The fight in this country IS NOT left versus right.


VIP Member
Jun 20, 2015
The mainstream media has been failing the general public for years. Fox and MSNBC are purely partisan tools that are biased towards promoting a non existent conflict.

Turn on any mainstream media show in the evening and you will see 1 of 2 stories. Either MSNBC is defending Hilary or Fox is defending Trump (except Megan Kelly). Watch a little longer and you will hear Fox claiming Hilary is a corrupt corporate tool and you will hear MSNBC claim Jeb is a corrupt Super Pac stooge.

Ben Carson talks about using military drones to bomb our border. That will solve our immigration/drug problem.

Hilary laughs and dismisses any questions about her email controversy.

Ted Cruz is threatening to shut down the government over planned parenthood.

All of these stories are complete garbage compared to the actual, substantive issues we face.

What the real conflict is in America, corruption versus honesty. Unfortunately the media has bought into the Washington political freak show so instead of reporting the truth and calling out the corrupt liars they have bough all in to the game. The media is in so deep it has now become a tool to promote the corruption.

Why isn't Fox news reporting on Trump having advocated fr universal healthcare or being a defender of a woman's right to choose. Why doesn't MSNBC report on Hilary taking $1.6 million in speaking fees from Transcanada (The Koch Brothers).

Why doesn't Fox talk about the MASSIVE waste and fraud from private defense contractors.

Why doesn't MSNBC hammer Obama on NSA and The Patriot Act reauthorization
Between a media that has become more interested in dramatics & pushing agendas on one hand, and the growing influence of those who have a vested interest in dividing the two primary ideologies (I call them the Division Pimps), it's virtually impossible to trust any news or information source by itself.

This has led to significant amounts of people who are provided constant lies of omission, i.e., partisan propaganda that ignores contrary arguments and that has led to deeper and wider ideological schisms between Americans.

I don't know how this gets fixed.
Because then people might pay attention to what is really going on. Because the so and so that sits on the board over at MSNBC also sits on the board over here and there might be a loss of money. That said there are many people that are perfectly fine with this. They are not interested in issues.
Between a media that has become more interested in dramatics & pushing agendas on one hand, and the growing influence of those who have a vested interest in dividing the two primary ideologies (I call them the Division Pimps), it's virtually impossible to trust any news or information source by itself.

This has led to significant amounts of people who are provided constant lies of omission, i.e., partisan propaganda that ignores contrary arguments and that has led to deeper and wider ideological schisms between Americans.

I don't know how this gets fixed.

Clearly we can't fix them but we could take an issue and ride that sucker only. Pull what bits and pieces we can gather from all sources.
Let's take a specific issue that doesn't get the media attention it should.

Minimum wage should it increase based on inflation?

There was an article about a Chic fil A in Austin Texas that is closing for renovations. During the time dit is closed the store will pay its employees their full wages for which the start at I believe $11 an hour. So isn't this directly contradictory to any claim that fast food joints would be the hardest hit by a minimum wage hike?
The mainstream media has been failing the general public for years. Fox and MSNBC are purely partisan tools that are biased towards promoting a non existent conflict.

Turn on any mainstream media show in the evening and you will see 1 of 2 stories. Either MSNBC is defending Hilary or Fox is defending Trump (except Megan Kelly). Watch a little longer and you will hear Fox claiming Hilary is a corrupt corporate tool and you will hear MSNBC claim Jeb is a corrupt Super Pac stooge.

Ben Carson talks about using military drones to bomb our border. That will solve our immigration/drug problem.

Hilary laughs and dismisses any questions about her email controversy.

Ted Cruz is threatening to shut down the government over planned parenthood.

All of these stories are complete garbage compared to the actual, substantive issues we face.

What the real conflict is in America, corruption versus honesty. Unfortunately the media has bought into the Washington political freak show so instead of reporting the truth and calling out the corrupt liars they have bough all in to the game. The media is in so deep it has now become a tool to promote the corruption.

Why isn't Fox news reporting on Trump having advocated fr universal healthcare or being a defender of a woman's right to choose. Why doesn't MSNBC report on Hilary taking $1.6 million in speaking fees from Transcanada (The Koch Brothers).

Why doesn't Fox talk about the MASSIVE waste and fraud from private defense contractors.

Why doesn't MSNBC hammer Obama on NSA and The Patriot Act reauthorization

It is almost nearing State Run Media. We'll hear only what they want us to hear and be aware of. And one is no different than the other.
But I don't think they are the problem. You do hear about the machinations of the Koch Brothers, the flip flopping of Trump and of Hillary, to an extent. Bad news is always served on Fri. so it is gone from memory on Monday.
What you are not hearing discussed is George Soros. His media control is so entrenched in our news sources, that they can't be listed in one post here. I tried. MediaMatters to Soros.
We are watching the restructuring of the world. We are watching new borders being drawn. Did you hear on the news this morning, the UN is dispersing Muslims, and for every 1,000 they relocate, 700 of them are being flown into the United States? Probably not. We aren't hearing about anything the New World leaders are doing. We are too busy with mountains, and e-mails, and stuff.

Listen to this man. Listen to how committed he is to making this happen. And he is right. It is happening. But you won't hear about it on Fox, or CNN. It is not a right/left thing. That is in your head. Right and Left elite are like minded and get along just fine.

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Let's take another specific issue.

Privatizing prisons. Is it a good idea to profit from mass incarceration
The mainstream media has been failing the general public for years. Fox and MSNBC are purely partisan tools that are biased towards promoting a non existent conflict.

Turn on any mainstream media show in the evening and you will see 1 of 2 stories. Either MSNBC is defending Hilary or Fox is defending Trump (except Megan Kelly). Watch a little longer and you will hear Fox claiming Hilary is a corrupt corporate tool and you will hear MSNBC claim Jeb is a corrupt Super Pac stooge.

Ben Carson talks about using military drones to bomb our border. That will solve our immigration/drug problem.

Hilary laughs and dismisses any questions about her email controversy.

Ted Cruz is threatening to shut down the government over planned parenthood.

All of these stories are complete garbage compared to the actual, substantive issues we face.

What the real conflict is in America, corruption versus honesty. Unfortunately the media has bought into the Washington political freak show so instead of reporting the truth and calling out the corrupt liars they have bough all in to the game. The media is in so deep it has now become a tool to promote the corruption.

Why isn't Fox news reporting on Trump having advocated fr universal healthcare or being a defender of a woman's right to choose. Why doesn't MSNBC report on Hilary taking $1.6 million in speaking fees from Transcanada (The Koch Brothers).

Why doesn't Fox talk about the MASSIVE waste and fraud from private defense contractors.

Why doesn't MSNBC hammer Obama on NSA and The Patriot Act reauthorization

Tell that idiot, Ben Carson, that you can't bomb a 'border.' The bombs either fall on our soil or on Mexican soil. That would be considered an act of war if Mexicans bombed our side of the border, so conservatives shouldn't be surprised if Mexicans saw it the same way.
Let's take a specific issue that doesn't get the media attention it should.

Minimum wage should it increase based on inflation?

There was an article about a Chic fil A in Austin Texas that is closing for renovations. During the time dit is closed the store will pay its employees their full wages for which the start at I believe $11 an hour. So isn't this directly contradictory to any claim that fast food joints would be the hardest hit by a minimum wage hike?
There shouldn't be a minimum wage period but how does one store in a chain closing temporarily mean anything on the issue?
Keeping Americans divided is what the power elite are all about. If we united, we would kick their asses out of power and they know it.

Sadly, millions of Americans accept their BS and promote division. We see it on this forum ever day.
Tell that idiot, Ben Carson, that you can't bomb a 'border.' The bombs either fall on our soil or on Mexican soil. That would be considered an act of war if Mexicans bombed our side of the border, so conservatives shouldn't be surprised if Mexicans saw it the same way.
Did he say bomb the border or drones patrol the border?
Let's take a specific issue that doesn't get the media attention it should.

Minimum wage should it increase based on inflation?

There was an article about a Chic fil A in Austin Texas that is closing for renovations. During the time dit is closed the store will pay its employees their full wages for which the start at I believe $11 an hour. So isn't this directly contradictory to any claim that fast food joints would be the hardest hit by a minimum wage hike?
There shouldn't be a minimum wage period but how does one store in a chain closing temporarily mean anything on the issue?
I am saying, if the argument we hear is that raising the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour would crush food service jobs isn't this empirical evidence against that claim?
Tell that idiot, Ben Carson, that you can't bomb a 'border.' The bombs either fall on our soil or on Mexican soil. That would be considered an act of war if Mexicans bombed our side of the border, so conservatives shouldn't be surprised if Mexicans saw it the same way.
Did he say bomb the border or drones patrol the border?
He went on TV and proposed using military drones to secure our borders. When asked if that meant using military weaponry he said we should use all available tools of the military. He was vague enough to not explicitly say launch hellfire missles
Tell that idiot, Ben Carson, that you can't bomb a 'border.' The bombs either fall on our soil or on Mexican soil. That would be considered an act of war if Mexicans bombed our side of the border, so conservatives shouldn't be surprised if Mexicans saw it the same way.
Did he say bomb the border or drones patrol the border?
He went on TV and proposed using military drones to secure our borders. When asked if that meant using military weaponry he said we should use all available tools of the military. He was vague enough to not explicitly say launch hellfire missles
No nukes then? He didn't explicitly say no nukes? Sounds like some assumptions being made.
Let's take a specific issue that doesn't get the media attention it should.

Minimum wage should it increase based on inflation?

There was an article about a Chic fil A in Austin Texas that is closing for renovations. During the time dit is closed the store will pay its employees their full wages for which the start at I believe $11 an hour. So isn't this directly contradictory to any claim that fast food joints would be the hardest hit by a minimum wage hike?
There shouldn't be a minimum wage period but how does one store in a chain closing temporarily mean anything on the issue?
I am saying, if the argument we hear is that raising the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour would crush food service jobs isn't this empirical evidence against that claim?
Well no. If they own the chain they can afford it. Many chain stores are franchises though and I doubt a local owner can take the hit.
I am not assuming anything. Go pull up the interview and listen to what he said. Ben Carson proposed using military drones equipped with hellfire missles along our southern border to combat immigration and smuggling. The next question a reporter should ask is "are you proposing we could bomb the US Mexico border?"
Let's take a specific issue that doesn't get the media attention it should.

Minimum wage should it increase based on inflation?

There was an article about a Chic fil A in Austin Texas that is closing for renovations. During the time dit is closed the store will pay its employees their full wages for which the start at I believe $11 an hour. So isn't this directly contradictory to any claim that fast food joints would be the hardest hit by a minimum wage hike?
There shouldn't be a minimum wage period but how does one store in a chain closing temporarily mean anything on the issue?
I am saying, if the argument we hear is that raising the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour would crush food service jobs isn't this empirical evidence against that claim?
Well no. If they own the chain they can afford it. Many chain stores are franchises though and I doubt a local owner can take the hit.
the store in Austin is a franchise
Between a media that has become more interested in dramatics & pushing agendas on one hand, and the growing influence of those who have a vested interest in dividing the two primary ideologies (I call them the Division Pimps), it's virtually impossible to trust any news or information source by itself.

This has led to significant amounts of people who are provided constant lies of omission, i.e., partisan propaganda that ignores contrary arguments and that has led to deeper and wider ideological schisms between Americans.

I don't know how this gets fixed.
People need to do their own research before jumping into the fire with something that can be and is tainted.
This is about as pertinent as the age old battle of the sexes. It's merely more grinding of the wheels of pointless discussions which net NOTHING. Let's put our energies into something that really matters and we can actually have an effect on.

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