The FBI has rounded up almost 250 from the violent MAGA-Mob

These are the people who went after Sarah Palin for having a target symbol on her web page when Giffords was shot. It didn't matter that the shooter never saw the web page or cared about Palin, they still tried to blame her.

The funny thing is the Republicans found a Democrat using the same kind of ad. There are some clowns on here that still believe Palin said she could see Russia from her backyard. While the SNL actress looked stunningly like Palin, it wasn't her and they still don't know it.
Unfortunately, there are far too many who get their news from comedians and comedy shows. In this case they need a boogyman, and who better than their favorite hate target to fill that role? Facts and reason need not apply when emotion can drive the lynching.
HE LIED THROUGH HIS TEETH FOR MONTHS that the election had been stolen from him. He convinced millions of people, and he whipped them into an angry mob that felt they were doing the right thing by "stopping the steal."

We'll probably never know if his overpreening ego convinced him it was true, or if it was calculated to keep him in power, but the result was the same, either way. Whether he's just nuts or a criminal, this cannot happen again. It will take years to assure people that the sky is blue again.

This is serious, Ray. Your side only looks worse by not holding him responsible.

Again, we on the right only hold those responsible who took action. And again, Trump said nothing more than what Democrats have said in the past. In this impeachment hearing, they are going to play videos of what some of these commies said when trying to rile up their supporters.

When are you going to hold the commies responsible? While Trump only spoke words, Whorris actually assisted in bailing out rioters so they could go out and riot again. See the difference between words and actions? So when are the commies going to impeach her?

I'm sure Trump does believe the election was stolen, just as I and most of his supporters do. It had nothing to do with what Trump said, all you have to do is watch the videos of what his team found that was extremely suspicious. But I'm sure none of you on the left ever watched one of those videos.
In the emotion driven world of the left, consistency doesn't exist. Democrats can say the exact same things and worse than Republicans say and they are routinely excused. The cause and the narrative are the only things that matter. In this case, the LAST thing they really want is an in-depth analysis and investigation of what TRUMP! said and to whom. They want the lynching and they want it now to keep their base ramped up. I believe they know that the other side is extremely ticked off right now and will vote in very large numbers in the mid-terms, so they have to find something to keep their own interested. Heaven knows Quid Pro isn't able to do it.

The more serious a charge is, the more serious the evidence and deliberation should be, and that's not what they want. They want blood and they want it now. Very much like a lynch mob.
In about 30 years, like Woodstock. there will be hundreds of thousands either claiming to have been there or being accused of having been there, depending on the prevailing political winds at the time. Reality need not apply.

Woodstock was a relatively peaceful event. The MAGA-Mob was not. And when you post videos of yourself on social media busting out windows with battering rams and bricks, fighting with Capitol cops, stabbing them with fence stakes and bashing their heads with American Flags in order to stop a constitutionally mandated vote count because you didn't like the result of a free and fair election - You go down - And you go down hard.
HEY! they were just looking for a bathroom.

Well, they found it! :rolleyes:
Any convictions ?? Zero
Fake arrests from a fake terrorist organization

A little too early for convictions wouldn't you say? There have been many confessions. And the idiots who plead not guilty when they are captured on camera doing stupid, violent shit won't have much of a case.
A few out of tens of thousands

Tens of thousands? LoL - there were an estimated 2,000 involved in Donald's Capitol Siege. Minimally 1000 were complicit in conspiracy theory and violent insurrection - GUILTY!
Did you not look at the photos of the people------there were at minimum tens of thousands that marched on the capital hun. Check the photos of those outside protesting------------

Crowd estimate at the White House was 7-10 thousand. So don't give me "tens" of thousands. Not buying.
250 of Trump's jihadis so far. Good. This was an attack on our nation's capitol, threatening the lives of our elected representatives, and an attempt to subvert our very election system. As a result, America is no longer the beacon of democracy in the world.

There are no comparisons to this, as desperate as the Trumpsters are to make them.
250 of Trump's jihadis so far. Good. This was an attack on our nation's capitol, threatening the lives of our elected representatives, and an attempt to subvert our very election system. As a result, America is no longer the beacon of democracy in the world.

There are no comparisons to this, as desperate as the Trumpsters are to make them.

I agree with Liz Cheney about next to nothing - But she nailed it here!

"There's a massive criminal investigation underway. There will be a massive criminal investigation of everything that happened on Jan. 6 and in the days before," Cheney said. "People will want to know exactly what the president was doing. They will want to know, for example, whether the tweet that he sent out calling Vice President Pence a coward while the attack was underway, whether that tweet, for example, was a premeditated effort to provoke violence.

"There are a lot of questions that have to be answered, and there will be many, many criminal investigations looking at every aspect of this and everyone who was involved, as there should be," she said, adding, "We have never seen that kind of an assault by a president of the United States on another branch of government, and that can never happen again."

Cheney said that if she were a senator, she would weigh the evidence and the arguments before reaching a conclusion, but she said what is already known is worthy of impeachment.

"What we already know does constitute the greatest violation of his oath of office by any president in the history of the country," she said. "And this is not something that we can simply look past or pretend didn't happen or try and move on. We've got to make sure this never happens again."
Cheney said that if she were a senator, she would weigh the evidence and the arguments before reaching a conclusion, but she said what is already known is worthy of impeachment.

We know all we need to know. The Cheney and Bush families have been friends for decades, and Trump was not very nice to Jeb and George Jr. We know Cheney decided to use the power people gave her for personal revenge, and that's why this should be her last term in office.
Cheney said that if she were a senator, she would weigh the evidence and the arguments before reaching a conclusion, but she said what is already known is worthy of impeachment.

We know all we need to know. The Cheney and Bush families have been friends for decades, and Trump was not very nice to Jeb and George Jr. We know Cheney decided to use the power people gave her for personal revenge, and that's why this should be her last term in office.

Trump was nice to GWB and Jeb? OmG!! :laughing0301:
In the emotion driven world of the left, consistency doesn't exist. Democrats can say the exact same things and worse than Republicans say and they are routinely excused. The cause and the narrative are the only things that matter. In this case, the LAST thing they really want is an in-depth analysis and investigation of what TRUMP! said and to whom. They want the lynching and they want it now to keep their base ramped up. I believe they know that the other side is extremely ticked off right now and will vote in very large numbers in the mid-terms, so they have to find something to keep their own interested. Heaven knows Quid Pro isn't able to do it.

The more serious a charge is, the more serious the evidence and deliberation should be, and that's not what they want. They want blood and they want it now. Very much like a lynch mob.

It's the Nazi mentality. I was watching an interview with Professor Dershowitz on I believe Laura's show yesterday. Do you know what they told Trump's attorney? They told him if he dares to bring up the first amendment, they are going to file a petition to have him disbarred! DISBARRED FOR BRINGING UP THE US CONSTITUTION???? But like I say, it's how Nazis operate.
In the emotion driven world of the left, consistency doesn't exist. Democrats can say the exact same things and worse than Republicans say and they are routinely excused. The cause and the narrative are the only things that matter. In this case, the LAST thing they really want is an in-depth analysis and investigation of what TRUMP! said and to whom. They want the lynching and they want it now to keep their base ramped up. I believe they know that the other side is extremely ticked off right now and will vote in very large numbers in the mid-terms, so they have to find something to keep their own interested. Heaven knows Quid Pro isn't able to do it.

The more serious a charge is, the more serious the evidence and deliberation should be, and that's not what they want. They want blood and they want it now. Very much like a lynch mob.

It's the Nazi mentality. I was watching an interview with Professor Dershowitz on I believe Laura's show yesterday. Do you know what they told Trump's attorney? They told him if he dares to bring up the first amendment, they are going to file a petition to have him disbarred! DISBARRED FOR BRINGING UP THE US CONSTITUTION???? But like I say, it's how Nazis operate.
The only way that kind of thing gets stopped is if they try it and it's thrown back in their faces, complete with disbarring for stupidity the lawyer(s) who put it together.
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Cheney said that if she were a senator, she would weigh the evidence and the arguments before reaching a conclusion, but she said what is already known is worthy of impeachment.

We know all we need to know. The Cheney and Bush families have been friends for decades, and Trump was not very nice to Jeb and George Jr. We know Cheney decided to use the power people gave her for personal revenge, and that's why this should be her last term in office.

Trump was nice to GWB and Jeb? OmG!! :laughing0301:
The quote is "Trump was not very nice to Jeb and George Jr" (bold mine). And it is true.
250 of Trump's jihadis so far. Good. This was an attack on our nation's capitol, threatening the lives of our elected representatives, and an attempt to subvert our very election system. As a result, America is no longer the beacon of democracy in the world.

There are no comparisons to this, as desperate as the Trumpsters are to make them.

I agree with Liz Cheney about next to nothing - But she nailed it here!

"There's a massive criminal investigation underway. There will be a massive criminal investigation of everything that happened on Jan. 6 and in the days before," Cheney said. "People will want to know exactly what the president was doing. They will want to know, for example, whether the tweet that he sent out calling Vice President Pence a coward while the attack was underway, whether that tweet, for example, was a premeditated effort to provoke violence.

"There are a lot of questions that have to be answered, and there will be many, many criminal investigations looking at every aspect of this and everyone who was involved, as there should be," she said, adding, "We have never seen that kind of an assault by a president of the United States on another branch of government, and that can never happen again."

Cheney said that if she were a senator, she would weigh the evidence and the arguments before reaching a conclusion, but she said what is already known is worthy of impeachment.

"What we already know does constitute the greatest violation of his oath of office by any president in the history of the country," she said. "And this is not something that we can simply look past or pretend didn't happen or try and move on. We've got to make sure this never happens again."
Yeah, I can disagree with her ideologically but appreciate her honesty and bravery.

The REAL reason the Trumpsters hate her is because people like her expose them for what they are.
250 of Trump's jihadis so far. Good.

Who said they were all Trump's?

You leftists always rush to judgement in any given situation.
They were, regardless of what right wing websites claim.

You are entitled to your reality.
After Biden's Feds round up the usual suspects when are they going to come for you?

Presumably when I decide to break into the capital and overturn an election.
Oh please----

The socialists have consistently went after one group after another...they take one down and then immediately move onto the next group or thing to attack. Llike with the flag, and then statues, and then buildings and then entire cities that the lib brown shirts have been targeting-they have been singling out one group after another as socialist/communists always wind up doing. Only a matter of time coyote-----you should be really worried given your position on this conservative board. I don't agree with you on most things, but if this path continues they will eventually come for you as well. It's only a matter of time.

Oh please is right.

At WHAT POINT do you decide a violent insurrection is not ok - when they succeed, and it's not your side? Come on dude. And considering you all were hung-ho on going after muslims, commies, Antifa etc. the about turn is interesting.

Edited to add: if we find government entities are going after people or keeping files on people solely for political ideology, not for extremist ties or actions, I will agree it must stop. That's happened before. But what I am seeing is a lot of fear mongering and self-victimization based on very little fact. And I find it ironic that many of those complaining had no issue if the government was going after leftists, Antifa or Muslims.
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The REAL reason the Trumpsters hate her is because people like her expose them for what they are.
Whoah whoah whoah

You give them WAY too much credit. What you stated would require multiple thoughts, in succession, that are actually related to one another.

That is not how this works. They heard she didnt show loyalty and fawning deference to Trump, and then they put her in their mental "She bad, mmmmkay?" bins. Forever. These reactions by the cultists are more akin to the stimulus/response behavior of amoebas.

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