The First "DOW 20,000" Thread. We are only 90 Points Away.Well Hillary, Doom & Gloom If Trump Wins?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:dance: Although I, and a few others have posted a few threads regarding how the DOW has kept climbing since President Trump beat the manpants off of Hillary, you have to assume that she and all Democrats all look like a bunch of fools by now being they all were trying to convince the stupid people out there that if Trump wins, the economy would eventually collapse. Come Wednesday {if not already the 14th}, we just may watch history being made again, and we will all remember where we were when the DOW hit 20,000.
For all we know, Hillary will likely be taking a mean crapper when she hears it.
I can still remember watching her in her devil like voice warning her crowd of 32 dingbats that the life we have now will cease,come to an end if Trump wins.:Boom2:
:dance: Although I, and a few others have posted a few threads regarding how the DOW has kept climbing since President Trump beat the manpants off of Hillary, you have to assume that she and all Democrats all look like a bunch of fools by now being they all were trying to convince the stupid people out there that if Trump wins, the economy would eventually collapse. Come Wednesday {if not already the 14th}, we just may watch history being made again, and we will all remember where we were when the DOW hit 20,000.
For all we know, Hillary will likely be taking a mean crapper when she hears it.
I guess wall street was bluffing and full of shit when they sent out the scare tactics of Trump, they gave him no money, so now they have to grovel and kiss his ring. How delicious.
lol, for all the years the stock market went up before Trump was sort of elected president,

the Obama haters said, well, that's good for Wall Street, not for Main Street. Now, suddenly, magically,

the Trumptards have flip flopped again.
anyone wanna guess what Bill Clinton and Joe Biden will be doing when it hits 20,000?
:dance: Although I, and a few others have posted a few threads regarding how the DOW has kept climbing since President Trump beat the manpants off of Hillary, you have to assume that she and all Democrats all look like a bunch of fools by now being they all were trying to convince the stupid people out there that if Trump wins, the economy would eventually collapse. Come Wednesday {if not already the 14th}, we just may watch history being made again, and we will all remember where we were when the DOW hit 20,000.
For all we know, Hillary will likely be taking a mean crapper when she hears it.
Thanks, Obama! :clap:
lol, for all the years the stock market went up before Trump was sort of elected president,

the Obama haters said, well, that's good for Wall Street, not for Main Street. Now, suddenly, magically,

the Trumptards have flip flopped again.
yeah ,,,real funny how the rightards forget the first 10,12000 points on the dow and post sheet about the last 10000....lets see the chump have a 30000 dow then they can talk and btw think chump will break obamas record of consecutive months of employment? when pigs fly
lol, for all the years the stock market went up before Trump was sort of elected president,

the Obama haters said, well, that's good for Wall Street, not for Main Street. Now, suddenly, magically,

the Trumptards have flip flopped again.
yeah ,,,real funny how the rightards forget the first 10,12000 points on the dow and post sheet about the last 10000....lets see the chump have a 30000 dow then they can talk and btw think chump will break obamas record of consecutive months of employment? when pigs fly
btw that 10000 should the last 1000 not 10000
:dance: Although I, and a few others have posted a few threads regarding how the DOW has kept climbing since President Trump beat the manpants off of Hillary, you have to assume that she and all Democrats all look like a bunch of fools by now being they all were trying to convince the stupid people out there that if Trump wins, the economy would eventually collapse. Come Wednesday {if not already the 14th}, we just may watch history being made again, and we will all remember where we were when the DOW hit 20,000.
For all we know, Hillary will likely be taking a mean crapper when she hears it.

LOL.....everything that's happeneing now will be historically shown to be an extension of the Obama rally. Remember what it was in 2008?

Will the reporters from NBC and CNN ever remind us of how the DOW crashed shortly after Obama took office while thanks to Obama we were losing about 700,000 jobs a month?
That's why the country elected Trump... :dance:

The country fell for a goddam snow job. Wait a few years and we'll see what you say!

Allowing that orange faced no politics asshole to be our president will prove to be the screw-up of the century. In light of the rest that is a miracle:

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