The Fear of White Identity Politics, The Fear of Equality.

Why do so supposed humanitarians and egalitarians fight so hard to keep white people from having what non-white populations have had for over a generation now? Why do "progressives" fight actual progress for white communities?

Would it really be so terrible if white children respected their heritage and had a legitimate interest group to nurture a healthy self esteem? How have we not gone full circle when white children literally want to grow up to be the same color as their black heroes on tv?

Why are contemporary leftists so scared of equality for whites, men and Christians?
White identity adherents are white supremacists. Don't be retarded enough that you think we will buy the horseshit they are the same as minority groups who band together to protect their rights.
"White supremacy" is a stupid strawman to defend anti-white bigots and retards, nothing more.
You've lost your mind. Are you claiming the concept of white supremacy is not real?
Considering it literally doesn't mean anything, I would say it has absolutely no use but a strawman.
Why do so supposed humanitarians and egalitarians fight so hard to keep white people from having what non-white populations have had for over a generation now? Why do "progressives" fight actual progress for white communities?

Would it really be so terrible if white children respected their heritage and had a legitimate interest group to nurture a healthy self esteem? How have we not gone full circle when white children literally want to grow up to be the same color as their black heroes on tv?

Why are contemporary leftists so scared of equality for whites, men and Christians?
We whites are oppressed. I weep tears of angst. We will become mongrels.
Once White Christian males become an oppressed minority group that do not receive equal or fair opportunity in this country then their is cause for actions like you suggest... As of now they are at the top of the food chain, there just isn't a need or valid justification for what you are proposing.

Same reason why charity goes to those who need it most... Is it fair? You can view it as unfair in a warped way, a billionaire is a person too so why give your $5 to the homeless guy on the street and not the CEO down the street? Get the point?
Europe's demographic changes turns your entire argument on its head. If white people don't even control our native homelands we don't control ANYTHING.

Once white people are a powerless oppressed group it will be too late to do anything about it.
The entire point that you are missing is that we are all humans, not divided up into groups based on the color of our skin in a game of us vs. them... That is a horrible perspective to have on life and it is what our country has, and continues, to work so hard to fight against.
Tell that to assclaps.
you sound like a porch honky
I am more like a revolutionary.
Why do so supposed humanitarians and egalitarians fight so hard to keep white people from having what non-white populations have had for over a generation now? Why do "progressives" fight actual progress for white communities?

Would it really be so terrible if white children respected their heritage and had a legitimate interest group to nurture a healthy self esteem? How have we not gone full circle when white children literally want to grow up to be the same color as their black heroes on tv?

Why are contemporary leftists so scared of equality for whites, men and Christians?
We whites are oppressed. I weep tears of angst. We will become mongrels.
You are just as stupid as assclaps.
Europe's demographic changes turns your entire argument on its head. If white people don't even control our native homelands we don't control ANYTHING.

Once white people are a powerless oppressed group it will be too late to do anything about it.
The entire point that you are missing is that we are all humans, not divided up into groups based on the color of our skin in a game of us vs. them... That is a horrible perspective to have on life and it is what our country has, and continues, to work so hard to fight against.
Tell that to assclaps.
you sound like a porch honky
I am more like a revolutionary.
Maybe the OP can start a Christian white male support group in his community and they can all deal with the horrible oppression in their lives. Being forced to watch black and gay people on TV, being forced to buy the same food as them in the supermarket, sharing the same roads and restaurants... It's a total tragedy, perhaps they can support each other with circle jerk therapy. Maybe their club can wear white robes with pointy hats for their dress code.
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No one fights against white people. They fight to recognize other people instead of whites. Since the inception of this country white people were promoted as the rightful rulers and leaders because they could lie well and had better weapons once their numbers grew large enough.

Their is no heritage to respect for white people because rape, genocide, slavery, lying, and thievery are no longer commendable qualities worth promoting.
Thank you for proving the point of this thread.

White Democrat idiots hide behind your moronic black fascism to avoid the egalitarian principles they claim to uphold.
Youre welcome. I know you hate being white without the benefit of being able do what you please without getting your ass beat now. :laugh:

The feral inbred mutant albinos are sure getting angry
As for the OP. Just a few things

1. I stopped asking permission or trying to persuade someone I have a right to my life,my opinion,my views,live where I want around people I want etc.
2.I started BLUNTLY expressing my opinion online,on my clothing,in my music,in the books I read,bumper stickers on my car,etc etc
3. I started doing things that REALLY piss off white libtards and non white scum. I have a white racially aware wife been married 10 years now,We have FOUR white children and counting,We live in a majority WHITE area,We associate with WHITE friends. I express my opinion very openly and bluntly and it shocks the shit out of people. I was flipped off today but still not sure if the college aged twit with his cute tinted windows and goofy car was made about the boycott Israel sticker or the Trump 2016 sticker. I raise my kids to LOVE their race to LOVE their culture and history and heritage and the rest just falls into place..its been so much easier to allow my kids to love being white and of European ancestry than I thought it would be. My oldest is 9 and is fascinated by Adolph Hitler and wanted to know more about him. I was completely open to it. She is jew aware she is racially aware as well. The hardest thing is,is fighting the brainwashing from the public indoctrination centers. The leftards expect us whites to meekly give up our kids to their propaganda which is anti white,anti traditional anti everything western civilization is built on,they expect our wives to have our balls in a jar on the mantle,they expect us to turn the other cheek and give our hard earned money to church so they can drag more non white invaders into our countries. We do NONE of that. I am against EVERYTHING the anti white libtard wants us to do. I take much pleasure from that.
Another terribly nasty and hateful thread in which Asclepias is an active participant.

We don't ultimately evolve past the skin color issue until we stop enabling those who are slowing us down.

We've let those, on both ends of the issue, who want to divide us have their way.
Stop whining. I wasnt the one that started the nastiness but I sure will finish it. You dont like it then keep your chimps at heel.
Another terribly nasty and hateful thread in which Asclepias is an active participant.

We don't ultimately evolve past the skin color issue until we stop enabling those who are slowing us down.

We've let those, on both ends of the issue, who want to divide us have their way.
Stop whining. I wasnt the one that started the nastiness but I sure will finish it. You dont like it then keep your chimps at heel.
Indeed, people like you are part of the problem.
Once White Christian males become an oppressed minority group that do not receive equal or fair opportunity in this country then their is cause for actions like you suggest... As of now they are at the top of the food chain, there just isn't a need or valid justification for what you are proposing.

Same reason why charity goes to those who need it most... Is it fair? You can view it as unfair in a warped way, a billionaire is a person too so why give your $5 to the homeless guy on the street and not the CEO down the street? Get the point?
Europe's demographic changes turns your entire argument on its head. If white people don't even control our native homelands we don't control ANYTHING.

Once white people are a powerless oppressed group it will be too late to do anything about it.
The entire point that you are missing is that we are all humans, not divided up into groups based on the color of our skin in a game of us vs. them... That is a horrible perspective to have on life and it is what our country has, and continues, to work so hard to fight against.
Tell that to assclaps.
you sound like a porch honky
I am more like a revolutionary.
You are more like an inbred autistic monkey.
Another terribly nasty and hateful thread in which Asclepias is an active participant.

We don't ultimately evolve past the skin color issue until we stop enabling those who are slowing us down.

We've let those, on both ends of the issue, who want to divide us have their way.
Stop whining. I wasnt the one that started the nastiness but I sure will finish it. You dont like it then keep your chimps at heel.
Indeed, people like you are part of the problem.
I'm actually the solution.
Why do so supposed humanitarians and egalitarians fight so hard to keep white people from having what non-white populations have had for over a generation now? Why do "progressives" fight actual progress for white communities?

Would it really be so terrible if white children respected their heritage and had a legitimate interest group to nurture a healthy self esteem? How have we not gone full circle when white children literally want to grow up to be the same color as their black heroes on tv?

Why are contemporary leftists so scared of equality for whites, men and Christians?
White identity adherents are white supremacists. Don't be retarded enough that you think we will buy the horseshit they are the same as minority groups who band together to protect their rights.
"White supremacy" is a stupid strawman to defend anti-white bigots and retards, nothing more.
You've lost your mind. Are you claiming the concept of white supremacy is not real?
Considering it literally doesn't mean anything, I would say it has absolutely no use but a strawman.
I didnt say it was actually valid. i said it was a real concept lots of whites have. Are you denying that?
Maybe the OP can start a Christian white male support group in his community and they can all deal with the horrible oppression in their lives. Being forced to watch black and gay people on TV, being forced to buy the same food as them in the supermarket, sharing the same roads and restaurants... It's a total tragedy, perhaps they can support each other with circle jerk therapy. Maybe their club can wear white robes with pointy hats for their dress code.
As opposed to the pathetic "microaggressions" non-white people have to deal with?

Maybe you should stop living your life believing in strawmen.
Why do so supposed humanitarians and egalitarians fight so hard to keep white people from having what non-white populations have had for over a generation now? Why do "progressives" fight actual progress for white communities?

Would it really be so terrible if white children respected their heritage and had a legitimate interest group to nurture a healthy self esteem? How have we not gone full circle when white children literally want to grow up to be the same color as their black heroes on tv?

Why are contemporary leftists so scared of equality for whites, men and Christians?
White identity adherents are white supremacists. Don't be retarded enough that you think we will buy the horseshit they are the same as minority groups who band together to protect their rights.
"White supremacy" is a stupid strawman to defend anti-white bigots and retards, nothing more.
You've lost your mind. Are you claiming the concept of white supremacy is not real?
Considering it literally doesn't mean anything, I would say it has absolutely no use but a strawman.
I didnt say it was actually valid. i said it was a real concept lots of whites have. Are you denying that?
As opposed to your obvious belief in black supremacy that this country nurtures?

Do you deny that many black people are black supremacists and don't face the consequences for those beliefs?
This is the regression that we are up against:

As a result of Trump presidency, I sure hope that this anti-american Big Brown Buffalo (BBB) will become extinct in America and fly to Turkey where it belongs...

Too bad Devon is a gun-grabbing moron voting for Hillary....
Maybe the OP can start a Christian white male support group in his community and they can all deal with the horrible oppression in their lives. Being forced to watch black and gay people on TV, being forced to buy the same food as them in the supermarket, sharing the same roads and restaurants... It's a total tragedy, perhaps they can support each other with circle jerk therapy. Maybe their club can wear white robes with pointy hats for their dress code.
As opposed to the pathetic "microaggressions" non-white people have to deal with?

Maybe you should stop living your life believing in strawmen.
This has nothing to do with Strawman, I'm simply commenting on your post. We are part of a class that is the richest and most privileged by far in this country. It is a result of centuries of favoritism and systemic oppression and discrimination against minority groups. We've only started to evolve past this in the past century and many problems still exist and are being dealt with. I am very proud and grateful of my heritage but in no way think it makes me better than anybody else. I think we can handle a little micro aggressions, as you call it, to help Balance the scales. It kinda of amazes me that you actually have the gull to bitch about it... You sound like the millionaire looking for sympathy for losing a grand at the blackjack table... Nobody gives a shit
Maybe the OP can start a Christian white male support group in his community and they can all deal with the horrible oppression in their lives. Being forced to watch black and gay people on TV, being forced to buy the same food as them in the supermarket, sharing the same roads and restaurants... It's a total tragedy, perhaps they can support each other with circle jerk therapy. Maybe their club can wear white robes with pointy hats for their dress code.
As opposed to the pathetic "microaggressions" non-white people have to deal with?

Maybe you should stop living your life believing in strawmen.
This has nothing to do with Strawman, I'm simply commenting on your post. We are part of a class that is the richest and most privileged by far in this country. It is a result of centuries of favoritism and systemic oppression and discrimination against minority groups. We've only started to evolve past this in the past century and many problems still exist and are being dealt with. I am very proud and grateful of my heritage but in no way think it makes me better than anybody else. I think we can handle a little micro aggressions, as you call it, to help Balance the scales. It kinda of amazes me that you actually have the gull to bitch about it... You sound like the millionaire looking for sympathy for losing a grand at the blackjack table... Nobody gives a shit
You couldn't define what "systemic oppression" is if I had a gun to your child's head.

Wake up moron. "White privilege" is a lie.
White identity adherents are white supremacists. Don't be retarded enough that you think we will buy the horseshit they are the same as minority groups who band together to protect their rights.
"White supremacy" is a stupid strawman to defend anti-white bigots and retards, nothing more.
You've lost your mind. Are you claiming the concept of white supremacy is not real?
Considering it literally doesn't mean anything, I would say it has absolutely no use but a strawman.
I didnt say it was actually valid. i said it was a real concept lots of whites have. Are you denying that?
As opposed to your obvious belief in black supremacy that this country nurtures?

Do you deny that many black people are black supremacists and don't face the consequences for those beliefs?
You didnt answer my question. Why are you deflecting?
Maybe the OP can start a Christian white male support group in his community and they can all deal with the horrible oppression in their lives. Being forced to watch black and gay people on TV, being forced to buy the same food as them in the supermarket, sharing the same roads and restaurants... It's a total tragedy, perhaps they can support each other with circle jerk therapy. Maybe their club can wear white robes with pointy hats for their dress code.
As opposed to the pathetic "microaggressions" non-white people have to deal with?

Maybe you should stop living your life believing in strawmen.
This has nothing to do with Strawman, I'm simply commenting on your post. We are part of a class that is the richest and most privileged by far in this country. It is a result of centuries of favoritism and systemic oppression and discrimination against minority groups. We've only started to evolve past this in the past century and many problems still exist and are being dealt with. I am very proud and grateful of my heritage but in no way think it makes me better than anybody else. I think we can handle a little micro aggressions, as you call it, to help Balance the scales. It kinda of amazes me that you actually have the gull to bitch about it... You sound like the millionaire looking for sympathy for losing a grand at the blackjack table... Nobody gives a shit
PTWB is what I call a low hanging fruit white person. His ancestors were lazy and did not make hay while whites had everything tilted in their favor. PTWB himself was raised to be lazy and blame affirmative action for his inability to make something of himself. Now he is angry that he has to compete with people of color instead of having his white privilege handed to him on a silver platter. You can spot these low hanging fruits a mile away..

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