The first gun-related legislation since Las Vegas shooting is...concealed carry

How about for conceal carry you give us strong back ground checks and a national registry for criminals and the mentally ill and we'll vote for it.
With those protections, you should have no problem repealing the the ban in the 1986 Firearms Owners Protection Act. Do we have a deal?
What if you aren't around a plane?

Is this plane sights (guns), or a plane in sight?

The plain is in sight and in the other plane's gun sights!

Nice pic BTW!
This is what happens every time there is a mass shooting, gun rights are EXPANDED and never retracted. Look it up! The NRA/ and NRA Russia, should be proud of their work! :rolleyes:


google it! email will get ya every time! more and more Russian/Trump connections coming out every day....oh and Sessions, he's a proven liar!

NRA Member Invited Trump To Kremlin On Behalf of Putin, According To Report
By Lauren Gill On 12/3/17 at 10:51 AM

U.S. Kremlin NRA Donald Trump Vladimir Putin FBI Russia probe

A member of the National Rifle Association (NRA) with Russian ties reportedly invited Donald Trump to the Kremlin by request of President Vladimir Putin last year in a bid to set up a meeting between the candidate and Russian leader before the election.

The email containing the proposal — sent from the NRA operative to the campaign — was described to The New York Times after being handed over to Congressional investigators as part of their investigation into the Trump campaign’s collusion with Russia during the 2016 election.

In a May 2016 email with the subject “Kremlin Connection,” NRA member Paul Erickson asked campaign advisor Rick Dearborn to seek then-Senator Jeff Sessions’ guidance on how to set up a meeting between Trump and Putin. He said Russia would try to make the first move at the pro-gun group’s annual convention where Trump was set to accept its endorsement, reports The New York Times.

“Putin is deadly serious about building a good relationship with Mr. Trump,” Erickson wrote. “He wants to extend an invitation to Mr. Trump to visit him in the Kremlin before the election. Let’s talk through what has transpired and Senator Sessions’s advice on how to proceed.”

An NRA member invited Trump to the Kremlin on behalf of Putin, according to new report

So was he a member of the NRA or NRA Russia? BTW what was his citizenship?

google it, you should be able to find out....

here's more on NRA Russia Trump connections

Top Trump Ally Met With Putin’s Deputy in Moscow

Top Trump Ally Met With Putin’s Deputy in Moscow
Before the NRA poured more than $30 million into Trump’s election, it met with a notorious Kremlin hardliner, allegedly to discuss a rifle competition.

In March 2014, the U.S. government sanctioned Dmitry Rogozin—a hardline deputy to Vladimir Putin, the head of Russia’s defense industry and longtime opponent of American power—in retaliation for the invasion of Crimea and eastern Ukraine.

Eighteen months later, the National Rifle Association, Donald Trump’s most powerful outside ally during the 2016 election, sent a delegation to Moscow that met with him.

The meeting, which hasn’t been previously reported in the American press, is one strand in a web of connections between the Russian government and Team Trump: Attorney General Jeff Sessions and former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn both denied speaking with the Russian ambassador, which turned out to be untrue; former campaign manager Paul Manafort supported pro-Russian interests in Ukraine; Secretary of State Rex Tillerson won an “Order of Friendship” from Putin; and then, of course, there’s the hacking campaign that U.S. intelligence agencies say Russian launched to tilt the election in Trump’s favor.

Meeting with Rogozin, a target of U.S. sanctions, is not itself illegal—as long as the two sides did no business together—explained Boris Zilberman, an expert on Russian sanctions at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. But, he noted, it is “frowned upon and raises questions… those targeted for sanctions have been engaged in conduct which is in direct opposition to U.S. national security interests.”

Which raises the question: Why was the NRA meeting with Putin’s deputy in the first place?

The NRA had previously objected to the parts of the U.S. sanctions regime that blocked Russian-made guns from import into the United States.
This is what happens every time there is a mass shooting, gun rights are EXPANDED and never retracted. Look it up! The NRA/ and NRA Russia, should be proud of their work! :rolleyes:
Glad to hear it. And glad to hear it frightens the girlie men.

The thing these people don't understand is that regardless of the laws, they are surrounded by people carrying guns. Whether they are carrying legally (likely good guys) or illegally (likely bad guys), they are carrying nonetheless.

Nothing will change that.
In the decades that I have been around, from city to country to the suburbs, to Living in Puerto Rico and Italy.... I have never seen anyone, ever, carry a hand gun except Cops/ Military Police, not even Security men that I have encountered

Of course not. Hence the term "concealed".

I've never witnessed a robbery or been a victim of one, I've never had a gun held on me, I've never felt so afraid that I wished I had a least, not yet, and I am knocking on wood for that....

Nor I.

So honestly, I am not really the person that can make an unbiased opinion on guns because, I simply have lead a very charmed life and have had no real bad experiences so far

I carry not for need, but because I can. It is a right I choose to exercise. Others may choose differently. That is their right.
So a normal person reacts to shootings by thinking...shit, I need one too. That's just shocking.

That sign makes no sense.

It's not even a false analogy, it's just full retard thinking.

How about gun control is about stopping criminals and mental patients from getting their hands on guns.

Doesn't work. How about removing criminals and mental patients from society? Bet that would work better, eh?

How does one do that ? Look into the future !

Kill the bad guys. Lock the crazy people up.

Easy peasy.

That sign makes no sense.

It's not even a false analogy, it's just full retard thinking.

How about gun control is about stopping criminals and mental patients from getting their hands on guns.

Doesn't work. How about removing criminals and mental patients from society? Bet that would work better, eh?

removing criminals and mental patients from society

damn what would be left of the democrat party

Opinion | The first gun-related legislation since Las Vegas is . . . concealed carry

after the worst mass shooting in US history, a bill that allows people to carry hidden, loaded handguns ANYWHERE in the US, regardless of state laws.

So. If they use that gun to commit a crime, rape,robbery or murder, they can and will be arrested. Since law abiding people don't commit crimes with their concealed carry guns....there is no problem...the criminals are already carrying guns concealed....

There are over 16,300,000 people carrying guns for self defense, both concealed and open carry....they are not the ones shooting each other in democrat controlled neighborhoods in our cities......

There isn't a problem here.....there is a wrong to be corrected....when a nurse with a concealed carry permit in Pennsylvania faces a felony for carrying that same legal concealed gun in New Jersey...that needs to be fixed.
This is what happens every time there is a mass shooting, gun rights are EXPANDED and never retracted. Look it up! The NRA/ and NRA Russia, should be proud of their work! :rolleyes:

My understanding is that they are offering a trade off of bump stock ban and further background checks for a nation wide CCA

The devil is in the details

My understanding is they are going to enforce different government agencies to actually put in the data on convicted criminals.....

That sign makes no sense.

It's not even a false analogy, it's just full retard thinking.

How about gun control is about stopping criminals and mental patients from getting their hands on guns.

and how does that stop criminals from getting guns? Or mass shooters? You guys can never explain that end of your statements....
Wow . Suddenly the two face cons don’t care about states rights !

No...we always care about Civil Rights.....when the states violate them, the Feds have to step up...when the Feds violate them, the states have to step up......what about that dynamic is so hard for you guys to understand....?
Why concealed and not full open carry?

If you carry a gun for personal protection, wouldn't you want it in plain sight so the bad guys know not to fuck with you in the first place?

Actually, by concealing the gun you keep the criminals from knowing who has them...makes their jobs tougher. If people are forced to open carry, then the criminals know exactly who to shoot first or who to disarm before they commit rape, robber or murder...
How about for conceal carry you give us strong back ground checks and a national registry for criminals and the mentally ill and we'll vote for it.

We have a national registry for criminals already....and we already have strong background checks.....when the government clerk fails to press the "send" key for those files to the FBI, no law is going to fix that.

The ACLU will fight you on the mental illness registry, they already have on the obama pulling gun ownership for the mentally ill....

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