The Federal Reserve Scam

Ron Paul has been talking about abolishing the Federal Reserve for decades - he's been labeled a wacko-

One of it's original intents was to smooth the peaks and valleys in the economy and it has. The problem is the unintended (or are they) results. The most obvious is the rampant corruption in and from the District of Criminals. We can thank Richard M. Nixon for that. Prior to his meddling in the economy to bring us, among other things, was, The Wage and Price Control Act, AND the move away from United States Silver Certificates as the "official" currency, for all debts, private and public
It's amazing the number of people who never question The Federal Reserve. I've asked several people the following; If congress has the authority to coin money and set it's value, why do they borrow it?
A friend of mine from another message board pointed that out to me several years ago. The response usually given, in person, is that deer in the head lights look. The answer is quite simple, though vehemently denied by acolytes of godverment - when you owe another you are enslaved to him - who does the US owe the most to? Currently tax payers are enslaved for several generations to a private corporation.

It's called Fiat Currency folks. To add insult to injury, tax payers foot the bill through Income Taxes, which are really nothing more than user fees and a gov't (tax payer) funded, IRS is the enFORCEment tool for a privately owned corporation. What could possibly go wrong with that? "I care not who has the power, give me the money"- the scam doesn't lie so much in the fed reserve as it does in elected officials -

Ron Paul promoted AUDITING the federal reserve, not abolishing it. And it SHOULD be audited, regularly.
Thats actually not true, he’s well established that the Fed should be abolished.

It should be audited first, so the public can see how they’ve been robbing us blind, and then abolished as the response to this revelation.
The constitution gives congress the authority to create money. This function has been privatized in 1913. Let's say the government needs $100.00.

Under the Fed, the Fed will print the money and lend it to the government to be paid back with interest.

Under the constitution, congress prints the money. It is not owed it to anyone. There is no debt. There is no interest.
The interest the Fed receives is returned to the Treasury.

The money the Fed creates is destroyed when it is paid back.

It all zeroes out.

If we let Congress print the money, they would never destroy it, and we would have hyperinflation. The last thing you want is for demagogues to have their hands on the levers of the money-printing machine. They one smart thing they ever did was to delegate that power to the Fed.

The Federal Reserve system is not perfect, but it is the best of all the worse alternatives.

Ignorance on one side, flat out lies on the other.

Guno, you're a real piece of shit.

The facts, in very simplified terms.

The TREASURY creates money, the fed prints currency. There is a huge difference between those two propositions. For an economy to be stable, there must be equilibrium, the ratio of currency to goods and services must be relatively static. Too much currency chasing goods and you have inflation, too many goods chasing currency and you get deflation. Both harm an economy.
You have that wrong too. The Fed creates the money through keystrokes on a computer. The treasury prints the paper currency through the bureau of engraving and printing, which is just a formality. The treasury doesn’t make the decision on when or how much money to create it simply prints the currency for the Fed. This is unconstitutional, because the Fed is not the people. The Fed is a private bank. The only constitutional authorization to create money was given to the people (congress).
Thats actually not true, he’s well established that the Fed should be abolished.

It should be audited first, so the public can see how they’ve been robbing us blind, and then abolished as the response to this revelation.

In any complex government system the opportunity for corruption and theft.

Say you abolished the fed, how would you keep the economy running?
Thats actually not true, he’s well established that the Fed should be abolished.

It should be audited first, so the public can see how they’ve been robbing us blind, and then abolished as the response to this revelation.

In any complex government system the opportunity for corruption and theft.

Say you abolished the fed, how would you keep the economy running?
The same way we kept the economy running for 140+ years before the Fed. Gold backed currency through a national bank of the people. The founders gave congress the power to coin and print money, and regulate the value thereof, along with the power to fix the standard of weights and measures. This means that they can adjust the value of gold per its weight and allow for increases in the money supply as the population grows, usually something around ~2% supply growth.

What it prevents though, is out of control spending by the government because they aren’t able to grow the supply of money large enough and fast enough to keep pace with the demand for the money. It literally restrains a nation from becoming an empire, which is exactly what the founders were trying to keep from happening. This is entirely the reason they (the deep state, so to speak) created the federal reserve, so they could get around this “problem” and grow the empire. They got tired of having to do it slowly on the gold standard so they completely did away with it in 1971 and went entirely fiat with nothing backing the currency. That’s when they put the final nail in the proverbial coffin.
The difference between the 1800’s and now, is that in the 1800’s everyone understood finance. They all were a part of the government’s decision making and were actively involved in the political, economic, and social decisions of the day.

But today, barely anyone even understands any of it. People have been dumbed down so much that they just sit back and let their representatives do their thinking for them and that’s why we’ve gotten fucked. The people are going to have to get educated and understand basic economics so they can actively lobby congress to make fiscal and monetary decisions that make sense.
Ron Paul has been talking about abolishing the Federal Reserve for decades - he's been labeled a wacko-

One of it's original intents was to smooth the peaks and valleys in the economy and it has. The problem is the unintended (or are they) results. The most obvious is the rampant corruption in and from the District of Criminals. We can thank Richard M. Nixon for that. Prior to his meddling in the economy to bring us, among other things, was, The Wage and Price Control Act, AND the move away from United States Silver Certificates as the "official" currency, for all debts, private and public
It's amazing the number of people who never question The Federal Reserve. I've asked several people the following; If congress has the authority to coin money and set it's value, why do they borrow it?
A friend of mine from another message board pointed that out to me several years ago. The response usually given, in person, is that deer in the head lights look. The answer is quite simple, though vehemently denied by acolytes of godverment - when you owe another you are enslaved to him - who does the US owe the most to? Currently tax payers are enslaved for several generations to a private corporation.

It's called Fiat Currency folks. To add insult to injury, tax payers foot the bill through Income Taxes, which are really nothing more than user fees and a gov't (tax payer) funded, IRS is the enFORCEment tool for a privately owned corporation. What could possibly go wrong with that? "I care not who has the power, give me the money"- the scam doesn't lie so much in the fed reserve as it does in elected officials -
It should be remembered that JFK was actively working to terminate the Fed but he got his head blown off, before he could get much accomplished.
Ron Paul has been talking about abolishing the Federal Reserve for decades - he's been labeled a wacko-

One of it's original intents was to smooth the peaks and valleys in the economy and it has. The problem is the unintended (or are they) results. The most obvious is the rampant corruption in and from the District of Criminals. We can thank Richard M. Nixon for that. Prior to his meddling in the economy to bring us, among other things, was, The Wage and Price Control Act, AND the move away from United States Silver Certificates as the "official" currency, for all debts, private and public
It's amazing the number of people who never question The Federal Reserve. I've asked several people the following; If congress has the authority to coin money and set it's value, why do they borrow it?
A friend of mine from another message board pointed that out to me several years ago. The response usually given, in person, is that deer in the head lights look. The answer is quite simple, though vehemently denied by acolytes of godverment - when you owe another you are enslaved to him - who does the US owe the most to? Currently tax payers are enslaved for several generations to a private corporation.

It's called Fiat Currency folks. To add insult to injury, tax payers foot the bill through Income Taxes, which are really nothing more than user fees and a gov't (tax payer) funded, IRS is the enFORCEment tool for a privately owned corporation. What could possibly go wrong with that? "I care not who has the power, give me the money"- the scam doesn't lie so much in the fed reserve as it does in elected officials -
It should be remembered that JFK was actively working to terminate the Fed but he got his head blown off, before he could get much accomplished.
That’s because he didn’t gain control of all the intel agencies. Trump has. That’s why he hasn’t gotten his head blown off. From what I understand there have been a couple different attempts on him but because they don’t have their channels anymore, trumps intel is able to stay several steps ahead of them.

Think about it.. they didn’t even know he went to Afghanistan to feed the troops until he publicized it :)
Ron Paul has been talking about abolishing the Federal Reserve for decades - he's been labeled a wacko-

One of it's original intents was to smooth the peaks and valleys in the economy and it has. The problem is the unintended (or are they) results. The most obvious is the rampant corruption in and from the District of Criminals. We can thank Richard M. Nixon for that. Prior to his meddling in the economy to bring us, among other things, was, The Wage and Price Control Act, AND the move away from United States Silver Certificates as the "official" currency, for all debts, private and public
It's amazing the number of people who never question The Federal Reserve. I've asked several people the following; If congress has the authority to coin money and set it's value, why do they borrow it?
A friend of mine from another message board pointed that out to me several years ago. The response usually given, in person, is that deer in the head lights look. The answer is quite simple, though vehemently denied by acolytes of godverment - when you owe another you are enslaved to him - who does the US owe the most to? Currently tax payers are enslaved for several generations to a private corporation.

It's called Fiat Currency folks. To add insult to injury, tax payers foot the bill through Income Taxes, which are really nothing more than user fees and a gov't (tax payer) funded, IRS is the enFORCEment tool for a privately owned corporation. What could possibly go wrong with that? "I care not who has the power, give me the money"- the scam doesn't lie so much in the fed reserve as it does in elected officials -
It should be remembered that JFK was actively working to terminate the Fed but he got his head blown off, before he could get much accomplished.
That’s because he didn’t gain control of all the intel agencies. Trump has. That’s why he hasn’t gotten his head blown off. From what I understand there have been a couple different attempts on him but because they don’t have their channels anymore, trumps intel is able to stay several steps ahead of them.

Think about it.. they didn’t even know he went to Afghanistan to feed the troops until he publicized it :)
I don’t agree. The intelligence agencies are and have been actively and covertly working against him. Russiagate and Ukrainegate are good examples.
Ron Paul promoted AUDITING the federal reserve, not abolishing it.

End The Fed

End the Fed, Save the Dollar: Ron Paul

Ron Paul: Abolish the Federal Reserve, Embrace Bitcoin

End the Fed is a 2009 book by Congressman Ron Paul of Texas. The book debuted at number six on the New York Times Best Seller list[1] and advocates the abolition of the United States Federal Reserve System "because it is immoral, unconstitutional, impractical, promotes bad economics, and undermines liberty."[2] The book argues that the booms, bubbles and busts of the business cycle are caused by the Federal Reserve's actions.[3][2]
Before the US went off the gold standard, recessions and depressions were more frequent, longer lasting, and had much higher unemployment rates.

See for yourselves: List of recessions in the United States

Those countries which went off the gold standard the soonest got out of the Great Depression the fastest.

Only a fool would base their economy on how much of a particular metal was above ground.
Creating the Federal Reserve stabilized our economy and allowed us to become an economic Superpower
Central banks have their uses, but the Fed's primary loyalty seems to be to Wall Street and eternal war?
Ron Paul has been talking about abolishing the Federal Reserve for decades - he's been labeled a wacko-

One of it's original intents was to smooth the peaks and valleys in the economy and it has. The problem is the unintended (or are they) results. The most obvious is the rampant corruption in and from the District of Criminals. We can thank Richard M. Nixon for that. Prior to his meddling in the economy to bring us, among other things, was, The Wage and Price Control Act, AND the move away from United States Silver Certificates as the "official" currency, for all debts, private and public
It's amazing the number of people who never question The Federal Reserve. I've asked several people the following; If congress has the authority to coin money and set it's value, why do they borrow it?
A friend of mine from another message board pointed that out to me several years ago. The response usually given, in person, is that deer in the head lights look. The answer is quite simple, though vehemently denied by acolytes of godverment - when you owe another you are enslaved to him - who does the US owe the most to? Currently tax payers are enslaved for several generations to a private corporation.

It's called Fiat Currency folks. To add insult to injury, tax payers foot the bill through Income Taxes, which are really nothing more than user fees and a gov't (tax payer) funded, IRS is the enFORCEment tool for a privately owned corporation. What could possibly go wrong with that? "I care not who has the power, give me the money"- the scam doesn't lie so much in the fed reserve as it does in elected officials -
It should be remembered that JFK was actively working to terminate the Fed but he got his head blown off, before he could get much accomplished.
Do you have evidence Lee Harvey Oswald killed Kennedy at the direction of the Federal Reserve?

Maybe he was ordered by Ted Cruz's dad...
The constitution gives congress the authority to create money. This function has been privatized in 1913. Let's say the government needs $100.00.

Under the Fed, the Fed will print the money and lend it to the government to be paid back with interest.

Under the constitution, congress prints the money. It is not owed it to anyone. There is no debt. There is no interest.
I'm not sure you have the picture. The congress and Treasury don't need the Fed to create federal debt. They did that before there was a Fed or any central bank.

But with QE the Fed is essentially buying debt without money changing hands.
Best thing we ever did was get off the Gold Standard
Your opinion proves your opinion. Nothing more.
This entire topic is nothing but opinions and dimbulb conspiracy theories.
Tell us what you know about the origin of the Federal Reserve. Who were the players? How does the debt get paid?

This should be good.

I know all about Jekyll Island blah blah blah. So what?
Instead of harping on "how does debt get paid", maybe you fools should be focusing on how it gets created.


Look in the mirror for the culprit. "Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."
The Federal Reserve is owned and administrated by members of the Synagogue of Satan, and was designed to keep the Goyim in perpetual debt slavery. ... :cool:
I don't normally subscribe to "IT'S THE JOOOOS" conspiracy theories, but this shit is fucking true.


You don't normally subscribe to conspiracies about Jews but fell for the mother of all Jewish conspiracies. Got it.
Check out my signature. It illustrates exactly how mentally ill the Trumptards have become.

A user who named himself after John Galt in Atlas Shrugged says he doesn't give a crap about the federal debt. He speaks in classic looter language. "At least I'm getting my money's worth now."

Who needs conspiracy theories when we have a nation chock full of tards like that?!?
Our politicians have run up $23 trillion in debt. If they had their hands on the monetary printing press, there would be $23 trillion of extra cash hyperinflating the living shit out of our currency.

You all should be thanking God for the Fed every day.

The problem is not the Fed. The problem is YOU! "Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."

Conspiracy theories are stupid. They blind you to reality. And the reality is that everyone has their goddam hand out and their mouth on the government tit.
Only a fool would base their economy on how much of a particular metal was above ground.
Only a fool would lie to make a point- you've still not provided me with exact words that you find inaccurate- why is that?

That said- an economy is based on trading, exchanging, goods and services. Period. Money is just the tool traded for a product or service. When the tool has little to no value the trade isn't just. When the holder of the money is lied to about its value that means someone is hiding something- in the case of the federal reserve and congress and banks and civilians, the money borrowed there has to be collateral- in the case of congress borrowing it's your labor used (and currently your kids kids kids kids) as collateral- when a civilian borrows money from a bank he has to have a tangible, not prospective- so, our labor is the tangible- the prospective is a world wide hegemony-

I'll wait for what I've said that you've found to be inaccurate-
The difference between the 1800’s and now, is that in the 1800’s everyone understood finance.
Maybe I should copy and past every recession and depression from before and after the gold standard. Then we'll see how your "in the 1800s everyone understood finance" horseshit stands up.

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