Wherever the Dumbocrats are in charge, unemployment and poverty follow....

After Winning a $15 Minimum Wage, Fast Food Workers Now Battle Unfair Firings
Oh no ! Where will they find another job!?? I know . Across the street .
The minimum wage is across the same across the street as it is on the side that cost them their job, dumb ass. That’s how it works. :laugh:

Exactly! Now they have the same job , but it pays more .

Find me any city that doesn’t have min wage jobs available .
North Dakota has some gas /oil.
Yeah...thanks to conservative policy that permits drilling for that natural gas and oil. Not to mention the approval of fracking.
And nobody wants to live there.
Yawn. You left-wing assholes use that same lie every time we prove that conservative states are flourishing while left-wing states are dying.
Texas also has a lot of oil keeping them up.
So does California - so that is a lame excuse. People aren’t fleeing California and New York for Texas oil. They are fleeing for the low taxes and jobs.
Wherever the Dumbocrats are in charge, unemployment and poverty follow....

After Winning a $15 Minimum Wage, Fast Food Workers Now Battle Unfair Firings
Oh no ! Where will they find another job!?? I know . Across the street .
The minimum wage is across the same across the street as it is on the side that cost them their job, dumb ass. That’s how it works. :laugh:
Exactly! Now they have the same job , but it pays more .
“Exactly”? How dumb are you? The people losing their job on the left side of the street due to a ridiculous minimum wage cross the street to find that their counterparts on the right side of the street due to the same idiotic minimum wage.

The fact that you think minimum wage only affects one side of a street is fucking hilarious.
The Daily Signal - the mouthpiece of the Heritage Foundation. Hardly a fact-based, unbiased source.
That’s comical. I had to explain to you just a couple of weeks ago that they were a part of the Heritage Foundation. You didn’t even know that. Now you’re trying to act like you know, and thus you are qualified to discredit them.
The Daily Signal - the mouthpiece of the Heritage Foundation. Hardly a fact-based, unbiased source.
That’s comical. I had to explain to you just a couple of weeks ago that they were a part of the Heritage Foundation. You didn’t even know that. Now you’re trying to act like you know, and thus you are qualified to discredit them.

So you admit the source has no credibility at all.

Thank you.
Left-wing policy always ends the same...more failure, more poverty, more misery.
he Fight for $15 campaign successfully lobbied California into increasing its minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2022. But researchers from the Employment Policies Institute found that by 2022, when the increase is fully phased in, an estimated 400,000 jobs will be lost.
Almost half a million jobs (conservatively) in one state alone. Progressives are doing everything in their power to recreate Venezuela here.

I’m a Small Business Owner. Raising the Minimum Wage Would Hurt My Employees.

California itself has the 6th largest economy in the world.

So much for a failure.
There is nothing funnier than the minions on the left who believe all of the lies of the master’s on the left.
President Obama has been loud and clear about his fight against income inequality, but he admitted that the rich have fared far better than the poor during his time in the White House.
The fact is - all of the wealth went to the Top 1% under the Obama reign of terror. He openly admitted as much.

Obama admits 95% of income gains gone to top 1%
There is nothing funnier than the minions on the left who believe all of the lies of the master’s on the left.
"Since 2009, what's the stat," Scarborough said. "Do we have the stat since Barack Obama became president of the United States, 95 percent of economic gains have been made by the richest 1 percent?"
The fact is - all of the wealth went to the Top 1% under the Obama reign of terror. He openly admitted as much.

Joe Scarborough: Top 1% took 95% of gains since 2009
Minimum wage $17 my tip adjusted to 10%
Makes perfect sense. When failed left-wing policies result in the poor getting poor, the best course of action would logically be more of the failed left-wing polices.
The democrats have not made the poor poorer it is the repuklicans who have done that. They are ardent believers in I got mine screw you.
Minimum wage $17 my tip adjusted to 10%
Makes perfect sense. When failed left-wing policies result in the poor getting poor, the best course of action would logically be more of the failed left-wing polices.
The democrats have not made the poor poorer it is the repuklicans who have done that. They are ardent believers in I got mine screw you.
Go out and get some yourself instead of wailing at people who are motivated
I have got plenty and share it. I do not need to go earn it as i already did. But i do not hold a grudge against those who are not able to do so.
Liberals denegrate success because they can’t achieve it.

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