The FBI has rounded up almost 250 from the violent MAGA-Mob

Here are the latest idiots to bite the dust. It is especially fun when they're stupid enough to out themselves. :)


Good job.

I only wish they had done this to the BLM rioters as well across the nation... Nothing is wrong with peaceful demonstrations but when you cross the deserve to get pinched.

In the documentary: Trump's American Carnage

You see the way the BLM people were treated in DC vs. the Blob protesters. Its quite extraordinary how aggressive the police were during the Summer vs how they were last month with the much larger crowd of angry blob supporters.

I said it a dozen times and I’ll say it again. If that mob hadn’t been 99% white, they’d have been mowed down like dogs.

The difference in the way the BLM was treated vs. the Trump supporters is remarkable.

Now...keep in mind was largely the public police department and the other are the Capitol Hill Police. Different orientation, different philosophies, different staffing. The Cap Hill police aren't taking down crack houses and going into da-hood at 3AM to serve warrants. So they probably already have a chip on their shoulder. Cap Hill...probably not as chippy.

I'm not making excuses...I'm pointing out differences. Just like if you were to look at the LAPD sub-station that serves Watts vs. the LAPD sub-station that works Beverly Hills. Same professionals, same training...two different types of orientation. It's not "right" but it's the case.

All of that being would think that the Cap Hill police would understand that it's not a Burger King they are protecting...and ramp up the response especially knowing how bat-shit crazy Trump supporters are and their history of killing people.

All true, but this was a bit of an inside job. I’ll have more around this time mañana ;-)
Here are the latest idiots to bite the dust. It is especially fun when they're stupid enough to out themselves. :)

Nice try but the article says Including not exclusively Maga which means it was a mixed bag of supporters and anti gov't types that hate both parties. In fact, that guy with the Dixie flag inside the capitol ended up being from DELAWARE a registered democrat who voted for Biden-oops.
Do you have an explaination how a Dem would have a dixie flag if he was from Delaware if not to create a false narrative?
Where is your proof? You know no one is going to accept Qannon lies and propaganda without a valid link to your source.
Here are the latest idiots to bite the dust. It is especially fun when they're stupid enough to out themselves. :)

Nice try but the article says Including not exclusively Maga which means it was a mixed bag of supporters and anti gov't types that hate both parties. In fact, that guy with the Dixie flag inside the capitol ended up being from DELAWARE a registered democrat who voted for Biden-oops.
Do you have an explaination how a Dem would have a dixie flag if he was from Delaware if not to create a false narrative?
Where is your proof? You know no one is going to accept Qannon lies and propaganda without a valid link to your source.

where is your proof, butterfly, that the whole crowd
consisted of "maga s" Long ago----back in the 1960s----the way to lure a HUGE CROWD of destructive nuts -----was-----simply SAY THE WORD
I said it a dozen times and I’ll say it again. If that mob hadn’t been 99% white, they’d have been mowed down like dogs.

You mean like the white vet woman who was not armed and killed, and we don't even know the officers name yet?
You see the way the BLM people were treated in DC vs. the Blob protesters. Its quite extraordinary how aggressive the police were during the Summer vs how they were last month with the much larger crowd of angry blob supporters.

How are they being treated now that they're marching and saying they need to burn DC down?
Here are the latest idiots to bite the dust. It is especially fun when they're stupid enough to out themselves. :)

Nice try but the article says Including not exclusively Maga which means it was a mixed bag of supporters and anti gov't types that hate both parties. In fact, that guy with the Dixie flag inside the capitol ended up being from DELAWARE a registered democrat who voted for Biden-oops.
Do you have an explaination how a Dem would have a dixie flag if he was from Delaware if not to create a false narrative?
Where is your proof? You know no one is going to accept Qannon lies and propaganda without a valid link to your source.
Your sources were leftist equivelant to Q-anon,
You do remember 4 years of Russia russia russia right? Your news sources show marchers in red hats, but those aren't the breachers which you show no voter registration papers.

I've seen the breachers one footage and eets of pics are all men in black antifa ttpes with many in hoodies and back packs and FBI admits they were there as instigators. There were also Bernie abros and anti gov't factions, and a few Trump supporters were inside the toyrist rope being escorted some people were charged with mere miscobduct bo mention of revolt and no mention of riot. So when you get the story straight with evidence then let me know.
I have picked up lots of newspapers-----it did not happen. I
Wrong. Literally 10s of 1000s of protestors were arrested in 2020.

Now is when you should take a little pause and wonder why you didn't know that. Why you thought the opposite was true.
Wrong. Catch and release with all charges dropped is not “being arrested”. Now pause and wonder why people think you’re stupid.
Here are the latest idiots to bite the dust. It is especially fun when they're stupid enough to out themselves. :)

Nice try but the article says Including not exclusively Maga which means it was a mixed bag of supporters and anti gov't types that hate both parties. In fact, that guy with the Dixie flag inside the capitol ended up being from DELAWARE a registered democrat who voted for Biden-oops.
Do you have an explaination how a Dem would have a dixie flag if he was from Delaware if not to create a false narrative?
Where is your proof? You know no one is going to accept Qannon lies and propaganda without a valid link to your source.
Your sources were leftist equivelant to Q-anon,
You do remember 4 years of Russia russia russia right? Your news sources show marchers in red hats, but those aren't the breachers which you show no voter registration papers.

I've seen the breachers one footage and eets of pics are all men in black antifa ttpes with many in hoodies and back packs and FBI admits they were there as instigators. There were also Bernie abros and anti gov't factions, and a few Trump supporters were inside the toyrist rope being escorted some people were charged with mere miscobduct bo mention of revolt and no mention of riot. So when you get the story straight with evidence then let me know.
None of your post provided evidence of any terrorist carrying a Dixe flag being a dem. You are summarily dismissed as a viable interlocutor until you fulfil that requirement.
Whose idea was it to obstruct the certification of Joe Biden as winner and why were they there with that idea? Because T****.

Yes, they were there because of Trump, who said "I know you are going to march to the Capital peacefully and patriotically to have your voices heard." Yes, that's why Trump wanted them there.

Would you like me to post what Waters and Schumer said? How about Sanders that eventually led to the baseball shooting that almost killed Rep. Scalise?
Ray, you are not a stupid man - -
And as such, need not need prescribe to stupid conspiracy theories.

I wrote nothing conspiratorial. The bogus claim was Trump's speech incited the riot, correct? According to your article, people were coming there specifically for that reason. Trump's speech had nothing to do with it.
Dump invited them there to hear his speech. He even promised it would get "wild".

"wild" ----like the "WILD NEW YEAR'S BASH at the local church ?

Evidence is cumulative. Don’t play dumb

View attachment 454860
We know you aren’t playing being dumb. Peacefully protest and support the Senators. You have ZERO. Nothing, nada, squat, bupkis......
Here are the latest idiots to bite the dust. It is especially fun when they're stupid enough to out themselves. :)

Nice try but the article says Including not exclusively Maga which means it was a mixed bag of supporters and anti gov't types that hate both parties. In fact, that guy with the Dixie flag inside the capitol ended up being from DELAWARE a registered democrat who voted for Biden-oops.
Do you have an explaination how a Dem would have a dixie flag if he was from Delaware if not to create a false narrative?
Where is your proof? You know no one is going to accept Qannon lies and propaganda without a valid link to your source.
Your sources were leftist equivelant to Q-anon,
You do remember 4 years of Russia russia russia right? Your news sources show marchers in red hats, but those aren't the breachers which you show no voter registration papers.

I've seen the breachers one footage and eets of pics are all men in black antifa ttpes with many in hoodies and back packs and FBI admits they were there as instigators. There were also Bernie abros and anti gov't factions, and a few Trump supporters were inside the toyrist rope being escorted some people were charged with mere miscobduct bo mention of revolt and no mention of riot. So when you get the story straight with evidence then let me know.
None of your post provided evidence of any terrorist carrying a Dixe flag being a dem. You are summarily dismissed as a viable interlocutor until you fulfil that requirement.
YOU CALLED ABC and cbs philly news q-anon

None of your posts have evidence on the voting registration of the more serious offenders at the capitol, once again your news source shows non violators in red hats and you assume who broke the windows, but I saw mostly Antifa types breaking in.
That being said, why is Pelosi honoring police that protect her but incites violence against cops that protect us the people?
I recall him saying "fight like hell" I guess you missed that part.

Did he say physically fight like hell? If you really think that, what do you think Shoemaker meant when he said "Kavanaugh and Gorsuch, you have released a whirlwind, and you will pay the price."
Whose idea was it to obstruct the certification of Joe Biden as winner and why were they there with that idea? Because T****.

Yes, they were there because of Trump, who said "I know you are going to march to the Capital peacefully and patriotically to have your voices heard." Yes, that's why Trump wanted them there.

Would you like me to post what Waters and Schumer said? How about Sanders that eventually led to the baseball shooting that almost killed Rep. Scalise?

Trump said "I know you are going to march to the Capital peacefully and patriotically to have your voices heard." at 6 PM on January 6th.
Whose idea was it to obstruct the certification of Joe Biden as winner and why were they there with that idea? Because T****.

Yes, they were there because of Trump, who said "I know you are going to march to the Capital peacefully and patriotically to have your voices heard." Yes, that's why Trump wanted them there.

Would you like me to post what Waters and Schumer said? How about Sanders that eventually led to the baseball shooting that almost killed Rep. Scalise?
Yes, I'd like to know what Sanders said that inspired the guy to shoot Scaliese and others.
Yes, I'd like to know what Sanders said that inspired the guy to shoot Scaliese and others.

Hard to tell because she died from the gunshot. What was reported was that he was a loyal Sander's supporter. You know, that guy that called Trump a racist? The only words he spoke was that Trump was treasonous, and he needed to be executed. Now gee, where did he get that idea from? :eusa_shhh:
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I support EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW. By now TENS OF THOUSANDS of people should have been ROUNDED UP for crime during the riots staged by BLM

And round up Whorris as well, since she's the one who arranged bail money to get them out of jail and back out rioting.

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