The Federal Reserve Scam

Only a fool would base their economy on how much of a particular metal was above ground.
Only a fool would lie to make a point- you've still not provided me with exact words that you find inaccurate- why is that?

That said- an economy is based on trading, exchanging, goods and services. Period. Money is just the tool traded for a product or service. When the tool has little to no value the trade isn't just. When the holder of the money is lied to about its value that means someone is hiding something- in the case of the federal reserve and congress and banks and civilians, the money borrowed there has to be collateral- in the case of congress borrowing it's your labor used (and currently your kids kids kids kids) as collateral- when a civilian borrows money from a bank he has to have a tangible, not prospective- so, our labor is the tangible- the prospective is a world wide hegemony-

I'll wait for what I've said that you've found to be inaccurate-
I have yet to see you criticize all the bullshit conspiracy theories in this topic.

You sneered at someone who said it was a good thing we went off the gold standard and yet said not a word about the massive horseshit posted before that.

That tells me much about you.
The Federal Reserve is owned and administrated by members of the Synagogue of Satan, and was designed to keep the Goyim in perpetual debt slavery. ... :cool:
I don't normally subscribe to "IT'S THE JOOOOS" conspiracy theories, but this shit is fucking true..
You don't normally subscribe to conspiracies about Jews but fell for the mother of all Jewish conspiracies. Got it.
For decades most of the leadership of the Federal Reserve have been members of the "Tribe". ... :cool:
I have yet to see you criticize all the bullshit conspiracy theories in this topic.

You sneered at someone who said it was a good thing we went off the gold standard and yet said not a word about the massive horseshit posted before that.

That tells me much about you.
You still have not addressed what you think is inaccurate in what I said- why is that?
The Federal Reserve is owned and administrated by members of the Synagogue of Satan, and was designed to keep the Goyim in perpetual debt slavery. ... :cool:
I don't normally subscribe to "IT'S THE JOOOOS" conspiracy theories, but this shit is fucking true..
You don't normally subscribe to conspiracies about Jews but fell for the mother of all Jewish conspiracies. Got it.
For decades most of the leadership of the Federal Reserve have been members of the "Tribe". ... :cool:

You know the wingnuts on this board hate Muslims more than Jews, right? Not sure why you play footsie with them.

I have yet to see you criticize all the bullshit conspiracy theories in this topic.

You sneered at someone who said it was a good thing we went off the gold standard and yet said not a word about the massive horseshit posted before that.

That tells me much about you.
You still have not addressed what you think is inaccurate in what I said- why is that?
Gee, debt means you have to pay it back. Who knew? You're a genius!
$1.4 trillion in tax expenditures every year. You don't need a stupid "perpetual war" conspiracy theory, you need a big dose of reality, kids.

That's $1.4 trillion in wealth redistribution. Money stolen from you in higher tax rates and the difference made up by stealing from your children and grandchildren by borrowing.
No one wants to pay for the government they demand. They want someone else to pay for their government cash and prizes. And that is increasingly our descendants.

But you can bet the tard herd will still pull the lever for the biggest government spender of all time, Donald Trump.
No one wants to pay for the government they demand. They want someone else to pay for their government cash and prizes. And that is increasingly our descendants.

But you can bet the tard herd will still pull the lever for the biggest government spender of all time, Donald Trump.
And you still have pointed out what I said was inaccurate- BTW, every POTUS has out spent his predecessor-
Gee, debt means you have to pay it back. Who knew? You're a genius!
Gee, you still can't answer me- who knew.
You keep dodging why I posted at you, dumbass. You aren't saying anything new.

A bunch of horseshit conspiracy theories were posted. Then someone said it was good we got off the gold standard. So which did you decide to criticize?

You revealed much about yourself in your choice not to bitch slap the conspiracy tards.

All caught up now? Or do you need to keep dodging?
You keep dodging why I posted at you, dumbass. You aren't saying anything new.
I asked you a simple question: What did I post that was inaccurate? You've "dodged" 5 or 6 times now- why is that?
It’s on its last legs. Central banking in general is. One of the things trump was elected to do was to end it. He’s currently setting up an alternate financial system that he can transition into when the central bank collapses. Why do you think he’s going around the world setting up new trade deals? Why do you think he set up USMCA? All of it is to establish the United States as the premier exporter again so that it can be as insulated as possible when we make the switch out of private central bank and back into national bank controlled by the people. Get on board or get out of the way.

You’re delusional. You offer no evidence via link or otherwise. The Federal Government wanted a central bank that can create money so the Government has a ready, willing and able buyer of T bills, while creating debt to fund whatever congress decides to spend.
The constitution gives congress the authority to create money. This function has been privatized in 1913. Let's say the government needs $100.00.

Under the Fed, the Fed will print the money and lend it to the government to be paid back with interest.

Under the constitution, congress prints the money. It is not owed it to anyone. There is no debt. There is no interest.

Yeah I got a thread on this as well.

The federal reserve cartel part of the Illuminati roundtable.
List of recessions in the United States - Wikipedia

Seriously. Take a look. Open your willfully blind eyes and look at that link.

The recessions/depressions before we went off the gold standard were more frequent, longer lasting, and suffered much greater losses in business activity.

You can't deny reality.

Well, you can deny reality, actually. But you look damned stupid doing it.
Only a fool would base their economy on how much of a particular metal was above ground.
Only a fool would lie to make a point- you've still not provided me with exact words that you find inaccurate- why is that?

That said- an economy is based on trading, exchanging, goods and services. Period. Money is just the tool traded for a product or service. When the tool has little to no value the trade isn't just. When the holder of the money is lied to about its value that means someone is hiding something- in the case of the federal reserve and congress and banks and civilians, the money borrowed there has to be collateral- in the case of congress borrowing it's your labor used (and currently your kids kids kids kids) as collateral- when a civilian borrows money from a bank he has to have a tangible, not prospective- so, our labor is the tangible- the prospective is a world wide hegemony-

I'll wait for what I've said that you've found to be inaccurate-
You can say the sky is blue all day long and ask what is not true about that. But you are dodging.

Why did you not attack the horseshit conspiracy theories? One must conclude by your evasiveness that you buy into them.

Stop dodging.

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