The First Lie President Obama Told

No My's the people who try to substitute firearms for their inadequate penis size who raise the most hell over any mention of writing new regulations to attempt to keep high powered weapons out of the hands of the mentally impaired. Most of the gun law hell raisers are at least paranoid and in some cases schizophrenic.
To Campbell: I have not heard that psycho-babble tied to the 2nd Amendment in quite some time. Do you mean that any man with 7 inches or more is a gun-control freakazoid?

And how the hell do you measure vaginas on the tens of millions of women who support the 2nd Amendment for the right reasons. You better put some thought into that one. Which women are paranoid in your opinion? Women with tight Vs, or women hung like a Pea coat sleeve.

Now if you would like to discuss penis size mine is plenty long enough but it's no bigger around than a beer can.
To Campbell: Any man that talks like you is suffering from an inferiority complex.

inferiority complex (noun)

A persistent sense of inadequacy or a tendency to self-diminishment, sometimes resulting in excessive aggressiveness through overcompensation.​
No My's the people who try to substitute firearms for their inadequate penis size who raise the most hell over any mention of writing new regulations to attempt to keep high powered weapons out of the hands of the mentally impaired. Most of the gun law hell raisers are at least paranoid and in some cases schizophrenic.
To Campbell: I have not heard that psycho-babble tied to the 2nd Amendment in quite some time. Do you mean that any man with 7 inches or more is a gun-control freakazoid?

And how the hell do you measure vaginas on the tens of millions of women who support the 2nd Amendment for the right reasons. You better put some thought into that one. Which women are paranoid in your opinion? Women with tight Vs, or women hung like a Pea coat sleeve.

Now if you would like to discuss penis size mine is plenty long enough but it's no bigger around than a beer can.
To Campbell: Any man that talks like you is suffering from an inferiority complex.

inferiority complex (noun)

A persistent sense of inadequacy or a tendency to self-diminishment, sometimes resulting in excessive aggressiveness through overcompensation.​

LOL.....the truth hurts doesn't it. I'll bet your lil ol pecker is about 3 or 4 inches long. But that .44 magnum makes up for inch barrel.
Aside from funding Planned Parenthood, how can Hillary Clinton claim she is fighting for women when her president, and her political party, welcome Muslim immigrants who practice female castration?
It is not Hillary’s first lie, but fighting for women is the lie many women believe:

Hillary has made women voters her strength. It seems almost every sentence she utters has the words "women and girls" in it. She harps on all manner of things that might affect a woman's genitalia, be it abortion, birth control, or the grand myth of rape epidemics on college campuses.

I assume that Hillary thinks women worry more about campus rape than they do about keeping their clit:

Hillary Clinton pushes campus sexual assault myths
By Ashe Schow
9/18/15 12:28 PM

Hillary Clinton pushes campus sexual assault myths
Aside from funding Planned Parenthood, how can Hillary Clinton claim she is fighting for women when her president, and her political party, welcome Muslim immigrants who practice female castration?
It is not Hillary’s first lie, but fighting for women is the lie many women believe:

Hillary has made women voters her strength. It seems almost every sentence she utters has the words "women and girls" in it. She harps on all manner of things that might affect a woman's genitalia, be it abortion, birth control, or the grand myth of rape epidemics on college campuses.

I assume that Hillary thinks women worry more about campus rape than they do about keeping their clit:

Hillary Clinton pushes campus sexual assault myths
By Ashe Schow
9/18/15 12:28 PM

Hillary Clinton pushes campus sexual assault myths

Keeping their clit?? To most of the men my female partners had been with it wouldn't have made any difference....the guys didn't even know what is was or where it was.
Gun Nuts and the NRA are the gun industry. Anybody who reads the second amendment and who doesn't understand that the reference was to the state providing a militia really should do a little self examination:
To Campbell: Here is a little self-examination for you:

Dick Heller, who is responsible for the 2008 landmark D.C. v. Heller decision, which struck down D.C.’s handgun ban, and stated that a citizen has a right to own a handgun regardless if they’re part of a “well-regulated militia,” brought this current case before the court.

Federal Court Strikes Down Parts Of DC's Gun Registration Laws
Matt Vespa | Sep 18, 2015

Matt Vespa - Federal Court Strikes Down Parts Of DC's Gun Registration Laws
Keeping their clit?? To most of the men my female partners had been with it wouldn't have made any difference....the guys didn't even know what is was or where it was.
To Campbell: I doubt that. It might have been true a century ago. Today every teenage boy knows all there is to know about the playpen.
Gun Nuts and the NRA are the gun industry. Anybody who reads the second amendment and who doesn't understand that the reference was to the state providing a militia really should do a little self examination:
To Campbell: Here is a little self-examination for you:

Dick Heller, who is responsible for the 2008 landmark D.C. v. Heller decision, which struck down D.C.’s handgun ban, and stated that a citizen has a right to own a handgun regardless if they’re part of a “well-regulated militia,” brought this current case before the court.

Federal Court Strikes Down Parts Of DC's Gun Registration Laws
Matt Vespa | Sep 18, 2015

Matt Vespa - Federal Court Strikes Down Parts Of DC's Gun Registration Laws
Keeping their clit?? To most of the men my female partners had been with it wouldn't have made any difference....the guys didn't even know what is was or where it was.
To Campbell: I doubt that. It might have been true a century ago. Today every teenage boy knows all there is to know about the playpen.

My point exactly!

I'm 81 years old! I always said I wish my Dad had lived long enough to see the TV commercials for Cialis and Viagra....he would have ripped a stitch! Folks back in the 1940's, 50's knew little and spoke less about anything personal and personal sex activities were at the top of the list. Young boys stayed abreast of the most and that was because of constant masturbation. Since there were no porn magazines allowed in most southern states or counties the kids ran a little deal with the small comic character books where one could flip the pages from the corner and see the equivalent of a short porn flick. Medical students in college knew but nearly everyone else was as dumb as a turtle about real facts. The key was that it was never discussed openly in civilized society.
Last edited:
Regime Obama wants to reduce federal spending. Starting by spending $17,000,000 for consulting work on how to best remove the USS Arizona Memorial. "Best" meaning minimizing the carbon footprint of the removal.

If you find that hard to believe you are obviously a Democrat.
It is fair to say that the “constitutional scholar” makes no pretense of defending the Constitution. Indeed, swearing his oath of office was the first lie he told as president. That is why I do not believe any of the of spin talking heads spout about his so-called legacy.
I thought the ACA and the Iran Deal secured Taqiyya the Liar’s place in the Pantheon of gods! I must have been wrong. He is adding environmental claptrap to his list of divine accomplishments:

Faced with questioning over the challenge from Vladimir Putin and the question of who has the leadership, Obama reverted to a cringe-worthy proclamation that his leadership on climate change and the Iran nuclear sellout is what really counts.

October 12, 2015
Obama makes startling admissions in 60 Minutes interview
By Thomas Lifson

Blog: Obama makes startling admissions in 60 Minutes interview

Indeed, arming EPA agents to enforce his greatness is truly stranger than fiction:

Fox Mulder and Dana Scully, the FBI agents on Fox’s The X-Files, have been known to draw weapons on aliens, poltergeists, and phantoms. But they have an excuse — they’re fictional characters in a network TV drama, coming back on-the-air soon after a long hiatus. Not so the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPAs) own, real-life agents. They are packing pistols and even heavier firepower to catch the nation’s contributors to global warming and other, mythical phenomena. Truth is stranger than science fiction in today’s Washington, D.C., and the truth is way out there.

Armed EPA Agents? The Truth Is Way Out There
The EPA’s armed war on alien polluters.
By Gene J. Koprowski – 10.13.15

Armed EPA Agents? The Truth Is Way Out There
It is fair to say that the “constitutional scholar” makes no pretense of defending the Constitution. Indeed, swearing his oath of office was the first lie he told as president.
Adios Donald. You blew it big time. A lot more than 5 points.

Donald Trump told Fox & Friends this morning that he thought President Obama's heart was in the right place and his tears over gun deaths were "sincere."

"I actually think he was sincere. I'll probably go down about 5 points in the polls by saying that," Donald Trump joked about the president's display of emotion yesterday. "But I think he was sincere."

Trump: Obama's Tears Were Real, "I Think He Means Well"
Posted on January 6, 2016

Trump: Obama's Tears Were Real, "I Think He Means Well"
The president never told the truth about anything. Now, Trump thinks he is telling the truth at this stage of the game. Ronald Reagan had a lot more political savvy than Trump and look what the lying Democrats did to him on the first amnesty for illegal aliens. A smart wannabe would say nothing about the liar’s sincerity rather than praise his intentions.

Frankly, I now doubt if Trump has the depth to beat the Party of Liars on serious issues.
So he thinks Obama is a dumbass who may sincerely have had a moment of concern for kids murdered...yet not for any he has had a hand in / who have died because of his criminal buffoonery...
So he thinks Obama is a dumbass who may sincerely have had a moment of concern for kids murdered...yet not for any he has had a hand in / who have died because of his criminal buffoonery...
To easy65: His sincerity is non-existent. The man lies as easily you and I blink —— and just as often.

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