The Fate of the $15 Minimum Wage Hangs on One Woman

Romney gave a speech her to a group of 4 figure donors and told the wait staff he was running so they wouldn't have to work 2-3 jobs. LOL

But the country would be a better place if two people (even two women or men in a blended household) raising 2-3 kids could make more than 40K between them, and they can't do that now unless they work more than one job apiece.

imo we could to $10 hr to start and work up.

If you are making 20K each, you have no business having kids in the first place.
Many of the low paying jobs around here they cant fill and I do get tired of them begging in the help wanted ads. McDonalds and Burger King are offering $10.50 an hour and cant fill the jobs.
Wouldn’t it be nice if the Dumbocrats understood basic economics?

I doubt this question ends with the vote. I imagine it will make it's way through the courts.
Romney gave a speech her to a group of 4 figure donors and told the wait staff he was running so they wouldn't have to work 2-3 jobs. LOL

But the country would be a better place if two people (even two women or men in a blended household) raising 2-3 kids could make more than 40K between them, and they can't do that now unless they work more than one job apiece.

imo we could to $10 hr to start and work up.
When the wage goes up------so does the price of everything so even though these people got a raise they still won't be able to support a family on one wage. In fact, they will have more trouble a family at all.
The Fate of the $15 Minimum Wage Hangs on One Woman
Her name is Elizabeth MacDonough, and she’s a seasoned nonpartisan veteran respected by both sides.

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It rests solely with Vice President Harris.
So you saying she is a dictator?
Romney gave a speech her to a group of 4 figure donors and told the wait staff he was running so they wouldn't have to work 2-3 jobs. LOL

But the country would be a better place if two people (even two women or men in a blended household) raising 2-3 kids could make more than 40K between them, and they can't do that now unless they work more than one job apiece.

imo we could to $10 hr to start and work up.
When the wage goes up------so does the price of everything so even though these people got a raise they still won't be able to support a family on one wage. In fact, they will have more trouble a family at all.
No it won't we are sticking it to the man, they will gladly pay from there magical money tree
Romney gave a speech her to a group of 4 figure donors and told the wait staff he was running so they wouldn't have to work 2-3 jobs. LOL

But the country would be a better place if two people (even two women or men in a blended household) raising 2-3 kids could make more than 40K between them, and they can't do that now unless they work more than one job apiece.

imo we could to $10 hr to start and work up.
When the wage goes up------so does the price of everything so even though these people got a raise they still won't be able to support a family on one wage. In fact, they will have more trouble a family at all.
No it won't we are sticking it to the man, they will gladly pay from there magical money tree

Well children, the verdict is in, the MW CAN NOT be included in a budget reconciliation bill.

When the wage goes up------so does the price of everything so even though these people got a raise they still won't be able to support a family on one wage.

True. In many cases, the recipients of a MW increase will see less benefits from the gov't, and/or less benefits from their employer. Or fewer hours worked, so their total compensation in many cases doesn't get much bigger if at all. Then of course there's the other employees that instead of getting a pay raise they get a pink slip. What was it the CBO said? 1.4 million fewer jobs result from the $15 MW. And then there's the other thing - such an increase also impacts people who don't have a job and are looking for one, primarily young people and minorities. New businesses that might have started will instead never open, cuz the profit margin is too small if it exists at all. Nobody is going to start a new business or expand an existing one if they can make more money investing in something else. That's the way it is, money flows to where it gets the best ROI.
The young and poor people who generally work these low-wage jobs aren't going to get much of anything out of this deal, except a pink slip and the opportunity to join the Democrats' welfare army.

Yes but don't worry.. Whether it's $8 an hour or straight welfair, the government will grant them a $40,000 loan for that degree they want to get in lesbian dance theory.. and then in 2 years they'll be on the streets.. angry, loudly protesting that it's not fair they should have to pay for their personal choice. LOL

From the article:

The budget reconciliation process is a way to pass legislation with a simple majority in the Senate. There are certain arcane rules about what kinds of bills can and can’t be passed through this process. It is the job of the Senate parliamentarian (currently Elizabeth MacDonough) to advise the Senate on whether any given piece of legislation follows or breaks those rules. The parliamentarian may decide, as Sinema has, that the minimum wage hike doesn’t qualify as something that could be passed through reconciliation. And if that happens? “There is no instance in which I would overrule a parliamentarian’s decision,” Sinema told Politico. So Sinema’s position is clear. Less clear is why she thinks it matters.

Here’s what I mean: If the parliamentarian rules against including the minimum wage proposal in reconciliation, and Democrats decide to overrule the parliamentarian, Sinema would still be unable to block its inclusion in the bill. The parliamentarian has no official power; the vice president, as president of the senate, decides whether to overrule the parliamentarian. It then takes 60 votes to overrule the vice president’s decision.

In other words, if the parliamentarian rules that the wage hike shouldn’t be in the bill (which is far from a given), and the vice president overrules her, Sinema couldn’t stop Harris. Even if she got Joe Manchin and Angus King and Mark Kelly and Jeanne Shaheen on board, they would not be able to block the inclusion of the minimum wage proposal. Their only other option would be to sink the entire package over one of its most popular elements.

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