The first couple portrayed as apes

NOT germane to the topic, as the DEMOCRATIC KKK TARGETED BLACKS and SOUTHERN REPUBLICANS.... try to concentrate on the fact that you denied the KKK was Democratic and PBS corrected you!

The KKK wasn't Democratic (or Republican). It was never a political organization. You have utterly failed to prove that it is or was.

Why would a Democratic organization elect a Republican governor? Or a state Congressman? Oh that's another Democrat-turned-Republican btw (Duke).

It's "not germane" because it doesn't support your bullshit, that's why. The fact is the Klan was a Protestant Christian social organization (sometimes called itself "fraternal") that worked on cultural values, not politics. That's why it got involved in religions and public morals. Those aren't the domain of political parties.

So you have failed to answer why a political party that you would have us believe was founded on racism, attracts Jews, Catholics and women (and more recently gays) in direct opposition to everything the Klan stands for. And had gone down that road before there even was a Klan.

This is where your bullshit starts to stink and turn into a rhetorical runny goo.

Does the republican party have Jews, Blacks and women? It's all about $$$$$$!!!!! Jews gave up being Jewish when they changed their religion to LIBERALISM!

So after all the bullshit, you're calling the PBS article a pack of lies.... Boy, I was born at night, but NOT last night!

After three pages you have still failed to make your case.

First KKK
>> The first Klan was founded in 1865 in Pulaski, Tennessee, by six veterans of the Confederate Army.[17] The name is probably derived from the Greek word kuklos (κύκλος) which means circle, suggesting a circle or band of brothers.[18]
Although there was little organizational structure above the local level, similar groups rose across the South and adopted the same name and methods.[19] Klan groups spread throughout the South as an insurgent movement during the Reconstruction era in the United States. As a secret vigilante group, the Klan targeted freedmen and their allies; it sought to restore white supremacy by threats and violence, including murder, against black and white Republicans.

Second KKK
... In 1915, the second Klan was founded in Atlanta, Georgia. Starting in 1921, it adopted a modern business system of recruiting (which paid most of the initiation fee and costume charges as commissions to the organizers) and grew rapidly nationwide at a time of prosperity. Reflecting the social tensions of urban industrialization and vastly increased immigration, its membership grew most rapidly in cities, and spread out of the South to the Midwest and West. The second KKK preached "One Hundred Percent Americanism" and demanded the purification of politics, calling for strict morality and better enforcement of prohibition. Its official rhetoric focused on the threat of the Catholic Church, using anti-Catholicism and nativism.[4] Its appeal was directed exclusively at white Protestants.[21]

...Third KKK
The "Ku Klux Klan" name was used by a numerous independent local groups opposing the Civil Rights Movement and desegregation, especially in the 1950s and 1960s. During this period, they often forged alliances with Southern police departments, as in Birmingham, Alabama; or with governor's offices, as with George Wallace of Alabama.[25] Several members of KKK groups were convicted of murder in the deaths of civil rights workers and children in the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham. << (Wiki)

--- none of which name a political party as a founder, funder or supporter.

Hmm... that didn't go well, did it? Let's try another source.

>> The six Confederate army veterans credited with originating the Ku Klux Klan on Christmas Eve of 1865 in Pulaski, Tenn. are not memorialized in current klan literature. ... The organization to which modern klansmen pay homage was the Ku Klux Klan headed by Nathan Bedford Forrest, which officially operated in at least nine Southern states from 1867 to 1869 and unofficially for some years thereafter.

The conversion of klan purposes from amusement to terrorism had already been demonstrated by the time representatives of the local klan "dens" held a unifying convention in Nashville, Tenn., in 1867 and elected former Confederate Army General Forrest as their grand wizard.
<< -- The Present Day Ku Klux Klan Movement, Report by the Committee on Un-American Activities, House of Representatives, Ninetieth Congress, First Session, December 11, 1967

Damn. No political party there either. Two strikes, try again...

>> About the Ku Klux Klan
The Ku Klux Klan is a racist, anti-Semitic movement with a commitment to extreme violence to achieve its goals of racial segregation and white supremacy.
... At first, the Ku Klux Klan focused its anger and violence on African-Americans, on white Americans who stood up for them, and against the federal government which supported their rights. Subsequent incarnations of the Klan, which typically emerged in times of rapid social change, added more categories to its enemies list, including Jews, Catholics (less so after the 1970s), homosexuals, and different groups of immigrants.

Founder: Confederate Civil War veterans Captain John C. Lester, Major James R. Crowe, John D. Kennedy, Calvin Jones, Richard R. Reed, Frank O. McCord
<< ---Extremism in America/ADL

There you go, you even have their names. Six Confederate vets, Nathan Bedford Forrest, and the guy who revived it in 1921 with a "fraternal" organization was William Joseph Simmons. You can read that here. Page 5. Shortly after where it notes, ""the Klan admitted only white, native-born, gentile, adult men who believed in Christianity, white supremacy, and "pure Americanism'".

None of whom, and none of which, comprise any political party.

Strike three. You're out.
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I remember Chris (housing crisis) Dodd attacking Trent Lott for praising Strom Thurmond on his 100th birthday, stating that Thurmond was a racist and should not have been praised. Then shortly after that, Dodd was doing the exact same thing, praising Robert Byrd (KKK) on his birthday. Can you say "hypocrite"?

I laugh when I say this but... Link?
I know, you have a lot to catch up.... nothing more persuasive than "I seem to remember..." :lmao:
Yeah, well, seems my memory is a lot better than your's, fuckface. Here ya go.

Dodd Says He Regrets 'Poor Choice Of Words' -
I remember Chris (housing crisis) Dodd attacking Trent Lott for praising Strom Thurmond on his 100th birthday, stating that Thurmond was a racist and should not have been praised. Then shortly after that, Dodd was doing the exact same thing, praising Robert Byrd (KKK) on his birthday. Can you say "hypocrite"?

I laugh when I say this but... Link?
I know, you have a lot to catch up.... nothing more persuasive than "I seem to remember..." :lmao:
Yeah, well, seems my memory is a lot better than your's, fuckface. Here ya go.

Dodd Says He Regrets 'Poor Choice Of Words' -

Dodd regrets referencing the Civil War? That's it??

How the fuck does that compare to wishing an outright racist would have won the Presidency?

And where's the other part? About Thurmond? Get back to work, you ain't done.
I laugh when I say this but... Link?
I know, you have a lot to catch up.... nothing more persuasive than "I seem to remember..." :lmao:
Yeah, well, seems my memory is a lot better than your's, fuckface. Here ya go.

Dodd Says He Regrets 'Poor Choice Of Words' -

Dodd regrets referencing the Civil War? That's it??

How the fuck does that compare to wishing an outright racist would have won the Presidency?

And where's the other part? About Thurmond? Get back to work, you ain't done.
Try reading more than just the headline. I'll wait for your next red herring since you have no argument.
Yeah, well, seems my memory is a lot better than your's, fuckface. Here ya go.

Dodd Says He Regrets 'Poor Choice Of Words' -

Dodd regrets referencing the Civil War? That's it??

How the fuck does that compare to wishing an outright racist would have won the Presidency?

And where's the other part? About Thurmond? Get back to work, you ain't done.
Try reading more than just the headline. I'll wait for your next red herring since you have no argument.

So you can't do it... what a surprise.
Dodd regrets referencing the Civil War? That's it??

How the fuck does that compare to wishing an outright racist would have won the Presidency?

And where's the other part? About Thurmond? Get back to work, you ain't done.
Try reading more than just the headline. I'll wait for your next red herring since you have no argument.

So you can't do it... what a surprise.
Just as I thought, no argument. Since you don't want to acknowledge it, I'll post part of it so everyone can see you're full of shit and aren't man enough to admit you were wrong.

When senator after senator -- including Edward M. Kennedy, Democrat of Massachusetts, and Bill Frist of Tennessee, the Republican majority leader -- praised Mr. Byrd as a national treasure, Mr. Dodd said, ''I do not think it is an exaggeration at all to say to my friend from West Virginia that he would have been a great senator at any moment.''

He added: ''He would have been right at the founding of this country. He would have been in the leadership crafting this Constitution. He would have been right during the great conflict of Civil War in this nation. He would have been right at the great moments of international threat we faced in the 20th century.''

Conservative commentators have seized on Mr. Dodd's remarks in the last two weeks, putting pressure on the senator to offer a response. In news releases, on radio and television programs and on the Internet, some commentators compared Mr. Dodd's Civil War comments to those of Senator Trent Lott, who lost his position as majority leader in 2002 after making what many considered racially insensitive remarks at a party celebrating former Senator Strom Thurmond's 100th birthday.

Mr. Lott, a Republican from Mississippi, said the country would have been better off if Mr. Thurmond, a South Carolina Republican who campaigned on a segregationist platform, had won the presidency in 1948. Mr. Thurmond died last June 26.
Try reading more than just the headline. I'll wait for your next red herring since you have no argument.

So you can't do it... what a surprise.
Just as I thought, no argument. Since you don't want to acknowledge it, I'll post part of it so everyone can see you're full of shit and aren't man enough to admit you were wrong.

When senator after senator -- including Edward M. Kennedy, Democrat of Massachusetts, and Bill Frist of Tennessee, the Republican majority leader -- praised Mr. Byrd as a national treasure, Mr. Dodd said, ''I do not think it is an exaggeration at all to say to my friend from West Virginia that he would have been a great senator at any moment.''

He added: ''He would have been right at the founding of this country. He would have been in the leadership crafting this Constitution. He would have been right during the great conflict of Civil War in this nation. He would have been right at the great moments of international threat we faced in the 20th century.''

Conservative commentators have seized on Mr. Dodd's remarks in the last two weeks, putting pressure on the senator to offer a response. In news releases, on radio and television programs and on the Internet, some commentators compared Mr. Dodd's Civil War comments to those of Senator Trent Lott, who lost his position as majority leader in 2002 after making what many considered racially insensitive remarks at a party celebrating former Senator Strom Thurmond's 100th birthday.

Mr. Lott, a Republican from Mississippi, said the country would have been better off if Mr. Thurmond, a South Carolina Republican who campaigned on a segregationist platform, had won the presidency in 1948. Mr. Thurmond died last June 26.

Idiot. Here's the part you're still missing:
I remember Chris (housing crisis) Dodd attacking Trent Lott for praising Strom Thurmond on his 100th birthday, stating that Thurmond was a racist and should not have been praised. Then shortly after that, Dodd was doing the exact same thing, praising Robert Byrd (KKK) on his birthday. Can you say "hypocrite"?

You contrasted two different things and then claimed "hypocrisy". I asked for a link, you linked one side and not the other. Without both, you don't have hypocrisy. DUH.

Speaking of shit you failed to link:
David Duke was rebuked by the GOP. Robert Byrd was embraced by the DNC.

Care to explain how he managed to get not only elected to office but Republican Party Chair for his parish?

Or is that why you didn't have a link?
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>> Although victims did include Negroes attempting to register other Negroes to vote, historians have observed that many of the persons singled out for punishment by the hooded order were men and women of white Protestant stock allegedly guilt [sic] of violating some "moral" law. Repeated incidents are cited of the flogging of persons because they allegedly gambled, dealt in liquor, peddled dope, or deserted a spouse.

Among the more "refined" forms of intimidation practiced by the modern klan were boycotts of businesses owned by Catholics or Jews, and campaigns to oust Roman Catholic public school teachers and persons of Catholic or Jewish faiths holding elected positions. Meanwhile, klansmen entered politics and used the labels of both major political parties to put klansmen in local sheriff and police departments, courts, and State legislatures. Klansmen allegedly served as Governors in three States, as attorney general for another State, in addition to obtaining seats in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives before the klan's fortunes declined in the last half of the 1920s.
<< -- The Present Day Ku Klux Klan Movement, "The Klan As a National Operation", ibid, p. 7

Independent search indicates these referenced above would be (Senators) Bilbo (D-MS), Watson (R-IN) and Means (R-CO); Governors Graves (D-AL), Jackson (R-IN), Morley (R-CO) and Walker (D-GA); and Rep. Gordon (D-TN 10).
And the twisting, turning, and struggling continues. I haven't heard one liberal condemn Byrd yet. I've heard them make a lot of excuses for him but not one condemnation.

If Byrd had become a Republican like Thurmond did, you'd be defending him, just like Strum Thurmond is defended and revered. You only mention Byrd because he is the only Democrat you can point to as a racist, while the Republican party has many......

So, quit acting as if you've discovered a gold just shows how ignorant some conservatives can be and how little they know of their party.

Strom Thurmond: A Tribute

Former Untied States Senator Strom Thurmond died today. He was just one hundred years old. He was a solider, a lawyer, a judge, a Governor, a Presidential candidate, and the longest-serving Senator in the entire history of the United States. He was a man of honor. He was a great man. And he was a hero.

In the days to come you will hear many obituaries for Strom and, I am certain, virtually all of them will come with a ‘but.’ Yes, they will say, Senator Thurmond did this and this, but he was also once a segregationist. This will come from the same people in the media who praise Robert Byrd a man who, at about the same time then-Governor Thurmond was losing a Senate Primary because he appointed a black Doctor to a state medical board, was a member of the Ku Klux Klan. There will even be those who will denounce him, a warrior who gave three lifetimes worth of service to his country, ignoring the facts of his life.

Strom Thurmond was a patriot. More than that, he is a man who played a great role in helping to heal the country from the lingering wounds of the Civil War, and to propel it to greatness. When he was born, in December of 1902, there were still men alive who had fought with Lee at Gettysburg who were not yet fifty-five. Young Strom probably sat with many of them, and heard their stories of the lost cause, and became a Democrat. Because, in those days, every white person in the South was a Democrat.

Who ever would have thought that the white South would come to embrace the party of Lincoln? It’s one of those historical oddities that, if you predicted it just a few years earlier, would have been utterly unbelievable. Yet it happened, and it happened because of him. When, in 1964, he switched parties it was an earthquake in Southern politics. The GOP, after all, was the party of William T. Sherman, and all of the rest who had so long been reviled in the South. But the people went with him and, in doing so, they healed many of the wounds of the long-ago war.

[url=]Strom Thurmond: A Tribute[/URL]

In his Washington Post column, Fox News contributor George Will downplayed the explicitly racist, segregationist presidential campaigns of Strom Thurmond and George Wallace, referring to them as merely focused on the "burning issues" of "regional grievances relating to race" and "venting class and cultural resentments," respectfully.
George Will Whitewashes Racism From Pro-Segregation Presidential Campaigns | Blog | Media Matters for America
Yup, the photo is racist (as is the one of Bush chimp), and the nature of such informs people do not let their children associate with the children of those who publish and or relish such photos. One simply does not associate with such folks; Mother would not let us play with the children of known or suspected Klan members.

The photo, however, is political and thus protected by free speech rules, as it should be. The principle helps separate the wheat from the tares.

The photo of Bush is in poor taste. The photo of Obama is racist
Bush is depicted as an ape to make a statement about his intelligence. Obama is depicted as ape to make a statement about his humanity; that is to remind people that blacks are just apes.

The truth of which is supported by the publisher in an apology. They can admit its obvious racial overtones which some here disingenuously deny. The point of their apology? That on its own the pic is "sheer racism."
"When you consider the fragment apart from its context, which is a properly worked out satirical section, then you don't see the joke but just a picture evoking sheer racism," the newspaper said.
Apparently WITHOUT HIGHLIGHTING, you're completely BLIND, besides being stupid!

Originally founded as a social club for former Confederate soldiers, the Klan evolved into a terrorist organization. It would be responsible for thousands of deaths, and would help to weaken the political power of Southern blacks and Republicans.

From the above PBS article! Now SPIN THAT!

And where in any of that do you see the KKK founded by a political party?


That was the original point, dumbass...

Shit for brains..."help to weaken the political power of Southern blacks and Republicans".... Now who else was there to do that EXCEPT the Democrats....the Bull Moose party, The Whigs? .... MORE SPIN....PLEASE!!!!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: can always tell when someone is losing an argument....they start to make it personal. Stick to the don't have to attack the person you are debating with, unless, that's your interpretation of winning a debate.....:D
You seem to have no problem supporting Strum Thurmond....:lol:
And when, exactly, did I support "Strum" Thurmond? Sounds like a guitar player.

Well, obviously you don't know...he was a big racist Democrat who became a Republican, and Republicans welcomed him with open, it makes you look foolish when you point your finger at also welcomed Jesse Helms.....another big racist.
Strom changed very much from his younger days so you aren't being honest. And Republicans are not a person, they are many people, like Democrats. And yes, racism is alive and well in the Democrat party.

"I think one man is just as good as another so long as he's not a n*gger or a Chinaman. Uncle Will says that the Lord made a White man from dust, a n*gger from mud, then He threw up what was left and it came down a Chinaman. He does hate Chinese and Japs. So do I. It is race prejudice, I guess. But I am strongly of the opinion Negroes ought to be in Africa, Yellow men in Asia and White men in Europe and America."
-Harry Truman (1911) in a letter to his future wife Bess

"I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years."
-- Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One according Ronald Kessler's Book, "Inside The White House"

"You cannot go to a 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian Accent." -Senator Joe Biden

Mahatma Gandhi "ran a gas station down in Saint Louis."
-Senator Hillary Clinton

Some junior high n*gger kicked Steve's ass while he was trying to help his brothers out; junior high or sophomore in high school. Whatever it was, Steve had the n*gger down. However it was, it was Steve's fault. He had the n*gger down, he let him up. The n*gger blindsided him."
-- Roger Clinton, the President's brother on audiotape

"Republicans bring out Colin Powell and J.C. Watts because they have no program, no policy. They have no love and no joy. They'd rather take pictures with black children than feed them." -- Donna Brazile, Al Gore's Campaign Manager for the 2000 election
The KKK wasn't Democratic (or Republican). It was never a political organization. You have utterly failed to prove that it is or was.

Why would a Democratic organization elect a Republican governor? Or a state Congressman? Oh that's another Democrat-turned-Republican btw (Duke).

It's "not germane" because it doesn't support your bullshit, that's why. The fact is the Klan was a Protestant Christian social organization (sometimes called itself "fraternal") that worked on cultural values, not politics. That's why it got involved in religions and public morals. Those aren't the domain of political parties.

So you have failed to answer why a political party that you would have us believe was founded on racism, attracts Jews, Catholics and women (and more recently gays) in direct opposition to everything the Klan stands for. And had gone down that road before there even was a Klan.

This is where your bullshit starts to stink and turn into a rhetorical runny goo.

Does the republican party have Jews, Blacks and women? It's all about $$$$$$!!!!! Jews gave up being Jewish when they changed their religion to LIBERALISM!

So after all the bullshit, you're calling the PBS article a pack of lies.... Boy, I was born at night, but NOT last night!

After three pages you have still failed to make your case.

First KKK
>> The first Klan was founded in 1865 in Pulaski, Tennessee, by six veterans of the Confederate Army.[17] The name is probably derived from the Greek word kuklos (&#954;&#973;&#954;&#955;&#959;&#962;) which means circle, suggesting a circle or band of brothers.[18]
Although there was little organizational structure above the local level, similar groups rose across the South and adopted the same name and methods.[19] Klan groups spread throughout the South as an insurgent movement during the Reconstruction era in the United States. As a secret vigilante group, the Klan targeted freedmen and their allies; it sought to restore white supremacy by threats and violence, including murder, against black and white Republicans.

Second KKK
... In 1915, the second Klan was founded in Atlanta, Georgia. Starting in 1921, it adopted a modern business system of recruiting (which paid most of the initiation fee and costume charges as commissions to the organizers) and grew rapidly nationwide at a time of prosperity. Reflecting the social tensions of urban industrialization and vastly increased immigration, its membership grew most rapidly in cities, and spread out of the South to the Midwest and West. The second KKK preached "One Hundred Percent Americanism" and demanded the purification of politics, calling for strict morality and better enforcement of prohibition. Its official rhetoric focused on the threat of the Catholic Church, using anti-Catholicism and nativism.[4] Its appeal was directed exclusively at white Protestants.[21]

...Third KKK
The "Ku Klux Klan" name was used by a numerous independent local groups opposing the Civil Rights Movement and desegregation, especially in the 1950s and 1960s. During this period, they often forged alliances with Southern police departments, as in Birmingham, Alabama; or with governor's offices, as with George Wallace of Alabama.[25] Several members of KKK groups were convicted of murder in the deaths of civil rights workers and children in the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham. << (Wiki)

--- none of which name a political party as a founder, funder or supporter.

Hmm... that didn't go well, did it? Let's try another source.

>> The six Confederate army veterans credited with originating the Ku Klux Klan on Christmas Eve of 1865 in Pulaski, Tenn. are not memorialized in current klan literature. ... The organization to which modern klansmen pay homage was the Ku Klux Klan headed by Nathan Bedford Forrest, which officially operated in at least nine Southern states from 1867 to 1869 and unofficially for some years thereafter.

The conversion of klan purposes from amusement to terrorism had already been demonstrated by the time representatives of the local klan "dens" held a unifying convention in Nashville, Tenn., in 1867 and elected former Confederate Army General Forrest as their grand wizard.
<< -- The Present Day Ku Klux Klan Movement, Report by the Committee on Un-American Activities, House of Representatives, Ninetieth Congress, First Session, December 11, 1967

Damn. No political party there either. Two strikes, try again...

>> About the Ku Klux Klan
The Ku Klux Klan is a racist, anti-Semitic movement with a commitment to extreme violence to achieve its goals of racial segregation and white supremacy.
... At first, the Ku Klux Klan focused its anger and violence on African-Americans, on white Americans who stood up for them, and against the federal government which supported their rights. Subsequent incarnations of the Klan, which typically emerged in times of rapid social change, added more categories to its enemies list, including Jews, Catholics (less so after the 1970s), homosexuals, and different groups of immigrants.

Founder: Confederate Civil War veterans Captain John C. Lester, Major James R. Crowe, John D. Kennedy, Calvin Jones, Richard R. Reed, Frank O. McCord
<< ---Extremism in America/ADL

There you go, you even have their names. Six Confederate vets, Nathan Bedford Forrest, and the guy who revived it in 1921 with a "fraternal" organization was William Joseph Simmons. You can read that here. Page 5. Shortly after where it notes, ""the Klan admitted only white, native-born, gentile, adult men who believed in Christianity, white supremacy, and "pure Americanism'".

None of whom, and none of which, comprise any political party.

Strike three. You're out.

OMG!!! I had gone to bed after my last post at 2:15 AM and it took you a HALF HOUR to search around for all that bullshit try to prove DEMOCRAPS didn't start the KKK, You have NO PROOF that those Confederate soldiers WEREN'T DEMOCRAPS, and If you go to BING with KKK FOUNDED BY DEMOCRAPS, you'll get 479,000 links to it!

kkk was founded by democrats - Bing

Since anyone with 2 working brain cells KNOWS, that the KKK TARGETED BLACKS and SOUTHERN DEMOCRATS, and since that has been taught in school when the schools actually did teach history, 50 years ago, your crap is simply a diversion, from a recognized fact! Aything to try and prove Pogo Stick is correct...What a moron, BUT the entertainment value is an 8 out of 10! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Perhaps we should talk about the Democrats trying to stop the 1964 Civil Rights Act.... Lots of Democrap politician names we can pull out of that who fought INTERGRATION and showed their RACIST SIDE.... Any takers???
And where in any of that do you see the KKK founded by a political party?


That was the original point, dumbass...

Shit for brains..."help to weaken the political power of Southern blacks and Republicans".... Now who else was there to do that EXCEPT the Democrats....the Bull Moose party, The Whigs? .... MORE SPIN....PLEASE!!!!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: can always tell when someone is losing an argument....they start to make it personal. Stick to the don't have to attack the person you are debating with, unless, that's your interpretation of winning a debate.....:D

I'm definitely no Lib but some (or most) of these guys are just couching their bigotry in a cloak of "conservatism." I suspect some are just trolls trying to make genuine Cons look bad. :mad:
And where in any of that do you see the KKK founded by a political party?


That was the original point, dumbass...

Shit for brains..."help to weaken the political power of Southern blacks and Republicans".... Now who else was there to do that EXCEPT the Democrats....the Bull Moose party, The Whigs? .... MORE SPIN....PLEASE!!!!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: can always tell when someone is losing an argument....they start to make it personal. Stick to the don't have to attack the person you are debating with, unless, that's your interpretation of winning a debate.....:D

What attack? The above? Come on Mert, he had his ass handed to him, and the "HELP A DUMB LEFTIST OUT" posse has to rally around that poor fellow to try and bolster his feeble attempt to prove something, even YOU know was false!

Mert, care to give me "MORE SPIN....PLEASE!!!!" I have more respect for you than this!
I know I am on ignore so you won't see this, but I plan to respond anyway and don't give a damn if you peek or not.

That pic is disgusting. I dislike Michelle, semi like Barrack and wish he was not president cuz he would be better at something else, but to display them as apes is crude.

Then again...Bush was depicted as a chimpanzee so.....

I think its wrong but being wrong has never stopper the left in their attacks on the right either. so it goes both ways. as long as it remains an acceptable practice for one side to do it, the other side will continue to do it to.
Of course it wasn't it only TARGETED BLACKS AND SOUTHERN REPUBLICANS!!!!! Damn, how stupid do you think people are who read your trash?

And Catholics, and Jews, and "unvirtuous" women.
Is there some reason you're leaving that out? Is it the inconvenience? :eusa_boohoo:

NOT germane to the topic, as the DEMOCRATIC KKK TARGETED BLACKS and SOUTHERN REPUBLICANS.... try to concentrate on the fact that you denied the KKK was Democratic and PBS corrected you!

Not germane to the topic. The fact remains that even the publisher admits the picture in question is "just a picture evoking sheer racism." The rest of this thread and those spinning wildly to deny it is just self-serving BS.
I know I am on ignore so you won't see this, but I plan to respond anyway and don't give a damn if you peek or not.

That pic is disgusting. I dislike Michelle, semi like Barrack and wish he was not president cuz he would be better at something else, but to display them as apes is crude.

Then again...Bush was depicted as a chimpanzee so.....

I think its wrong but being wrong has never stopper the left in their attacks on the right either. so it goes both ways. as long as it remains an acceptable practice for one side to do it, the other side will continue to do it to.

I am as discomforted by the ranting of ideologues and dogmatists on both sides of the aisle. That our elected officials fling stupid shit at one another is unfortunate but to be expected. We as Americans don't need to follow their lead.

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