The first gun-related legislation since Las Vegas shooting is...concealed carry

Why concealed and not full open carry?

If you carry a gun for personal protection, wouldn't you want it in plain sight so the bad guys know not to fuck with you in the first place?

Silly boy.

If you are caught in a situation and open carrying, the bad guys will shoot you as the initiating event.

I swear ...

Progressives. Stupid as shit.
This is what happens every time there is a mass shooting, gun rights are EXPANDED and never retracted. Look it up! The NRA/ and NRA Russia, should be proud of their work! :rolleyes:


google it! email will get ya every time! more and more Russian/Trump connections coming out every day....oh and Sessions, he's a proven liar!

NRA Member Invited Trump To Kremlin On Behalf of Putin, According To Report
By Lauren Gill On 12/3/17 at 10:51 AM

U.S. Kremlin NRA Donald Trump Vladimir Putin FBI Russia probe

A member of the National Rifle Association (NRA) with Russian ties reportedly invited Donald Trump to the Kremlin by request of President Vladimir Putin last year in a bid to set up a meeting between the candidate and Russian leader before the election.

The email containing the proposal — sent from the NRA operative to the campaign — was described to The New York Times after being handed over to Congressional investigators as part of their investigation into the Trump campaign’s collusion with Russia during the 2016 election.

In a May 2016 email with the subject “Kremlin Connection,” NRA member Paul Erickson asked campaign advisor Rick Dearborn to seek then-Senator Jeff Sessions’ guidance on how to set up a meeting between Trump and Putin. He said Russia would try to make the first move at the pro-gun group’s annual convention where Trump was set to accept its endorsement, reports The New York Times.

“Putin is deadly serious about building a good relationship with Mr. Trump,” Erickson wrote. “He wants to extend an invitation to Mr. Trump to visit him in the Kremlin before the election. Let’s talk through what has transpired and Senator Sessions’s advice on how to proceed.”

An NRA member invited Trump to the Kremlin on behalf of Putin, according to new report

So was he a member of the NRA or NRA Russia? BTW what was his citizenship?

google it, you should be able to find out....

here's more on NRA Russia Trump connections

Top Trump Ally Met With Putin’s Deputy in Moscow

Top Trump Ally Met With Putin’s Deputy in Moscow
Before the NRA poured more than $30 million into Trump’s election, it met with a notorious Kremlin hardliner, allegedly to discuss a rifle competition.

In March 2014, the U.S. government sanctioned Dmitry Rogozin—a hardline deputy to Vladimir Putin, the head of Russia’s defense industry and longtime opponent of American power—in retaliation for the invasion of Crimea and eastern Ukraine.

Eighteen months later, the National Rifle Association, Donald Trump’s most powerful outside ally during the 2016 election, sent a delegation to Moscow that met with him.

The meeting, which hasn’t been previously reported in the American press, is one strand in a web of connections between the Russian government and Team Trump: Attorney General Jeff Sessions and former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn both denied speaking with the Russian ambassador, which turned out to be untrue; former campaign manager Paul Manafort supported pro-Russian interests in Ukraine; Secretary of State Rex Tillerson won an “Order of Friendship” from Putin; and then, of course, there’s the hacking campaign that U.S. intelligence agencies say Russian launched to tilt the election in Trump’s favor.

Meeting with Rogozin, a target of U.S. sanctions, is not itself illegal—as long as the two sides did no business together—explained Boris Zilberman, an expert on Russian sanctions at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. But, he noted, it is “frowned upon and raises questions… those targeted for sanctions have been engaged in conduct which is in direct opposition to U.S. national security interests.”

Which raises the question: Why was the NRA meeting with Putin’s deputy in the first place?

The NRA had previously objected to the parts of the U.S. sanctions regime that blocked Russian-made guns from import into the United States.

I love the smell of liberal desperation in the morning! Smells like 2018 victory!

Do you have nothing better to do than troll threads with bullshit?
Fed laws are a floor, not a ceiling .
The 2nd Amendment specifically forbade federal gun laws. The Federal Government has no authority.

It Says no such thing. And the courts have a dress that 100 times.

The Bill of Rights is a limiting document directed at the federal government.

So, what do you think "shall not be infringed" means?

Keep in mind that neither case law nor precedence in your favor have authority to amend the Constitution, despite what Progressives like to announce.

That sign makes no sense.

It's not even a false analogy, it's just full retard thinking.

How about gun control is about stopping criminals and mental patients from getting their hands on guns.

and how does that stop criminals from getting guns? Or mass shooters? You guys can never explain that end of your statements....
What needs to be explained. Countries with strong gun control don't have a mass shooting problem. They don't have their police gunned down regularly either. In fact few people are killed by guns.

That sign makes no sense.

It's not even a false analogy, it's just full retard thinking.

How about gun control is about stopping criminals and mental patients from getting their hands on guns.

and how does that stop criminals from getting guns? Or mass shooters? You guys can never explain that end of your statements....
What needs to be explained. Countries with strong gun control don't have a mass shooting problem. They don't have their police gunned down regularly either. In fact few people are killed by guns.

So go live there. I'm sure you'd be much happier.

It ain't gonna happen here. That boat has sunk.

That sign makes no sense.

It's not even a false analogy, it's just full retard thinking.

How about gun control is about stopping criminals and mental patients from getting their hands on guns.

and how does that stop criminals from getting guns? Or mass shooters? You guys can never explain that end of your statements....
What needs to be explained. Countries with strong gun control don't have a mass shooting problem. They don't have their police gunned down regularly either. In fact few people are killed by guns.

So go live there. I'm sure you'd be much happier.

It ain't gonna happen here. That boat has sunk.

Yes the right seems to keep fighting for more cop deaths and toddler deaths. I think the facts are becoming very clear and people will wake up. Concealed carry at it's highest and what happens?
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

That sign makes no sense.

It's not even a false analogy, it's just full retard thinking.

How about gun control is about stopping criminals and mental patients from getting their hands on guns.

and how does that stop criminals from getting guns? Or mass shooters? You guys can never explain that end of your statements....
What needs to be explained. Countries with strong gun control don't have a mass shooting problem. They don't have their police gunned down regularly either. In fact few people are killed by guns.

So go live there. I'm sure you'd be much happier.

It ain't gonna happen here. That boat has sunk.

Yes the right seems to keep fighting for more cop deaths and toddler deaths. I think the facts are becoming very clear and people will wake up. Concealed carry at it's highest and what happens?
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

Yeah, it's you people, in Democrat run cities..

"The surges appeared to be driven by increases in murders in Chicago, Baltimore and some other large cities where violence persisted even as neighboring communities reported declines."
Yes the right seems to keep fighting for more cop deaths and toddler deaths. I think the facts are becoming very clear and people will wake up. Concealed carry at it's highest and what happens?
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year
You don't understand.

We do not give a single fuck about stats or any other bullshit.


If you can't accept that we will all need to carry machine guns everywhere we go from now on, you do not belong in America. Get the fuck out. Go live in a place full of pussies, like France or some other faggoty place.
"Inviting violent criminals to carry concealed weapons doesn’t save lives Inviting domestic abusers to carry concealed weapons doesn’t save lives Inviting convicted stalkers to carry concealed weapons doesn’t save lives Yet the @HouseGOP just voted to do exactly that #StopCCR" - Senile Pelosi

Violent criminals, domestic abusers, and convicted stalkers would not pass a background check, there for wouldn't legally be allowed to own let alone carry a firearm. Stop lying, Nancy.
"Inviting violent criminals to carry concealed weapons doesn’t save lives Inviting domestic abusers to carry concealed weapons doesn’t save lives Inviting convicted stalkers to carry concealed weapons doesn’t save lives Yet the @HouseGOP just voted to do exactly that #StopCCR" - Senile Pelosi

Violent criminals, domestic abusers, and convicted stalkers would not pass a background check, there for wouldn't legally be allowed to own let alone carry a firearm. Stop lying, Nancy.

It's a right, right? So, you can only get those convicted of a crime. BUT, here's the thing, there are those who say "shall not be infringed" means criminals should be able to have such guns...
This is what happens every time there is a mass shooting, gun rights are EXPANDED and never retracted. Look it up! The NRA/ and NRA Russia, should be proud of their work! :rolleyes:

My understanding is that they are offering a trade off of bump stock ban and further background checks for a nation wide CCA

The devil is in the details

My understanding is they are going to enforce different government agencies to actually put in the data on convicted criminals.....

Actually, on this one, I agree with you

If you have Concealed carry, it should be recognized in every state. Same way a Drivers License is
You should have to have some standardization of what it takes to get a permit (training, background check) and you would have to conform to specific rules of the state you are in

But I see no reason why it should not be nationwide
If you can't accept that we will all need to carry machine guns everywhere we go from now on, you do not belong in America. Get the fuck out. Go live in a place full of pussies, like France or some other faggoty place.

Machine guns are for pussies

I carry a big stick with a nail in it
This is what happens every time there is a mass shooting, gun rights are EXPANDED and never retracted. Look it up! The NRA/ and NRA Russia, should be proud of their work!
So, gun-haters should fucking learn.

KNOCK IT OFF, or we're getting machine guns!!!
To do what with? Kill your fellow Americans? American gun nuts pose a much greater threat to American society than do any foreign-born terrorists.

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