The Federal Reserve Scam

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
The constitution gives congress the authority to create money. This function has been privatized in 1913. Let's say the government needs $100.00.

Under the Fed, the Fed will print the money and lend it to the government to be paid back with interest.

Under the constitution, congress prints the money. It is not owed it to anyone. There is no debt. There is no interest.
But QE4 (to my understanding) was the Fed taking Treasury notes ,to keep banks liquid

This paints the Fed full circle, in the respect that they validated their debut on the public runs of banks

Now the Fed essentially made a 'run' on the public's funds

Yep, it's a total scam.....and only the tip of the scam iceberg. Is it any wonder young people are flocking to Socialism
(even though it will create more problems than it could ever solve)

So, what are you (we) gonna do about it? Nothing.

THAT has been the acceptance that Americans have been willfully giving evil men since before then.
"All that is required for evil men to prevail is for good men to do nothing"

And here we are....and will be. The Founders tried (in vain) to tell you....Freedom isn't Free. No one listened.
The undisclosed and secret number one goal of the Fed, is to make sure the wealthy oligarchy maintains control of the nation and continues to gain wealth.
It’s on its last legs. Central banking in general is. One of the things trump was elected to do was to end it. He’s currently setting up an alternate financial system that he can transition into when the central bank collapses. Why do you think he’s going around the world setting up new trade deals? Why do you think he set up USMCA? All of it is to establish the United States as the premier exporter again so that it can be as insulated as possible when we make the switch out of private central bank and back into national bank controlled by the people. Get on board or get out of the way.
It’s on its last legs. Central banking in general is. One of the things trump was elected to do was to end it. He’s currently setting up an alternate financial system that he can transition into when the central bank collapses. Why do you think he’s going around the world setting up new trade deals? Why do you think he set up USMCA? All of it is to establish the United States as the premier exporter again so that it can be as insulated as possible when we make the switch out of private central bank and back into national bank controlled by the people. Get on board or get out of the way.
the last President that tried that was JFK and we know how that ended up.
It’s on its last legs. Central banking in general is. One of the things trump was elected to do was to end it. He’s currently setting up an alternate financial system that he can transition into when the central bank collapses. Why do you think he’s going around the world setting up new trade deals? Why do you think he set up USMCA? All of it is to establish the United States as the premier exporter again so that it can be as insulated as possible when we make the switch out of private central bank and back into national bank controlled by the people. Get on board or get out of the way.
the last President that tried that was JFK and we know how that ended up.
There’s been at least 4 different attempts on trumps life. They can’t get to him because he controls the intel agencies now. He’s several steps ahead of them at all times. They didn’t even know he went to Afghanistan to feed the troops on thanksgiving. He sent a fake motorcade to maralago and the deep state CIA controlled media fell for it. They don’t have any real intel control anymore, all they have is their rogue elements that are virtually cut off from the system at this point.

He’s going to be fine.
He’s also got about 3 times the amount of protection as any president before him.
The constitution gives congress the authority to create money. This function has been privatized in 1913. Let's say the government needs $100.00.

Under the Fed, the Fed will print the money and lend it to the government to be paid back with interest.

Under the constitution, congress prints the money. It is not owed it to anyone. There is no debt. There is no interest.
The Fed was created to further financial speculation among many other nefarious purposes; it is performing as intended this very minute in the Repo market:

New York Fed Plans to Throw $2.93 Trillion at Wall Street’s Trading Houses Over Next Month as New York Times Remains Silent

"Last Thursday, December 12, the New York Fed announced that over the next month it would shower the trading houses (primary dealers) on Wall Street with a total of $2.93 trillion in short-term loans..."

"The New York Fed’s repo (repurchase agreement) loan program began on September 17 when repo loan rates spiked from approximately 2 percent to 10 percent – meaning either liquid funds were not available to loan or the mega banks on Wall Street were backing away from lending to certain counterparties.

"Repo loans are typically between banks, hedge funds and money market funds on an overnight basis and are made against good-quality collateral.

"Since that time, the New York Fed has been making these loans to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars weekly."
Creating the Federal Reserve stabilized our economy and allowed us to become an economic Superpower
Ron Paul has been talking about abolishing the Federal Reserve for decades - he's been labeled a wacko-

One of it's original intents was to smooth the peaks and valleys in the economy and it has. The problem is the unintended (or are they) results. The most obvious is the rampant corruption in and from the District of Criminals. We can thank Richard M. Nixon for that. Prior to his meddling in the economy to bring us, among other things, was, The Wage and Price Control Act, AND the move away from United States Silver Certificates as the "official" currency, for all debts, private and public
It's amazing the number of people who never question The Federal Reserve. I've asked several people the following; If congress has the authority to coin money and set it's value, why do they borrow it?
A friend of mine from another message board pointed that out to me several years ago. The response usually given, in person, is that deer in the head lights look. The answer is quite simple, though vehemently denied by acolytes of godverment - when you owe another you are enslaved to him - who does the US owe the most to? Currently tax payers are enslaved for several generations to a private corporation.

It's called Fiat Currency folks. To add insult to injury, tax payers foot the bill through Income Taxes, which are really nothing more than user fees and a gov't (tax payer) funded, IRS is the enFORCEment tool for a privately owned corporation. What could possibly go wrong with that? "I care not who has the power, give me the money"- the scam doesn't lie so much in the fed reserve as it does in elected officials -
Ron Paul has been talking about abolishing the Federal Reserve for decades - he's been labeled a wacko-

One of it's original intents was to smooth the peaks and valleys in the economy and it has. The problem is the unintended (or are they) results. The most obvious is the rampant corruption in and from the District of Criminals. We can thank Richard M. Nixon for that. Prior to his meddling in the economy to bring us, among other things, was, The Wage and Price Control Act, AND the move away from United States Silver Certificates as the "official" currency, for all debts, private and public
It's amazing the number of people who never question The Federal Reserve. I've asked several people the following; If congress has the authority to coin money and set it's value, why do they borrow it?
A friend of mine from another message board pointed that out to me several years ago. The response usually given, in person, is that deer in the head lights look. The answer is quite simple, though vehemently denied by acolytes of godverment - when you owe another you are enslaved to him - who does the US owe the most to? Currently tax payers are enslaved for several generations to a private corporation.

It's called Fiat Currency folks. To add insult to injury, tax payers foot the bill through Income Taxes, which are really nothing more than user fees and a gov't (tax payer) funded, IRS is the enFORCEment tool for a privately owned corporation. What could possibly go wrong with that? "I care not who has the power, give me the money"- the scam doesn't lie so much in the fed reserve as it does in elected officials -
I've asked several people the following; If congress has the authority to coin money and set it's value, why do they borrow it?
Can somebody answer this?

Best thing we ever did was get off the Gold Standard
The constitution gives congress the authority to create money. This function has been privatized in 1913. Let's say the government needs $100.00.

Under the Fed, the Fed will print the money and lend it to the government to be paid back with interest.

Under the constitution, congress prints the money. It is not owed it to anyone. There is no debt. There is no interest.
The interest the Fed receives is returned to the Treasury.

The money the Fed creates is destroyed when it is paid back.

It all zeroes out.

If we let Congress print the money, they would never destroy it, and we would have hyperinflation. The last thing you want is for demagogues to have their hands on the levers of the money-printing machine. They one smart thing they ever did was to delegate that power to the Fed.

The Federal Reserve system is not perfect, but it is the best of all the worse alternatives.
The problem is not the Fed. The problem is us. We demand the government spend more on us than we pay it to do so.

Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it.

I'm sick and tired of the rube herd falling for the bullshit from their propagandists that their problems are somebody else's fault.

This shit is self-inflicted. Look in the mirror for your culprit.

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