The FBI Has Crossed The Rubicon


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

The FBI Has Crossed The Rubicon

24 May 2023 ~~ By Sam Faddis
The expression “crossing the Rubicon” refers to the actions of Julius Ca
esar in crossing the Rubicon River and marching on Rome. Roman armies were forbidden to do so. The rule was very practical. The Romans understood the danger of allowing a large armed force to march on the capital city. To allow this might spell the end of the republic. Best that popular conquering generals and their armies stay a safe distance away and respect the democratic institutions at the heart of Roman democracy.
Caesar broke the rule. He marched on Rome. He didn’t care what the Senators thought. The rest is history. Within a generation, there was no republic.
The FBI has now taken similar action. It has signaled in the clearest possible manner it does not care what the people or their elected representatives think. It will do what it pleases, and the consequences be damned.
The recently released Durham report paints a graphic picture of an agency out of control. The FBI did not blunder into an investigation of Donald Trump, his campaign, and his associates. The FBI undertook to deliberately destroy Trump and those around him including General Flynn. The FBI took unto itself the power to decide who could be President.

The FBI no longer answers to the elected representatives of the American people nor does it care what they think. It did not get sloppy. It did not make some errors in judgment. Its leaders decided that they were entitled to do whatever they chose and to ignore our laws, our traditions, and the judgment of the nation’s citizens.
Most importantly, however, nothing that has happened has changed any of that. The FBI is not chastened. It is not scrambling to change course and make reforms. As an institution, it does not believe that it has done anything wrong. It will continue to act in the future precisely as it has in the past.
The FBI has crossed the Rubicon. The consequences of that action, if not addressed immediately, will shake the foundations of the republic.

Sam Faddis is correct, there’s no coming back from this. Either Wray’s being blackmailed, which I’m strongly starting to suspect, or he belongs behind bars. Either way, he’s got to go.
The Directors of the FBI/Stasi show absolutely no accountability for their actions. They will get more brazen and boldly suppress the rights of Americans. They have become Gestapo in America, and therefore above the law. See the movie “Lives of Others”. American Stasi.
Firing Wray is not the answer. Everyone from Special Agent in Charge up to Wray himself should be fired.
It's more than apparent that we must end the important FBI. We must accept the truth that the corruption, bias and sedition of the FBI is as become so intensely evil now that something has to be done.
The recently released Durham report paints a graphic picture of an agency out of control. The FBI did not blunder into an investigation of Donald Trump, his campaign, and his associates. The FBI undertook to deliberately destroy Trump and those around him including General Flynn. The FBI took unto itself the power to decide who could be President.
Yet sourpuss durham brought zero charges.

The actions and the inaction of the FBI has made it perfectly clear what their agenda is. They're no longer interested in justice or integrity. They've become politicized, weaponized, and agenda-driven, and they don't even try to hide it. Furthermore, they've become too big for their britches, and Congress (or We The People) need to rein them in. It wouldn't hurt my feelings if they were completely disbanded. Some should be arrested.

Well, no shit.

An FBI agent, Peter Strzok, who worked on the special counsel’s Russia probe texted another investigator in August 2016 that “We’ll stop” Donald Trump from getting elected president, according to Thursday’s watchdog report on the FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server.
IMO? This doesn't have much to do with the FBI.

This was a cover-up exercise, and part of a larger strategy, for global dominance & western hegemony.

If the civil rights & civil liberties, and the American republic are destroyed in the process? I am not sure the western oligarchs are too concerned at this point.



Read the Durham Report here.

Durham Report Indicts FBI For Role in Russiagate Scam But is Silent About the CIA

New investigation should be opened that examines pivotal role played by the Agency in scandal that was used to mobilize liberal support for regime change in Russia and war in Ukraine.

". . . Durham ultimately concluded that there was no political motivation for the FBI’s “mistakes” although these quotes indicate there was along with a desire to reignite the climate of the Cold War as a means of sustaining support for record military budgets that were presented to the public as being necessary to counter the big, bad Russians.. . "


Nail in the Coffin to Russia Gate—But What About the CIA?

"Promoters of Russia Gate, like MSNBC host Rachel Maddow, predictably underplayed the breadth of Durham’s findings after the report’s release, saying it posessed nothing “we already didn’t know”—an admission that the report was factually accurate. Peter Strzok appeared on MSNBC to claim the report “didn’t come up with anything,” calling it a “predictable, sad ending to an investigation that never should have taken place.”

"But the report is actually significant in delivering the nail in the coffin to the Russia Gate narrative that so many people bought into for so long.

The Durham report nevertheless is very limited in its focus on the FBI—and failure to investigate the role that the CIA and White House played in Russia Gate.

The CIA Director at the time, John Brennan, is known as the “godfather of Russia Gate.” Soon after the start of the FBI’s Operation Crossfire Hurricane, Brennan briefed Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) on alleged Russian election interference.

Reid then wrote to then-FBI Director James Comey, warning him not to ignore “the evidence of a direct connection between the Russian government and Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.” Comey apparently responded by initiating Crossfire Hurricane. . . "


". . . The notes additionally have Obama ordering that the continued investigation be kept secret from incoming President Trump and his people.

While the latter shenanigans were going on, Obama’s administration was escalating U.S. military support to Ukraine while it was engaged in a dirty war in the east of that country that resulted in the deaths of more than ten thousand civilians.

After promoting a policy reset toward Russia during his first term, Obama reignited the Cold War by levying sanctions on Russia under fraudulent pretexts and triggering a right-wing anti-Russian coup in Ukraine.[3]"


Protection from a Company Man

" . . The $64,000 question is why Durham was only tasked with investigating the FBI and not the CIA, which played a central role in Russia Gate.

The answer is not difficult to discern: The CIA is very good at public relations and able to protect its good name by penetrating the highest reaches of the U.S. government—as it routinely does foreign governments.. . . "

I read something over in an Axios article, that Durham confirmed some conclusions of the Muller Investigation, which, according the Ray McGovern, is crap.

"Durham acknowledged those probes in his report, saying "the contributions they have made to our understanding of Russian election interference efforts are a tribute to the diligent work and dedication of those charged with the responsibility of conducting them" and that his review "focused on separate but related questions."

By now, folks should know, it was a leak, not a hack. Crowdstrike is in bed with the Deep State, the CIA, the DNC, and is part of this mess. :rolleyes:

This is a very good case, that Durham is, indeed, a company man."

The FBI Has Crossed The Rubicon

24 May 2023 ~~ By Sam Faddis
The expression “crossing the Rubicon” refers to the actions of Julius Ca
esar in crossing the Rubicon River and marching on Rome. Roman armies were forbidden to do so. The rule was very practical. The Romans understood the danger of allowing a large armed force to march on the capital city. To allow this might spell the end of the republic. Best that popular conquering generals and their armies stay a safe distance away and respect the democratic institutions at the heart of Roman democracy.
Caesar broke the rule. He marched on Rome. He didn’t care what the Senators thought. The rest is history. Within a generation, there was no republic.
The FBI has now taken similar action. It has signaled in the clearest possible manner it does not care what the people or their elected representatives think. It will do what it pleases, and the consequences be damned.
The recently released Durham report paints a graphic picture of an agency out of control. The FBI did not blunder into an investigation of Donald Trump, his campaign, and his associates. The FBI undertook to deliberately destroy Trump and those around him including General Flynn. The FBI took unto itself the power to decide who could be President.

The FBI no longer answers to the elected representatives of the American people nor does it care what they think. It did not get sloppy. It did not make some errors in judgment. Its leaders decided that they were entitled to do whatever they chose and to ignore our laws, our traditions, and the judgment of the nation’s citizens.
Most importantly, however, nothing that has happened has changed any of that. The FBI is not chastened. It is not scrambling to change course and make reforms. As an institution, it does not believe that it has done anything wrong. It will continue to act in the future precisely as it has in the past.
The FBI has crossed the Rubicon. The consequences of that action, if not addressed immediately, will shake the foundations of the republic.

Sam Faddis is correct, there’s no coming back from this. Either Wray’s being blackmailed, which I’m strongly starting to suspect, or he belongs behind bars. Either way, he’s got to go.
The Directors of the FBI/Stasi show absolutely no accountability for their actions. They will get more brazen and boldly suppress the rights of Americans. They have become Gestapo in America, and therefore above the law. See the movie “Lives of Others”. American Stasi.
Firing Wray is not the answer. Everyone from Special Agent in Charge up to Wray himself should be fired.
It's more than apparent that we must end the important FBI. We must accept the truth that the corruption, bias and sedition of the FBI is as become so intensely evil now that something has to be done.

Drag queens could learn a thing or 2 about flamboyance from the dramatics of conservative grievance

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