The FBI has rounded up almost 250 from the violent MAGA-Mob

Ray, you are not a stupid man - -
And as such, need not need prescribe to stupid conspiracy theories.

I wrote nothing conspiratorial. The bogus claim was Trump's speech incited the riot, correct? According to your article, people were coming there specifically for that reason. Trump's speech had nothing to do with it.
Dump invited them there to hear his speech. He even promised it would get "wild".

"wild" ----like the "WILD NEW YEAR'S BASH at the local church ?
You must be hella old if you think a church party is wild. When he said wild he meant as in storming the capitol and fighting like hell.
I have picked up lots of newspapers-----it did not happen. I
Wrong. Literally 10s of 1000s of protestors were arrested in 2020.

Now is when you should take a little pause and wonder why you didn't know that. Why you thought the opposite was true.

It did not happen where I live. Do you have citations
regarding the arrests and convictions of "protesters"
in the USA in 2020---including what they were protestings or the nature of their crimes? tens of thousands
"Planners and organizers".IOW, not related to TRUMP!'s speech.
So? Is ONLY ONE of those "planners and organizers" guilty, then? Or can more than one person be guilty of that, and of incitement?
It's going to be hard to convict TRUMP! of inciting a riot when it was planned and organized by other people and he specifically told rally attenders to protest peacefully. Of course, that's why the impeachment was such a rush job. They didn't want to leave any time for actual facts to come out, just ramp up the emotions as much as possible.

I had u on the IGs. Why in God’s holy name am I actually reading u again :confused-84:
I have picked up lots of newspapers-----it did not happen. I
Wrong. Literally 10s of 1000s of protestors were arrested in 2020.

Now is when you should take a little pause and wonder why you didn't know that. Why you thought the opposite was true.

It did not happen where I live. Do you have citations
regarding the arrests and convictions of "protesters"
in the USA in 2020---including what they were protestings or the nature of their crimes? tens of thousands
You can go see. Or don't. I really do not care. Your pet narrative about: no arrests, everyone looked the other way, democrats helped, etc etc, is all bullshit. You staked it to the idea of 10s of 1000s being arrested. So go look. That happened. Then adjust your view to fit the facts. This is all your homework, not mine.
It's going to be hard to convict TRUMP! of inciting a riot when it was planned and organized by other people and he specifically told rally attenders to protest peacefully.
I don't disagree. But the world.knows what he did was deplorable. And nobody thinks it was just the one speech. The people he was messaging to got the message, loud and clear. And he was hoping they would.

How is this: everyone that was within 20 feet of Trump as he watched the riot on TV gets to swear in and be questioned in Congress. Let's see.if a pattern emerges. I think one would.

We already have reporting from two. Time for them to step up!
Ray, you are not a stupid man - -
And as such, need not need prescribe to stupid conspiracy theories.

I wrote nothing conspiratorial. The bogus claim was Trump's speech incited the riot, correct? According to your article, people were coming there specifically for that reason. Trump's speech had nothing to do with it.
Dump invited them there to hear his speech. He even promised it would get "wild".

"wild" ----like the "WILD NEW YEAR'S BASH at the local church ?
You must be hella old if you think a church party is wild. When he said wild he meant as in storming the capitol and fighting like hell.

I heard the speech and did not hear anything about
up in a small town----"wild bash" included the fourth of July marshmellow roast at that town swimming hole
I have picked up lots of newspapers-----it did not happen. I
Wrong. Literally 10s of 1000s of protestors were arrested in 2020.

Now is when you should take a little pause and wonder why you didn't know that. Why you thought the opposite was true.

It did not happen where I live. Do you have citations
regarding the arrests and convictions of "protesters"
in the USA in 2020---including what they were protestings or the nature of their crimes? tens of thousands
You can go see. Or don't. I really do not care. Your pet narrative about: no arrests, everyone looked the other way, democrats helped, etc etc, is all bullshit. You staked it to the idea of 10s of 1000s being arrested. So go look. That happened. Then adjust your view to fit the facts. This is all your homework, not mine.

go look where? (PS I did not mention "democrats") I did look in my own town and saw non-response to
criminal complaints and even in serious felonious assault "case dismissed" I also heard lots of gunfire and reports of street crime------no arrest---it just "happened"
Ray, you are not a stupid man - -
And as such, need not need prescribe to stupid conspiracy theories.

I wrote nothing conspiratorial. The bogus claim was Trump's speech incited the riot, correct? According to your article, people were coming there specifically for that reason. Trump's speech had nothing to do with it.
Dump invited them there to hear his speech. He even promised it would get "wild".

"wild" ----like the "WILD NEW YEAR'S BASH at the local church ?
You must be hella old if you think a church party is wild. When he said wild he meant as in storming the capitol and fighting like hell.

Donnie’s seditionist warmup acts like Lin Wood & Rudy were even worse.
But you know - Seditionists Gonna Sedtion!
Here are the latest idiots to bite the dust. It is especially fun when they're stupid enough to out themselves. :)

I like your first link:

Initially, the pair were accused of unlawful entry into federal property. But new conspiracy charges were added this week in which they are alleged to have planned out their travel across state lines, raised money to pay for it, and then made the trip to Washington DC in a premeditated attempt to obstruct the certification of Joe Biden as winner of the US presidential election.

Well well now. That pretty much says it all. This was pre-planned, not a reaction to Trump's speech that ended 20 minutes after the attack started.
Whose idea was it to obstruct the certification of Joe Biden as winner and why were they there with that idea? Because T****.
I firmly believe that it was a deliberate choice to allow no fact checking, no fact gathering, no debate and no deliberation on the impeachment. They're hoping for an emotional conviction, not a rational, legal one.
None of that excuses Trump's behavior on live TV for months. Either you examine his behavior and believe he was inciting, or you do not. Again: SURE would like to see some sworn statements by the people around him right after the speech. He promised he would walk with his marchers. Minutes later -- and immediately when his speech ends-- he retreats immediately to a television instead. Curious. Oh to have been in that room watching him watch it.
Not likely to happen though.
Ray, you are not a stupid man - -
And as such, need not need prescribe to stupid conspiracy theories.

I wrote nothing conspiratorial. The bogus claim was Trump's speech incited the riot, correct? According to your article, people were coming there specifically for that reason. Trump's speech had nothing to do with it.
Dump invited them there to hear his speech. He even promised it would get "wild".
And he really riled them up by telling them to protest peacefully. Wow.

That is not at all what Don the Con did, but you get two KayLeigh Spin Stars out of three for that beauty!
Actually, that's exactly what TRUMP! did. Don't know who this other clown is you're talking about.
Here are the latest idiots to bite the dust. It is especially fun when they're stupid enough to out themselves. :)


Good job.

I only wish they had done this to the BLM rioters as well across the nation... Nothing is wrong with peaceful demonstrations but when you cross the deserve to get pinched.

In the documentary: Trump's American Carnage

You see the way the BLM people were treated in DC vs. the Blob protesters. Its quite extraordinary how aggressive the police were during the Summer vs how they were last month with the much larger crowd of angry blob supporters.
Ray, you are not a stupid man - -
And as such, need not need prescribe to stupid conspiracy theories.

I wrote nothing conspiratorial. The bogus claim was Trump's speech incited the riot, correct? According to your article, people were coming there specifically for that reason. Trump's speech had nothing to do with it.
Dump invited them there to hear his speech. He even promised it would get "wild".
And he really riled them up by telling them to protest peacefully. Wow.
I recall him saying "fight like hell" I guess you missed that part.
I wasn't there, so didn't hear any of it. I'm assuming you were?
Here are the latest idiots to bite the dust. It is especially fun when they're stupid enough to out themselves. :)


Good job.

I only wish they had done this to the BLM rioters as well across the nation... Nothing is wrong with peaceful demonstrations but when you cross the deserve to get pinched.

In the documentary: Trump's American Carnage

You see the way the BLM people were treated in DC vs. the Blob protesters. Its quite extraordinary how aggressive the police were during the Summer vs how they were last month with the much larger crowd of angry blob supporters.

I said it a dozen times and I’ll say it again. If that mob hadn’t been 99% white, they’d have been mowed down like dogs.
Good stuff. Keep hunting these crazed fuckers down like the ferals they are.

At the current clip, I'm betting they haul in at least 500 of these violent, democracy-hating fucktards.
America will be a better, safer place.
I had read that there were 850 that they were trying to find with about 150 being the planners and organizers of the actual breach
"Planners and organizers". IOW, not related to TRUMP!'s speech.

If only you hadn’t been home skooled or maybe had slept at a Holiday Inn Express last night, you might have become a competent attorney.
As it is? I’m sorry. :(
Thank goodness I never tried to be one of those. That would have been soul deadening. Much prefer working with computers that are only stupid when you make them stupid. Trials, though, are supposed to be based on fact and reason, not "Orange Man Bad". But hey, go with what makes you feel good.
Ray, you are not a stupid man - -
And as such, need not need prescribe to stupid conspiracy theories.

I wrote nothing conspiratorial. The bogus claim was Trump's speech incited the riot, correct? According to your article, people were coming there specifically for that reason. Trump's speech had nothing to do with it.
Dump invited them there to hear his speech. He even promised it would get "wild".
And he really riled them up by telling them to protest peacefully. Wow.
I recall him saying "fight like hell" I guess you missed that part.
I wasn't there, so didn't hear any of it. I'm assuming you were?
If you didnt hear it you should have. They have this invention called TV that transmits video and audio to your home allowing you to hear and see what someone says from the other side of the world.
Ray, you are not a stupid man - -
And as such, need not need prescribe to stupid conspiracy theories.

I wrote nothing conspiratorial. The bogus claim was Trump's speech incited the riot, correct? According to your article, people were coming there specifically for that reason. Trump's speech had nothing to do with it.
Dump invited them there to hear his speech. He even promised it would get "wild".
And he really riled them up by telling them to protest peacefully. Wow.

That is not at all what Don the Con did, but you get two KayLeigh Spin Stars out of three for that beauty!
Actually, that's exactly what TRUMP! did. Don't know who this other clown is you're talking about.

Time for you to go. Be well!
Here are the latest idiots to bite the dust. It is especially fun when they're stupid enough to out themselves. :)


Good job.

I only wish they had done this to the BLM rioters as well across the nation... Nothing is wrong with peaceful demonstrations but when you cross the deserve to get pinched.

In the documentary: Trump's American Carnage

You see the way the BLM people were treated in DC vs. the Blob protesters. Its quite extraordinary how aggressive the police were during the Summer vs how they were last month with the much larger crowd of angry blob supporters.

I said it a dozen times and I’ll say it again. If that mob hadn’t been 99% white, they’d have been mowed down like dogs.

The difference in the way the BLM was treated vs. the Trump supporters is remarkable.

Now...keep in mind was largely the public police department and the other are the Capitol Hill Police. Different orientation, different philosophies, different staffing. The Cap Hill police aren't taking down crack houses and going into da-hood at 3AM to serve warrants. So they probably already have a chip on their shoulder. Cap Hill...probably not as chippy.

I'm not making excuses...I'm pointing out differences. Just like if you were to look at the LAPD sub-station that serves Watts vs. the LAPD sub-station that works Beverly Hills. Same professionals, same training...two different types of orientation. It's not "right" but it's the case.

All of that being would think that the Cap Hill police would understand that it's not a Burger King they are protecting...and ramp up the response especially knowing how bat-shit crazy Trump supporters are and their history of killing people.
Ray, you are not a stupid man - -
And as such, need not need prescribe to stupid conspiracy theories.

I wrote nothing conspiratorial. The bogus claim was Trump's speech incited the riot, correct? According to your article, people were coming there specifically for that reason. Trump's speech had nothing to do with it.
Dump invited them there to hear his speech. He even promised it would get "wild".
And he really riled them up by telling them to protest peacefully. Wow.
I recall him saying "fight like hell" I guess you missed that part.
I wasn't there, so didn't hear any of it. I'm assuming you were?
If you didnt hear it you should have. They have this invention called TV that transmits video and audio to your home allowing you to hear and see what someone says from the other side of the world.
Amazing things, those. They play very interesting shows that aren't politics. Pretty cool.
Ray, you are not a stupid man - -
And as such, need not need prescribe to stupid conspiracy theories.

I wrote nothing conspiratorial. The bogus claim was Trump's speech incited the riot, correct? According to your article, people were coming there specifically for that reason. Trump's speech had nothing to do with it.
Dump invited them there to hear his speech. He even promised it would get "wild".
And he really riled them up by telling them to protest peacefully. Wow.

That is not at all what Don the Con did, but you get two KayLeigh Spin Stars out of three for that beauty!
Actually, that's exactly what TRUMP! did. Don't know who this other clown is you're talking about.

Time for you to go. Be well!
No, I'm not done yet. You can go if you want, though.
Here are the latest idiots to bite the dust. It is especially fun when they're stupid enough to out themselves. :)

Nice try but the article says Including not exclusively Maga which means it was a mixed bag of supporters and anti gov't types that hate both parties. In fact, that guy with the Dixie flag inside the capitol ended up being from DELAWARE a registered democrat who voted for Biden-oops.
Do you have an explaination how a Dem would have a dixie flag if he was from Delaware if not to create a false narrative?

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