The fascists are at it again

But the chances of you encountering a transsexual in a bathroom are about as likely as winning the lottery.
The chance of the next Ted Bundy testing your doorknob and then killing you is less than your chance of winning the lottery. But you still lock your door at night.

There are some things that it simply doesn't make sense to take any risk with. Allowing mentally disturbed, sexually deviant predators to have access to my wife and daughters is one of them.
"The Constitution...It is unquestionably the wisest ever yet presented to man." Thomas Jefferson 1789
Yes...he absolutely said that. What does that have to do with the fact that he didn’t want to expand the power of the federal government? Just because he believed the U.S. Constitution was well written doesn’t change the facts.
“The want of power in the federal head was early perceived, and foreseen to be the flaw in our constitution which might endanger its destruction.” - Thomas Jefferson in a letter to Richard Price (February 1, 1785)
I couldn't find that "well written" clause you speak of.
Funny...I didn’t locate the “wisest clause” you speak of. :laugh:
"The Quotable Founding Fathers"
Uh...psychologists don't make law.

No, they don't.

They do science.

Now, if SCIENCE tells us that gender is more than genetics and genitals, that it has more to do with how the brain is wired, then you can't legislate gender, can you?

The chance of the next Ted Bundy testing your doorknob and then killing you is less than your chance of winning the lottery. But you still lock your door at night.

There are some things that it simply doesn't make sense to take any risk with. Allowing mentally disturbed, sexually deviant predators to have access to my wife and daughters is one of them.

Again, the reality. Trans people have been using the bathroom they identify with for years, and your women-folk never knew the difference.

Get over yourself.

I can really feel for you, guy. It's no longer openly acceptable for you to hate blacks or gays anymore, but you guys need something to hate on.
Uh...psychologists don't make law.
No, they don't. They do science. Now, if SCIENCE tells us that gender is more than genetics and genitals, that it has more to do with how the brain is wired, then you can't legislate gender, can you?
A little confused, are we? You said that psychologists granted deviants access to members of the opposite sex. I said that psychologists don’t make law and that it was Dumbocrats who did that. Now you turn around and state “you can’t legislate gender”. Well, your side is the side doing all of the legislating. So you just admitted that your side was wrong for doing what they’ve been doing.
I can really feel for you, guy. It's no longer openly acceptable for you to hate blacks or gays anymore, but you guys need something to hate on.
Contrary to your best efforts to change it (which is sitting on your couch and whining behind a keyboard), this is still America. I’m completely free to openly hate anyone I want to hate.
A little confused, are we? You said that psychologists granted deviants access to members of the opposite sex. I said that psychologists don’t make law and that it was Dumbocrats who did that. Now you turn around and state “you can’t legislate gender”. Well, your side is the side doing all of the legislating. So you just admitted that your side was wrong for doing what they’ve been doing.

No confusion at all, guy.

I find it amusing that you think it's just horrible when the government legislates things like pay or hiring or taxes... but man, you TOTALLY want them playing "bathroom Police".

In reality, trans people have been using the bathroom of their choice for a very long time, and you guys never even noticed.

Contrary to your best efforts to change it (which is sitting on your couch and whining behind a keyboard), this is still America. I’m completely free to openly hate anyone I want to hate.

Oh, I'm sure you're full of hate. It's just that you can't express it openly when you are fetching coffee for the big man.

Nor can you get the law to reflect your hate anymore.
The Electoral College subverts the will of the people. The people voted for Hillary Clinton and Al Gore.
The Electoral College protects the republic. The proof is that all pf the people who desperately want to destroy the republic (Seawytch, JoeyB, etc.), just happen to be the same people who vehemently oppose the Electoral College.

Why We Are a Republic, Not a Democracy
I find it amusing that you think it's just horrible when the government legislates things like pay or hiring or taxes... but man, you TOTALLY want them playing "bathroom Police".
You find it “amusing”? Hmm...most people find it simple common sense. There is a reason it says “Women” on the door along with the silhouette of a female in a dress. It’s because anything with an X chromosome doesn’t belong in there.
In reality, trans people have been using the bathroom of their choice for a very long time, and you guys never even noticed.
That’s just as idiotic as your claim that (and I quote) “women walked around topless in the 1700’s and everyone was openly promiscuous”.

Trans people have never used the bathroom of their choice until recently because until recently, the hormones and surgeries necessary weren’t available. Thanks for playing. You may go now.
The Electoral College protects the republic. The proof is that all pf the people who desperately want to destroy the republic (Seawytch, JoeyB, etc.), just happen to be the same people who vehemently oppose the Electoral College.

again, putting awful presidents (Bush, Trump) in the White House that the people didn't want, protects the republic, how?

Bush was an unmitigated disaster as president. Trump is a daily horror show.

This "protects" the REpublic?

You find it “amusing”? Hmm...most people find it simple common sense. There is a reason it says “Women” on the door along with the silhouette of a female in a dress. It’s because anything with an X chromosome doesn’t belong in there.

Okay, dude, everyone has an X chromosome. Women are XX, Men are XY.

But some people who were born male identify as female and vice versa.... and they've been using the bathroom of their choice for a very long time now.

You know, kind of like "women were having abortions before Roe v. Wade".
That’s just as idiotic as your claim that (and I quote) “women walked around topless in the 1700’s and everyone was openly promiscuous”.

Trans people have never used the bathroom of their choice until recently because until recently, the hormones and surgeries necessary weren’t available. Thanks for playing. You may go now.

Okay, guy, hate to break it to you.

Dude puts on a dress and makeup, and you'd never know the difference unless you saw him naked.

Thanks for playing.
But some people who were born male identify as female and vice versa.... shit. It’s called severe mental illness. Some people (such as Ted Bundy) are born sociopaths with a deep desire to rape and murder women. But we don’t accommodate them. We recognize they are demented and we take measures to stop them.
Bush was an unmitigated disaster as president. Trump is a daily horror show.
And yet both were exponentially better than Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and Jimmy Carter. Barack Obama was the only president in U.S. history to serve two terms and not oversee a single year of 3% or more GDP growth. Not one year. Jimmy Carter oversaw the second worst economy in U.S. history. And Bill Clinton was responsible for humiliating the Oval Office with the most embarrassing scandal in White House history (not to mention disrespecting his marriage by the hour).

Meanwhile, President Trump has created an economic tidal wave of success like Ronald Reagan did. And yet you’re disgusted with him. Proving exactly what I said. You desperately want the U.S. to fail and collapse, thus you hate the Electoral College as much as you hate the U.S. shit. It’s called severe mental illness. Some people (such as Ted Bundy) are born sociopaths with a deep desire to rape and murder women. But we don’t accommodate them. We recognize they are demented and we take measures to stop them.

Uh, please point out where Gender Dysphoria harms anyone. Thanks.

Oh, that's right, you can't. The only thing it hurts is your paranoia you might pick up a shemale in a bar!

And yet both were exponentially better than Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and Jimmy Carter.

Um, no, they weren't.

Bush gave us two wars, two recessions, let a major city be wiped out due to his sheer fucking incompetence, and allowed the worst terrorist attack on American Soil. That's how much a fucking disaster he was. And while i'm sure you'll get on here and tell us that none of those things were his fault, the worst thing you can say about any of those other three is that Jimmy Carter did have a recession on his watch.

Barack Obama was the only president in U.S. history to serve two terms and not oversee a single year of 3% or more GDP growth.

But he had consistant GDP Growth. That's a good thing.

Jimmy Carter oversaw the second worst economy in U.S. history.

Um, no, that would be Bush again. If you weren't a millenial, you'd realize the 1980 Recession wasn't that bad. Compared to Reagan's 1982 recession (There was a break in between) and Bush's 2008 Recession, the 1980 recession was barely a blip on the radar.

And Bill Clinton was responsible for humiliating the Oval Office with the most embarrassing scandal in White House history (not to mention disrespecting his marriage by the hour).

Guy, only you sex-obsessed wingnuts thought this was a big deal. Real sensible people shrugged their shoulders, realized most people are getting some on the side once in a while, and moved on and enjoyed the awesome prosperity he brought.

Meanwhile, ...Trump has created an economic tidal wave of success like Ronald Reagan did. And yet you’re disgusted with him.

Yes, I'm disgusted with a racist asshole, and I don't pretend that we aren't in a world of shit because the economy is still coasting on the Obama recovery. I look at a record high stock market, and know it's going to crash and working people are going to be left holding the bag- again.
Okay, guy, hate to break it to you. Dude puts on a dress and makeup, and you'd never know the difference unless you saw him naked.
Yeah...who could possibly tell the difference between a man and a woman if they are both wearing a dress? :lmao:

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The square jaw. The Adam’s apple. The broad shoulders. The five o’clock shadow. Anyone get the feeling that Joey is too stupid for society? Something tells me he’s ended up in bed with a few of these types and is now desperately trying to convince himself (and others) that it could “happen to anyone”. :laugh:
The square jaw. The Adam’s apple. The broad shoulders. The five o’clock shadow. Anyone get the feeling that Joey is too stupid for society? Something tells me he’s ended up in bed with a few of these types and is now desperately trying to convince himself (and others) that it could “happen to anyone”

Dude, you are the one freaking out at the possibility. Probably like most Right Wing Homophobes, you are a latent gay. A dude in a dress is probably the only way you can get it up.

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