The first couple portrayed as apes

And Catholics, and Jews, and "unvirtuous" women.
Is there some reason you're leaving that out? Is it the inconvenience? :eusa_boohoo:

NOT germane to the topic, as the DEMOCRATIC KKK TARGETED BLACKS and SOUTHERN REPUBLICANS.... try to concentrate on the fact that you denied the KKK was Democratic and PBS corrected you!

Not germane to the topic. The fact remains that even the publisher admits the picture in question is "just a picture evoking sheer racism." The rest of this thread and those spinning wildly to deny it is just self-serving BS.

I do believe I did explain POLITICAL SATIRE in this thread. It's SUPPOSED to hurt others feelings and make a statement. whether you agree or not, is up to the viewer.

Now this is superb political humor that you subversives will yell and rant about for 50 posts, if not more...I think it's funny and to the point, but others will have their head explode.... I can only wait for the fun to begin!

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"The President's brother"?????

::scrape:: ::scrape:: ::scrape:::

Desperation strikes deep ♫
Into your post it will creep
It starts when you're all full of crap
Step off the rails, look like moron and a partisan hack

I think you better

Stop, hey who's that clown
Everybody look, he's goin' down... ♬

There's battle lines bein' drawn
Iceweasel's right, everybody else is wrong
Dumb people speakin' their minds
a-pullin' so much bullshit... from their behinds, I think it's time you

Stop, hey what's that sound
Another hack is goin' down...


The rest of that post claims racism, then goes on to cite several examples (of questionable veracity, and all of them unlinked) that demonstrate the poster doesn't even know what racism is... :rolleyes:
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Does the republican party have Jews, Blacks and women? It's all about $$$$$$!!!!! Jews gave up being Jewish when they changed their religion to LIBERALISM!

So after all the bullshit, you're calling the PBS article a pack of lies.... Boy, I was born at night, but NOT last night!

After three pages you have still failed to make your case.

First KKK
>> The first Klan was founded in 1865 in Pulaski, Tennessee, by six veterans of the Confederate Army.[17] The name is probably derived from the Greek word kuklos (κύκλος) which means circle, suggesting a circle or band of brothers.[18]
Although there was little organizational structure above the local level, similar groups rose across the South and adopted the same name and methods.[19] Klan groups spread throughout the South as an insurgent movement during the Reconstruction era in the United States. As a secret vigilante group, the Klan targeted freedmen and their allies; it sought to restore white supremacy by threats and violence, including murder, against black and white Republicans.

Second KKK
... In 1915, the second Klan was founded in Atlanta, Georgia. Starting in 1921, it adopted a modern business system of recruiting (which paid most of the initiation fee and costume charges as commissions to the organizers) and grew rapidly nationwide at a time of prosperity. Reflecting the social tensions of urban industrialization and vastly increased immigration, its membership grew most rapidly in cities, and spread out of the South to the Midwest and West. The second KKK preached "One Hundred Percent Americanism" and demanded the purification of politics, calling for strict morality and better enforcement of prohibition. Its official rhetoric focused on the threat of the Catholic Church, using anti-Catholicism and nativism.[4] Its appeal was directed exclusively at white Protestants.[21]

...Third KKK
The "Ku Klux Klan" name was used by a numerous independent local groups opposing the Civil Rights Movement and desegregation, especially in the 1950s and 1960s. During this period, they often forged alliances with Southern police departments, as in Birmingham, Alabama; or with governor's offices, as with George Wallace of Alabama.[25] Several members of KKK groups were convicted of murder in the deaths of civil rights workers and children in the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham. << (Wiki)

--- none of which name a political party as a founder, funder or supporter.

Hmm... that didn't go well, did it? Let's try another source.

>> The six Confederate army veterans credited with originating the Ku Klux Klan on Christmas Eve of 1865 in Pulaski, Tenn. are not memorialized in current klan literature. ... The organization to which modern klansmen pay homage was the Ku Klux Klan headed by Nathan Bedford Forrest, which officially operated in at least nine Southern states from 1867 to 1869 and unofficially for some years thereafter.

The conversion of klan purposes from amusement to terrorism had already been demonstrated by the time representatives of the local klan "dens" held a unifying convention in Nashville, Tenn., in 1867 and elected former Confederate Army General Forrest as their grand wizard.
<< -- The Present Day Ku Klux Klan Movement, Report by the Committee on Un-American Activities, House of Representatives, Ninetieth Congress, First Session, December 11, 1967

Damn. No political party there either. Two strikes, try again...

>> About the Ku Klux Klan
The Ku Klux Klan is a racist, anti-Semitic movement with a commitment to extreme violence to achieve its goals of racial segregation and white supremacy.
... At first, the Ku Klux Klan focused its anger and violence on African-Americans, on white Americans who stood up for them, and against the federal government which supported their rights. Subsequent incarnations of the Klan, which typically emerged in times of rapid social change, added more categories to its enemies list, including Jews, Catholics (less so after the 1970s), homosexuals, and different groups of immigrants.

Founder: Confederate Civil War veterans Captain John C. Lester, Major James R. Crowe, John D. Kennedy, Calvin Jones, Richard R. Reed, Frank O. McCord
<< ---Extremism in America/ADL

There you go, you even have their names. Six Confederate vets, Nathan Bedford Forrest, and the guy who revived it in 1921 with a "fraternal" organization was William Joseph Simmons. You can read that here. Page 5. Shortly after where it notes, ""the Klan admitted only white, native-born, gentile, adult men who believed in Christianity, white supremacy, and "pure Americanism'".

None of whom, and none of which, comprise any political party.

Strike three. You're out.

OMG!!! I had gone to bed after my last post at 2:15 AM and it took you a HALF HOUR to search around for all that bullshit try to prove DEMOCRAPS didn't start the KKK, You have NO PROOF that those Confederate soldiers WEREN'T DEMOCRAPS, and If you go to BING with KKK FOUNDED BY DEMOCRAPS, you'll get 479,000 links to it!

kkk was founded by democrats - Bing

Since anyone with 2 working brain cells KNOWS, that the KKK TARGETED BLACKS and SOUTHERN DEMOCRATS, and since that has been taught in school when the schools actually did teach history, 50 years ago, your crap is simply a diversion, from a recognized fact! Aything to try and prove Pogo Stick is correct...What a moron, BUT the entertainment value is an 8 out of 10! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Perhaps we should talk about the Democrats trying to stop the 1964 Civil Rights Act.... Lots of Democrap politician names we can pull out of that who fought INTERGRATION and showed their RACIST SIDE.... Any takers???

^^ Links to a Bing search as his documentation. :lmao: A new nadir in stupidity.

You have NO PROOF that those Confederate soldiers WEREN'T DEMOCRAPS

We also have no proof they weren't aliens, Indians, trannies, tennis players, brain surgeons, midgets, Bigfoots or guitar players. What does that tell us?

You don't prove something wasn't, dumbass. You prove it was. That's your job. And you failed. Utterly.

New at this logic thing, huh?

And no, I didn't have to search a half hour for that book. It's right here on my shelf.
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I know I am on ignore so you won't see this, but I plan to respond anyway and don't give a damn if you peek or not.

That pic is disgusting. I dislike Michelle, semi like Barrack and wish he was not president cuz he would be better at something else, but to display them as apes is crude.

Then again...Bush was depicted as a chimpanzee so.....

I think its wrong but being wrong has never stopper the left in their attacks on the right either. so it goes both ways. as long as it remains an acceptable practice for one side to do it, the other side will continue to do it to.

I am as discomforted by the ranting of ideologues and dogmatists on both sides of the aisle. That our elected officials fling stupid shit at one another is unfortunate but to be expected. We as Americans don't need to follow their lead.

I'm more pissed that our politicians no longer represent us, but represent special interests instead. I'm more pissed that we as citizens let them create the great divide with their child like games. fact is, democrats control, corporations still benefit, the rich get richer, the poor still remain poor. Republicans control, abortion still remains legal, books aren't burned, churches don't control the government. our government plays the divide and conquer game great. the more outrageous the attack the more angered people will be with the other side.
I think its wrong but being wrong has never stopper the left in their attacks on the right either. so it goes both ways. as long as it remains an acceptable practice for one side to do it, the other side will continue to do it to.

I am as discomforted by the ranting of ideologues and dogmatists on both sides of the aisle. That our elected officials fling stupid shit at one another is unfortunate but to be expected. We as Americans don't need to follow their lead.

I'm more pissed that our politicians no longer represent us, but represent special interests instead. I'm more pissed that we as citizens let them create the great divide with their child like games. fact is, democrats control, corporations still benefit, the rich get richer, the poor still remain poor. Republicans control, abortion still remains legal, books aren't burned, churches don't control the government. our government plays the divide and conquer game great. the more outrageous the attack the more angered people will be with the other side.

Partisanship is a function of the number of people each representative represents:

So, if a representative represents only 1 person, then partisanship = 0

Today, each member of the HoR represents over 700,000 people.
After three pages you have still failed to make your case.

First KKK
>> The first Klan was founded in 1865 in Pulaski, Tennessee, by six veterans of the Confederate Army.[17] The name is probably derived from the Greek word kuklos (&#954;&#973;&#954;&#955;&#959;&#962;) which means circle, suggesting a circle or band of brothers.[18]
Although there was little organizational structure above the local level, similar groups rose across the South and adopted the same name and methods.[19] Klan groups spread throughout the South as an insurgent movement during the Reconstruction era in the United States. As a secret vigilante group, the Klan targeted freedmen and their allies; it sought to restore white supremacy by threats and violence, including murder, against black and white Republicans.

Second KKK
... In 1915, the second Klan was founded in Atlanta, Georgia. Starting in 1921, it adopted a modern business system of recruiting (which paid most of the initiation fee and costume charges as commissions to the organizers) and grew rapidly nationwide at a time of prosperity. Reflecting the social tensions of urban industrialization and vastly increased immigration, its membership grew most rapidly in cities, and spread out of the South to the Midwest and West. The second KKK preached "One Hundred Percent Americanism" and demanded the purification of politics, calling for strict morality and better enforcement of prohibition. Its official rhetoric focused on the threat of the Catholic Church, using anti-Catholicism and nativism.[4] Its appeal was directed exclusively at white Protestants.[21]

...Third KKK
The "Ku Klux Klan" name was used by a numerous independent local groups opposing the Civil Rights Movement and desegregation, especially in the 1950s and 1960s. During this period, they often forged alliances with Southern police departments, as in Birmingham, Alabama; or with governor's offices, as with George Wallace of Alabama.[25] Several members of KKK groups were convicted of murder in the deaths of civil rights workers and children in the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham. << (Wiki)

--- none of which name a political party as a founder, funder or supporter.

Hmm... that didn't go well, did it? Let's try another source.

>> The six Confederate army veterans credited with originating the Ku Klux Klan on Christmas Eve of 1865 in Pulaski, Tenn. are not memorialized in current klan literature. ... The organization to which modern klansmen pay homage was the Ku Klux Klan headed by Nathan Bedford Forrest, which officially operated in at least nine Southern states from 1867 to 1869 and unofficially for some years thereafter.

The conversion of klan purposes from amusement to terrorism had already been demonstrated by the time representatives of the local klan "dens" held a unifying convention in Nashville, Tenn., in 1867 and elected former Confederate Army General Forrest as their grand wizard.
<< -- The Present Day Ku Klux Klan Movement, Report by the Committee on Un-American Activities, House of Representatives, Ninetieth Congress, First Session, December 11, 1967

Damn. No political party there either. Two strikes, try again...

>> About the Ku Klux Klan
The Ku Klux Klan is a racist, anti-Semitic movement with a commitment to extreme violence to achieve its goals of racial segregation and white supremacy.
... At first, the Ku Klux Klan focused its anger and violence on African-Americans, on white Americans who stood up for them, and against the federal government which supported their rights. Subsequent incarnations of the Klan, which typically emerged in times of rapid social change, added more categories to its enemies list, including Jews, Catholics (less so after the 1970s), homosexuals, and different groups of immigrants.

Founder: Confederate Civil War veterans Captain John C. Lester, Major James R. Crowe, John D. Kennedy, Calvin Jones, Richard R. Reed, Frank O. McCord
<< ---Extremism in America/ADL

There you go, you even have their names. Six Confederate vets, Nathan Bedford Forrest, and the guy who revived it in 1921 with a "fraternal" organization was William Joseph Simmons. You can read that here. Page 5. Shortly after where it notes, ""the Klan admitted only white, native-born, gentile, adult men who believed in Christianity, white supremacy, and "pure Americanism'".

None of whom, and none of which, comprise any political party.

Strike three. You're out.

OMG!!! I had gone to bed after my last post at 2:15 AM and it took you a HALF HOUR to search around for all that bullshit try to prove DEMOCRAPS didn't start the KKK, You have NO PROOF that those Confederate soldiers WEREN'T DEMOCRAPS, and If you go to BING with KKK FOUNDED BY DEMOCRAPS, you'll get 479,000 links to it!

kkk was founded by democrats - Bing

Since anyone with 2 working brain cells KNOWS, that the KKK TARGETED BLACKS and SOUTHERN DEMOCRATS, and since that has been taught in school when the schools actually did teach history, 50 years ago, your crap is simply a diversion, from a recognized fact! Aything to try and prove Pogo Stick is correct...What a moron, BUT the entertainment value is an 8 out of 10! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Perhaps we should talk about the Democrats trying to stop the 1964 Civil Rights Act.... Lots of Democrap politician names we can pull out of that who fought INTERGRATION and showed their RACIST SIDE.... Any takers???

^^ Links to a Bing search as his documentation. :lmao: A new nadir in stupidity.

You have NO PROOF that those Confederate soldiers WEREN'T DEMOCRAPS
We also have no proof they weren't aliens, Indians, trannies, tennis players, brain surgeons, midgets, Bigfoots or guitar players. What does that tell us?

You don't prove something wasn't, dumbass. You prove it was. That's your job. And you failed. Utterly.

New at this logic thing, huh?

And no, I didn't have to search a half hour for that book. It's right here on my shelf.

Thought I'd throw a few of these in for kicks! :badgrin: And the KKK was formed by Southern Democrats! :badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap::eusa_boohoo:

Did they or did they not target blacks and Southern Republicans?...Then who the fuck were they, little green men, Illegal Mexicans, the Taliban?... Damn, how fucking stupid do you think people are. It's been reported for decades!






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OMG!!! I had gone to bed after my last post at 2:15 AM and it took you a HALF HOUR to search around for all that bullshit try to prove DEMOCRAPS didn't start the KKK, You have NO PROOF that those Confederate soldiers WEREN'T DEMOCRAPS, and If you go to BING with KKK FOUNDED BY DEMOCRAPS, you'll get 479,000 links to it!

kkk was founded by democrats - Bing

Since anyone with 2 working brain cells KNOWS, that the KKK TARGETED BLACKS and SOUTHERN DEMOCRATS, and since that has been taught in school when the schools actually did teach history, 50 years ago, your crap is simply a diversion, from a recognized fact! Aything to try and prove Pogo Stick is correct...What a moron, BUT the entertainment value is an 8 out of 10! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Perhaps we should talk about the Democrats trying to stop the 1964 Civil Rights Act.... Lots of Democrap politician names we can pull out of that who fought INTERGRATION and showed their RACIST SIDE.... Any takers???

^^ Links to a Bing search as his documentation. :lmao: A new nadir in stupidity.

You have NO PROOF that those Confederate soldiers WEREN'T DEMOCRAPS
We also have no proof they weren't aliens, Indians, trannies, tennis players, brain surgeons, midgets, Bigfoots or guitar players. What does that tell us?

You don't prove something wasn't, dumbass. You prove it was. That's your job. And you failed. Utterly.

New at this logic thing, huh?

And no, I didn't have to search a half hour for that book. It's right here on my shelf.

Thought I'd throw a few of these in for kicks! :badgrin: And the KKK was formed by Southern Democrats! :badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap::eusa_boohoo:

Did they or did they not target blacks and Southern Republicans?...Then who the fuck were they, little green men, Illegal Mexicans, the Taliban?... Damn, how fucking stupid do you think people are. It's been reported for decades!






Pogo's gonna claim your images are lies, and demand you post a dozen links from liberal sites to prove they are not, then claim victory if you don't.
^^ Links to a Bing search as his documentation. :lmao: A new nadir in stupidity.

We also have no proof they weren't aliens, Indians, trannies, tennis players, brain surgeons, midgets, Bigfoots or guitar players. What does that tell us?

You don't prove something wasn't, dumbass. You prove it was. That's your job. And you failed. Utterly.

New at this logic thing, huh?

And no, I didn't have to search a half hour for that book. It's right here on my shelf.

Thought I'd throw a few of these in for kicks! :badgrin: And the KKK was formed by Southern Democrats! :badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap::eusa_boohoo:

Did they or did they not target blacks and Southern Republicans?...Then who the fuck were they, little green men, Illegal Mexicans, the Taliban?... Damn, how fucking stupid do you think people are. It's been reported for decades!






Pogo's gonna claim your images are lies, and demand you post a dozen links from liberal sites to prove they are not, then claim victory if you don't.[/QUOTE]

He is a deranged little fellow, isn't he? I enjoy handling those who think that their spin on a fact, is IN FACT, the FACT! High entertainment from the subversive left and their race card toting lackeys!
Really? You're so desperate in defeat that you're searching Google Images?

Pathetic dood. I handed you your ass last night on the history; man up, admit you were wrong and do your homework next time.

I: Woodrow Wilson was a racist and a megalomaniac asshole. That's well known and it was well known at the end of his term when his popularity resembled Shrub's in 2008. So much so that Warren Harding (who btw allegedly was associated with the Klan) hardly had to campaign at all and won the biggest landslide in history.

II: your list of names may be accurate (who cares) but the last line is not. Number one we demolished that myth last night and you still have that crow to eat (I cited three independent historical sources, you cited bupkis), and number two there is no such thing as the "Democrat Party" except in Lush Rimjob's malaprop mouth, and never has been. That says a lot about the research that didn't go into the line itself; not only don't they know the history, they can't even spell the name.

III: Black's Klan days seem not to have been known at the time:

>> The next day the full Senate considered Black's nomination. Rumors relating to Black's involvement in the Ku Klux Klan surfaced among the senators, and two Democratic senators tried defeating the nomination. However, no conclusive evidence of Black's involvement was available at the time, so after six hours of debate, the Senate voted 63-16 to confirm Black, ten Republicans and six Democrats voted against Black.[32] << (Wiki) But the story wasn't put together until the next month.

-- again, a party opposing its own nominee for being part of what you claim the same party started? Not quite. :lol: Hey, at least they spelled the name of the organization right. That's something. :thup:

IV: again, as we know, a personal letter, 1945, years before running for office, and a mindset he later renounced. Now if the world actually operated on the infantile comic book mentality partisan hacks such as yourself seem to like to imagine, where all events and all people and all political parties are frozen in time forever, that would make this impossible to explain, would it not?

Unfortunately for your fantasies, people grow. Parties grow, cultures grow, populations grow. Things evolve. Life isn't a still picture on Google images with an incoherent caption on it. Who knew.

Hang on, we ain't done. Here's number five:

V: why are you obsessed with derailing a thread about a Belgian newspaper's racist depiction of the POTUS and FLOTUS and trying to morph it into a thread about Robert Byrd, a dead guy who has absolutely zero to do with this topic? Embarrassed?

To get back on track the topic is this:
Satire? I don't think that word means what they think it means.

Belgian Newspaper Accused Of Racism For Picture Of Obama And Michelle As Apes

De Morgen apologized for the image in its Monday edition, admitting it was guilty of "bad taste."

"When you consider the fragment apart from its context, which is a properly worked out satirical section, then you don't see the joke but just a picture evoking sheer racism," the newspaper said. "We wrongly assumed that racism is no longer accepted, and that in this way it could be the subject of a joke."

Unigwe, who lives in Belgium, went on to tweet in depth about the controversial spread, noting that the fault lies with Belgian society moreso than De Morgen:

I really can't find the possible humor angle. I guess I need to evolve more, or something.
Last edited:
Really? You're so desperate in defeat that you're searching Google Images?

Pathetic dood. I handed you your ass last night on the history; man up, admit you were wrong and do your homework next time.

I: Woodrow Wilson was a racist and a megalomaniac asshole. That's well known and it was well known at the end of his term when his popularity resembled Shrub's in 2008. So much so that Warren Harding (who btw allegedly was associated with the Klan) hardly had to campaign at all and won the biggest landslide in history.

II: your list of names may be accurate (who cares) but the last line is not. Number one we demolished that myth last night and you still have that crow to eat (I cited three independent historical sources, you cited bupkis), and number two there is no such thing as the "Democrat Party" except in Lush Rimjob's malaprop mouth, and never has been. That says a lot about the research that didn't go into the line itself; not only don't they know the history, they can't even spell the name.

III: Black's Klan days seem not to have been known at the time:

>> The next day the full Senate considered Black's nomination. Rumors relating to Black's involvement in the Ku Klux Klan surfaced among the senators, and two Democratic senators tried defeating the nomination. However, no conclusive evidence of Black's involvement was available at the time, so after six hours of debate, the Senate voted 63-16 to confirm Black, ten Republicans and six Democrats voted against Black.[32] << (Wiki) But the story wasn't put together until the next month.

-- again, a party opposing its own nominee for being part of what you claim the same party started? Not quite. :lol: Hey, at least they spelled the name of the organization right. That's something. :thup:

IV: again, as we know, a personal letter, 1945, years before running for office, and a mindset he later renounced. Now if the world actually operated on the infantile comic book mentality partisan hacks such as yourself seem to like to imagine, where all events and all people and all political parties are frozen in time forever, that would make this impossible to explain, would it not?

Unfortunately for your fantasies, people grow. Parties grow, cultures grow, populations grow. Things evolve. Life isn't a still picture on Google images with an incoherent caption on it. Who knew.

Hang on, we ain't done. Here's number five:

V: why are you obsessed with derailing a thread about a Belgian newspaper's racist depiction of the POTUS and FLOTUS and trying to morph it into a thread about Robert Byrd, a dead guy who has absolutely zero to do with this topic? Embarrassed?

To get back on track the topic is this:
Satire? I don't think that word means what they think it means.

Belgian Newspaper Accused Of Racism For Picture Of Obama And Michelle As Apes

De Morgen apologized for the image in its Monday edition, admitting it was guilty of "bad taste."

"When you consider the fragment apart from its context, which is a properly worked out satirical section, then you don't see the joke but just a picture evoking sheer racism," the newspaper said. "We wrongly assumed that racism is no longer accepted, and that in this way it could be the subject of a joke."

Unigwe, who lives in Belgium, went on to tweet in depth about the controversial spread, noting that the fault lies with Belgian society moreso than De Morgen:
I really can't find the possible humor angle. I guess I need to evolve more, or something.

The KKK targeted BLACKS and Southern Republicans, Who were they? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:....BTW, what's a Dood?

Last edited:
Really? You're so desperate in defeat that you're searching Google Images?

Pathetic dood. I handed you your ass last night on the history; man up, admit you were wrong and do your homework next time.

I: Woodrow Wilson was a racist and a megalomaniac asshole. That's well known and it was well known at the end of his term when his popularity resembled Shrub's in 2008. So much so that Warren Harding (who btw allegedly was associated with the Klan) hardly had to campaign at all and won the biggest landslide in history.

II: your list of names may be accurate (who cares) but the last line is not. Number one we demolished that myth last night and you still have that crow to eat (I cited three independent historical sources, you cited bupkis), and number two there is no such thing as the "Democrat Party" except in Lush Rimjob's malaprop mouth, and never has been. That says a lot about the research that didn't go into the line itself; not only don't they know the history, they can't even spell the name.

III: Black's Klan days seem not to have been known at the time:

>> The next day the full Senate considered Black's nomination. Rumors relating to Black's involvement in the Ku Klux Klan surfaced among the senators, and two Democratic senators tried defeating the nomination. However, no conclusive evidence of Black's involvement was available at the time, so after six hours of debate, the Senate voted 63-16 to confirm Black, ten Republicans and six Democrats voted against Black.[32] << (Wiki) But the story wasn't put together until the next month.

-- again, a party opposing its own nominee for being part of what you claim the same party started? Not quite. :lol: Hey, at least they spelled the name of the organization right. That's something. :thup:

IV: again, as we know, a personal letter, 1945, years before running for office, and a mindset he later renounced. Now if the world actually operated on the infantile comic book mentality partisan hacks such as yourself seem to like to imagine, where all events and all people and all political parties are frozen in time forever, that would make this impossible to explain, would it not?

Unfortunately for your fantasies, people grow. Parties grow, cultures grow, populations grow. Things evolve. Life isn't a still picture on Google images with an incoherent caption on it. Who knew.

Hang on, we ain't done. Here's number five:

V: why are you obsessed with derailing a thread about a Belgian newspaper's racist depiction of the POTUS and FLOTUS and trying to morph it into a thread about Robert Byrd, a dead guy who has absolutely zero to do with this topic? Embarrassed?

To get back on track the topic is this:
Satire? I don't think that word means what they think it means.

Belgian Newspaper Accused Of Racism For Picture Of Obama And Michelle As Apes

I really can't find the possible humor angle. I guess I need to evolve more, or something.

The KKK targeted BLACKS and Southern Republicans, Who were they? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:....BTW, what's a Dood?

You're correct the KKK did target Republicans because the Republican Party was the party of Lincoln. After the civil war and the early 20th century, racist in the South hated Lincoln and his party more than they hated blacks. However, after the mid 20th century there were drastic changes. The Democratic Party became the preferred party of blacks in the South thus the KKK moved away from the Democrats generally favoring Republican candidates. In fact, David Duke former Grand Wizard of the KKK, White Nationalist, former Louisiana House of Representative member is a Republican along with a number of KKK leaders.
Last edited:
Really? You're so desperate in defeat that you're searching Google Images?

Pathetic dood. I handed you your ass last night on the history; man up, admit you were wrong and do your homework next time.

I: Woodrow Wilson was a racist and a megalomaniac asshole. That's well known and it was well known at the end of his term when his popularity resembled Shrub's in 2008. So much so that Warren Harding (who btw allegedly was associated with the Klan) hardly had to campaign at all and won the biggest landslide in history.

II: your list of names may be accurate (who cares) but the last line is not. Number one we demolished that myth last night and you still have that crow to eat (I cited three independent historical sources, you cited bupkis), and number two there is no such thing as the "Democrat Party" except in Lush Rimjob's malaprop mouth, and never has been. That says a lot about the research that didn't go into the line itself; not only don't they know the history, they can't even spell the name.

III: Black's Klan days seem not to have been known at the time:

>> The next day the full Senate considered Black's nomination. Rumors relating to Black's involvement in the Ku Klux Klan surfaced among the senators, and two Democratic senators tried defeating the nomination. However, no conclusive evidence of Black's involvement was available at the time, so after six hours of debate, the Senate voted 63-16 to confirm Black, ten Republicans and six Democrats voted against Black.[32] << (Wiki) But the story wasn't put together until the next month.

-- again, a party opposing its own nominee for being part of what you claim the same party started? Not quite. :lol: Hey, at least they spelled the name of the organization right. That's something. :thup:

IV: again, as we know, a personal letter, 1945, years before running for office, and a mindset he later renounced. Now if the world actually operated on the infantile comic book mentality partisan hacks such as yourself seem to like to imagine, where all events and all people and all political parties are frozen in time forever, that would make this impossible to explain, would it not?

Unfortunately for your fantasies, people grow. Parties grow, cultures grow, populations grow. Things evolve. Life isn't a still picture on Google images with an incoherent caption on it. Who knew.

Hang on, we ain't done. Here's number five:

V: why are you obsessed with derailing a thread about a Belgian newspaper's racist depiction of the POTUS and FLOTUS and trying to morph it into a thread about Robert Byrd, a dead guy who has absolutely zero to do with this topic? Embarrassed?

To get back on track the topic is this:

The KKK targeted BLACKS and Southern Republicans, Who were they? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:....BTW, what's a Dood?

You're correct the KKK did target Republicans because the Republican Party was the party of Lincoln. After the civil war and the early 20th century, racist in the South hated Lincoln and his party more than they hated blacks. However, after the mid 20th century there were drastic changes. The Democratic Party became the preferred party of blacks in the South thus the KKK moved away from the Democrats generally favoring Republican candidates. In fact, David Duke former Grand Wizard of the KKK, White Nationalist, former Louisiana House of Representative member is a Republican along with a number of KKK leaders.

As I've been saying all along, Southern Democrats so hated Lincoln and Republicans, along with blacks that they targeted them! Thanks for confirming this point!
Really? You're so desperate in defeat that you're searching Google Images?

Pathetic dood. I handed you your ass last night on the history; man up, admit you were wrong and do your homework next time.

I: Woodrow Wilson was a racist and a megalomaniac asshole. That's well known and it was well known at the end of his term when his popularity resembled Shrub's in 2008. So much so that Warren Harding (who btw allegedly was associated with the Klan) hardly had to campaign at all and won the biggest landslide in history.

II: your list of names may be accurate (who cares) but the last line is not. Number one we demolished that myth last night and you still have that crow to eat (I cited three independent historical sources, you cited bupkis), and number two there is no such thing as the "Democrat Party" except in Lush Rimjob's malaprop mouth, and never has been. That says a lot about the research that didn't go into the line itself; not only don't they know the history, they can't even spell the name.

III: Black's Klan days seem not to have been known at the time:

>> The next day the full Senate considered Black's nomination. Rumors relating to Black's involvement in the Ku Klux Klan surfaced among the senators, and two Democratic senators tried defeating the nomination. However, no conclusive evidence of Black's involvement was available at the time, so after six hours of debate, the Senate voted 63-16 to confirm Black, ten Republicans and six Democrats voted against Black.[32] << (Wiki) But the story wasn't put together until the next month.

-- again, a party opposing its own nominee for being part of what you claim the same party started? Not quite. :lol: Hey, at least they spelled the name of the organization right. That's something. :thup:

IV: again, as we know, a personal letter, 1945, years before running for office, and a mindset he later renounced. Now if the world actually operated on the infantile comic book mentality partisan hacks such as yourself seem to like to imagine, where all events and all people and all political parties are frozen in time forever, that would make this impossible to explain, would it not?

Unfortunately for your fantasies, people grow. Parties grow, cultures grow, populations grow. Things evolve. Life isn't a still picture on Google images with an incoherent caption on it. Who knew.

Hang on, we ain't done. Here's number five:

V: why are you obsessed with derailing a thread about a Belgian newspaper's racist depiction of the POTUS and FLOTUS and trying to morph it into a thread about Robert Byrd, a dead guy who has absolutely zero to do with this topic? Embarrassed?

To get back on track the topic is this:
Satire? I don't think that word means what they think it means.

Belgian Newspaper Accused Of Racism For Picture Of Obama And Michelle As Apes

I really can't find the possible humor angle. I guess I need to evolve more, or something.

The KKK targeted BLACKS and Southern Republicans Who were they? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:


I see you spent all of a minute and a half reading that. No wonder you never get anything.

Actually "who were they" is a good question, even if it is still off topic. A side point I neglected.

When we say "Ku Klux Klan" we refer to several incarnations of several organizations, some tightly organized, some just loosely using the name, with purposes ranging from simple joking around with Greek word forms to a kind of moral police force masquerading as a 'social' club, to outright despicable terrorism, murder and destruction.

There are generally speaking three incarnations of KKK; the first, organized by those six soldiers and the war general, was actually one of several vigilante/terrorism groups (e.g. Knights of the White Camelia [sic], founded 1867) created by Confederate ex-soldiers who basically didn't want to accept defeat. In legal terms they maintained a concept of "states rights", an anti-Big Government stance that wanted Northerners out (a sentiment that persists today as a buzzword in the Republican Party, especially but not exclusively, in the South). Congress and President Grant passed laws in response (Grant virtually drove them out of South Carolina, at least temporarily). This version of the Klan, the original, was dissolved in 1869, although local chapters continued without a national structure for about five more years.

So that Klan had a life of about ten years. By the end of the century it was all but forgotten, although the decades on either side of the turn of that century would manifest the worst racial relations, rioting, lynchings and other persecutions in our nation's entire history, ones which make the 1960s and the Rodney King LA riot look like a sunny day in the park. By then it wasn't the Klan; it was the general population. Read about the Tulsa race riots and question why they're not in the history books. Bob Dylan's "Desolation Row" is built around one of these riots, in Duluth in 1920.

The second Klan was the one organized by Simmons in Georgia (posted last night) directly out of that atmosphere as a "fraternal" organization and chartered by the state, but reaching back to the vigilantism and terrorism practices of the post-Civil war era. This was 1915, the nadir of our shameful racial past, just after, and probably influenced by, the racist D.W. Griffith film Birth of a Nation. Griffith, tapping on that nadir of American race relations, had invoked the white sheet and burning crosses of a romanticized old England in his film, and Simmons' group incorporated these now-familiar icons along with a manifesto from the original Klan written in 1867. This second Klan milked the paranoias of the time: it was anti-immigrant, anti-Catholic, prohibitionist and antisemitic. Its membership purportedly seeded from the Knights of Mary Phagan, a vigilante group that had lynched Leo Frank in 1915.

Simmons' "fraternal" organization was a small local group for six years until it expanded in 1921. This would be the Klan that spread from the south into the midwest and west, the one that attracted Edward Jackson and Robert Byrd and those other politicians from Colorado and Indiana and California, as well as all over the South. That incarnation peaked in the 1920s, then fell into decline and withered away with World War Two.

The third Klan is a loose gathering of autonomous local groups that sprang up in the 1950s and into the '60s, using the old Klan name but without a central structure. These loosely defined groups were responsible for some of the most heinous crimes of what we call the "civil rights era" including the bombing of the Birmingham church that killed four girls and the triple murder of Goodman, Chaney and Schwerner as well as Medgar Evers. More accepted even in the South today as terrorists, this "Klan", however loosely organized, is underground and despised but still exists in some degree.

So when we speak of "who started the KKK" we speak of many different people in at least three different times. Confederate soldiers started the original one, which lasted ten years. A Georgia vigilante started the second one and did damage for two decades. Various community racists locally revived the name for the third one. None of them was a political party.

But seeing as how you've probably devoted your usual seven seconds of reading to all of the above, why not go back to Google Images and pretend to make a point. It's less work than thinking.
Last edited:
Really? You're so desperate in defeat that you're searching Google Images?

Pathetic dood. I handed you your ass last night on the history; man up, admit you were wrong and do your homework next time.

I: Woodrow Wilson was a racist and a megalomaniac asshole. That's well known and it was well known at the end of his term when his popularity resembled Shrub's in 2008. So much so that Warren Harding (who btw allegedly was associated with the Klan) hardly had to campaign at all and won the biggest landslide in history.

II: your list of names may be accurate (who cares) but the last line is not. Number one we demolished that myth last night and you still have that crow to eat (I cited three independent historical sources, you cited bupkis), and number two there is no such thing as the "Democrat Party" except in Lush Rimjob's malaprop mouth, and never has been. That says a lot about the research that didn't go into the line itself; not only don't they know the history, they can't even spell the name.

III: Black's Klan days seem not to have been known at the time:

>> The next day the full Senate considered Black's nomination. Rumors relating to Black's involvement in the Ku Klux Klan surfaced among the senators, and two Democratic senators tried defeating the nomination. However, no conclusive evidence of Black's involvement was available at the time, so after six hours of debate, the Senate voted 63-16 to confirm Black, ten Republicans and six Democrats voted against Black.[32] << (Wiki) But the story wasn't put together until the next month.

-- again, a party opposing its own nominee for being part of what you claim the same party started? Not quite. :lol: Hey, at least they spelled the name of the organization right. That's something. :thup:

IV: again, as we know, a personal letter, 1945, years before running for office, and a mindset he later renounced. Now if the world actually operated on the infantile comic book mentality partisan hacks such as yourself seem to like to imagine, where all events and all people and all political parties are frozen in time forever, that would make this impossible to explain, would it not?

Unfortunately for your fantasies, people grow. Parties grow, cultures grow, populations grow. Things evolve. Life isn't a still picture on Google images with an incoherent caption on it. Who knew.

Hang on, we ain't done. Here's number five:

V: why are you obsessed with derailing a thread about a Belgian newspaper's racist depiction of the POTUS and FLOTUS and trying to morph it into a thread about Robert Byrd, a dead guy who has absolutely zero to do with this topic? Embarrassed?

To get back on track the topic is this:

The KKK targeted BLACKS and Southern Republicans, Who were they? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:....BTW, what's a Dood?

You're correct the KKK did target Republicans because the Republican Party was the party of Lincoln. After the civil war and the early 20th century, racist in the South hated Lincoln and his party more than they hated blacks. However, after the mid 20th century there were drastic changes. The Democratic Party became the preferred party of blacks in the South thus the KKK moved away from the Democrats generally favoring Republican candidates. In fact, David Duke former Grand Wizard of the KKK, White Nationalist, former Louisiana House of Representative member is a Republican along with a number of KKK leaders.

-- and as noted before, was the Republican Party Chair for his region.

But that doesn't make the KKK founded by Republicans. I know nobody suggested that, but it follows Vigilante's logic.

"Vigilante"... I just noticed that name.

It says a lot.
Really? You're so desperate in defeat that you're searching Google Images?

Pathetic dood. I handed you your ass last night on the history; man up, admit you were wrong and do your homework next time.

I: Woodrow Wilson was a racist and a megalomaniac asshole. That's well known and it was well known at the end of his term when his popularity resembled Shrub's in 2008. So much so that Warren Harding (who btw allegedly was associated with the Klan) hardly had to campaign at all and won the biggest landslide in history.

II: your list of names may be accurate (who cares) but the last line is not. Number one we demolished that myth last night and you still have that crow to eat (I cited three independent historical sources, you cited bupkis), and number two there is no such thing as the "Democrat Party" except in Lush Rimjob's malaprop mouth, and never has been. That says a lot about the research that didn't go into the line itself; not only don't they know the history, they can't even spell the name.

III: Black's Klan days seem not to have been known at the time:

>> The next day the full Senate considered Black's nomination. Rumors relating to Black's involvement in the Ku Klux Klan surfaced among the senators, and two Democratic senators tried defeating the nomination. However, no conclusive evidence of Black's involvement was available at the time, so after six hours of debate, the Senate voted 63-16 to confirm Black, ten Republicans and six Democrats voted against Black.[32] << (Wiki) But the story wasn't put together until the next month.

-- again, a party opposing its own nominee for being part of what you claim the same party started? Not quite. :lol: Hey, at least they spelled the name of the organization right. That's something. :thup:

IV: again, as we know, a personal letter, 1945, years before running for office, and a mindset he later renounced. Now if the world actually operated on the infantile comic book mentality partisan hacks such as yourself seem to like to imagine, where all events and all people and all political parties are frozen in time forever, that would make this impossible to explain, would it not?

Unfortunately for your fantasies, people grow. Parties grow, cultures grow, populations grow. Things evolve. Life isn't a still picture on Google images with an incoherent caption on it. Who knew.

Hang on, we ain't done. Here's number five:

V: why are you obsessed with derailing a thread about a Belgian newspaper's racist depiction of the POTUS and FLOTUS and trying to morph it into a thread about Robert Byrd, a dead guy who has absolutely zero to do with this topic? Embarrassed?

To get back on track the topic is this:

The KKK targeted BLACKS and Southern Republicans Who were they? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:


I see you spent all of a minute and a half reading that. No wonder you never get anything.

Actually "who were they" is a good question, even if it is still off topic. A side point I neglected.

When we say "Ku Klux Klan" we refer to several incarnations of several organizations, some tightly organized, some just loosely using the name, with purposes ranging from simple joking around with Greek word forms to a kind of moral police force masquerading as a 'social' club, to outright despicable terrorism, murder and destruction.

There are generally three incarnations of KKK; the first, organized by those six soldiers and the war general, was actually one of several vigilante/terrorism groups (e.g. Knights of the White Camelia, founded 1867) created by Confederate ex-soldiers who basically didn't want to accept defeat. In legal terms they maintained a concept of "states rights", an anti-Big Government stance that wanted Northerners out (a sentiment that persists today as a buzzword in the Republican Party, especially but not exclusivey, in the South). Congress and President Grant passed laws in response (Grant virtually drove them out of South Carolina, at least temporarily). This version of the Klan, the original, was dissolved in 1869, although local chapters continued without a national structure for about five more years.

So that Klan had a life of about ten years. By the end of the century it was all but forgotten, although the decades on either side of the turn of that century would manifest the worst racial relations, rioting, lynchings and other persecutions in our nation's entire history, ones which make the 1960s and the Rodney King LA riot look like a sunny day in the park. By then it wasn't the Klan; it was the general population. Read about the Tulsa race riots and question why they're not in the history books. Bob Dylan's "Desolation Row" is built around one of these riots, in Duluth in 1920.

The second Klan was the one organized by Simmons in Georgia (posted last night) directly out of that atmosphere as a "fraternal" organization and chartered by the state, but reaching back to the vigilantism and terrorism practices of the post-Civil war era. This was 1915, the nadir of our shameful racial past, just after, and probably influenced by, the racist D.W. Griffith film Birth of a Nation. Griffith, tapping on that nadir of American race relations, had invoked the white sheet and burning crosses of a romanticized old England in his film, and Simmons' group incorporated these now-familiar icons along with a manifesto from the original Klan written in 1867. This second Klan milked the paranoias of the time: it was anti-immigrant, anti-Catholic, prohibitionist and antisemitic. Its membership purportedly seeded from the Knights of Mary Phagan, a vigilante group that had lynched Leo Frank in 1915.

Simmons' "fraternal" orgnanization was a small local group for six years until it expanded in 1921. This would be the Klan that spread from the south into the midwest and west, the one that attracted Edward Jackson and Robert Byrd and those other politicians from Colorado and Indiana and California, as well as all over the South. That incarnation peaked in the 1920s, then fell into decline and withered away with World War Two.

The third Klan is a loose gathering of autonomous local groups that sprang up in the 1950s and into the '60s, using the old Klan name but without a central structure. These loosely defined groups were responsible for some of the most heinous crimes of what we call the "civil rights era" including the bombing of the Birmingham church that killed four girls and the triple murder of Goodman, Chaney and Schwerner as well as Medgar Evers. More accepted even in the South today as terrorists, this "Klan", however loosely organized, is underground and despised but still exists in some degree.

So when we speak of "who started the KKK" we speak of many different people in at least three different times. Confederate soldiers started the original one, which lasted ten years. A Georgia vigilante started the second one and did damage for two decades. Various community racists locally revived the name for the third one. None of them was a political party.

But seeing as how you've probably devoted your usual seven seconds of reading to all of the above, why not go back to Google Images and pretend to make a point. It's less work than thinking.

How many times are you going to post this summary from Wikipedia? You just like to do your revisionist history on Southern Democrats targeted Blacks and Southern Republicans... Get over it boy, it's history well known, and published. And for you who haven't the time or energy to look back at this thread, here AGAIN is what PBS has written down in it's article "The Rise Of The Ku Klux Klan"

"At the time of Ulysses S. Grant's election to the presidency, white supremacists were conducting a reign of terror throughout the South. In outright defiance of the Republican-led federal government, Southern Democrats formed organizations that violently intimidated blacks and Republicans who tried to win political power.

The most prominent of these, the Ku Klux Klan, was formed in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1865. Originally founded as a social club for former Confederate soldiers, the Klan evolved into a terrorist organization. It would be responsible for thousands of deaths, and would help to weaken the political power of Southern blacks and Republicans.

Folks, unless you're a total idiot, as Pogo here is, you just have to know that what I stated was true, even the heavily left leaning PBS has said so....But Pogo, you keep on doing what you do best, TRYING to revise known history, and many of us, who aren't brain dead liberals, will watch your antics with this, and chuckle to ourselves, as to how truly demented you must be to keep your bullshit revisions going on as long as they have.

Remember, with this thread, and your denial that Democrats were the founders of the KKK, who could ever take you seriously about any other topic you try to spin...Thanks for the laughs and entertainment!

Oh, didn't need the cute little pictures this time to put you in your place. I suggest you try contacting PBS so they can revise their website to go along with your suspension of rationalization! ...Please continue! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
The KKK targeted BLACKS and Southern Republicans Who were they? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:


I see you spent all of a minute and a half reading that. No wonder you never get anything.

Actually "who were they" is a good question, even if it is still off topic. A side point I neglected.

When we say "Ku Klux Klan" we refer to several incarnations of several organizations, some tightly organized, some just loosely using the name, with purposes ranging from simple joking around with Greek word forms to a kind of moral police force masquerading as a 'social' club, to outright despicable terrorism, murder and destruction.

There are generally three incarnations of KKK; the first, organized by those six soldiers and the war general, was actually one of several vigilante/terrorism groups (e.g. Knights of the White Camelia, founded 1867) created by Confederate ex-soldiers who basically didn't want to accept defeat. In legal terms they maintained a concept of "states rights", an anti-Big Government stance that wanted Northerners out (a sentiment that persists today as a buzzword in the Republican Party, especially but not exclusivey, in the South). Congress and President Grant passed laws in response (Grant virtually drove them out of South Carolina, at least temporarily). This version of the Klan, the original, was dissolved in 1869, although local chapters continued without a national structure for about five more years.

So that Klan had a life of about ten years. By the end of the century it was all but forgotten, although the decades on either side of the turn of that century would manifest the worst racial relations, rioting, lynchings and other persecutions in our nation's entire history, ones which make the 1960s and the Rodney King LA riot look like a sunny day in the park. By then it wasn't the Klan; it was the general population. Read about the Tulsa race riots and question why they're not in the history books. Bob Dylan's "Desolation Row" is built around one of these riots, in Duluth in 1920.

The second Klan was the one organized by Simmons in Georgia (posted last night) directly out of that atmosphere as a "fraternal" organization and chartered by the state, but reaching back to the vigilantism and terrorism practices of the post-Civil war era. This was 1915, the nadir of our shameful racial past, just after, and probably influenced by, the racist D.W. Griffith film Birth of a Nation. Griffith, tapping on that nadir of American race relations, had invoked the white sheet and burning crosses of a romanticized old England in his film, and Simmons' group incorporated these now-familiar icons along with a manifesto from the original Klan written in 1867. This second Klan milked the paranoias of the time: it was anti-immigrant, anti-Catholic, prohibitionist and antisemitic. Its membership purportedly seeded from the Knights of Mary Phagan, a vigilante group that had lynched Leo Frank in 1915.

Simmons' "fraternal" orgnanization was a small local group for six years until it expanded in 1921. This would be the Klan that spread from the south into the midwest and west, the one that attracted Edward Jackson and Robert Byrd and those other politicians from Colorado and Indiana and California, as well as all over the South. That incarnation peaked in the 1920s, then fell into decline and withered away with World War Two.

The third Klan is a loose gathering of autonomous local groups that sprang up in the 1950s and into the '60s, using the old Klan name but without a central structure. These loosely defined groups were responsible for some of the most heinous crimes of what we call the "civil rights era" including the bombing of the Birmingham church that killed four girls and the triple murder of Goodman, Chaney and Schwerner as well as Medgar Evers. More accepted even in the South today as terrorists, this "Klan", however loosely organized, is underground and despised but still exists in some degree.

So when we speak of "who started the KKK" we speak of many different people in at least three different times. Confederate soldiers started the original one, which lasted ten years. A Georgia vigilante started the second one and did damage for two decades. Various community racists locally revived the name for the third one. None of them was a political party.

But seeing as how you've probably devoted your usual seven seconds of reading to all of the above, why not go back to Google Images and pretend to make a point. It's less work than thinking.

How many times are you going to post this summary from Wikipedia? You just like to do your revisionist history on Southern Democrats targeted Blacks and Southern Republicans... Get over it boy, it's history well known, and published. And for you who haven't the time or energy to look back at this thread, here AGAIN is what PBS has written down in it's article "The Rise Of The Ku Klux Klan"

"At the time of Ulysses S. Grant's election to the presidency, white supremacists were conducting a reign of terror throughout the South. In outright defiance of the Republican-led federal government, Southern Democrats formed organizations that violently intimidated blacks and Republicans who tried to win political power.

The most prominent of these, the Ku Klux Klan, was formed in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1865. Originally founded as a social club for former Confederate soldiers, the Klan evolved into a terrorist organization. It would be responsible for thousands of deaths, and would help to weaken the political power of Southern blacks and Republicans.

Folks, unless you're a total idiot, as Pogo here is, you just have to know that what I stated was true, even the heavily left leaning PBS has said so....But Pogo, you keep on doing what you do best, TRYING to revise known history, and many of us, who aren't brain dead liberals, will watch your antics with this, and chuckle to ourselves, as to how truly demented you must be to keep your bullshit revisions going on as long as they have.

Remember, with this thread, and your denial that Democrats were the founders of the KKK, who could ever take you seriously about any other topic you try to spin...Thanks for the laughs and entertainment!

Oh, didn't need the cute little pictures this time to put you in your place. I suggest you try contacting PBS so they can revise their website to go along with your suspension of rationalization! ...Please continue! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

That's not Wiki, asshole; I wrote it. Not for the likes of you obviously, and I knew you wouldn't read it for fear of discovering you're even wronger than you knew; I wrote it for the rest of the readers who can see how far your head is up your ass right now.

Look, you lost this canard last night. I gave you three independent histories that all say the same thing (one even gave their names); you keep putting up a PBS site that's badly worded and unsourced, and then pretending that because this terrorist group targeted Republicans, that group must therefore be Democrats. That's like saying some football team targets the Giants, therefore that team must be the Eagles.

You LOST, K? Get OVER it. NONE of this is the topic.
I see you spent all of a minute and a half reading that. No wonder you never get anything.

Actually "who were they" is a good question, even if it is still off topic. A side point I neglected.

When we say "Ku Klux Klan" we refer to several incarnations of several organizations, some tightly organized, some just loosely using the name, with purposes ranging from simple joking around with Greek word forms to a kind of moral police force masquerading as a 'social' club, to outright despicable terrorism, murder and destruction.

There are generally three incarnations of KKK; the first, organized by those six soldiers and the war general, was actually one of several vigilante/terrorism groups (e.g. Knights of the White Camelia, founded 1867) created by Confederate ex-soldiers who basically didn't want to accept defeat. In legal terms they maintained a concept of "states rights", an anti-Big Government stance that wanted Northerners out (a sentiment that persists today as a buzzword in the Republican Party, especially but not exclusivey, in the South). Congress and President Grant passed laws in response (Grant virtually drove them out of South Carolina, at least temporarily). This version of the Klan, the original, was dissolved in 1869, although local chapters continued without a national structure for about five more years.

So that Klan had a life of about ten years. By the end of the century it was all but forgotten, although the decades on either side of the turn of that century would manifest the worst racial relations, rioting, lynchings and other persecutions in our nation's entire history, ones which make the 1960s and the Rodney King LA riot look like a sunny day in the park. By then it wasn't the Klan; it was the general population. Read about the Tulsa race riots and question why they're not in the history books. Bob Dylan's "Desolation Row" is built around one of these riots, in Duluth in 1920.

The second Klan was the one organized by Simmons in Georgia (posted last night) directly out of that atmosphere as a "fraternal" organization and chartered by the state, but reaching back to the vigilantism and terrorism practices of the post-Civil war era. This was 1915, the nadir of our shameful racial past, just after, and probably influenced by, the racist D.W. Griffith film Birth of a Nation. Griffith, tapping on that nadir of American race relations, had invoked the white sheet and burning crosses of a romanticized old England in his film, and Simmons' group incorporated these now-familiar icons along with a manifesto from the original Klan written in 1867. This second Klan milked the paranoias of the time: it was anti-immigrant, anti-Catholic, prohibitionist and antisemitic. Its membership purportedly seeded from the Knights of Mary Phagan, a vigilante group that had lynched Leo Frank in 1915.

Simmons' "fraternal" orgnanization was a small local group for six years until it expanded in 1921. This would be the Klan that spread from the south into the midwest and west, the one that attracted Edward Jackson and Robert Byrd and those other politicians from Colorado and Indiana and California, as well as all over the South. That incarnation peaked in the 1920s, then fell into decline and withered away with World War Two.

The third Klan is a loose gathering of autonomous local groups that sprang up in the 1950s and into the '60s, using the old Klan name but without a central structure. These loosely defined groups were responsible for some of the most heinous crimes of what we call the "civil rights era" including the bombing of the Birmingham church that killed four girls and the triple murder of Goodman, Chaney and Schwerner as well as Medgar Evers. More accepted even in the South today as terrorists, this "Klan", however loosely organized, is underground and despised but still exists in some degree.

So when we speak of "who started the KKK" we speak of many different people in at least three different times. Confederate soldiers started the original one, which lasted ten years. A Georgia vigilante started the second one and did damage for two decades. Various community racists locally revived the name for the third one. None of them was a political party.

But seeing as how you've probably devoted your usual seven seconds of reading to all of the above, why not go back to Google Images and pretend to make a point. It's less work than thinking.

How many times are you going to post this summary from Wikipedia? You just like to do your revisionist history on Southern Democrats targeted Blacks and Southern Republicans... Get over it boy, it's history well known, and published. And for you who haven't the time or energy to look back at this thread, here AGAIN is what PBS has written down in it's article "The Rise Of The Ku Klux Klan"

"At the time of Ulysses S. Grant's election to the presidency, white supremacists were conducting a reign of terror throughout the South. In outright defiance of the Republican-led federal government, Southern Democrats formed organizations that violently intimidated blacks and Republicans who tried to win political power.

The most prominent of these, the Ku Klux Klan, was formed in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1865. Originally founded as a social club for former Confederate soldiers, the Klan evolved into a terrorist organization. It would be responsible for thousands of deaths, and would help to weaken the political power of Southern blacks and Republicans.

Folks, unless you're a total idiot, as Pogo here is, you just have to know that what I stated was true, even the heavily left leaning PBS has said so....But Pogo, you keep on doing what you do best, TRYING to revise known history, and many of us, who aren't brain dead liberals, will watch your antics with this, and chuckle to ourselves, as to how truly demented you must be to keep your bullshit revisions going on as long as they have.

Remember, with this thread, and your denial that Democrats were the founders of the KKK, who could ever take you seriously about any other topic you try to spin...Thanks for the laughs and entertainment!

Oh, didn't need the cute little pictures this time to put you in your place. I suggest you try contacting PBS so they can revise their website to go along with your suspension of rationalization! ...Please continue! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

That's not Wiki, asshole; I wrote it. Not for the likes of you obviously, and I knew you wouldn't read it for fear of discovering you're even wronger than you knew; I wrote it for the rest of the readers who can see how far your head is up your ass right now.

Look, you lost this canard last night. I gave you three independent histories that all say the same thing (one even gave their names); you keep putting up a PBS site that's badly worded and unsourced, and then pretending that because this terrorist group targeted Republicans, that group must therefore be Democrats. That's like saying some football team targets the Giants, therefore that team must be the Eagles.

You LOST, K? Get OVER it. NONE of this is the topic.

You took all that time to write that bullshit, and PBS shot you down before you even started... BUT I HIGHLIGHTED what you think PBS was wrong with!!! Well, It's good to see we have a fucking genius here that is smarter than the PBS staff that wrote the piece, and that the other 400,000+ links to Democrats started the KKK are also wrong!:badgrin::badgrin::cuckoo:

And..:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:...sorry, laughing so hard, tears in my eyes... I LOST!!!!!!!!!

If none of this is on topic, why did you start with it, and why did you continue it..... I fear that you have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and the very thought that you are fighting a losing battle has you shaken to your very core. Oh, the ENTERTAINMENT of actually watching a mental breakdown, by a subversive IS PRICELESS!
Source FOUR:
In Pulaski, Tennessee, a group of Confederate veterans convenes to form a secret society that they christen the "Ku Klux Klan." The KKK rapidly grew from a secret social fraternity to a paramilitary force bent on reversing the federal government's progressive Reconstruction Era-activities in the South, especially policies that elevated the rights of the local African American population.

The name of the Ku Klux Klan was derived from the Greek word kyklos, meaning "circle," and the Scottish-Gaelic word "clan," which was probably chosen for the sake of alliteration. Under a platform of philosophized white racial superiority, the group employed violence as a means of pushing back Reconstruction and its enfranchisement of African Americans. Former Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest was the KKK's first grand wizard; in 1869, he unsuccessfully tried to disband it after he grew critical of the Klan's excessive violence. <<

Source FIVE:
>> The original Ku Klux Klan was created in an 1865 meeting in a law office by six Confederate veterans in Pulaski, Tennessee. It was, at first, a humorous social club centering on practical jokes and hazing rituals. From 1866 to 1867, various local units began breaking up black prayer meetings and invading black homes at night to steal firearms. Some of these activities may have been modeled on previous Tennessee vigilante groups such as the Yellow Jackets and Redcaps. In an 1867 convention held in Nashville, the Klan was formalized as a national organization under a &#8220;Prescript&#8221; written by George Gordon, a former Confederate brigadier general.

... As historian Elaine Frantz Parsons discovered [Parsons p 816]:

&#8220;Lifting the Klan mask revealed a chaotic multitude of antiblack vigilante groups, disgruntled poor white farmers, wartime guerrilla bands, displaced Democratic politicians, illegal whiskey distillers, coercive moral reformers, bored young men, sadists, rapists, white workmen fearful of black competition, employers trying to enforce labor discipline, common thieves, neighbors with decades-old grudges, and even a few freedmen and white Republicans who allied with Democratic whites or had criminal agendas of their own.&#8221; <<

Source SIX:
>> The first Klan was created by six men from Pulaski Tennessee, in the image of other secret societies of the day. The hierarchical organization with local chapters housed under a national umbressa [sic] structure.

... History and context:

The first KKK was formed in the American South at the end of the civil war, when the victorious Union government imposed a version of martial law on the south and began to enforce laws designed to end segregation against black citizens. When a constitutional amendment granted black men the right to vote in 1870, the group turned to intimidation and violence to try to halt de-segregation. <<

Source SEVEN:
>> Started during Reconstruction at the end of the Civil War, the Klan quickly mobilized as a vigilante group to intimidate Southern blacks - and any whites who would help them - and to prevent them from enjoying basic civil rights. <<

Source EIGHT:
>> The original Ku Klux Klan was organized by ex-Confederate elements to oppose the Reconstruction policies of the radical Republican Congress and to maintain "white supremacy." After the Civil War, when local government in the South was weak or nonexistent and there were fears of black outrages and even of an insurrection, informal vigilante organizations or armed patrols were formed in almost all communities. These were linked together in societies, such as the Men of Justice, the Pale Faces, the Constitutional Union Guards, the White Brotherhood, and the Order of the White Rose. The Ku Klux Klan was the best known of these, and in time it absorbed many of the smaller organizations. <<

Source NINE:
>> The 19th-century Klan was originally organized as a social club by Confederate veterans in Pulaski, Tenn., in 1866. They apparently derived the name from the Greek word kyklos, from which comes the English &#8220;circle&#8221;; &#8220;Klan&#8221; was added for the sake of alliteration and Ku Klux Klan emerged. The organization quickly became a vehicle for Southern white underground resistance to Radical Reconstruction. Klan members sought the restoration of white supremacy through intimidation and violence aimed at the newly enfranchised black freedmen. A similar organization, the Knights of the White Camelia, began in Louisiana in 1867. <<

You lost. Get over it. And lift a finger to do some fucking homework next time.

And don't worry about my time; this is part of the research I do and have already done. That's how I knew you were completely full of shit when you started this malarkey.
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Meanwhile, back in the Present:

KKK Recruitment Flyers Distributed in Central Louisiana Neighborhoods

>> EUNICE, La (WVLA) &#8211; Someone is passing out hateful flyers in the Acadiana area, telling Eunice residents the KKK is &#8220;awake.&#8221;

This flier was passed out in one predominantly black neighborhood over the weekend.

...According to the website listed on the flyer, they are &#8220;the largest and most active Klan in America.&#8221;

The website also says: &#8220;We hate drugs, homosexuality, abortion, and race-mixing because these things go against God&#8217;s law and they are destroying all white nations.&#8221; <<

Yup, that sounds like Democrats. (/sarc)
Damn, Pogo, give it up already. How many times do you have to have your ass handed to you before you slink away in defeat? I almost feel embarrassed for you. ALMOST.

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