The First Person Speaks- Spiteful Michelle Obama Shunning Dems Who Bucked her National Nutrition Age


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Seems the glutton eating trough grazer has added to her dumb husbands IRS list of 'opposition'



Spiteful Michelle Obama Shunning Dems Who Bucked her National Nutrition Agenda

OCTOBER 5, 2014 12:10 PM

BizPacReview) – If you believe The New York Times, it’s a safe bet that Michelle Obama subscribes to the old proverb, “You scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours.”

In a front-page spread Saturday, the newspaper explained that the first lady has been “scarce” on the campaign trail this election cycle and that when she does venture out, it’s more likely to stump for candidates running for governor than for U.S. Senate.

Despite a number of tight races and control of the U.S. Senate up for grabs, The Times suggested Obama is mad at some Democratic senators for not supporting her signature issue, the wholly unpopular effort to restrict school lunches to her favored choices.

- See more at: Spiteful Michelle Obama Shunning Dems Who Bucked her National Nutrition Agenda - Tea Party News

- See more at: Spiteful Michelle Obama Shunning Dems Who Bucked her National Nutrition Agenda - Tea Party News
Anyone gross enough to call the First Lady of the United States of America the "first person", as if to call her gender into question, and then to call her a "glutton eating trough grazer " is a truly sick, sick, sick disgusting person. Enjoy your 1st amendment rights and I will enjoy them laughing at you for your utter stupidity and lack of respect for anyone close to the Obama administration.

We hardly saw Laura Bush on the campaign trail for mid-term elections, either in 2002 or 2006. Was Laura Bush also a "glutton eating trough grazer"???

Sometimes, Righties are so disgustingly ignorant, I wonder if they can even put on their pants all on their own in the morning. Really. Geaux for it!
Anyone gross enough to call the First Lady of the United States of America the "first person", as if to call her gender into question, and then to call her a "glutton eating trough grazer " is a truly sick, sick, sick disgusting person. Enjoy your 1st amendment rights and I will enjoy them laughing at you for your utter stupidity and lack of respect for anyone close to the Obama administration.

We hardly saw Laura Bush on the campaign trail for mid-term elections, either in 2002 or 2006. Was Laura Bush also a "glutton eating trough grazer"???

Sometimes, Righties are so disgustingly ignorant, I wonder if they can even put on their pants all on their own in the morning. Really. Geaux for it!
Well, the bitch waited till her husband was nominated before she felt she had a reason to be proud of America, so the feelings must be mutual. I guess Republicans have long memories. Must be why they chose the Elephant as a mascot.
Anyone gross enough to call the First Lady of the United States of America the "first person", as if to call her gender into question, and then to call her a "glutton eating trough grazer " is a truly sick, sick, sick disgusting person. Enjoy your 1st amendment rights and I will enjoy them laughing at you for your utter stupidity and lack of respect for anyone close to the Obama administration.

We hardly saw Laura Bush on the campaign trail for mid-term elections, either in 2002 or 2006. Was Laura Bush also a "glutton eating trough grazer"???

Sometimes, Righties are so disgustingly ignorant, I wonder if they can even put on their pants all on their own in the morning. Really. Geaux for it!
Well, the bitch waited till her husband was nominated before she felt she had a reason to be proud of America, so the feelings must be mutual. I guess Republicans have long memories. Must be why they chose the Elephant as a mascot.

And you just called the First Lady of the United States a "bitch".

Are you really all in there today, or did the body snatchers get you, too?

Never seen this kind of raw hatred in all of my life. Really. Get a fucking grip on yourself.

And Righties turn around, scratch their heads and wonder why the GOP is getting pummeled in the female vote. Well, keep on going on calling the FLOTUS a "bitch" and marvel at what 2016 is going to bring your way.

And BTW, the FLOTUS has never shamed herself for America. You twist one single quote of her because you hate the Obama's. I accept that you hate them, but thought you were brighter than that.
Anyone remember ELECTING her to any position in YOUR GOVERNMENT?

VOTE in another Dem/progressive and you'll get more of this
Anyone gross enough to call the First Lady of the United States of America the "first person", as if to call her gender into question, and then to call her a "glutton eating trough grazer " is a truly sick, sick, sick disgusting person. Enjoy your 1st amendment rights and I will enjoy them laughing at you for your utter stupidity and lack of respect for anyone close to the Obama administration.

We hardly saw Laura Bush on the campaign trail for mid-term elections, either in 2002 or 2006. Was Laura Bush also a "glutton eating trough grazer"???

Sometimes, Righties are so disgustingly ignorant, I wonder if they can even put on their pants all on their own in the morning. Really. Geaux for it!
Well, the bitch waited till her husband was nominated before she felt she had a reason to be proud of America, so the feelings must be mutual. I guess Republicans have long memories. Must be why they chose the Elephant as a mascot.

And you just called the First Lady of the United States a "bitch".

Are you really all in there today, or did the body snatchers get you, too?

Never seen this kind of raw hatred in all of my life. Really. Get a fucking grip on yourself.

And Righties turn around, scratch their heads and wonder why the GOP is getting pummeled in the female vote. Well, keep on going on calling the FLOTUS a "bitch" and marvel at what 2016 is going to bring your way.

And BTW, the FLOTUS has never shamed herself for America. You twist one single quote of her because you hate the Obama's. I accept that you hate them, but thought you were brighter than that.

Dude, unlike you we Americans take pride in this country. We don't like it when people trash it in public. She has accused us of racism way too much for us to like her. The media has been kissing her ass since before she made the Whitehouse her temporary home and she has returned that treatment by calling it a prison. She has no reverence for our beloved house so in my opinion she deserves none.
statisinggustinlystupid said: "And you just called the First Lady of the United States a "bitch"".
can you propose a better name for her ?

i have one.., "America hating bitchkunt" :lmao:
Anyone remember ELECTING her to any position in YOUR GOVERNMENT?

VOTE in another Dem/progressive and you'll get more of this
The glorious glow of your ignorance is only to be outdone by the spit-polish of your infernal stupidity. Brava! Guess what? FLOTUSES are not elected but still quite prominent.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Anyone remember ELECTING her to any position in YOUR GOVERNMENT?

VOTE in another Dem/progressive and you'll get more of this
You are one has elected the First Lady. She has no political power to actually enact anything. She makes recommendations......and EVEN THAT scares the willies out of the Rightwingers. Gods Forbid anyone threaten their access to junk food!
Woe be it to anyone who gets between the Right Wing and their junk food!
says the fat assed bull dyke.
Aw....pobrecito. Just because you've lost to women in life, love and career at every turned so bitter.
nope just dont like fat assed lying bull dykes
You keep saying if every woman who has owned you in life, love, and career is a "fat assed lying bull dyke" must see a lot of them around you considering how much you get owned. :D
statisinggustinlystupid said: "And you just called the First Lady of the United States a "bitch"".
can you propose a better name for her ?

i have one.., "America hating bitchkunt" :lmao:

They would love to shut down our freedoms of speech. Don't think for one second they wouldn't. These people on the hill aren't frikken ROYALITY.
Anyone gross enough to call the First Lady of the United States of America the "first person", as if to call her gender into question, and then to call her a "glutton eating trough grazer " is a truly sick, sick, sick disgusting person. Enjoy your 1st amendment rights and I will enjoy them laughing at you for your utter stupidity and lack of respect for anyone close to the Obama administration.

We hardly saw Laura Bush on the campaign trail for mid-term elections, either in 2002 or 2006. Was Laura Bush also a "glutton eating trough grazer"???

Sometimes, Righties are so disgustingly ignorant, I wonder if they can even put on their pants all on their own in the morning. Really. Geaux for it!
Well, the bitch waited till her husband was nominated before she felt she had a reason to be proud of America, so the feelings must be mutual. I guess Republicans have long memories. Must be why they chose the Elephant as a mascot.

And you just called the First Lady of the United States a "bitch".

Are you really all in there today, or did the body snatchers get you, too?

Never seen this kind of raw hatred in all of my life. Really. Get a fucking grip on yourself.

And Righties turn around, scratch their heads and wonder why the GOP is getting pummeled in the female vote. Well, keep on going on calling the FLOTUS a "bitch" and marvel at what 2016 is going to bring your way.

And BTW, the FLOTUS has never shamed herself for America. You twist one single quote of her because you hate the Obama's. I accept that you hate them, but thought you were brighter than that.

Dude, unlike you we Americans take pride in this country. We don't like it when people trash it in public. She has accused us of racism way too much for us to like her. The media has been kissing her ass since before she made the Whitehouse her temporary home and she has returned that treatment by calling it a prison. She has no reverence for our beloved house so in my opinion she deserves none.
Dude, you have no business stating whether or not I'm proud of the homeland. That was truly out of place.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

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