The fight in this country IS NOT left versus right.

I think it is important that we remove partisan politics from our discussion and instead focus on truthful and substantive issues. that's why this matters
Let's take another specific issue.

Privatizing prisons. Is it a good idea to profit from mass incarceration

No part of our criminal justice system should be for profit. This includes the medical staff in the prisons. It also includes jails and pretrial release- which is where the money is currently going.

Taxpayers actually pay more with privatization. Unnecessary risks are being taken in the privatized prisons which creates lawsuits that the tax payers will pay for. Corners are cut in those privatized prisons which put public safety at risk.

To make an impact on "mass incarceration" then one would need to focus more on the mental health industry and that means bringing back state hospitals or facilities with life long care and funding and well paid staff.
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I am not assuming anything. Go pull up the interview and listen to what he said. Ben Carson proposed using military drones equipped with hellfire missles along our southern border to combat immigration and smuggling. The next question a reporter should ask is "are you proposing we could bomb the US Mexico border?"
If he said that it's written down and passed all over the web by now. So I call bullshit.
this forum is absurd. trump this Hilary that dems this repubs that. man you guys have totally bought into the bull
The mainstream media has been failing the general public for years. Fox and MSNBC are purely partisan tools that are biased towards promoting a non existent conflict.

Turn on any mainstream media show in the evening and you will see 1 of 2 stories. Either MSNBC is defending Hilary or Fox is defending Trump (except Megan Kelly). Watch a little longer and you will hear Fox claiming Hilary is a corrupt corporate tool and you will hear MSNBC claim Jeb is a corrupt Super Pac stooge.

Ben Carson talks about using military drones to bomb our border. That will solve our immigration/drug problem.

Hilary laughs and dismisses any questions about her email controversy.

Ted Cruz is threatening to shut down the government over planned parenthood.

All of these stories are complete garbage compared to the actual, substantive issues we face.

What the real conflict is in America, corruption versus honesty. Unfortunately the media has bought into the Washington political freak show so instead of reporting the truth and calling out the corrupt liars they have bough all in to the game. The media is in so deep it has now become a tool to promote the corruption.

Why isn't Fox news reporting on Trump having advocated fr universal healthcare or being a defender of a woman's right to choose. Why doesn't MSNBC report on Hilary taking $1.6 million in speaking fees from Transcanada (The Koch Brothers).

Why doesn't Fox talk about the MASSIVE waste and fraud from private defense contractors.

Why doesn't MSNBC hammer Obama on NSA and The Patriot Act reauthorization

Well MSNBC, Faux, and CNN combined have a daily viewership of maybe 3.5 million total.

CBS, NBC, ABC each has about 7-8 million viewers daily, total of 21 million. So cable news channels are tiny outlets relatively speaking. The real issue is conservative only get news from Faux, who lies with every breath they can muster.

Really the only way to level the field would be the fairness doctrine where news channels are required to present two or three or more sides of an issue. Con-media hates this idea because propaganda really only works if you can constantly present only one viewpoint and say it over and over and over. It would destroy their image and impact if Dimbaugh had to have say John Kerry, or Michio Kaku on air with plenty of rebuttal time to present reality.
America is a powerful country with high standards of living because of regulations and investments. Wake the fuck up to reality.
Thank goodness there are objective , non-partisan sources of political coverage like stewart, colbert, oliver, maher, stone, npr ,pbs, time, newsweek, and rolling stone.....
Inquiring adolescent minds want to know...
The mainstream media has been failing the general public for years. Fox and MSNBC are purely partisan tools that are biased towards promoting a non existent conflict.

Turn on any mainstream media show in the evening and you will see 1 of 2 stories. Either MSNBC is defending Hilary or Fox is defending Trump (except Megan Kelly). Watch a little longer and you will hear Fox claiming Hilary is a corrupt corporate tool and you will hear MSNBC claim Jeb is a corrupt Super Pac stooge.

Ben Carson talks about using military drones to bomb our border. That will solve our immigration/drug problem.

Hilary laughs and dismisses any questions about her email controversy.

Ted Cruz is threatening to shut down the government over planned parenthood.

All of these stories are complete garbage compared to the actual, substantive issues we face.

What the real conflict is in America, corruption versus honesty. Unfortunately the media has bought into the Washington political freak show so instead of reporting the truth and calling out the corrupt liars they have bough all in to the game. The media is in so deep it has now become a tool to promote the corruption.

Why isn't Fox news reporting on Trump having advocated fr universal healthcare or being a defender of a woman's right to choose. Why doesn't MSNBC report on Hilary taking $1.6 million in speaking fees from Transcanada (The Koch Brothers).

Why doesn't Fox talk about the MASSIVE waste and fraud from private defense contractors.

Why doesn't MSNBC hammer Obama on NSA and The Patriot Act reauthorization

Well MSNBC, Faux, and CNN combined have a daily viewership of maybe 3.5 million total.

CBS, NBC, ABC each has about 7-8 million viewers daily, total of 21 million. So cable news channels are tiny outlets relatively speaking. The real issue is conservative only get news from Faux, who lies with every breath they can muster.

Really the only way to level the field would be the fairness doctrine where news channels are required to present two or three or more sides of an issue. Con-media hates this idea because propaganda really only works if you can constantly present only one viewpoint and say it over and over and over. It would destroy their image and impact if Dimbaugh had to have say John Kerry, or Michio Kaku on air with plenty of rebuttal time to present reality.

I love the bias towards fairness argument. The earth is round, not flat. If 1 scientists claim the earth is flat and 400 claim the earth is round then should the headline be "Scientists can't agree on the shape of the earth"?

There aren't 2 or 3 or more sides to every argument. There is the truth and then there are the lies.
The mainstream media has been failing the general public for years. Fox and MSNBC are purely partisan tools that are biased towards promoting a non existent conflict.

Turn on any mainstream media show in the evening and you will see 1 of 2 stories. Either MSNBC is defending Hilary or Fox is defending Trump (except Megan Kelly). Watch a little longer and you will hear Fox claiming Hilary is a corrupt corporate tool and you will hear MSNBC claim Jeb is a corrupt Super Pac stooge.

Ben Carson talks about using military drones to bomb our border. That will solve our immigration/drug problem.

Hilary laughs and dismisses any questions about her email controversy.

Ted Cruz is threatening to shut down the government over planned parenthood.

All of these stories are complete garbage compared to the actual, substantive issues we face.

What the real conflict is in America, corruption versus honesty. Unfortunately the media has bought into the Washington political freak show so instead of reporting the truth and calling out the corrupt liars they have bough all in to the game. The media is in so deep it has now become a tool to promote the corruption.

Why isn't Fox news reporting on Trump having advocated fr universal healthcare or being a defender of a woman's right to choose. Why doesn't MSNBC report on Hilary taking $1.6 million in speaking fees from Transcanada (The Koch Brothers).

Why doesn't Fox talk about the MASSIVE waste and fraud from private defense contractors.

Why doesn't MSNBC hammer Obama on NSA and The Patriot Act reauthorization
Fox lies, MSNBC retorts, ABC etc present both sides with a straight face, journalism (fact checking ) is dying. But for lying, no one can touch Fox, Rush, Heritage, Pubs, Kochs etc etc.

Obama cut down NSA and the Patriot Act as much as he could and was intelligent. The Clinton E-Mail deal is bs and she has no corruption to hide in the first place. Ditto IRS, Bengazi etc etc. Pubcrappe for the dupes. Truth matters.
The mainstream media has been failing the general public for years. Fox and MSNBC are purely partisan tools that are biased towards promoting a non existent conflict.

Turn on any mainstream media show in the evening and you will see 1 of 2 stories. Either MSNBC is defending Hilary or Fox is defending Trump (except Megan Kelly). Watch a little longer and you will hear Fox claiming Hilary is a corrupt corporate tool and you will hear MSNBC claim Jeb is a corrupt Super Pac stooge.

Ben Carson talks about using military drones to bomb our border. That will solve our immigration/drug problem.

Hilary laughs and dismisses any questions about her email controversy.

Ted Cruz is threatening to shut down the government over planned parenthood.

All of these stories are complete garbage compared to the actual, substantive issues we face.

What the real conflict is in America, corruption versus honesty. Unfortunately the media has bought into the Washington political freak show so instead of reporting the truth and calling out the corrupt liars they have bough all in to the game. The media is in so deep it has now become a tool to promote the corruption.

Why isn't Fox news reporting on Trump having advocated fr universal healthcare or being a defender of a woman's right to choose. Why doesn't MSNBC report on Hilary taking $1.6 million in speaking fees from Transcanada (The Koch Brothers).

Why doesn't Fox talk about the MASSIVE waste and fraud from private defense contractors.

Why doesn't MSNBC hammer Obama on NSA and The Patriot Act reauthorization
Once again full of shit. I watched Morning Joe this week, only one show because the entire show was attacking Hillary Clinton.
MSNBC is more balanced than Republicans would have you believe. Fox is just simply a mess. But what else can you expect? Look at who owns it:



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