The Film Maker Is Arrested

What the righties fail to mention is that the Federal Probation Service -- the organization in charge of ordering federal offenders to be brought in for probation issues -- doesn't fall under the executive branch. They are part of the judicial branch. Last I checked, the president doesn't run the judicial branch.

So, by the logic of the righties here, the jackbooted gestapo thug who clearly must have personally ordered the action would be the head of the judicial branch, Chief Justice John G Roberts. (That is, unless Chief Justice Roberts is really an Obama pawn.)

Now, if the righties have any consistency, they'll start screaming that Chief Justice Roberts and his Republican supporters are all freedom-hating thugs. They can begin doing that now. Or not, thus proving again how they're truth-hating partisan shills. They'll most likely just snarl some curses at me, and then scuttle back into their dark crevices.

You are dumb even by the standards of the Obamazombies.
Incitement need not be based on falsehoods. You could wrongly incite a mob to lynch someone without a trial, even if that person were the perpetrator of a crime.

The movie does not incite violence anymore than me calling you an idiot does.


Why aren't telling that to all your 'nut friends who claim otherwise?

Your nut friends are the ones that are arguing it caused something it had nothing to do with.
They released him without charges after 30 minutes of questioning.

Democrats would have had their ass handed to them if they had done anything more...........

But the CLAIM was ARREST? And as BOTH suspects are FELONS, I gather you think they should be given medals?* One was just released from FEDERAL prison last year, if his probation officer didn't approve his horrendous venture into incitement to riot, he VIOLATED.

As for the other, who allowed the transmission of the "video" under the CLAIM of it being produced by AMERICAN CHURCHES? The Coptic Church of America did NOT.

Even the deaths of Americans are used by the Vichy segment in a lame attempt to discredit Obama! Lowlife dirt, one & all.

There is plenty to criticize Obama for, namely UNEMPLOYMENT; the simple minds of the VICHY Americans cannot understand economics however, videos are all they know............
For everyone that is insisting that there was no arrest.

The purpose of an arrest is to bring the arrestee before a court or otherwise secure the administration of the law. An arrest serves the function of notifying the community that an individual has been accused of a crime and also may admonish and deter the arrested individual from committing other crimes. Arrests can be made on both criminal charges and civil charges, although civil arrest is a drastic measure that is not looked upon with favor by the courts. The federal Constitution imposes limits on both civil and criminal arrests.
An arrest may occur (1) by the touching or putting hands on the arrestee; (2) by any act that indicates an intention to take the arrestee into custody and that subjects the arrestee to the actual control and will of the person making the arrest; or (3) by the consent of the person to be arrested. There is no arrest where there is no restraint, and the restraint must be under real or pretended legal authority. However, the detention of a person need not be accompanied by formal words of arrest or a station house booking to constitute an arrest.
arrest legal definition of arrest. arrest synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.

Damn, look at that. The fact, if true, that he volunteered to go into the office does not mean he was not arrested. The fact that he was released does not mean he was not arrested. The fact that the police showed up and took into custody with the intent to meet his probation officer means he was arrested.

Now that that is officially settled can we go back to arguing about how it was wrong?
They released him without charges after 30 minutes of questioning.

Democrats would have had their ass handed to them if they had done anything more...........

But the CLAIM was ARREST? And as BOTH suspects are FELONS, I gather you think they should be given medals?* One was just released from FEDERAL prison last year, if his probation officer didn't approve his horrendous venture into incitement to riot, he VIOLATED.

As for the other, who allowed the transmission of the "video" under the CLAIM of it being produced by AMERICAN CHURCHES? The Coptic Church of America did NOT.

Even the deaths of Americans are used by the Vichy segment in a lame attempt to discredit Obama! Lowlife dirt, one & all.

There is plenty to criticize Obama for, namely UNEMPLOYMENT; the simple minds of the VICHY Americans cannot understand economics however, videos are all they know............

Incitement to riot? Got the hyperbole blower working in overdrive, don't you?

Here's a little 'incitement to riot' for you...

Anyone that thinks Mohammed, the goat-herding child molester is a 'Messenger of God' has lost their fucking mind and should be institutionalized. All 1.3 BILLION of them!

Married a 6 year old??

Had sex with a 9 year old??

Preached "Conversion or DEATH"??

That fucking wormfood, raghead psychotic, a messenger of God??

Fatwa THAT, you fucking Neanderthal pukes!!
NO, he's just being harassed to let him know that powerful people want his hide hanging on a wall. That's how thugs operate.


You can't spin the fact he VOLUNTEERED you fucking moron.

Actually, all you have is that the LAPD says he volunteered, after they knocked on his door in the middle of the night.

Los Angeles (CNN) -- The California man believed to be the maker of an anti-Islam film that ignited a firestorm in the Muslim world was cooperative when authorities escorted him to a voluntary interview, officials said Saturday.

"It was all choreographed," said Steve Whitmore of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. "He was ready and willing and very cooperative."

Whitmore told CNN that Nakoula left the local sheriff's station after the federal officials were done interviewing him.

"He is gone and he is free," he said of Nakoula, who was bundled up in a coat, hat and white scarf as he was escorted from his house. Nakoula decided to cover himself, Whitmore told CNN affiliate KCAL/KCBS.

Whitmore earlier dismissed reports that Nakoula had been arrested, saying he was never in handcuffs or in custody.

yeah, you are full of shit once again.
For everyone that is insisting that there was no arrest.

The purpose of an arrest is to bring the arrestee before a court or otherwise secure the administration of the law. An arrest serves the function of notifying the community that an individual has been accused of a crime and also may admonish and deter the arrested individual from committing other crimes. Arrests can be made on both criminal charges and civil charges, although civil arrest is a drastic measure that is not looked upon with favor by the courts. The federal Constitution imposes limits on both civil and criminal arrests.
An arrest may occur (1) by the touching or putting hands on the arrestee; (2) by any act that indicates an intention to take the arrestee into custody and that subjects the arrestee to the actual control and will of the person making the arrest; or (3) by the consent of the person to be arrested. There is no arrest where there is no restraint, and the restraint must be under real or pretended legal authority. However, the detention of a person need not be accompanied by formal words of arrest or a station house booking to constitute an arrest.
arrest legal definition of arrest. arrest synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.

Damn, look at that. The fact, if true, that he volunteered to go into the office does not mean he was not arrested. The fact that he was released does not mean he was not arrested. The fact that the police showed up and took into custody with the intent to meet his probation officer means he was arrested.

Now that that is officially settled can we go back to arguing about how it was wrong?

Los Angeles (CNN) -- The California man believed to be the maker of an anti-Islam film that ignited a firestorm in the Muslim world was cooperative when authorities escorted him to a voluntary interview, officials said Saturday.

"It was all choreographed," said Steve Whitmore of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. "He was ready and willing and very cooperative."

Whitmore told CNN that Nakoula left the local sheriff's station after the federal officials were done interviewing him.

"He is gone and he is free," he said of Nakoula, who was bundled up in a coat, hat and white scarf as he was escorted from his house. Nakoula decided to cover himself, Whitmore told CNN affiliate KCAL/KCBS.

Whitmore earlier dismissed reports that Nakoula had been arrested, saying he was never in handcuffs or in custody.


Now that it is settled you are wrong again, can we move on from you being wrong....again

You can't spin the fact he VOLUNTEERED you fucking moron.

Actually, all you have is that the LAPD says he volunteered, after they knocked on his door in the middle of the night.

Los Angeles (CNN) -- The California man believed to be the maker of an anti-Islam film that ignited a firestorm in the Muslim world was cooperative when authorities escorted him to a voluntary interview, officials said Saturday.

"It was all choreographed," said Steve Whitmore of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. "He was ready and willing and very cooperative."

Whitmore told CNN that Nakoula left the local sheriff's station after the federal officials were done interviewing him.

"He is gone and he is free," he said of Nakoula, who was bundled up in a coat, hat and white scarf as he was escorted from his house. Nakoula decided to cover himself, Whitmore told CNN affiliate KCAL/KCBS.

Whitmore earlier dismissed reports that Nakoula had been arrested, saying he was never in handcuffs or in custody.

yeah, you are full of shit once again.
If he volunteered, he would have went to the police station on his own. If the police show up at your house, it has got beyond volunteering.
Actually, all you have is that the LAPD says he volunteered, after they knocked on his door in the middle of the night.

Los Angeles (CNN) -- The California man believed to be the maker of an anti-Islam film that ignited a firestorm in the Muslim world was cooperative when authorities escorted him to a voluntary interview, officials said Saturday.

"It was all choreographed," said Steve Whitmore of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. "He was ready and willing and very cooperative."

Whitmore told CNN that Nakoula left the local sheriff's station after the federal officials were done interviewing him.

"He is gone and he is free," he said of Nakoula, who was bundled up in a coat, hat and white scarf as he was escorted from his house. Nakoula decided to cover himself, Whitmore told CNN affiliate KCAL/KCBS.

Whitmore earlier dismissed reports that Nakoula had been arrested, saying he was never in handcuffs or in custody.

yeah, you are full of shit once again.
If he volunteered, he would have went to the police station on his own. If the police show up at your house, it has got beyond volunteering.

in implies he didnt have to go. he was never arrested, never booked or put into custody. He answered some questions and left.

Im not sure how difficult this is to understand.

Being wanted for questioning doesnt mean you are being arrested.
yeah, you are full of shit once again.
If he volunteered, he would have went to the police station on his own. If the police show up at your house, it has got beyond volunteering.

in implies he didnt have to go. he was never arrested, never booked or put into custody. He answered some questions and left.

Im not sure how difficult this is to understand.

Being wanted for questioning doesnt mean you are being arrested.

The police showed up at his house because his house was surrounded by media. The police showed up to get him out safely.

You can't spin the fact he VOLUNTEERED you fucking moron.

Actually, all you have is that the LAPD says he volunteered, after they knocked on his door in the middle of the night.

Los Angeles (CNN) -- The California man believed to be the maker of an anti-Islam film that ignited a firestorm in the Muslim world was cooperative when authorities escorted him to a voluntary interview, officials said Saturday.

"It was all choreographed," said Steve Whitmore of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. "He was ready and willing and very cooperative."

Whitmore told CNN that Nakoula left the local sheriff's station after the federal officials were done interviewing him.

"He is gone and he is free," he said of Nakoula, who was bundled up in a coat, hat and white scarf as he was escorted from his house. Nakoula decided to cover himself, Whitmore told CNN affiliate KCAL/KCBS.

Whitmore earlier dismissed reports that Nakoula had been arrested, saying he was never in handcuffs or in custody.
yeah, you are full of shit once again.

None of that changes anything, he was arrested.
For everyone that is insisting that there was no arrest.

The purpose of an arrest is to bring the arrestee before a court or otherwise secure the administration of the law. An arrest serves the function of notifying the community that an individual has been accused of a crime and also may admonish and deter the arrested individual from committing other crimes. Arrests can be made on both criminal charges and civil charges, although civil arrest is a drastic measure that is not looked upon with favor by the courts. The federal Constitution imposes limits on both civil and criminal arrests.
An arrest may occur (1) by the touching or putting hands on the arrestee; (2) by any act that indicates an intention to take the arrestee into custody and that subjects the arrestee to the actual control and will of the person making the arrest; or (3) by the consent of the person to be arrested. There is no arrest where there is no restraint, and the restraint must be under real or pretended legal authority. However, the detention of a person need not be accompanied by formal words of arrest or a station house booking to constitute an arrest.
arrest legal definition of arrest. arrest synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.

Damn, look at that. The fact, if true, that he volunteered to go into the office does not mean he was not arrested. The fact that he was released does not mean he was not arrested. The fact that the police showed up and took into custody with the intent to meet his probation officer means he was arrested.

Now that that is officially settled can we go back to arguing about how it was wrong?

Los Angeles (CNN) -- The California man believed to be the maker of an anti-Islam film that ignited a firestorm in the Muslim world was cooperative when authorities escorted him to a voluntary interview, officials said Saturday.

"It was all choreographed," said Steve Whitmore of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. "He was ready and willing and very cooperative."

Whitmore told CNN that Nakoula left the local sheriff's station after the federal officials were done interviewing him.

"He is gone and he is free," he said of Nakoula, who was bundled up in a coat, hat and white scarf as he was escorted from his house. Nakoula decided to cover himself, Whitmore told CNN affiliate KCAL/KCBS.

Whitmore earlier dismissed reports that Nakoula had been arrested, saying he was never in handcuffs or in custody.

Now that it is settled you are wrong again, can we move on from you being wrong....again

Handcuffs are not legally required to make an arrest, being in the back of a police car is being in custody. I can understand that you are too ignorant and stupid to understand that, but I know that that lying sack of shit Whitmore knows he is lying.
yeah, you are full of shit once again.
If he volunteered, he would have went to the police station on his own. If the police show up at your house, it has got beyond volunteering.

in implies he didnt have to go. he was never arrested, never booked or put into custody. He answered some questions and left.

Im not sure how difficult this is to understand.

Being wanted for questioning doesnt mean you are being arrested.

Tell you what, why don't we put you on probation and then have the police show up at your door at midnight to see if you think you can say no.
... You think Libertarians are progressives???? Are you a Paulbot?

I said I LEAN libertarian, not that I am a full blown libertarian, and Paul is not a libertarian he is a republitarian.

Libertarian = social liberal, fiscal conservative
Paul = social conservative, extreme fiscal conservative. He is just not a warmonger.

I know libertarians who are socially conservative and fiscally liberal. I guess that means you don't understand the words you are using. Like most progressives, you think anyone who disagrees with you is a nutcase.

So what are Paul's social liberal standpoints?
Pro life? Anti immigration? Prayer in classrooms? Gun control? Being against affirmative action? Being against gay marriage? Being against aboloshing don't ask don't tell? Being pro capital punishment? Not believing in climate change?

Ok so all of that he sides with conservatives.

What does he side with liberals? Pro marijuana legalization.

So 9-1 on the major issues he is a social conservative.

I think you just don't know his standpoints.

edit: and i don't know how you can know people that are libertarians and social conservative and fiscal liberal, since thats the opposite of libertarian. So they are libertarian but don't agree with anything libertarians stand for?
Last edited:
For everyone that is insisting that there was no arrest.

arrest legal definition of arrest. arrest synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.

Damn, look at that. The fact, if true, that he volunteered to go into the office does not mean he was not arrested. The fact that he was released does not mean he was not arrested. The fact that the police showed up and took into custody with the intent to meet his probation officer means he was arrested.

Now that that is officially settled can we go back to arguing about how it was wrong?

Los Angeles (CNN) -- The California man believed to be the maker of an anti-Islam film that ignited a firestorm in the Muslim world was cooperative when authorities escorted him to a voluntary interview, officials said Saturday.

"It was all choreographed," said Steve Whitmore of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. "He was ready and willing and very cooperative."

Whitmore told CNN that Nakoula left the local sheriff's station after the federal officials were done interviewing him.

"He is gone and he is free," he said of Nakoula, who was bundled up in a coat, hat and white scarf as he was escorted from his house. Nakoula decided to cover himself, Whitmore told CNN affiliate KCAL/KCBS.

Whitmore earlier dismissed reports that Nakoula had been arrested, saying he was never in handcuffs or in custody.

Now that it is settled you are wrong again, can we move on from you being wrong....again

Handcuffs are not legally required to make an arrest, being in the back of a police car is being in custody. I can understand that you are too ignorant and stupid to understand that, but I know that that lying sack of shit Whitmore knows he is lying.

You are correct, it's at the arresting officer discretion
I do not give a flying fuck if Muslims think it is a sin. I started a thread about something that is patently offensive to the religions of over 5 billion people, and you, being a whiny ass bitch who is afraid of a bunch of Muslims and likes to pretend that the fact he used to be in the military before he ran away with his tail between his legs means something, ignored it. What makes those 1.3 billion people more special than the rest of the planet?

No, man, I ignored it for the reason I ignore most of the threads you start.

Because you're crazier than a shithouse rat.
I said I LEAN libertarian, not that I am a full blown libertarian, and Paul is not a libertarian he is a republitarian.

Libertarian = social liberal, fiscal conservative
Paul = social conservative, extreme fiscal conservative. He is just not a warmonger.

I know libertarians who are socially conservative and fiscally liberal. I guess that means you don't understand the words you are using. Like most progressives, you think anyone who disagrees with you is a nutcase.

So what are Paul's social liberal standpoints?
Pro life? Anti immigration? Prayer in classrooms? Gun control? Being against affirmative action? Being against gay marriage? Being against aboloshing don't ask don't tell? Being pro capital punishment? Not believing in climate change?

Ok so all of that he sides with conservatives.

What does he side with liberals? Pro marijuana legalization.

So 9-1 on the major issues he is a social conservative.

I think you just don't know his standpoints.

edit: and i don't know how you can know people that are libertarians and social conservative and fiscal liberal, since thats the opposite of libertarian. So they are libertarian but don't agree with anything libertarians stand for?

Excuse me? The man consistently votes for individual liberty. He voted against every single resolution that authorized violence in his career, he voted against the PATRIOT Act and the NDAA. He has a better socially liberal record than most liberal Democrats.

That said, I was pointing out your ignorance about the term libertarian, and how you do not get to define it as socially liberal and fiscally conservative.

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