Zone1 The Filth That Is Religion.

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VIP Member
Feb 17, 2023
What makes it filth? Not being true is what makes it filth. Let's start out with christianity. Which I was raised as. There is nothing in the bible that is true. It was wrong about how the Earth was created. It was wrong about how humans came about. Neither was there anything accurate in it when it came to geography. It was also more than useless when it came to zoology. Neither was it even close to anything true when it came to astronomy. Given all these things, why do people have any faith in it at all.

Well, as it turns out, I can tell you why. Because religion gives people the ability to justify anything that they might want to do. For example, I knew a guy once who was a real piece of shit. One time he said to me, "If god didn't want me to be fucked up, he wouldn't have made me to be fucked up." Another reason has to do with death. People don't like the idea of dying. They want to believe that there is something beyond death. Religion gives them that. Though if you are a hindu, you could believe in reincarnation. But their idea of religion has them so screwed up that their idea of heaven is to simply not being reincarnated any more.
Ok then. Be a soulless quivering blob of protoplasm whose name is destined to be swept away with the dust of time. Nobody's forcing you to believe in anything.
Religion and the Climate Change religion are the biggest hoaxes ever foisted upon mankind.....Just look at the parallels.

Prove me wrong.
Religion and the Climate Change religion are the biggest hoaxes ever foisted upon mankind.....Just look at the parallels.

Prove me wrong.

Tell that to the millions of those who were addicted to drugs or alcohol, depression, thoughts of suicide, or being engaged in criminal behavior, and turned over a leaf when they heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
What makes it filth? Not being true is what makes it filth. Let's start out with christianity. Which I was raised as. There is nothing in the bible that is true. It was wrong about how the Earth was created. It was wrong about how humans came about. Neither was there anything accurate in it when it came to geography. It was also more than useless when it came to zoology. Neither was it even close to anything true when it came to astronomy. Given all these things, why do people have any faith in it at all.

Well, as it turns out, I can tell you why. Because religion gives people the ability to justify anything that they might want to do. For example, I knew a guy once who was a real piece of shit. One time he said to me, "If god didn't want me to be fucked up, he wouldn't have made me to be fucked up." Another reason has to do with death. People don't like the idea of dying. They want to believe that there is something beyond death. Religion gives them that. Though if you are a hindu, you could believe in reincarnation. But their idea of religion has them so screwed up that their idea of heaven is to simply not being reincarnated any more.
Err, for what justification did Mao and Stalin use then? It certainly wasn't God.
What makes it filth? Not being true is what makes it filth. Let's start out with christianity. Which I was raised as. There is nothing in the bible that is true. It was wrong about how the Earth was created. It was wrong about how humans came about. Neither was there anything accurate in it when it came to geography. It was also more than useless when it came to zoology. Neither was it even close to anything true when it came to astronomy. Given all these things, why do people have any faith in it at all.

Well, as it turns out, I can tell you why. Because religion gives people the ability to justify anything that they might want to do. For example, I knew a guy once who was a real piece of shit. One time he said to me, "If god didn't want me to be fucked up, he wouldn't have made me to be fucked up." Another reason has to do with death. People don't like the idea of dying. They want to believe that there is something beyond death. Religion gives them that. Though if you are a hindu, you could believe in reincarnation. But their idea of religion has them so screwed up that their idea of heaven is to simply not being reincarnated any more.
This is all your opinion. No facts. Nothing. Just personal angst.
What makes it filth? Not being true is what makes it filth. Let's start out with christianity. Which I was raised as. There is nothing in the bible that is true. It was wrong about how the Earth was created. It was wrong about how humans came about. Neither was there anything accurate in it when it came to geography. It was also more than useless when it came to zoology. Neither was it even close to anything true when it came to astronomy. Given all these things, why do people have any faith in it at all.
Nicholas Cook book contains the worst recipes of all time. They are not even understandable. As a result, I'll never cook again. :)

Nicholas Cook doesn't write recipes, he writes music, and this may be a similar problem you have with the Bible. The Bible is not a science text, science being largely defined as: Methodological study of phenomenon through careful observation, collecting data, experimental investigation, or theoretical explanation. Clearly the Bible does not do this, so it is no more a science book than Nicholas Cook's book is a recipe book.

If not science, then what? Philosophy. And that is defined as: An activity people undertake when they seek to understand fundamental truths about themselves, the world in which they live, and their relationships to the world and to each other.

Perhaps this will help you understand why so many do not see the Bible as filth.
Tell that to the millions of those who were addicted to drugs or alcohol, depression, thoughts of suicide, or being engaged in criminal behavior, and turned over a leaf when they heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
Good on them but it's still all just a hoax.

The fact of the matter is most people will cast about in a time of stress. ;)

It's all contraditory nonsense.

Well, as it turns out, I can tell you why. Because religion gives people the ability to justify anything that they might want to do
This from the clown Advocating that mass shooters focus their attention on illegal immigrants -- not that they stop murdering.
.sick fuck
Except that it doesn't.

Of course it would help if you could actually READ
Except that it does. You are the one who should learn to read:

Genesis 1:25-27

25 God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.
26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
27 So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.

Genesis 2:18-19

18 The LORD God said: It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suited to him.* k
19 So the LORD God formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds of the air, and he brought them to the man to see what he would call them; whatever the man called each living creature was then its name.
Closed, the OP knows this wasn't a zone 1 compliant thread
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