The FBI has delivered a death blow to the hillary movement


Gold Member
May 24, 2016
Listen to what Allen West former congressman has to say and I think he is right on target.

West rejoiced at Tuesday’s news.

“I can’t thank Director Comey enough for coming to this decision,” he wrote on his blog.

He explained why:

My concern has always been that Barack Obama would release the hounds on Mrs. Clinton and then push for his vice president, Joe Biden, to be the Democrat nominee. And then, to placate the far lefty socialists, who own the Democrat party, Obama would position Sen. Elizabeth Warren as Biden’s VP. That would be a really tough ticket to beat, since Joe Biden’s favorables, regardless of gaffes and such, are extremely high.

However, James Comey just delivered a gift wrapped with a bow.

West argued the FBI’s recommendation not to prosecute Clinton, even after noting that the former secretary of state was “extremely careless” in her handling of national secrets, speaks to the Democratic presidential candidate’s culpability while allowing her to remain in the race. In West’s view, the FBI just dealt a major blow to the Democratic Party.
I hate to say this because I really dislike Mrs Tuzla but I think what the FBI did wasn't fair to anyone. He presented a lot of information that seemed awfully damning to Mrs. Clinton without evidence actually being presented. He did this without taking one question. He also publicly did the job of the DOJ in deciding there was nothing to prosecute.

He actually let Lynch and Obama off the hook. The propaganda of Bill meeting with Lynch worked perfectly. They deserve a Goebbels.
I hate to say this because I really dislike Mrs Tuzla but I think what the FBI did wasn't fair to anyone. He presented a lot of information that seemed awfully damning to Mrs. Clinton without evidence actually being presented. He did this without taking one question. He also publicly did the job of the DOJ in deciding there was nothing to prosecute.

He actually let Lynch and Obama off the hook. The propaganda of Bill meeting with Lynch worked perfectly. They deserve a Goebbels.

The evidence was presented aka there was top secret information revealed in her emails....thus opening the possibility that our enemies now have whatever was contained in the 'top secret' documents. Which raises the possibility that if hillary is elected she would be subject to black mail by russia, china or whoever hacked her emails.

Other than that you are on target....bills stunt took the heat off the attorney was all rigged most especially as you point out the propaganda aspect of bills arranged meeting with loretta.......staged for one reason...and it was a very clever has been said if bill had wanted a secret meeting with her it would have been easily arranged...they staged this 'stunt' of bill charging onto her plane ...knowing full well the controversy it would cause...thus allowing Loretta Lynch to seize the opportunity to say she would stand back and let the FBI make the determination on whether or not to prosecute hillary...knowing full well what comey would do was all 'arranged' aka it was all rigged...and bill clinton most likely was the arranger...a very clever fellow indeed.

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