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The first question if I were a Saudi being begged by Biden for more oil is this...

So why then is Biden asking OPEC to increase production WHILE he says he's guaranteeing the end of fossil fuels? How stupid!

NOT ONE SINGLE link! How stupid are you to make these statements with NO PROOF! Geez that's why people continue to disbelieve people like you is because YOU STATE a personal subjective OPINION! NO one with any intelligence would take just your word!
Ending reliance on fossil fuels is a very long term goal which is achieved by using less fossil fuels, not by producing less. Biden understands that as have all presidents. Between now and then we have no choice but produce millions of barrel oil a day to keep the economic running.
I don't think the pandemic was planned. I do think the pandemic hitting at a time of an oil glut on the market had a lot to do with it, and the attending labor shortages, possibly due to many of these highly paid people, just not wanting to go back to living in close quarters with others during the pandemic, when they could afford to stay off and never miss a payment and maybe a bunch even decided to just simply retire early, not waiting like me until age 60, realizing they didn't need to and many of these job, not actually being walk-in off the street deals where any warm body would do.
There are lots of reason, not the government's fault or the oil executives fault, or mean talk from Joe's fault, certainly not holding up new leases on public lands fault, or ceasing work on a pipeline to supply Canadian crude which was not supply yet's fault. Bottom line is things severely curtailed or stopped for whatever reason are not as easily started back and gotten into full swing as fast as people might think, for a variety of reason. Putting all your blame eggs in one basket may be convenient and politically pleasing, but not necessarily pointing to any solution, at all.
In the six months prior to the beginning of Covid in January 2020, oil prices were running $50 to $60 a barrel. That does not indicate a glut in oil supplies. As Covid began spreading around the world and countries started putting on serve restrictions which effected economies, the demand for oil fell sharply which sent prices down to a low $15 dollars a barrel. By the summer of 2020 oil productions was going down rapidly all over the world which sent oil prices back up to pre-pandemic levels by Jan 2021.
My god the dancing around what that POS Biden has done since he took office............is DISGUSTING.

I've shown his actions over and over again. They are CLEARLY ANTI FOSSIL FUELS. From day 1 he attacked it. And they haven't been giving out permits for shit.

He reversed the E.Os of Trump that streamlined the permit process............which got smaller companies into the competition and they drilled their asses off..............Now it's nothing but lies from these tards.

They want HIGH PRICES......to push the green agenda and force their EVS.


Oh and BTW...........FUCK JOE BIDEN.
The bottom line is US oil production in 2020 under Trump was 11 million barrels a day.
Under Biden, it was 11 million barrels a day in 2021, will be 12 million in 2022, and 13 million estimated in 2023. What is important is how oil the country produces.
In the six months prior to the beginning of Covid in January 2020, oil prices were running $50 to $60 a barrel. That does not indicate a glut in oil supplies. As Covid began spreading around the world and countries started putting on serve restrictions which effected economies, the demand for oil fell sharply which sent prices down to a low $15 dollars a barrel. By the summer of 2020 oil productions was going down rapidly all over the world which sent oil prices back up to pre-pandemic levels by Jan 2021.
Lots of good charts on that page. Another one there is the production chart. If one looks at the low point around July of 2016 and the high point around Feb 2020, you will see that it took about 4-1/2 years to go from 8,488 thousand barrels a day to 13,100 thousand in February of 2020, (and I would still say there was a glut on the market), contrast that with being at 10,000 thousand barrels a day in Feb of 2021 and rising to 11,500 thousand barrels a day in Jan of this year, it is hard for me to say, I'm real unhappy with the increase in that less than a year time period or hold this administration responsible for it not being back up where it was before the Covid production crash.
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And that someone is ME! I've provided all the facts that Biden is directly responsible for gas prices today.
And since you evidently DIDN"T read the links I provided... here again!

The below facts are supported with links and are several of many statements and actions Biden has done to
raise the cost of gasoline!
Biden statement-- Biden IS bent on destroying the oil industry.....what do you think Biden meant then when he said:
"I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels

So tell me what Biden wants to do with oil/gas/coal? Destroy it!
Biden statement
Biden wants to throw oil executives into jail... “we should put them in jail” when talking about fossil fuel executives.
So tell me what Biden wants to do with oil/gas/coal workers? Throw in JAIL!
The royalty rate for new leases will increase to 18.75% from 12.5%.
That's a 50% jump and marks the first increase to royalties for the federal government since they were imposed in the 1920s.
So tell me what Biden DID to increase oil/gas/coal costs? Raise rates 50%!!

So oil company workers can look at the above 2 statements and action by Biden and wonder what their future will be if Biden rids fossil fuels and puts workers in jail!
1) Biden wants to throw them in jail.
2) Biden wants to eliminate oil/coal, i.e. fossil fuels. Put them out of business. Make them unemployed.
3) Biden raises the cost of finding oil on Federal lands as well as halting the leasing of federal lands.

What would you do if your industry was told it was going to be obsolete, people put in jail and the cost is going up?

So I guess, the loss of a million barrels a day of Russia oil was Biden;s fault.

It really does make much difference how the feds change regulations on leasing federal land. Only 6% of our oil comes from federal land and most of what is offered would only be profitable when Oil is over $80 or $90 a barrel. This is why so much of what is offered is not leased.

The Obama administration offered up more land leases to oil companies than the Bush administration, and when Trump came in his administration made a point to exceed even that pace. The reality was that nearly all of the parcels offered by Trump admin remained unleased by oil companies since they were such low quality, but hey Trump was able to score political points in saying that "he's done more for American energy than anyone ever". The Biden administration is offering better quality but whether companies are interested in leasing depends on factors that has nothing to do with rules and regulations. T

The fact is most unextracted oil in the US is not sitting in the ground because of government restrictions, it is due to the lack of profitability, even when oil prices are very high. Oil companies are not interested in leasing where Oil has be over $50 a barrel to be profitable and that is a lot what the government is offering.
So I guess, the loss of a million barrels a day of Russia oil was Biden;s fault.

It really does make much difference how the feds change regulations on leasing federal land. Only 6% of our oil comes from federal land and most of what is offered would only be profitable when Oil is over $80 or $90 a barrel. This is why so much of what is offered is not leased.

The Obama administration offered up more land leases to oil companies than the Bush administration, and when Trump came in his administration made a point to exceed even that pace. The reality was that nearly all of the parcels offered by Trump admin remained unleased by oil companies since they were such low quality, but hey Trump was able to score political points in saying that "he's done more for American energy than anyone ever". The Biden administration is offering better quality but whether companies are interested in leasing depends on factors that has nothing to do with rules and regulations. T

The fact is most unextracted oil in the US is not sitting in the ground because of government restrictions, it is due to the lack of profitability, even when oil prices are very high. Oil companies are not interested in leasing where Oil has be over $50 a barrel to be profitable and that is a lot what the government is offering.
YOU ARE not only a LIAR but grossly ignorant and definitely LAZY!
WHERE did you get your statement only 6% from Federal lands?
GEEZ so easy to repudiate your uninformed comments:
The Truth: Oil production from federal lands and waters provides approximately 24% of total U.S. oil production. Additionally, natural gas production from federal lands and waters is approximately 11% of total U.S. natural gas production.Mar 24, 2022

YOU ARE not only a LIAR but grossly ignorant and definitely LAZY!
WHERE did you get your statement only 6% from Federal lands?
GEEZ so easy to repudiate your uninformed comments:
The Truth: Oil production from federal lands and waters provides approximately 24% of total U.S. oil production. Additionally, natural gas production from federal lands and waters is approximately 11% of total U.S. natural gas production.Mar 24, 2022

You answered your own question 24% offshore and land and 6% from land. We drill about 40 to 60 thousand new land well a year at cost of $300,000 to $900,000 each. The problem with drilling offshore wells is the cost typically about 100 million compared to land wells which are typically $300,000 to $1.2 million. It takes an average 6 to 9 months to drill a land well and 2 to 3 years to complete an offshore well. Also, a pipeline is needed to move the oil to land. It takes on average of less than 2 people to operate a land well and about 200 on an offshore well.

Unlike land wells the liability for offshore wells is staggering. The price of cleanup for the Deepwater Horizon spill was over 70 billion.

What all this means is drilling and operating offshore wells are only done by the largest oil companies do to risks and costs.
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You answered your own question 24% offshore and land and 6% from land. We drill about 40 to 60 thousand new land well a year at cost of $300,000 to $900,000 each. The problem with drilling offshore wells is the cost typically about 100 million compared to land wells which are typically $300,000 to $1.2 million. It takes an average 6 to 9 months to drill a land well and 2 to 3 years to complete an offshore well. Also, a pipeline is needed to move the oil to land. It takes on average of less than 2 people to operate a land well and about 200 on an offshore well.

Unlike land wells the liability for offshore wells is staggering. The price of cleanup for the Deepwater Horizon spill was over 70 billion.

What all this means is drilling and operating offshore wells are only done by the largest oil companies do to risks and costs.
One question.... what is your source for the above?
before asking the question the Saudis state the following:
Why with the United States with the largest known deposits of oil shale in the world, according to the Bureau of Land Management and holds an estimated 2.175 trillion barrels (345.8 km3) of potentially recoverable oil.
By the way with about 20 gallons of gas refined per 55 gallon barrel... at 2,175,000,000,000 barrels in oil shale,
AND with the fact that in 2022 American drivers using 369 million gallons per day.
So simple math...at 20 gallons per barrel and at 369 million gallons used per day..
OIL shale alone would provide 55 years of gasoline for Americans! 55 YEARS!!! And that's just shale oil!

The question is:
WHY is the President of the USA who has said ..." I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels and that he wants to throw oil executives into jail, why is he begging OPEC/Saudis to pump more OIL?
😂 😂 😂 Just give them american mitary equipment like trump did.
before asking the question the Saudis state the following:
Why with the United States with the largest known deposits of oil shale in the world, according to the Bureau of Land Management and holds an estimated 2.175 trillion barrels (345.8 km3) of potentially recoverable oil.
By the way with about 20 gallons of gas refined per 55 gallon barrel... at 2,175,000,000,000 barrels in oil shale,
AND with the fact that in 2022 American drivers using 369 million gallons per day.
So simple math...at 20 gallons per barrel and at 369 million gallons used per day..
OIL shale alone would provide 55 years of gasoline for Americans! 55 YEARS!!! And that's just shale oil!

The question is:
WHY is the President of the USA who has said ..." I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels and that he wants to throw oil executives into jail, why is he begging OPEC/Saudis to pump more OIL?
I’d ask “Didn’t your last President come here and beg us to turn down the production?”
Same ole bs. Negatjve oil from lock downs and you play this bs again
He cursed us into high oil prices with his agreement with the oil devils and you want to blame this on Biden? Same old BS. Trump could screw your wife and you wouldn’t care. You’d blame Biden.
Oil producers in continental United States and water produce and sell to the global market at global market prices. There is no American only market. We have not nationalized oil and petroleum. It does not work that way, here.

That makes it so easy. All Biden has to do is get out of their way. He's keeping his gnome little ass intentionally in the way
He cursed us into high oil prices with his agreement with the oil devils and you want to blame this on Biden? Same old BS. Trump could screw your wife and you wouldn’t care. You’d blame Biden.

Democrats control the White House, Senate and House you little lying racist schmuck
That makes it so easy. All Biden has to do is get out of their way. He's keeping his gnome little ass intentionally in the way
Then why is production going up if he is in the way? I submit, he is not in the way, just the popular scapegoat, convenient at the moment.
Boy you have to be dumber than a sack of hammers to ask such a stupid question.

Who controls the price of oil worldwide???

Who cut production by 8 million barrels per day at the start of the pandemic?

And which President signed off on their maintaining production at pandemic levels as the world was starting to reopen, at the beginning of 2021? Here's a hint, his last name isn't "Biden".
Gas started going up as soon as Biden was announced the winner. He even said he was going to put oil companies out of business.

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