effective government and effective gun laws - Germany, Japan, the UK - have really low murder rates and crime rates.

Imagine that.
Sorry, guy, likes to "The Blaze" aren't credible
Sorry guy...just because you don't like facts doesn't mean you get to call label them as "not credible". Either prove they aren't credible with credible links backing it up or we'll all recognize that you lied.
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Here's the thing. If there's cheating going on, there's probably an issue with the relationship.
Then they should start with marriage counseling. And after all reasonable avenues are exhausted, then get divorced. There is absolute no excuse and no need to cheat while in a relationship. None. If you're unhappy, have an honest conversation with your significant other and leave.
I just proved in the past 10 posts that it is exponentially more credible than you are. Caught you in a dozen egregious lies in 10 posts (you lie multiple times in some posts).

Guy, opinions that don't agree with your young republican brainwashing are not lies. don't get to have an "opinion" that people weren't arrested for abortions before Roe vs. Wade. It's a fact that they were. An indisputable, undeniable, fact.
Countries with effective government and effective gun laws - Germany, Japan, the UK - have really low murder rates and crime rates. Imagine that.
Even that's not true. They have lower gun murders. But they have much higher murder rates by knives, baseball bats, strangulation, etc. than the U.S. does. All you're doing is shifting the weapon of choice.
Now, hey, some people cheat and they work it out. It really isn't anyone else's business and not an impeachable offense.
Bill Clinton wasn't impeached for adultery. He was impeached for perjury. He should have gone to prison. But like his wife, his power and political connections assures he remains above the law at all times. Sickening.
Then they should start with marriage counseling. And after all reasonable avenues are exhausted, then get divorced. There is absolute no excuse and no need to cheat while in a relationship. None. If you're unhappy, have an honest conversation with your significant other and leave.

Again, I have to wonder how much real life experience you have, if you think that's how real relationships work.

Bill Clinton wasn't impeached for adultery. He was impeached for perjury. He should have gone to prison. But like his wife, his power and political connections assures he remains above the law at all times. Sickening.

No, we don't send people to prison for lying about sex. If we did, most of us would be in prison.
Even that's not true. They have lower gun murders. But they have much higher murder rates by knives, baseball bats, strangulation, etc. than the U.S. does. All you're doing is shifting the weapon of choice.

That's not true, either.

The US has 16,000 homicides a year, of which 11,000 are committed by gun.

Guns in the United States — Firearms, gun law and gun control

The United Kingdom has 653 Homicides a year, of which only 48 involve guns.

Guns in the United Kingdom — Firearms, gun law and gun control

Japan has on average 400 homicides a year, of which 13 were committed with guns.

Guns in Japan — Firearms, gun law and gun control

Germany has 600 murders a year on average, of which 60 on average are committed with guns. As an aside, Germany has more guns than most industrial countries, but gun ownership isn't a "right", because that would be stupid.

Guns in Germany — Firearms, gun law and gun control

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