The fascists are at it again

Ask the people in Iraq that have had to deal with the after-effects of the use of depleted uranium weapons going back to the first illegal war that has killed millions and have caused birth defects if they will ever build a statute for Bill "drop trou".

I really don't care what they do, that's the thing.

No such thing as the Easter bunny and no such thing as the Hildebeast winning the popular vote.

Well,Trump did win the Lizard People Vote, I'll give him that.
Ask the people in Iraq that have had to deal with the after-effects of the use of depleted uranium weapons going back to the first illegal war that has killed millions and have caused birth defects if they will ever build a statute for Bill "drop trou".

I really don't care what they do, that's the thing.

No such thing as the Easter bunny and no such thing as the Hildebeast winning the popular vote.

Well,Trump did win the Lizard People Vote, I'll give him that.

Yeppers, anyone that doesn't vote" leftard just can't be "human"........(snicker)
Yeppers, anyone that doesn't vote" leftard just can't be "human"........(snicker)

No, man, just less evolved.

Nobody died because Clinton lied about a blow job.
Loss of life is not the standard for perjury.
Lots of people died because Bush lied about Saddam having nukes.
Except that George W. Bush never claimed that Saddam had “nukes”. They explicitly stated concern over WMD’s.

On a side note though, I think it’s priceless that you’re now changing your false narrative. You used to say Bush “lied about WMD’s” but I proved you wrong so many times on that, you were forced to attempt to rewrite history by changing it to “nukes”.

It just goes to prove yet again that despite the left’s best efforts at their propaganda campaign, there is simply no overcoming facts.
ou’re the same guy who said that President Trump would “lose” in a “landslide”. You have a less than stellar history with predictions, chief.
He lost by 3 million votes. That's a landslide, slick.
Snowflake...he didn’t lose. He won the election. He’s sitting in to Oval Office this afternoon as we speak.

Forget about the margin - you couldn’t even get the outcome right. :laugh:
So either Hillary is a criminal mastermind on the scale of Keyser Soze and Professor Moriarty, or you are just full of shit
You forgot option C - the truth. Which is that someone with her résumé and contacts puts her above the law (exactly as you desire).
Except that George W. Bush never claimed that Saddam had “nukes”. They explicitly stated concern over WMD’s.

On a side note though, I think it’s priceless that you’re now changing your false narrative. You used to say Bush “lied about WMD’s” but I proved you wrong so many times on that, you were forced to attempt to rewrite history by changing it to “nukes”.

No, guy, I just didn't want to waste time with you trying to claim expired mustard gas (the cutting edge weapon of 1914) was a "WMD", because no one would have went to war over that.

Bush wasn't talking about 'Mustard gas', he talked about Mushroom Clouds and Anthrax and nukes, none of which Saddam had.

Bush LIED. People DIED.

Snowflake...he didn’t lose. He won the election. He’s sitting in to Oval Office this afternoon as we speak.

Forget about the margin - you couldn’t even get the outcome right.

You said he won by a landslide. He didn't. He lost by 3 million votes and won on a technicality.

The people said "NO!"

They'll have to say it louder in November.
So either Hillary is a criminal mastermind on the scale of Keyser Soze and Professor Moriarty, or you are just full of shit
You forgot option C - the truth. Which is that someone with her résumé and contacts puts her above the law (exactly as you desire).

Nixon wasn't above the law. Hillary Clinton is more powerful than a sitting President? Why on earth would she have wanted the job if that were the case?
You forgot option C - the truth. Which is that someone with her résumé and contacts puts her above the law (exactly as you desire).

Seawytch already beat me to this one.

But Nixon was held to account.

Congressmen are held to account.

Senators are held to account.

Here's the thing. You guys spent hundreds of millions of dollars investigating Mrs. Clinton for wrongdoing over a 25 year period, you've thrown her friends in jail for not testifying the way you want them to, and all you've managed to come up with was "She used the wrong email server just like her two immediate predecessors did"
So either Hillary is a criminal mastermind on the scale of Keyser Soze and Professor Moriarty, or you are just full of shit
You forgot option C - the truth. Which is that someone with her résumé and contacts puts her above the law (exactly as you desire).

Nixon wasn't above the law. Hillary Clinton is more powerful than a sitting President? Why on earth would she have wanted the job if that were the case?
Nixon was President in an era where Democrats were still Americans and had some integrity. When Nixon was President, you wouldn’t have found a single Democrat declare that gender is “fluid” or that race is a “social construct” like you bat-shit crazy people do now.
You forgot option C - the truth. Which is that someone with her résumé and contacts puts her above the law (exactly as you desire).
Seawytch already beat me to this one. But Nixon was held to account.
That’s because Republicans have integrity. They don’t cover for a politician simply because that person is in their party. Unlike the Dumbocrats.
"Fascism is an authoritarian or totalitarian nationalist political ideology. Fascists seek to organize a nation according to corporatist perspectives, values, and systems, including the political system and the economy."
Reads like an accurate description of the Democrat Party platform.

Just saying...... :cool:

Dims fancy themselves as libertarian socialists. On the one hand, they want all the freedom in the world to take drugs and have sex, then turn around and want the state to run the economy and to destroy a free market.

The translation, they want a top down centralize police state when it comes to you and your money, which essentially means a police state if you consider what it would take to monitor and control ever single financial transaction.

To justify their cause, they will constantly employ the terms, "justice" and "fairness".

C. S. Lewis sums it up best.

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”

Or to put it another way, God save me from people who want to do something "for my own good".
No, guy, I just didn't want to waste time with you trying to claim expired mustard gas (the cutting edge weapon of 1914) was a "WMD", because no one would have went to war over that.
It’s a WMD, junior. It’s a chemical weapon. And it was Sarin Gas (far worse) that was found and/or used the most in Iraq by Al Qaeda.

You can’t lie your way out of this one, junior. It’s all been captured in HD and disseminated on the internet.
Except that George W. Bush never claimed that Saddam had “nukes”. They explicitly stated concern over WMD’s.

On a side note though, I think it’s priceless that you’re now changing your false narrative. You used to say Bush “lied about WMD’s” but I proved you wrong so many times on that, you were forced to attempt to rewrite history by changing it to “nukes”.

No, guy, I just didn't want to waste time with you trying to claim expired mustard gas (the cutting edge weapon of 1914) was a "WMD", because no one would have went to war over that.

Bush wasn't talking about 'Mustard gas', he talked about Mushroom Clouds and Anthrax and nukes, none of which Saddam had.

Bush LIED. People DIED.

Snowflake...he didn’t lose. He won the election. He’s sitting in to Oval Office this afternoon as we speak.

Forget about the margin - you couldn’t even get the outcome right.

You said he won by a landslide. He didn't. He lost by 3 million votes and won on a technicality.

The people said "NO!"

They'll have to say it louder in November.

Do you have any idea what Fascism is, pat?
From the Wikipedia page:
"Fascism is an authoritarian or totalitarian nationalist political ideology. Fascists seek to organize a nation according to corporatist perspectives, values, and systems, including the political system and the economy."
This, of course, is a pretty good description of the Republican dogma, and has nothing 'progressive' about it.
You should find some other epithet to hang on those with whom you disagree.

It's the Dems who are corporatists with all of the regulations to control them.
Trump got rid of a lot .
It’s a WMD, junior. It’s a chemical weapon. And it was Sarin Gas (far worse) that was found and/or used the most in Iraq by Al Qaeda.

Except it was expired agents that were buried in 1991 and had long lost their potency...

Again, you really don't know much about the subject. I've been trained in it thanks to the Army.

That’s because Republicans have integrity. They don’t cover for a politician simply because that person is in their party. Unlike the Dumbocrats.

Actually, you guys covered for Bush in PlameGate and Reagan in Iran-Contra.... (Both of which were worse than "Lying about a blow job".)

The thing with Nixon was that they had EVIDENCE. Because the dumb-ass taped himself planning the crimes.
Unfortunately, you’ve also been trained in pathological lying thanks to the Dumbocrats.

Naw, man. The thing is, nobody went to war over expired chemical weapons, and you know it.

Condi Rice got on the morning shows talking about mushroom clouds and anthrax. That's why we went to war. Not because of some rusty shell with mustard gas Saddam buried in 1991 because they didn't know how to dispose of it properly.

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