The Federal Reserve Scam

TARD1: The moon is made of cheese!

TARD2: The Joos are putting peanut butter in my chocolate!

TARD3: Our leaders are alien lizards with human skins!

USER: It sure is a good thing we wash our white clothing with bleach.

TARD4: That guy who thinks we should use bleach is an idiot!
Ah. Gdjjr does buy into these horseshit conspiracy theories:


Notice who is on the list of those who agree with that horseshit:

"the last President that tried that was JFK and we know how that ended up."

Gdjjr agrees with this horseshit.

It’s on its last legs. Central banking in general is. One of the things trump was elected to do was to end it. He’s currently setting up an alternate financial system that he can transition into when the central bank collapses. Why do you think he’s going around the world setting up new trade deals? Why do you think he set up USMCA? All of it is to establish the United States as the premier exporter again so that it can be as insulated as possible when we make the switch out of private central bank and back into national bank controlled by the people. Get on board or get out of the way.


The trade deals have nothing to do with central banking.

And based on what he has said, Trump wants more central bank intervention to lower the value of the dollar.
Ron Paul has been talking about abolishing the Federal Reserve for decades - he's been labeled a wacko-

One of it's original intents was to smooth the peaks and valleys in the economy and it has. The problem is the unintended (or are they) results. The most obvious is the rampant corruption in and from the District of Criminals. We can thank Richard M. Nixon for that. Prior to his meddling in the economy to bring us, among other things, was, The Wage and Price Control Act, AND the move away from United States Silver Certificates as the "official" currency, for all debts, private and public
It's amazing the number of people who never question The Federal Reserve. I've asked several people the following; If congress has the authority to coin money and set it's value, why do they borrow it?
A friend of mine from another message board pointed that out to me several years ago. The response usually given, in person, is that deer in the head lights look. The answer is quite simple, though vehemently denied by acolytes of godverment - when you owe another you are enslaved to him - who does the US owe the most to? Currently tax payers are enslaved for several generations to a private corporation.

It's called Fiat Currency folks. To add insult to injury, tax payers foot the bill through Income Taxes, which are really nothing more than user fees and a gov't (tax payer) funded, IRS is the enFORCEment tool for a privately owned corporation. What could possibly go wrong with that? "I care not who has the power, give me the money"- the scam doesn't lie so much in the fed reserve as it does in elected officials -
It should be remembered that JFK was actively working to terminate the Fed but he got his head blown off, before he could get much accomplished.
That’s because he didn’t gain control of all the intel agencies. Trump has. That’s why he hasn’t gotten his head blown off. From what I understand there have been a couple different attempts on him but because they don’t have their channels anymore, trumps intel is able to stay several steps ahead of them.

Think about it.. they didn’t even know he went to Afghanistan to feed the troops until he publicized it :)
I don’t agree. The intelligence agencies are and have been actively and covertly working against him. Russiagate and Ukrainegate are good examples.
I never said they have no abilities. But trump has the intel he needs to stay unharmed. This is well understood by many of his supporters. He wouldn’t have taken this on in his life if he didn’t know he would have the ability to gain control of intel. This has been in planning for at least 10 years. Remember, the NSA can listen to literally anything anyone says. We learned that from the Snowden situation. But that works both ways. It can just as easily be used in reverse. And there are PLENTY of CIA operatives who don’t want to do the deep state’s bidding anymore so given the opportunity they’re taking it.

Trust the process. He’s going to be fine and so is the rest of the world.
It’s on its last legs. Central banking in general is. One of the things trump was elected to do was to end it. He’s currently setting up an alternate financial system that he can transition into when the central bank collapses. Why do you think he’s going around the world setting up new trade deals? Why do you think he set up USMCA? All of it is to establish the United States as the premier exporter again so that it can be as insulated as possible when we make the switch out of private central bank and back into national bank controlled by the people. Get on board or get out of the way.


The trade deals have nothing to do with central banking.

And based on what he has said, Trump wants more central bank intervention to lower the value of the dollar.
Do you ever shut up? I don’t agree with literally anything you say about monetary policy so what’s the point of wasting your time arguing with me on it? It’s going to be an impasse that we’ll never get through so go waste your time arguing with someone who gives a single fuck about your opinion on it
Ron Paul has been talking about abolishing the Federal Reserve for decades - he's been labeled a wacko-

One of it's original intents was to smooth the peaks and valleys in the economy and it has. The problem is the unintended (or are they) results. The most obvious is the rampant corruption in and from the District of Criminals. We can thank Richard M. Nixon for that. Prior to his meddling in the economy to bring us, among other things, was, The Wage and Price Control Act, AND the move away from United States Silver Certificates as the "official" currency, for all debts, private and public
It's amazing the number of people who never question The Federal Reserve. I've asked several people the following; If congress has the authority to coin money and set it's value, why do they borrow it?
A friend of mine from another message board pointed that out to me several years ago. The response usually given, in person, is that deer in the head lights look. The answer is quite simple, though vehemently denied by acolytes of godverment - when you owe another you are enslaved to him - who does the US owe the most to? Currently tax payers are enslaved for several generations to a private corporation.

It's called Fiat Currency folks. To add insult to injury, tax payers foot the bill through Income Taxes, which are really nothing more than user fees and a gov't (tax payer) funded, IRS is the enFORCEment tool for a privately owned corporation. What could possibly go wrong with that? "I care not who has the power, give me the money"- the scam doesn't lie so much in the fed reserve as it does in elected officials -

Ron Paul promoted AUDITING the federal reserve, not abolishing it. And it SHOULD be audited, regularly.

It’s audited every year.
Ron Paul has been talking about abolishing the Federal Reserve for decades - he's been labeled a wacko-

One of it's original intents was to smooth the peaks and valleys in the economy and it has. The problem is the unintended (or are they) results. The most obvious is the rampant corruption in and from the District of Criminals. We can thank Richard M. Nixon for that. Prior to his meddling in the economy to bring us, among other things, was, The Wage and Price Control Act, AND the move away from United States Silver Certificates as the "official" currency, for all debts, private and public
It's amazing the number of people who never question The Federal Reserve. I've asked several people the following; If congress has the authority to coin money and set it's value, why do they borrow it?
A friend of mine from another message board pointed that out to me several years ago. The response usually given, in person, is that deer in the head lights look. The answer is quite simple, though vehemently denied by acolytes of godverment - when you owe another you are enslaved to him - who does the US owe the most to? Currently tax payers are enslaved for several generations to a private corporation.

It's called Fiat Currency folks. To add insult to injury, tax payers foot the bill through Income Taxes, which are really nothing more than user fees and a gov't (tax payer) funded, IRS is the enFORCEment tool for a privately owned corporation. What could possibly go wrong with that? "I care not who has the power, give me the money"- the scam doesn't lie so much in the fed reserve as it does in elected officials -
It should be remembered that JFK was actively working to terminate the Fed but he got his head blown off, before he could get much accomplished.

No he wasn’t.

That’s very silly.
^^ somebody with quite a lot to lose if the Fed goes down :lmao:
No one wants to pay for the government they demand. They want someone else to pay for their government cash and prizes. And that is increasingly our descendants.

But you can bet the tard herd will still pull the lever for the biggest government spender of all time, Donald Trump.
Wrong Asswipe No one wants to pay for the government they don't want. No one wants to pay for foreign aid, regime change wars, the US being the world police and a thousand other expenses not worthy of taxpayer money
No one wants to pay for the government they demand. They want someone else to pay for their government cash and prizes. And that is increasingly our descendants.

But you can bet the tard herd will still pull the lever for the biggest government spender of all time, Donald Trump.
Wrong Asswipe No one wants to pay for the government they don't want. No one wants to pay for foreign aid, regime change wars, the US being the world police and a thousand other expenses not worthy of taxpayer money
Sure they do! That's why they keep voting for big spenders. Duh!
The difference between the 1800’s and now, is that in the 1800’s everyone understood finance.
Maybe I should copy and past every recession and depression from before and after the gold standard. Then we'll see how your "in the 1800s everyone understood finance" horseshit stands up.


There were far more recessions and many more booms and busts prior to the Fed. That’s why the Fed was created in the first place.

Other conspiracy theories about the origins of the Fed are pretty silly.
Ron Paul has been talking about abolishing the Federal Reserve for decades - he's been labeled a wacko-

One of it's original intents was to smooth the peaks and valleys in the economy and it has. The problem is the unintended (or are they) results. The most obvious is the rampant corruption in and from the District of Criminals. We can thank Richard M. Nixon for that. Prior to his meddling in the economy to bring us, among other things, was, The Wage and Price Control Act, AND the move away from United States Silver Certificates as the "official" currency, for all debts, private and public
It's amazing the number of people who never question The Federal Reserve. I've asked several people the following; If congress has the authority to coin money and set it's value, why do they borrow it?
A friend of mine from another message board pointed that out to me several years ago. The response usually given, in person, is that deer in the head lights look. The answer is quite simple, though vehemently denied by acolytes of godverment - when you owe another you are enslaved to him - who does the US owe the most to? Currently tax payers are enslaved for several generations to a private corporation.

It's called Fiat Currency folks. To add insult to injury, tax payers foot the bill through Income Taxes, which are really nothing more than user fees and a gov't (tax payer) funded, IRS is the enFORCEment tool for a privately owned corporation. What could possibly go wrong with that? "I care not who has the power, give me the money"- the scam doesn't lie so much in the fed reserve as it does in elected officials -
It should be remembered that JFK was actively working to terminate the Fed but he got his head blown off, before he could get much accomplished.
That’s because he didn’t gain control of all the intel agencies. Trump has. That’s why he hasn’t gotten his head blown off. From what I understand there have been a couple different attempts on him but because they don’t have their channels anymore, trumps intel is able to stay several steps ahead of them.

Think about it.. they didn’t even know he went to Afghanistan to feed the troops until he publicized it :)
I don’t agree. The intelligence agencies are and have been actively and covertly working against him. Russiagate and Ukrainegate are good examples.
I never said they have no abilities. But trump has the intel he needs to stay unharmed. This is well understood by many of his supporters. He wouldn’t have taken this on in his life if he didn’t know he would have the ability to gain control of intel. This has been in planning for at least 10 years. Remember, the NSA can listen to literally anything anyone says. We learned that from the Snowden situation. But that works both ways. It can just as easily be used in reverse. And there are PLENTY of CIA operatives who don’t want to do the deep state’s bidding anymore so given the opportunity they’re taking it.

Trust the process. He’s going to be fine and so is the rest of the world.
You must be one of those QAnon tards.
A question....
Why did the government employ a private bank to run the Fed? Why didn't they just create another government agency to serve the same purpose as the Fed
No one wants to pay for the government they demand. They want someone else to pay for their government cash and prizes. And that is increasingly our descendants.

But you can bet the tard herd will still pull the lever for the biggest government spender of all time, Donald Trump.
Wrong Asswipe No one wants to pay for the government they don't want. No one wants to pay for foreign aid, regime change wars, the US being the world police and a thousand other expenses not worthy of taxpayer money
Sure they do! That's why they keep voting for big spenders. Duh!
Name one President or representative that was elected on a platform of increasing the budget. They all run on the premise of reducing the debt then we find out they lie.
No one wants to pay for the government they demand. They want someone else to pay for their government cash and prizes. And that is increasingly our descendants.

But you can bet the tard herd will still pull the lever for the biggest government spender of all time, Donald Trump.
Wrong Asswipe No one wants to pay for the government they don't want. No one wants to pay for foreign aid, regime change wars, the US being the world police and a thousand other expenses not worthy of taxpayer money
Sure they do! That's why they keep voting for big spenders. Duh!
Name one President or representative that was elected on a platform of increasing the budget. They all run on the premise of reducing the debt then we find out they lie.
Then how do they get re-elected?

Because they spend more on us than we give them to spend! Duh!

And that's why our Representatives have a 98 percent re-election rate, and our Senators have an 80 percent re-election rate.

We LOVE big spenders! We LOVE big government! Even Republicans!

"Those other assholes spend too much on PORK, but my guy brings home the BACON!"

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