The FBI Is Out Of Control Under Failed Criminal Leadership - Needs to Be Reined In or Totally Wiped Out

The Truth is that the FBI is no different under Republicans than they are Democrats. But that nobody really wants to stop the FBI’s abuses. They do want them available as a weapon against political and social enemies. Treating the FBI as well as other Federal LEO’s as particularly vicious guard dogs, with no loyalty to anything but who is holding the leash. They believe they can sick the dog on their enemies with no spashback. That was Trump’s intention.

You scream the Democrats are doing this, or that. The FBI entrapped mentally disabled people in their make a Terrorist schemes for the press and convictions to show they are fighting the good fight and defending ‘Merica or something. They did this under Trump as well as Obama, and soon enough under Biden.

The people who trample your rights under the Constitution, including your Second Amendment Rights, are the cops. They conduct an illegal search, and the lawyers and politicians try to figure out a way to protect the cop. Gotta show we’re tough on crime.

If it is illegal, the cops start lying saying they didn’t do that, when they did.

The Feds lead the pack. I’ve pointed out some of the lies that they’ve told over the decades, with both Republicans and Democrats before. But no, it’s all the Democrats fault.

I told you all about the nonsense Lead Matching. The FBI ended it in 2005 after twenty five years.

By my math, that means they were doing it in the 1980’s, when Reagan was President. And then when George Herbert Walker Bush was President, and then while Clinton was President. The practice finally ended. Not because of a President, but because the FBI could no longer claim that there was no laboratory in the world sophisticated enough to conduct the tests in 2005. The political affiliation of the man in the White House didn’t matter one damned bit. It was just impossible to continue using this discredited test.

They used this test to convict people. They used to to pressure them to accept a plea bargain to hopefully get out of prison while they were still alive.

Nobody on the Right, who were in charge of the Government in 2005, jumped on the FBI to demand accountability. Nope, FBI was great, and doing a fine job protecting America from Terrorists. We’ll give them even more authority with National Security Letters.

Stop pretending that you can control the rabid dog on the end of that chain. He’s never shown any loyalty before.
With idiotic opinions like I’ve read here. The FBI will soon be a national police force. Idiots.
The FBI is already the Democrat party's Gestapo, illegally spying on Americans, heavily armored, heavily armed raids with personal news crews on elderly opposition party targets, etc....
Yea, when you're a lowlife planning a coup or civil war because you're too immature to accept election results the FBI tends to get involved, MAGA slime.
Yea, when you're a lowlife planning a coup or civil war because you're too immature to accept election results the FBI tends to get involved, MAGA slime.
Thank you for the high emotion low intelligence response, but the fact that the FBI has been illegally spying on Americans for DECADES, the fact that they participated in a failed political coup attempt, the fact that they are STILL illegally spying on people, and that they attempted to infiltrate a conservative crowd with the intent to incite violence and 'set-up' conservatives to be called 'terrorists' makes the FBI direct threats to the Constitution, the Rule of law, US citizens, and this country.

The fact that you are happy about their treasonous, criminal acts because they were in support of your preferred criminal politicians just shows what a scumbag YOU are.
Yea, when you're a lowlife planning a coup or civil war because you're too immature to accept election results the FBI tends to get involved, MAGA slime.
Thank you for the high emotion low intelligence response, but the fact that the FBI has been illegally spying on Americans for DECADES, the fact that they participated in a failed political coup attempt, the fact that they are STILL illegally spying on people, and that they attempted to infiltrate a conservative crowd with the intent to incite violence and 'set-up' conservatives to be called 'terrorists' makes the FBI direct threats to the Constitution, the Rule of law, US citizens, and this country.

The fact that you are happy about their treasonous, criminal acts because they were in support of your preferred criminal politicians just shows what a scumbag YOU are.
Yea, yea we know. Your boy had his ass beat by Biden so the FBI & a cast of thousands stole the election. You know what? Why don't you haul your ass over to Russia where elections actually are rigged & you can can take your cult, Trump & the rest of your fascist mob right along with you. Go run your mouth over there & see how long it takes before your ass is tossed into some gulag. Forever.

This is how elections work, cultist. Somebody loses & this time it was Trump. Don't like it? Get the fuck out.
Yea, yea we know. Your boy had his ass beat by Biden so the FBI & a cast of thousands stole the election. You know what? Why don't you haul your ass over to Russia where elections actually are rigged & you can can take your cult, Trump & the rest of your fascist mob right along with you. Go run your mouth over there & see how long it takes before your ass is tossed into some gulag. Forever.

Way to attempt to diver the conversation from how proven criminal and treasonous the FBI is to Trump.

Nothing you just said does anything to disprove the fact that the FBI has been illegally spying on Americans for DECADES, the fact that they participated in a failed political coup attempt, the fact that they are STILL illegally spying on people, and that they attempted to infiltrate a conservative crowd with the intent to incite violence and 'set-up' conservatives to be called 'terrorists' makes the FBI direct threats to the Constitution, the Rule of law, US citizens, and this country.

You are literally defending proven traitors and criminals.
Yea, yea we know. Your boy had his ass beat by Biden so the FBI & a cast of thousands stole the election. You know what? Why don't you haul your ass over to Russia where elections actually are rigged & you can can take your cult, Trump & the rest of your fascist mob right along with you. Go run your mouth over there & see how long it takes before your ass is tossed into some gulag. Forever.

This is how elections work, cultist. Somebody loses & this time it was Trump. Don't like it? Get the fuck out.
Trump won.
There were no "unexploded bombs" found in the building you fool..
The bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995 was a false flag attack and black operation carried out by criminal elements controlling and within the US Government. The main purposes of this operation were the following: 1) the pretext for "anti-terrorist" and other legislation granting the government vast new "police state" powers (increasing the funding, size, and power of agencies like the ATF, FBI, etc), and 2) the demonization and attempted destruction of the modern right-wing "militia movement"
1) Local news channels and press around Oklahoma City reported on the fact that multiple unexploded bombs were diffused and removed from the Murrah Building after the bombing. Local reporters, the US Justice Department, and even Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating all initially confirmed (on the day of the bombing) the fact that unexploded devices were diffused and removed from inside the building. This information was subsequently hushed up by the national media, and has since been buried.

2) The damage to the Murrah Building could not have been caused by an ANFO bomb on the street, per the official story. The Murrah Building was destroyed by bombs placed inside the building. Only bombs placed on the structural columns could have partially collapsed the building as it did, not an ANFO bomb located across the street. Furthermore, blast debris was blown out and away from the building, not into it, as would occur with a truck bomb located on the street. This was proven in a report by explosives expert Brigadier General Benton K. Partin, USAF (Ret.) in 1995.

3) Eyewitnesses and other evidence confirms that there were multiple blasts that caused the damage, not one explosion. Numerous eyewitnesses testify to hearing at least two separate explosions. (See here, for example)

4) As testified to by witnesses and reported on local news channels in Oklahoma City, the BATF, which had offices in the Murrah Building, had prior knowledge that the bombing would occur. They had vacated their offices in the building on the morning of the bombing.

5) Timothy McVeigh was a patsy, who was a Government operative, likely in military black ops.
The FBI is more of a redundancy now than anything else. We have several more specialized agencies to handle most of the crimes in America. The FBI's only legitimate purpose would be to maintain and continue to run their crime lab and databases.
Our military leadership is in the same state as our intelligence leadership. When you get to the highest ranks, they turn into Liberal politicians. It is a disgrace and a great danger to our country.
That's because we have a 4-Star and a sect Of Defense pushing Marxist CRT down the throats of our military while calling for the entire military to shut down so we can hunt for white supremacists in the military. WTF?!
If I'm not mistaken , the Oklahoma City bombing was executed by two friends in the military who decided to take matters into their own hands. Other than their military backgrounds I really don't recall their motivation or their names, only that the bombing was horrendous, the death toll was greater than 160, and all of us were totally shocked that a soldier would turn against his native America.
Terry Nichols and Timothy McVeigh were black ops who had been stationed in Iraq together, and used as patsies in the bombing. They were railroaded and never testified.

A couple things. First, they weren’t Black Ops. McVeigh washed out of the Selection Course for Special Forces on Day Two. He was an 11B Infantryman. And not a particularly good one. He had reached as high as he was going to go with Sergeant, because he was a racist jack wagon, and he was never going to make Staff Sergeant.

Nichols spent a year in the Army and got a hardship discharge. Another basic infantryman. He definitely had no time to become black ops.

The Defendant need not testify. Their trials were public, and everyone saw it. McVeigh conducted interviews with not only cops, but press. So the idea he was innocent is laughable.

I don’t know where you all get your information, but you guys need to start checking references. Because the more times you’re proven wrong, the less seriously anyone is going to take you when you are inevitably right.
CIA ops.
Read some books.
Our military leadership is in the same state as our intelligence leadership. When you get to the highest ranks, they turn into Liberal politicians. It is a disgrace and a great danger to our country.
That's because we have a 4-Star and a sect Of Defense pushing Marxist CRT down the throats of our military while calling for the entire military to shut down so we can hunt for white supremacists in the military. WTF?!
If I'm not mistaken , the Oklahoma City bombing was executed by two friends in the military who decided to take matters into their own hands. Other than their military backgrounds I really don't recall their motivation or their names, only that the bombing was horrendous, the death toll was greater than 160, and all of us were totally shocked that a soldier would turn against his native America.
Terry Nichols and Timothy McVeigh were black ops who had been stationed in Iraq together, and used as patsies in the bombing. They were railroaded and never testified.

A couple things. First, they weren’t Black Ops. McVeigh washed out of the Selection Course for Special Forces on Day Two. He was an 11B Infantryman. And not a particularly good one. He had reached as high as he was going to go with Sergeant, because he was a racist jack wagon, and he was never going to make Staff Sergeant.

Nichols spent a year in the Army and got a hardship discharge. Another basic infantryman. He definitely had no time to become black ops.

The Defendant need not testify. Their trials were public, and everyone saw it. McVeigh conducted interviews with not only cops, but press. So the idea he was innocent is laughable.

I don’t know where you all get your information, but you guys need to start checking references. Because the more times you’re proven wrong, the less seriously anyone is going to take you when you are inevitably right.
CIA ops.
Read some books.

Neither of those two idiots were in any CIA Ops. The CIA has plenty of units to work with. SEAL’s, Marine Recon, Delta, SF, and a host of other specialized units.

They didn’t need two half assed basic infantrymen.

Especially not a jackass like McVeigh.

Neither of those two idiots were in any CIA Ops. The CIA has plenty of units to work with. SEAL’s, Marine Recon, Delta, SF, and a host of other specialized units.

They didn’t need two half assed basic infantrymen.

Especially not a jackass like McVeigh.
That's a good opinion.
There were no "unexploded bombs" found in the building you fool..
The bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995 was a false flag attack and black operation carried out by criminal elements controlling and within the US Government. The main purposes of this operation were the following: 1) the pretext for "anti-terrorist" and other legislation granting the government vast new "police state" powers (increasing the funding, size, and power of agencies like the ATF, FBI, etc), and 2) the demonization and attempted destruction of the modern right-wing "militia movement"

Listen up Lastamender.

This is you in 25 years dumbfuck.

On an obscure message board...a no life loser...still trying to sell nonsense.

Listen up Lastamender.

This is you in 25 years dumbfuck.

On an obscure message board...a no life loser...still trying to sell nonsense.
My wife of 33 years and I have a house on 38 acres of timberland all paid for, our own water well with the world's best water (Arkansas isn't called the Natural State for nothing ), work when I feel like it, and talk about what you call "conspiracy theories" in rare moments of boredom, just to keep you Virginia shills awake and on your toes.

Listen up Lastamender.

This is you in 25 years dumbfuck.

On an obscure message board...a no life loser...still trying to sell nonsense.
My wife of 33 years and I have a house on 38 acres of timberland all paid for, our own water well with the world's best water (Arkansas isn't called the Natural State for nothing ), work when I feel like it, and talk about what you call "conspiracy theories" in rare moments of boredom, just to keep you Virginia shills awake and on your toes.

Yeah..sure. Thanks for the chuckle.
1) Local news channels and press around Oklahoma City reported on the fact that multiple unexploded bombs were diffused and removed from the Murrah Building after the bombing. Local reporters, the US Justice Department, and even Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating all initially confirmed (on the day of the bombing) the fact that unexploded devices were diffused and removed from inside the building. This information was subsequently hushed up by the national media, and has since been buried.

2) The damage to the Murrah Building could not have been caused by an ANFO bomb on the street, per the official story. The Murrah Building was destroyed by bombs placed inside the building. Only bombs placed on the structural columns could have partially collapsed the building as it did, not an ANFO bomb located across the street. Furthermore, blast debris was blown out and away from the building, not into it, as would occur with a truck bomb located on the street. This was proven in a report by explosives expert Brigadier General Benton K. Partin, USAF (Ret.) in 1995.

3) Eyewitnesses and other evidence confirms that there were multiple blasts that caused the damage, not one explosion. Numerous eyewitnesses testify to hearing at least two separate explosions. (See here, for example)

4) As testified to by witnesses and reported on local news channels in Oklahoma City, the BATF, which had offices in the Murrah Building, had prior knowledge that the bombing would occur. They had vacated their offices in the building on the morning of the bombing.

5) Timothy McVeigh was a patsy, who was a Government operative, likely in military black ops.
It needs to be totally dismantled.... including a demolition of the building.

They used to lean into "well, the field agents and grunts are good people"..... NO THEY'RE NOT. They're filthy fucking savages that have raped our system long enough. Put each one in a cell with a convict they baited into a crime... let's see how that works out.

Wow, You must be a real loser.

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